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Realistic or Modern Valor Glade (Always Accepting)


Boop the snoot, you get the shoot
Humans. We've been to the deepest trenches of the ocean, and the most remote mountain peaks. We've been to outer space tons of miles away, and we've been to the furthest reaches of cyberspace in the computers and devices that are never more than arm's reach away. But the final frontier of mankind is not what everyone expected it to be...I know I sure didn't see it coming.

It's our minds. Our subconscious is the biggest unexplored realm in all of humanity. In our minds lies the secrets to our greatest potential...and greatest power.

Crazy, right?

Okay, let me start from the beginning...

2020. Earth's in crisis. All sorts of problems with natural resources, lots of possible wars heading our way if we didn't get things figured out with the other people we shared this giant rock in space with. It didn't look like we were headed anywhere good at the rate we were going.

But then it started happening...

People started to Awaken.

It's strange, how it happens. Different for everyone who experiences it. People left and right started experiencing strange and unique events, and developing new abilities. It would just come to them one day, or they would see a bright light in the sky one night, pass out, and wake up at home the next day with no recollection of how they got there. Some people had sudden epiphanies, developing technological breakthroughs years ahead of their time. But the new abilities were by far the most common byproduct of these "Awakenings".

Abilities, like special powers. They could grow stronger by standing in darkness, or communicate with animals, or scream loud enough to crumble a skyscraper to dust like it was a gingerbread house. The powers people got always seemed to have something to do with the event that Awakened them in the first place.

People weren't sure what to think, at first. How do you react to one of your race's biggest fantasies suddenly becoming reality? But, inevitably, with great power comes great big assholes who want to ruin people's day. Lots of Awakened were using their powers to commit crimes and generally "disturb the peace", as they say. I like to think they were just taking a shortcut to the top. Not a big deal, happens all the time.

As you can imagine, this did not make our global situation much better. But hey, criminal's gotta eat too.

It gets worse. And the only thing worse than the bad guys...are worse guys that think they're heroes.

Where there are assholes ruining people's day, there must also be inexperienced idiots there to try and stop them with dangerous superpowers and equally dangerous good intentions. A bunch of Awakened vigilantes showed up on the streets, following the police scanners and trying to stop the rise of superpowered crime being committed. However, the lot of them had zero clue how their powers really worked, and in the battles between the vigilantes and criminals, civilian casualties were sky high and the property damage caused was through the roof.

Naturally, the people were pretty pissed, and so they turned to the government to apprehend the reckless vigilantes who were causing way more harm than good. The government outlawed superpowered heroics, and several Awakened "heroes" were arrested and charged with hefty fines and jail times. But that wasn't the end of it.

One particularly prestigious psychologist appealed to the government in light of the police force that had returned to its previously helpless state in stopping the villains and criminals roaming the streets. In response, the government passed an act that allowed Awakened individuals to participate in crime-fighting, but only if they had earned a special government-sponsored certificate that indicated the individual was capable of upholding the law with minimal collateral damage. These certificates could only be earned by graduating from a college-level institution that the government funded the creation of. The school was constructed in a location where there would be no people around to be bothered by the rampant superpowers of budding Awakened youth: the remote wilderness regions of Wyoming. A small town was build around the school, and the place was dubbed Valor Glade.

Well, that's basically it. Years passed, the small town grew into a big city. Young adults started graduating and earning their certificates. Some became full-time crime fighters, others chose to pursue average lives and careers like normal people. And a select few, like me, chose to forge their own path, march to the beat of their own drum. That's just how I roll.

What's that? You wanna hear more?

Man, Valor Glade is a hell of a city, I could go on and on about that place. You sure you wanna hear me ramble for another few hours? Once I get going, I don't stop easily.

...Okay, you asked for it, friend. But where to start, when there are so many stories to tell?

Ooh! I've got a good one for ya. I think it went something like this...
I am the beckoning horizon.



I sit atop one of the tallest buildings in the city as the song starts. A standard office complex, fairly close to some of the other skyscrapers nearby. A flier or teleporter could get up here no problem, but for a guy like me, it takes a little extra effort. It's worth it, though, to feel the wind in your face, knowing you're hundreds of feet above the ground, feeling rejuvenated and alive like never before. You can say that I appreciate the little things in life, but hell, I appreciate the big things, too. I appreciate life in general. That's why I live the way I do, free from rules, schedules, office cubicles, any sense of urgency, responsibility, or routine lifestyle that slowly kills one and robs them of their soul.

Soul. Spirit. Heart. Energy. What have you.

It's what I live for. It's what drives me, what gets me up in the mornings. Cut me, I'll bleed out pure liquid soul all over the nice carpets. It's a shame that I seem to be the only Awakened that truly knows what it means to let go. I'm a transcendent spirit, freedom unleashed, a force of nature, the essence of adventure and spirit. I am the incredible idea that hits you in the middle of the night. When a killer song comes on the radio, I am the part of you that sings along as you tap your foot to the beat. The eternal groove flows through me, and in turn, I echo its perpetual rhythms of joy to all those that I meet.

The song is picking up now. This song is probably one of my top 5 favorites. I listen to it anytime I'm getting ready to hit the streets, never fails to get me pumped.

Haha, who am I kidding? I'm always pumped.

I take a step off the building and close my eyes as I fall.


♫ ~ I don't even know how I got here/ But I know that I don't ever wanna leave

I can feel the aura and I feel the atmosphere/ The bass is pumping and now I believe ~ ♪♫

I am the beckoning horizon.

♪♪♫ ~ Throw my hands up to the sky, let the music take me/ All I see

All our senses come alive, let the music take me/ All I see

Throw my hands up to the sky, let the music take me/ All I see

All our senses come alive, so happy I could die ~ ♫♪♫
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Lady Black

Valor Glade, a city that can swallow you alive or elevate you, it's all a matter of perspective and drive. Those who would believe that this place is some sort of soul-sucking land that feeds upon the innocent sound like a bunch of wusses, I would know. I use to be one of those poor souls with puppy dog eyes, thinking that everything was going to be fine and handed to me if I simply did what I was supposed to. I use to think that nothing bad could happen if I simply played the role I was given and never stepped out of line, but then reality hit. I found out that the only reason I had a sense of security and was living the way I was was because someone else had fought and scraped for what they wanted and believed in. They had done what they felt was necessary to get what they wanted and to keep what they believed to be theirs. I was once a sheep, content with living with a pack of wolves, fooling myself that I was one of them until I was reminded that I was not. However, that version of me is dead and gone now. My awakening had shown me that I was a wolf all along, and not just any wolf, but an Alpha above Alphas.

