Vampire Academy ~

Here's the form! :)



Looks (anime please):

Pets (if any):




Year in school:




Looks (anime please);





Name: Anya Katerina Hepburn

Age: 15

Looks (anime please): How?

Gift: (Can she be a guardian?)

Personality: Anya is very sweet and kind. She's pretty short spoken, and often fails to take care of herself, although she is constantly worrying about others.


Subject: (Huh?)


I'll edit this later to make it better, but I'm pretty brain dead now and u didn't want to put something incorrect down.
HonestlySurviving said:
Name: Anya Katerina Hepburn
Age: 15

Looks (anime please): How?

Gift: (Can she be a guardian?)

Personality: Anya is very sweet and kind. She's pretty short spoken, and often fails to take care of herself, although she is constantly worrying about others.


Subject: (Huh?)


I'll edit this later to make it better, but I'm pretty brain dead now and u didn't want to put something incorrect down.
That one is for if you want to be a professor. The one above it is for a student.
Name: Akimu Joplin

Age: 16



Pets (if any): He has a black wolf pup named Chi.

Gift: He has all the gifts of a dhampir.


He is shy but kind and friendly. He is loyal and protective to the few he trust and follows his instincts. He is very affectionate and a little sensitive often coming off as a tad childish and naive but under all of that he is tough curious and brave.


Year in school: 10th grader

Other: He's a gay crossdresser.
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Name: Rood Hunter (Actually his name is Rood Caffrey but he doesn't like the name and hides it)

Age: 17

Looks :


Pets (if any):
A snake. He named it "Snake" because he's too lazy to think of a proper name.

Anything a full blood vampire has.. But he's especially good with mind control?

Personality: He was a trouble maker at school, rarely abiding by the rules. Aside from that Rood was a playful and generally composed person. He loved to tease other people. Rood was also quite lazy and prefer to do everything with little effort.

Partner: None at the moment

Year in school: 11th

Other: He hates being touched.

Is this okay? ^^
Name: Kayla Latise Morgan

Age: 16

Looks (anime please):

Pets (if any): She owns a small puppy by the name of Alexia

Gift: Pureblood vampire gifts, the ability to manipulate ones will

Personality: Kayla isn't much of the social type. When around her brother she grows extremely childish due to her comfort around him. She comes across as unapproachable to those who don't know her.

Partner: None

Year in school: Sophmore

Other: Attends the school with her older brother Christopher

Name: Christopher Alexander Morgan

Age: 17

Looks (anime please):

Pets (if any): None

Gift: Pureblood vampire abilities, manipulation of other's will

Personality: Christopher cares o ly for his sister and pushes all others away. The only time he attempts kindness is in his younger sisters presence. He cares not for anyone's feelings and will always walk away from those who approach him.

Partner: None

Year in school: Junior

Other: Younger sister is Kayla
Name: Cadence Hell Blood

Age: 17

Looks (anime please):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3774b9abd4e74c162394ae99d3baf801.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.3774b9abd4e74c162394ae99d3baf801.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pet: Satsuki Yama (Neko/Pet) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7f8889bf553aaf6f18e65ac8350be6fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35271" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.7f8889bf553aaf6f18e65ac8350be6fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gift: Ability of the shadow. (Controls them and is able to go into them.)

'Other world' abilities. (Soon to find out.)

Personality: Cadence is a loving girl that loves to go crazy! Her eccentric personality shows how much of a rebel she is and can be pretty cool if you get to know her. But, if you are too coward to walk up to her and say hello, she'll seem evil with her devilish hobbies.

Partner: (Satsuki is considered as a good friend, but serves her like a butler. He thinks otherwise, but if you want Cadence as a partner... PM me?)

Year in school: 11th

Other: She'll hide her past from you, unless you are like Satsuki, a good friend.

-Dislikes: People without a sense of humor, unreasonable fighting, fighting that isn't fair, others who are Evil and death wishes.

-Likes: Everything that isn't a dislike.



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Name: Anya Katerina Hepburn

Age: 15

Looks (anime please): How? - it'll be a girl with short, choppy silver and white hair, green eyes, pale skin. She's tiny and short.

Pets: None

Gift: She's fast and quiet, even for a Dhampir

Personality: Anya is very sweet and kind. She hardly ever says a word, and often fails to take care of herself, although she is constantly worrying about others.

Partner: (Open)

Year in School: Freshman

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Jacqueline Paura Sangue





Pets (if any)

She has a leopard that was named Morsus


Psychokinesis, moved things or people according to her will


She was a calm and a little sadistic kind of person.

If she had any problem with anyone, she preferred observing before making a move or do anything about the problem. Apologize was something she would do if she was in the wrong. Forgiving was something she would do if the person deserved it.

Cold to everyone that was around her was her trait. Warm to the people close to her was also her trait



Year in school

11th grade


Jacqueline didn't believe in love.

She had dumped it long ago and had no intention of taking it back to her heart.

But the truth was, the said female vampire desired, deep inside her heart, someone to break her walls and embraced her for who she was.

[[past will be revealed later!]]
Name: Satoshi Akiyama

Age: 16


Pets: White lion:Uri, Siberian Tiger:Lucius

Gift: can set things aflame at will

Personality: easily irritated; picks fights with people he doesn't like; doesn't value life other than people he cares about(although he doesn't have any right now), but really likes to have fun if you catch him off guard

Partner: none

Year in school: sophomore

Other: nope
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Name: Anno Kobayashi

Age: 16


Pet: Wandering Spider named Joey

Gift: She is able to produce a toxin, which she can give people by biting them or scratching them. She can also walk on walls because of small hairs on her body

Personality: Anno loves knowing everything and she does not give up until she knows. She is extremely thirsty for knowledge and she is always very attentive during her classes. She is a very happy girl and she enjoys being a vampire because it gives her more time to learn and grow. She is a little sister kind of character and she gives life to the lifeless, she is a comic-relief kind of characte and she loves humans. When she sees a human she reacts like it is a dog, because she was raised that way.

Partner: None (but i would love for her to have one!)

Year in school: 11th

Other: she is constantly looking for her spider because he keeps running away after biting her, but since she is poison herself she does not get affected. When she finds him she scolds him and puts him in her hair as a hairpiece.

She loves cars and has an old car she is fixing.

Name: Juro Takenaka




Gift: He has the hands of king midas, meaning his turns things into gold, he is also able to fight with this quality by crafting weapons of gold.

Personality: He is very tired always, and he is the opposite of Anno, he couldn't care less about school, because as he says "Life is about money, and i can make all the money i want" but he stays because of ?. He is very creative though and he loves music, he plays piano, guitar, violin and the harp. He is usually happiest when he has gotten some coffee or blood, and he is cranky when he hasn't slept for 3 hours or more.

Partner: ? (he really needs one)

Year in school: 12th

Other: He hates his gift because of the risk of hurting his friends. He is very loyal to the people around him. He always wears a set og white gloves!
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