As any natural Alpha, I took claim to what I believed to be mine, this city's night life, and with the help of my newfound abilities...I found it quite fun and easy. Now while some may view me as a threat, which I don't mind, I simply try to remind them that they are more than welcome to try to fight against me. I encourage all who are of a different opinion than mine to step forward and speak up, but to remember that words aren't what's going to bring about change...it's action. Inaction is what makes you a sheep, foolish action can sometimes make you a mark for wolves, but words without action is simply a sandstorm. A thing to viewed with annoyance and contempt. My shadow reaches far and wide into this city, preferring to do the majority of my business at night, however, to keep my grasp on what is mine and what I'm after, I'm forced to work during the day as well.

My office is located in my penthouse apartment of the casino that my late boyfriend, for lack of a nicer term, used to own, The Royal. The place has now become known as The Royal Black Casino, the people here have seemed to incorporate the nickname they've given me with the name of the establishment, not that I mind it in the least. Business is booming, and although I'm a bit pissed that I have things I need to get done today, I'm trying to keep positive that I've made so much and come so far from when I was just a shivering sheep. The ice cold glass of cognac helps quell my ever rising irritation with everything that's been going on as of late. While there has been plenty of profit flowing her way, she has heard the complaints of some of her associates about the rising tide of wanna-be superheroes. My temples throb as I take another draw from my glass, the smooth brown liquor helping sooth the headaches and bringing about a more somber mood over time. I don't understand what these people think I'm going to do about these irritations, as long as they don't make trouble for my main source of profit, I'm not interested in what they're doing. Not while the suns out anyway. I've already informed all worried parties to gather information on any and everyone causing a fuss, I'm not in the mood to make any house calls during the day, but as soon as the sun begins to set, I'll be sure to properly handle anything that really deserves my attention. While I consider the nightlife of Valor Glade to be my kingdom, I'm far from reigning supreme, however, this is something that I wish to accomplish, and I think I may have scouted a few people that can help make this happen.

"If you all could locate Shaw and tell him I'd like to talk to him, I'd appreciate it," I pressed down on the intercom button on my desk phone before speaking, and after a brief pause I continue, "Try not to get on his bad side when you find him, I don't want a mess, but I do want him here." I sigh as I look out of the window through the tinted lenses of my sunglasses, wondering just how long it will take until I can have what I want. After all, it is every little girl's dream to be a princess, but I'm looking to be the Queen and I made need to see if I can't enlist the help of a few knights. I have much to offer, partnership not being among them, however, I am willing to do a favor for a favor...as long as it is equal or less than the favor I have asked. The headache has lessened but I can still feel it behind my eyes, this is my 3rd glass this morning and I still feel like shit.

I stand and stare out the window for a moment, thinking of how one day I plan to have all of this to myself. The thoughts brings a smile to my face, and as I finish my drink I decide to go for a little stroll. While mornings are certainly not my cup of tea or glass of fine cognac, it doesn't mean that there isn't work to be done. Might as well stroll around the city a bit, the more info I find from the horse's mouth rather than second hand, I tend to give more credibility. There's been a lot of whispers and rumors as of late, plus there's always a chance that a would be hero might attempt to apprehend or chat with her. Nothing like a little drama to help take her mind off how irritating feeling the sun's rays made her feel, if she was lucky she'd find something or someone new to kill time.

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I wake up to the shrill chirp of my alarm and the too-familiar stiffness that comes with falling asleep in my chair rather than a moderately more comfortable bed. Again. Just once I'd like to wake somewhere new, experience the thrill of waking in a stranger's bed or better yet in the cushy seat of a high class train on my way somewhere far away, rather than my dumpy one-bedroom apartment shared between four people. Tragically, I don't foresee that happening any time soon, and even if it did, no matter how I complain I can't see myself living anywhere but Valor Glade.

My roommates are probably still asleep. Of those of them who are also still in school, none of them were dumb enough to take morning classes. None of them but me, of course. I briefly consider cutting down on the early morning self-depreciation, before realizing I forgot to set

I peel off my phone from where it's wedged between my cheek and the arm of the chair and scan it for text and- I pray- a class cancellation email. Nothing. That's life. One fast and lukewarm shower and twenty minutes of agonizing over which of these clothes on the floor are clean and which are dirty, and I'm out the door. There's a coffee shop down the street where I could get breakfast. Theoretically. Thing is it's just out of the way enough and just crowded enough at this time of day that I'd have to sprint to make it to my first class of the day. Food or laziness, food or laziness, hmm... My stomach growls and I feel the subtle tug of fang beneath my gum tissue and yeah, I guess that answers that. I don't need to start thinking about bacon during class and have extra teeth start popping out on instinct. Besides I guess I could use the exercise.

As I'm lazy-jogging down the sidewalks and sidestreets, I hear a distant commotion. Could be nothing, but also could be something. Keep it together, I remind myself. You promised yourself you wouldn't step in anymore unless it was a real emergency. Remember, this stuff you're doing isn't technically legal. Not to mention you really can't afford another detour.

But on the other hand...

Elijah Price

As I sit against a brick wall with a small trail of blood coming down my forehead, I take a moment to reflect on the events that led me to this point. Last night had been quite the night, the lights, the music, the ladies...can't forget about them, and of course the money. The Royal Black was a place where dreams could come true, it was a rarity of course, but the hope of striking it big was the allure that drew so many people to it. Me though, on the other hand, I knew that the place was a beacon for poor and lost souls and that it preyed on their desires and wants, only to leave them more hollow and empty than when they had entered. I'd seen too many enter with a smile and leave as if they had just lost the deed to their souls, and whose to say they hadn't. I head heard rumors of Lady Black and none of them were how shinning her personality was or how charitable and generous she was.

My night had started out like most, I found a nice place to set up near the casino and drew in a nice crowd for the chance of some easy money. Yeah, I know i talked about the casino being a money sucking vampire that feeds on the people, and I know that I was doing the same thing, but I'm just one guy with a deck of cards. I think I'm clearly the lesser of two evils here. Anyway, I lost a few times on purpose to make players and onlookers comfortable, lulling your prey into thinking they aren't prey is a big part of the score, and then as per usual, I had to take these people for what they were worth. I'm not saying that I'm proud of myself or anything, but I'm also not disappointed. It takes skill to make someone believe they lost fair and square when in the back of everyone's mind they already know you're a hustler, but hustler's have to eat too, right?

Anyway, I had racked up quite the decent amount of money and was looking to make that score even more impressive, so I made my way into the Royal Black...probably my first mistake. It's not really the place you want to be if you have any intention of trying to cheat the system, which I do believe is hypocritical since the establishment thrives off the failures of others. You'd think that you'd be applauded if you managed to beat the system, however, that is nowhere near the case. I managed to turn $315.75 into $5,000.00. Not too shabby, right? However I was playing Black Jack and I was, successfully I might add, counting cards. The only reason I cashed out is because I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end, which meant that there was trouble brewing with my name on it. I didn't even bother to cash my chips, deciding to take them with me and perhaps split the cash with someone I could talk into cashing it in for me later. That might be a problem though, as it seems that some guys were dispatched to "commandeer" my winnings. This usually wouldn't be an issue for me as I would simply give these guys the slip, seeing as though I had almost made it to this cafe that I like, but these goons worked for Lady Black, and I knew better than to make myself a blip on that lady's radar. However, I'm not feeling up to just handing over five grand either, this is quite the situation. I grunt and sigh in pain, the taste of blood filling my mouth, and I rub my head trying to clear my thoughts. This isn't the way I was hoping to spend the morning, trapped by 6 guys in an alley so close to freedom. Unfortunately it was too big a risk to make a run for it, as I didn't want to get others involved, so it looked like I was going to be taking a beating and getting robbed. Damn! Life can sure throw you a curve ball when you were betting on a fast one.



Light. Sound. Smells galore.

I faintly remember a time when this was my world, like everyone else. But I guess the powers that be had other plans for me. I won't rest until I find that bastard, but I can't help but think that I should thank him. I never would have discovered my full potential if he hadn't gunned me down in that alley, the rain beating down on my chest and face as my life slipped away.

My life as I knew it, anyways. Once I was a bright little kid, always confident, always smiling. Now I'm a fugitive, a criminal wanted by the entire city for doing what was necessary to further my investigation. Minor crimes, really. Breaking and entering. Aggravated assault. Inhumane chemical warfare.

Trifles. Nothing will stand in the way of vengeance, not even the law. In any case, I often tend to be a little more zealous while I'm working. The purge squads and task forces should know better than to cross paths with the Ghoul. I've sent my fair share of their kind six feet under.

I shuffle my way through the crowds of the streets, keeping my head low and my hood up. It's a little chilly, so wearing a hoodie will not attract attention, and it keeps me inconspicuous. Since my revival, I've altered my face a bit to avoid detection from the state-of-the-art facial recognition in every security camera in the city. I can walk into any building I want without being arrested on the spot, but to be safe, I always avoid eye contact. I chuckle to myself, the notion coming to my mind that none of these people that shove past me on the street realize they are merely feet away from the deadliest creature on the planet.

I crank up my hearing a little bit, but to do so, I have to tone down my other senses. My sense of touch suffers the most, but my equilibrium keeps me from tripping on the rough concrete. I scan the air for possible leads and clues, since last night's shenanigans were all a dead end. I'm getting closer to the truth, but it seems that everyone is trying their best to forget what happened to me. I will make sure that they-

Wait. Sounds. Voices, deep ones.

Oh. Oh my, yes. It's a group of that Black Witch's thugs. Quite the lucky catch; they usually never leave the club until nightfall, and at that point making a move on them is just asking for the Witch to rip me apart. No, better to catch them in the daytime. I silently praise my good fortune and head down the alley, already initiating my metamorphosis into the Ghoul after I make sure that there aren't any cameras nearby. The flesh peels away from my face, the skin on my fingers recedes to reveal wicked talons of bone. I stash my hoodie behind some boxes and get down on all fours. They don't see me, but the poor guy that they're getting ready to beat up does. Lucky day for him, too, so long as he doesn't interfere with my investigation. These thugs could have vital clues.

After a few gallops, I'm fully shifted and unrecognizable. My face is a jeering, fanged skull, and I claw at the ground as I swiftly approach. My insides are already churning up a slew of volatile and dangerous chemicals for the imminent battle.

"YOU!!" I roar as I draw near. I've never met these thugs, but I figure a little intimidation early on will assist with interrogation later. Right before I reach them, I leap sideways to the wall and circle around the group from the bricks, exhaling a tear-gas-like irritant to lower their guard. Their horrified eyes follow my motion, and when I drop back to the ground, the irritant descends upon them and they all clutch at their faces almost simultaneously.

From there, it's almost too easy. I relieve them all of their guns, ignoring the poor chap whom I inadvertently saved from a rather vigorous beatdown. He is unarmed, and most likely not a threat. A couple of the thugs try to fight back, blinking past the now-fading gas and launching fists in my direction. Bad move. They were lucky that I allowed them to keep their arms, but I still left a myriad of slashes across any exposed stretch of skin that my claws can find. Years of studying the law enforcement's advanced martial arts has honed my fighting skills, and I become a whirlwind of razor blades as I fight them all at once. One comes up from behind, but I sidestep, tripping him and spitting an adhesive agent in his eyes for good measure. Soon, they all slump to the floor, shredded and bloodied, reeling from the various effects of my chemicals.

I make sure there aren't any witnesses nearby, and then I begin my interrogation.

@HellKnight - Elijah
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- Chrono Xavier -

In this city there are so many people but, in big places like this there is always a rotten core. Danger is rampant, but hey that's what we have the superheroes for. I was no hero, I didn't think of myself as a villain either, I liked to call myself self serving. Though I did have my moments of helping those that would benefit me. What can I say, I'm a great guy. The sounds of the city nightlife, the smells of exhaust and greasy vendor food, reminded me that this was my home. I watched The Royal Black Casino's entrance. There was someone in there I needed to meet, though the sight of three burly guys and a smaller male in a confrontation seemed more interesting at the moment.

I grinned in a Cheshire grin as things got more interesting. I stared at the man in the hoodie as he changed into a grotesque creature, that was unexpected. Inching closer I crossed the road with a skip and hid with my head partly peeking over the side. The creature or should I say the Awakened single handedly took care of the thugs.

I knew that eavesdropping on this confrontation would be useful later. My hands found their way into the pockets of my hoodie, as my hawk-like eyes studied teh situation.

Elijah Price

To think I was actually looking forward to simply getting out all of this with a beating and warning, I would've much rather that had happened then what was taking place before me. I was now witness to a zombie beating the living crap out of Lady Black's goons, and they were seemingly helpless against the assault. I was actually quite astonished with how agile and tough the rotting carcass was. Seemingly uninterested in their brains and flesh the zombie seemed to be in kick-ass mode, and was handing doses out with a swiftness that made me sit tight. Not that I was afraid per say, but I had just avoided a gang beating and didn't want to be mistaken for a threat and catch a zombie beating. I doubted anyone would believe me if I said that I got the crap kicked out of me by a reanimated rotting corpse anyway, but I saw no reason to jack rabbit out of there at the moment. At the very least I could watch these events unfold and possibly use this to secure my own life when the inevitable happened and this incident reached Lady Black's ears and she came searching me out. I needed to have something of worth to say to her if I intended on living to see the next sunrise, right?

As I watched as the goon squad was being handled with ease I recalled a rumor, or perhaps "rumor" isn't exactly the word, but nonetheless I had heard word of an Awakened that was being pretty heavily sought after. I can't recall his name exactly, but I'm pretty sure it was one that resembled a zombie. I slowly stand up as the beatings stop and the zombie-man seems satisfied with his work, I want to leave without incident but something keeps me from just high tailing out of there. Perhaps it was stupidity or my own curiosity, but I couldn't help bit get involved since I was primarily involved. "Ummm," how does one start of a conversation with a possible cannibal, "I'd sort of appreciate it if you didn't skin them alive and eat their brains, might I suggest not doing that. I'm sort of already in a tough spot and I can guarantee that you just made it 100 times worse for me." He had rambled a bit, but it couldn't be helped, as he was a bit nervous. Nothing like the thought of possibly being chased after by a wall crawling flesh rotting zombie to give you the chills.

The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck are standing on end, I'm in fight or flight mode but I've already made the decision that flight will be my course of action if necessary. It's too early for a fight and we're too close to a public space for this to anyway but bad, I slowly bend down and collect my case of ships, don't want to lose these. They'll probably be as important as the information I'll be forced to remember later, paying for my life with the money I earned is quite a daunting thought, thought the alternative is much less appealing. I don't really feel too sorry for the bloody guys on the ground, as they were about to reduce me to the same state, but at the same time, I just witnessed how they didn't really stand a chance at all, so I felt almost obligated to speak on their behalf.

@The Villain King

Steven Adams - The Ash Wraith

Steven walked down the street to the local Subway. He couldn't put his finger on it,but he couldn't get enough of their subs. He stepped in,and walked out with his meal within minutes; Their service was,as usual,a well oiled machine. Taking a bite out of his sub,a flash of movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Valor Glade was a new city,historically speaking. It was built specifically to contain and educate Awakened. That means the city had a distinct... Comic book vibe. As such,crime was more than a bit of a problem,unfortunately. Something that Steven is taking steps to help fix... Or,at least,to ho his part in fixing.

Steven continued to casually eat his sub as he turned his head slightly to get a clearer look at the source of the movement. An alley. There were at least three figures present,two looking over a third,who was backed against a wall. A mugging? Keeping up his casual facade,Steven crossed the street,and stayed out of sight,hoping to overhear something incriminating; He didn't need to wait long. "...We've been over this. You come to this neighbourhood,you pay the toll. If ya don't..." The sound of a wooden baseball bat hitting the owner's palm met Steven's ears. A shakedown. Stepping out from hiding,still with a footlong turkey sub in hand,Steven made his presence known.

"Gentlemen,I don't think you have the authority to levy such tolls." As he stepped into the alleyway,Steven saw another six thugs,totalling eight. Four had handguns,one had a weight on a chain,one had a wooden baseball bat,and two had crowbars. Everyone in the alley was startled,to say the least,but the man wit the bat recovered first. "Oh yeah? Says who? The Seventh Street Kings run this neighbourhood! The cops don't bother us and our business. Fuck off,tough guy,or you're gonna get buried in a can." Steven was unimpressed. "Tough words,big man. Eight on one. I bet you wouldn't know a fair fight if it punched you in the nose." Steven stepped closer,making his intent known; He won't be leaving. "Leave this man alone. Or there'll be Hell to pay." The gangbangers started to laugh,and that's when Steven assumed the form of the Ash Wraith. In an instant,the man at the front of the alley became a hideous creature of ash and flame. He looked like a burnt corpse,his legs became a cyclone of ash and fire.

"Final warning. Leave quietly,or go to Hell. Make. Your. Choice." The Ash Wraith's crimson eyes surveyed the scene,taking in the stunned horror of the assembled gangsters. Their shakedown victim,seeing an opening,fled the scene without a sound,trying not to draw anyone's attention. Primary objective accomplished. Now,for these shit bags. The Ash Wraith conjured the Firebrand in a flash of black flame,the weapon taking the blade profile of a scimitar,before the Wraith demanded, "Well!?" The tone was commanding. It had enough of waffling about.

The would-be victim addresses me before I get the chance to start asking questions. I shift my attention to the individual, turning to face him. His commentary is trivial and a complete waste of my time. I resist the urge to attempt tearing him limb from limb out of frustration.

"Your problems mean nothing to me, kid. I'll do what I want with these vermin, so move along and be grateful that I spared you a great deal of pain. Now leave me be, unless you desire to share their fate."

I turn away from him and shift my attention back to the groaning, bloodied men kneeling on the pavement before me. I grab the first one by the collar of his cheap button-up shirt and pull his face close to mine. He winces, a small sound escaping his lips, a mixture of fright, pain, surprise, and protest.

"Five years ago, men were sent to kill a kid walking around the East Side slums. Did the Witch send them? Who was it?"

"I-I don't know man, please don't hurt me, I've only had this job for a couple months. I got kids to feed. I swear, I don't know what you're talking about! Please..." His voice fades and he hangs his head. I clench my teeth. Wrong answer. I raise my hand to slug him across the face, but I take another look at his desperate face, and I drop him to the ground instead.

I tell him to watch his back, and then I ask the second thug the same question. The first guy gives his would-be victim a glance, then scrambles from the alley.

I continue down the line, each one disappointing me. As I approach the end of the line, the last guy sweats more and more. I make it clear to all of his coworkers that if none of them give me the answers I want, he will be the one to suffer for it. None of them give me anything, and I approach the final thug.

"Wait, wait!" he pleads, "We really don't know anything! We're just muscle, Lady Black don't give us orders or any o' that shit! She probably gave the order to one o' the fat cats that run her clubs. They'd probably have business records somewhere, but it could've been any one of her orderlies that did it! You'd have to check every nightclub in the city, and the guys that did it might not even be alive anymore! Please, we don't know nothin'!"

I set my jaw and tell the men to scram, making sure to let them know what was in store if they crossed my path again.

As they leave, I think to myself. Not alive anymore? For his sake, he'd better not be...

I start to shift back to normal, but then I stop, jacking up my hearing and smell. An eavesdropper? Oh hell no.

"If you wish to keep your head attached to your body," I announce to what I thought was an empty alley, "then you'd better leave before you have a very bad day. And keep your mouth shut, or else I will find you."

Once I'm sure that the eavesdropper is gone, I shift back to normal and put my hood up. I've got some clubbing to do.

@HellKnight @Celebi
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I watch the Halloween creature leave the alley. A formidable fellow for sure, at least, for anyone besides myself or maybe the Witch. It seems to prevail against opponents that engage in close-quarters combat. I had watched the way that it took out Lady Black's goons, and I noticed that it didn't just flail its claws around haphazardly like an animal. It was precise, disciplined, almost meticulous. I run the fight through my head one more time and think of the possibilities. The most likely explanation comes to mind first: the Ghoul has been the public enemy of the purge squads for years. Its experience fighting law enforcement combined with its biological self-augmentation probably allowed it to enhance its own memory and study the squads and their martial arts.

Interesting. He will certainly be interested in the Ghoul. He does have a good eye for talent, if I do say so myself. Let's just say we've all got something we're good at. I can eavesdrop like no one's business and generally cause mayhem, He is good at negotiations and strategy, and the Ghoul...well, sometimes there's no solution to your problem but a veritable zombie-ninja. A body pushed to the limits of human performance and skill. A sharp mind and equally sharp claws. Definitely a keeper. I think He will think so, too.

I don't need to tell him, though, because I handed him access to my suit's communicator frequencies last week. He can access every part of my HUD, monitor my vitals and remaining power, and probably even remotely shut off my suit if he really wanted. But he wouldn't do that. I'm essential to his plan, and besides, every general needs a dependable lieutenant that they can count on, and he can't exactly waltz into Valor Glade on foot and collect all of this intel by himself. The guy is too high-profile to risk something like that. But me, I strolled straight into the R&D Department and stole classified technology without setting off a single alarm. Says it all right there.

I switch to my music library and start up some tunes, something swingin' and groovy to keep me awake. Technically, the big guy has access to my music library too, but I don't think "fresh beats" are very high on his list of priorities.

Ah, well. Not everyone be as unbelievably cool as me.


I log my recorded video of the Ghoul's alleyway fight into my database so that He can see it for himself, and then I skedaddle, catching a glance of my fellow eavesdropper as I leave. The kid was watching Ghoul too, but just between you and me, I'm a little better at it. The creature sniffed the kid out minutes after the fight was done.

As I make my way across the rooftops, I scan the airwaves with my mind to see if I can catch any leads on who to check out next. The metal halo hovering behind my head gives my powers a little boost, like an amplifier or a radio antennae. Radio broadcasts, random phone calls, various Wi-Fi hotspots, television broadcasts...

What have we here?

I switch off Stevie Ray Vaughan's smooth jazz voice and pull up the news feed on my display, keeping up in the corner so that I can still see and travel while I listen. Haha, man, this story is so butchered. That thug's story was a pretty lame excuse for a cover-up. Everyone knows that Lady Black's clubs aren't the safest places in town, especially not where her bouncers are concerned.

It's unlikely that the purge squads will catch the ever-so-slippery Ghoul again. They got him once, but he's learned since then, and his powers have gotten more versatile and flexible than ever, both literally and figuratively. The law enforcement struggles to keep pace with him even on a nightly basis. But a guy with connections like me could snag him with a snap of the fingers.

But, I digress. Catching people isn't really my thing, and I'm sure the big guy has big plans for the zombie-ninja. I put my music back on, switching to some good 'ol ZZ Top, "Gimme All Your Lovin'", and continuing my scan. With all of my distractions, I almost miss the confrontation happening in an alley below me as I leap over it. I catch my footing on the opposite building's roof, then turn back and take a peek down from above.

Let's see. Thugs, weapons, fleeing victim, unexpected challenger. Huh. This seems oddly familiar. Twice in one day...what are the odds.

S.C., you getting this?'

I know he is, but I like to ask anyways. Sometimes, very rarely, he actually responds. I swear, one day I'll accomplish the impossible: hold a casual conversation with him, or maybe even - gasp - get him to laugh. Hah, yeah, fat chance.

Oh, right. Alley fight.

The Ash Wraith, a well-known and respected member of the Awakened law enforcement initiative. Pretty damn good at his job. But not good enough to pin me down. Let's just say we've met before. I watch as the Living Candlestick taunts and challenges the thugs. They don't look like they've reached a decision on whether to fight or run.



~Time for some fun~

I open my library and put on a song with real energy. Things are about to get reeeaaaaaal interesting. As the song starts, I descend into the alley from above and let out a whoop.

God, I love my job.


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///[Classified Location]///

SUBJECT UNKNOWN - Supreme Commander


The insignia appeared in an empty corner of the Treblemaker's HUD,a notification that the Supreme Commander was transmitting. When the voice came through,it was heavily filtered; So heavily filtered that it was absolutely impossible to identify gender or ethnicity,even for the Treblemaker. It was simply a voice. One that,thankfully,supplied itself with subtitles on the aural hooligan's HUD. "The Ghoul's been on my radar for some time,now. However,it's a wildcard. We cannot count on their support. Conversely,we cannot count on their resistance,either. Prioritize surveillance of the creature. If you can,make contact with it,and endear yourself to it. Try to sway it to our objectives. As for the Wraith... Assassinating him will raise too many red flags. He's one of the Awakened Law Enforcement Initiative's stars. Gather combat intel. Do not go all out; Probe him. Remember; Wars are won with intelligence. After this engagement,return to base. It's almost time to initiate the final phase."

With that,the insignia winked out,leaving the Treblemaker to his "duel" with the Ash Wraith...

Steven Adams - The Ash Wraith

"I'm waiting." The Ash Wraith approached the Seventh Street Kings at a slow march,sweeping the Firebrand before him in even waves. "Surrender,or Hellfire?" To say that Steven was a star of the Awakened Law Enforcement Initiative was a bit misleading; While he was an effective member of the ALEI,the higher-ups were less-than-enthused with his methods; His powers were unsuited to subtlety,nor were they suited to nonlethal takedowns. Coupled with his rather... Pragmatic stance on the judicial system,it's safe to say that the only thing that keeps him from getting put away for murder and vigilante justice is his license. And this reputation was known to the city's criminal underworld. All but one of them threw their weapons across the alley,and fell to their knees. The apparent leader,the one with the wooden bat,however,looked ready to lose his mind. "And then there was one. Final warning. Surrender,or I do my job." The gangbanger,however,was beyond reason or intimidation. With a manic howl,he rushed at the Ash Wraith,holding his bat above his head on both hands.

"So be it." The Ash Wraith lunged forth with Firebrand,feinting low,but pulling away,and turning to the side at the last moment,causing the thug to miss entirely,putting him in the perfect position for a counterstroke.

Instead,Steven decided to send a message to the rest.

His right hand snapped out like a flaming viper,and snatched the end of the bat. "You tried to kill the Ash Wraith,with a wooden. Baseball. Bat." The Ash Wraith began to pull,bringing the weapon between the two men,raising it to eye level. The smell of burning wood filled the alley,and smoke was beginning to curl up from under Steven's hand. "There is nothing right with that line of thought." The Ash Wraith's eyes narrowed,and the bat,as well as the man wielding it,erupted into pitch black flames. The baleful black light radiated from the now screaming human bonfire as the Ash Wraith let go of the weapon,while simultaneously using Firebrand to cleave off the man's legs at the knees,as to keep him from running away,potentially lighting something,or someone,on fire.

It was over in a flash. From lunge to dismemberment,the whole affair lasted no more than three seconds.

Turning his gaze to the remaining gangsters,Steven snuffed out the Firebrand's blade,now utterly ignoring the dying man. "You are stains on society. To continue with the imagery,consider me society's bleach." The Ash Wraith let the implicit threat hang in the air for a moment. "Shape up. Or there'll be Hell to pay." As the Ash Wraith turned to leave,he noticed a newcomer; They were blocking the exit to the alleyway,and wearing a strange,high-tech suit.

The Ash Wraith's eyes widened in recognition; The conspiracy theories on the Internet held some truth,after all...

"I recognize your hardware. Is it yours? Or is it stolen? Rumours pull in either direction." The Firebrand,now bladeless,was still held in Steven's left hand.

@The Villain King
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Elijah Price

It wasn't like the man had any real stake in what was happening to the other men, and seeing as how they were utterly struck down and the venomous attitude of the undead assailant, it seemed in his best interest to get out of there with his blood still in his body. Like his nickname, he deicded to Jack-rabbit it out there after being more or less threatened by the animated rotting corpse. Why did that all seem so familiar? He knew he had heard rumors about something just like that, but what was it exactly? His mind was drawing a blank as he tried to decided if he should go ahead and try to get on Lady Black's good side or if he should should simply count himself lucky that he wasn't in that creatures cross-hairs. It wasn't that he necessarily feared that he wouldn't be able to escape, because he was sure that he could give even that wall crawling demon a run for its money, however, he always felt it best not to push the envelope if one didn't need to. He had made it from the alley with both his body and the case of casino chips intact. All in all, the day was certainly starting to look up. However, he was so lost in thought, that a lapse in his concentration had him trip over his feet and bounce off of a boy who seemed to have been frozen in place from the event that he saw. "Sorry, kid," he stammered as he caught himself and stood erect, "I don't think you want to go down there," he looked at the back of the kid's head and then over to the casino, backing away as he did so, "I also wouldn't stand around this area. It's not exactly the best place for a-," he stopped talking as he saw a familiar face exit the entrance of the casino and quickly made a hasty get away.

Lady Black

She had had a rough start to the morning, going over emails, listening to the news, trying to get motivated to start her day, but as per usual, she felt as if everything and everyone simply existed to piss her off. She had tried to calm her nerves with a morning drink and while it helped with her headache a bit, she still felt like hitting something. She had heard rumors of late of a few people in her organization were thinking of going in another direction, that they were considering branching off from her and doing their own thing. Now, while she loved the entrepreneur spirit that they were showing, she disliked how they were seeming to do all of this behind her back. With the knowledge of the locations and the people that were supposedly planning on doing as they pleased, she decided that she would personally go investigate and found out for herself. She didn't really want to be out and about until dusk, but she really felt like hitting something, and it would seem that there was something worth hitting just waiting out there. She pressed the intercom button on her phone that connected her with the head of security of the casino, "Roofus, I'll be stepping out for a while. Look after things, and if there is any problems here, I will be holding you personally responsible."

"Yes mam," he responded quickly, the slightest hint of fear still present in his voice, "Will you need a ride or escrot?"

She thought about if for a moment before responding, "Not today, thank you."

As she made her way through the lobby of her casino, she took out her phone and began going over the emails sent to her. She had a network of people all throughout the city, both awakened and not. Those that were of benefit to her she made sure that they were well taken care, and those that posed a threat or at times were eyesores were disposed of. Now while she knew that she had a reputation to her name and all, she wasn't too concerned when it came to the authorities. They had done a few raids at places that she had owned, but she had usually gotten a tip beforehand, allowing enough time to hide what needed to be hidden and yet leaving something for the boys to feel proud about taking off the streets. She didn't consider herself a bad person at all, as she had simply taken the reigns from a man that had outlived his purpose and whose mind had abandoned him. There was nothing wrong with becoming the King when he was no longer able to carry out his duties, was there? Yes, she did then take over the rest of what had once been a bunch of different factions, and perhaps she had been a little harsh on those who stood against her. However, it is unwise to keep a dog who is prone to biting its master's hand, as that is just poor training and ultimately a costly decision in the long run.

Miss Black left the casino and made her way to her first stop of the morning, a small family-run restaurant, called Milly's. She didn't know why, but she really loved the place. It had a warm homey feeling, and the family that owned the placed seemed ever so upbeat all the time. She had stopped by this place so often that the family began to take special notice of her, enough so that their children were on a first name basis with her. As soon as the bell over the door chimed, signifying her arrival, the heads of the three children popped up from behind the counter and from the kitchen.

"Miss Graham!" the kids seemed to shout in almost perfect unison.

They were quite the spirited bunch for so early in the morning, she couldn't understand that. However, seeing them so upbeat always seemed to put her in a better mood than she was once she would leave their company. "Good morning, Sasha, Eric, Michael," she said as a smile began to form, "Are your parents in?" she sat at the counter.

Michael disappeared into the kitchen area, more than likely preparing her preferred breakfast meal or perhaps something new that he had been working on. He was aspiring to be a chef and own his own restaurant one day. Sasha, the youngest of the 3 at 14, came around and sat next to Lillian. "Mama and Pop aren't feeling well, so we're opening the shop for them," she said with a bit of a frown.

"Don't look like they have the plague, Sa-sa, they're just a bit under the weather is all,' Eric stated as he began to fetch Miss Graham a fresh glass of Orange juice.

She wasn't sure what it was about this family. Perhaps it was the fact that they seemed so unaffected by the happenings and goings-on of the city that kept bringing her to this place or maybe it was that they had reminded her of a time when she lived contently. She had no idea what the reason for these feelings were, but she knew that she liked seeing them and knowing that they were there. She wasn't all too pleased to here about the their parents and told Sasha that later today or this evening she would stop back by with some medicine and check in and see how her parents were doing. As she sat there listening to Eric and Sasha tell her of what they've been up to, Michael came out from the kitchen with plate with a freshly cooked south western omelette and a side of bacon. Her thinly formed smiled became more pronounced as the plate was set before her, and she thanked Michael before she began to eat. This would certainly make her morning more pleasant, although once she left this place, she knew that she would exited this dimension of peace and calm and re-entering into the reality that she had created for herself. It wasn't like she disliked it or anything, but it was just harder to bare during the day than it was at night.

Frits awoke in the back of his newly 'acquired' truck with his back hurting, luckily he had gotten the old box truck for a deal and was able to get the inside filled with mattresses to cover the metal floor. He knew that he'd be feeling the soreness for the rest of the day, not even a strong-man could ignore the beating he had received the night prior. He sat with a groan and saw the bloody and viscera flecked boots at thee edge, memories of the gang-bangers swinging bats and trying to knock him down surging forward. It took a special kind of crazy, or desperate, to turn to a life of crime in a city full of people with god-like powers, unluckily these men had caught the eye of an Awoken who didn't care for the reasons. Also next to his gory boots was the freshly printed license, the small slip of plastic that had kept the cops from opening fire when they arrived on the scene, and the main reason he got his new home.

He grabbed the bottle of water and toothbrush he had been using for the past months of travel and opened the shutter of the van, letting the light and sound flood into the metal cavern. He sat on the edge and pushed the mask over his nose, beginning the motions of hygiene as he scrubbed the worst of the filth from his mouth, spitting onto the asphalt between his feet. He barely remembered parking in the warehouse lot, luckily the local law let him stay near the scene for questioning in the morning, and possibly a matter of easily keeping him put in case they found some damning piece of evidence. He took a quick whiff of himself and decided he could manage another day before heading to the gym for a shower, though the clothes were in need of a wash. Even with a license, civilians didn't want to see their heroes in blood crusted clothes, or any flecks of bone and teeth in their fists. He wished he had the foresight to have removed them during his last Enrage, but that was asking the world of himself, he simply rolled the mask down and got to work pulling the shards.


After getting himself in a more approachable state, and discussing what he remembered of the firefight in the night prior, the sun was well in the sky. He wasn't ready to start seeking out a new target, and no new notifications from the VG PD had him interested enough to push the State, he began to consider painting the box truck into something more recognizable as a hero's vehicle...and home. He grabbed his boots and wallet then went scraping off the worst of the gunk and trying to scrub out some of the red from his clothes at a tap off the warehouse. He ended with a now muddled brown jacket, pinkesh coveralls, and boots with questionable splotches, but it was better then the burgundy smears that were obvious in origin. He went to power his car up, but with the rasping gasps, he added grabbing some gas to his list, and began the walk to the nearest hardware store and gas station.
Vincent Rudel

Location: Valor Glade Streets

Mood: Worried

Tags: N/A

Vincent got out of his truck and walked up to a client's house. "I'm here about the pests you have?" he stated to owner. "Cockroach infestation? No problem." The owner waited outside as they were skittish around bugs and Vincent stepped into the house. This made things easier for Vincent. He looked around. There was indeed an infestation as there were a few roaches scurrying around freely. That meant that the roaches had less hiding space and are left to run out in the open. "Lots of food for you guys here." Vincent said to himself as ants crawled out of his arms and fell to the ground. It looked like ants were raining from the inside of his long sleeved coat, like a magic trick. The ants would go out and find the roaches. Ants are handy, they can release pheromones so that other ants can swarm to the location of roaches. Vincent also released his beetles so that he could get some energy from this job.

Within half an hour his bugs were returning to him. Any roaches in the house, among other things, would have been consumed. He walked out to meet the owner. "All done." The owner thanked him for his work and wrote a check. Promptly, Vincent left in his truck back to his apartment as no other clients were scheduled for today. As he parked his truck outside his apartment, Vincent wondered why some traffic had built up. As he stepped out from his truck, he saw that in an alley was the Ash Wraith. A person with awakened abilities much like Vincent. The being of fire and ash had seemed to beaten some thugs and is confronting a man in a tech suit. Interested, as he seldom sees the Ash Wraith in real life, Vincent watches from beside his truck.
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My eyes scan the document in front of me, absorbing the information, and with pen in hand, I begin my work. The sound of phones ringing, papers shuffling, and idle chitchat fills the background of my conscious mind, the station a busy place this spring afternoon. I struggle a little to focus on the paperwork, but I don't show it. I've been itching to get some fresh air, but this document needs to be filled and authenticated before I can check in with the commissioner.

I've been with the Initiative for a couple months now. I've seen a little action, mostly helping with crowd control and even a few patrols. More often than not, though, my time is spent here at a desk, filling out paperwork for station business, warrants, and other documents like the one in front of me. I don't mind it much, the work is dull but it allows me to be alone with my thoughts for long periods of time. Having that much time to think can be very refreshing for the mind, and it helps me relax from the everyday stress of life.

The document is finished, so I stand and make my way to the commissioner's office to turn it in. When I get there, he tells me exactly what I want to hear.

"Allcaster, all done? Good, we need some help with crowd control down on Yearling. There's a conflict that is currently being handled by Valor Glade's finest, and we need your unique skillset to help herd innocent bystanders out of range of the battle. Can you handle that?"

I smile. "Elementary, sir."

My group hops into a couple squad cars and we're off. When we arrive at the scene, a considerable congregation has already gathered by the alley, and as I step out of the car, I notice a decent number of them recording the battle on their phones. It doesn't surprise me. In a city populated by inherently dangerous and powerful individuals, it only makes sense that everyone would eventually get used to violence and destruction.

My squad and I approach the scene, and I get a better look at the conflict. Two older men, both obviously Awakened like me, are battling an intriguing young man in what appears to be a combat suit. I know he's only a few years older than me because he often takes breaks from his sound attacks to fire off verbal ones, and his voice isn't disguised in the slightest. He must be either off the books, or off his rocker. One of the Awakened cops is a living demon of fire and smoke, brandishing a flaming sword that looks far too large and unwieldy to normally be useful, but he seems to manage it just fine. The other is bulkier, his skin stretched across his body as if his skeleton had just added a few extra layers of bone. The bulky one is firing a Desert Eagle, and the fiery bloke is sending forth searing jets of black flame.

I can't help but admire the young chap's music. It's blasting loudly from a sound system built into the suit, and I wonder for a moment if the music powers up his sonic manipulation, or if it's just for aesthetic and personal enjoyment. Perhaps both?

A stray sound wave streaks over the crowd's heads, and all of the civilians cover their heads as the blast shatters a number of windows across the street, setting off a car alarm in the process. Thank God no one has gotten hurt yet, that kid in the suit is a bloody maniac. I sprint into the fray and place myself in the middle of the street, standing between the crowd and the two Awakened cops as I flash my badge at the onlookers.

"Valor Glade P.D., everyone back! For your own safety, we are blocking off the area. Your cooperation is much appreciated!"

No one seems to budge. They're all willing to risk severe bodily harm to snap a neat picture or catch it all on video. I sigh, clasping the ornate whistle around my neck and bringing it to my lips. No choice but to use threat of force.



Upon the sharp cry of the whistle, three Direwolf Companions heed my call and materialize in a formation around my legs, their most primal and natural instinct to protect me. I kneel down and wrap my arms around all three, ensuring that I have physical contact with each one.


To supplement the command, I stand, bringing the whistle back to my lips and making a sweeping motion in front of me with my arms, designating the crowd as the wolves' target. The Companions accept their directives and fan out in front of me, advancing slowly towards the crowd whilst making themselves appear as threatening as possible. They bare their teeth, raise their hackles, and growl at the bystanders, who, just as planned, break their gaze from their phones and scatter away from the snarling wolves snapping at their ankles.

After a couple minutes of pushing back the crowd and clearing the area, we finally get the area blockaded off. The fight seems to be nearing its end; the music-lover growing more and more cautious as he notices my squad's presence. He's likely anticipating the arrival of reinforcements, and he's correct to do so. They should be arriving any second, but he's still here. Why hasn't the kid retreated yet? Something isn't right...

Black Swan

Clicking the dial on the left of her scope from a tall hotel building at the end of the street, the woman's mask pressed up against the scope to allow her to peer at the wolves in the street. Here eyes glanced about only for a moment, calculating the wind, weight of the bullet, distance, and resistance materials. Even the trajectory of a passing bird, hesitating before she pulled the trigger to avoid it's total annihilation. The target, one of the police officers controlling the crowd. The muzzle flash held within a suppressor. The bullet, a .338 magnum full metal jacket round, with custom spiral grooved sides (for self stabilizing). The firearm, a custom Lapua sniper rifle with; a recoil compensating barrel, extended barrel, spring loaded adjustable stock, and an ergonomic grip.

The Black Swan never misses her mark, the bullet would pass through the officer's chest, severing an artery, deflecting off of a rib, exiting his body, and wounding another officer's right knee severely. She pulled the bolt back, the shell falling into a container on the ground that she nudged with her foot to catch the casing.

"One down, one injured." She spoke with a distorted but monotone, cold voice coming from her mask.

She lined up a second shot. "Now for the distraction." She lined up a shot to appear to be a miss. She pulled the trigger, the bullet soaring through the air in almost slow motion to her enhanced sight. "Confirmed..." she stated as the bullet was pushed slightly aside by the minor air flow current caused by a sonic attack. The bullet would pierce a civilian's neck missing all vital points, but causing her to panic and scream.

"Mission accomplished." She said as she grabbed her rifle and the container of the casings off of the balcony and into the hotel room before anyone to pin her location. She pressed a small button on her phone, changing modes after sending a ping of a Black Swan emblem to appear on Treblemaker's display, should her tech work to invade the suit for even a small moment. She walked from the room casually, no longer in her combat attire, but carrying it in secret compartment of a briefcase and wearing a business suit. She continued down the hallway to a conference room at the corner of the building, opening the door.

"Good afternoon Miss Marrison, I'm glad you could make the meeting on time with all the traffic backed out down the road. Seems there's an ordeal down there!" The man in a suit said while pulling a chair out for the well dressed woman. "It is my hope that we can negotiate a contract with White Shield, so that this sort of thing no longer worries the owner of this hotel."

"Mister Henrikson... You know my prices, they are the same for all of my clients. Is this the only reason you called me here?"
She gave him a condescending look.

"My client cannot-" He stammered.

"Than I am not interesting in a contract with this establishment!"
She barked harshly, then stood up. "Do not waste my time with this again, Mister Henrikson. I will give you twenty four hours to decide or we will withdraw the current contract and another will have to be drafted."

"But if we could just-"

"GOOD DAY! Mister Henrikson!"
She got up and walked out of the room, a smirk on her face... she knew he'd sign. His face told it all.

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