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Realistic or Modern Valley Lake Boarding High School


Name Alexia Cross

Age Seventeen

Sexuality Heterosexual

Favourite Subject Mathematics

Least Favourite Subject Art

Personality Alexia Cross is a girl with a loud mouth. Not in the sense that she likes to gossip, in fact, she hates gossip. It's more that she loves to talk. It's quite rare to see her silent and quiet. Alexia also loves having fun - like many people in the world. She lives and breathes for fun and wants to spread fun to other people too.

  • Like: Desserts, animals, reading, fun!
  • Dislikes: Strict teachers, grumpy people, the sight of blood.

History Alexia Cross comes from a very modest city before moving for better education. The move had introduced her to many ways of having fun. She did not have a tragic childhood, but she suspected that something terrible might happen soon. After all, all good things come to an end. Which was why she preffered to seize the moment.
I'll join despite being alone. xD It'll get my character used to how everything works. Thanks for accepting Alexia! owo

Max Burtston







Favorite Subject:

Psychology and Software Development

Least Favorite Subject:



A quirky optimist. Always ready to spend time with friends and family. He is very social and loves meeting new people and learning about their interests and problems. He loves to help people and hopes to get into cyber crime prevention. Is a bit shy towards his crushes, but anyone else he is completely fine around. Is a bit too affected by the way his friends view him and can get sad because of that easily. Single and is neutral about the subject.

  • Like: Watching horror movies, playing video games, swimming and track
  • Dislikes: Spiders, unreasonable people, being alone for too long, rejection and needles.


He came from a very nice private middle school with outstanding grades. A GPA of 3.9, he takes his school work seriously. Has been known to have nervous breakdowns when asking people out. Has a very sad past with lots of heart break and loss of friendship. He is okay to talk about it now, but only to people he trusts.

Name: Maxwell (Max) Hamilton

Age: 14

Sexuality:Gay not openly (But can act very feminine)

Favorite Subject: History

Least Favorite Subject: Physical Education

Personality: Max is kind and loving he can be very feminine leading people to believe he is gay but not ready to come out witch is the truth...He is not very confident in himself and often ridicules his looks,personality,and sexuality

  • Likes:History,Music,Singing,playing guitar and cooking
  • Dislikes: the Horror genera, Labels, Bigotry/Racism, Eating

History: Max was born into a strict Christian household witch wasn't much of a problem until he realized he like other boys. He didn't know why but he new it was wrong according to his family.This lead to a large amount of depression as he tried to deal with it on his own in fear of what his parents would say. when he was 11 he began having sever pain attacks in his hands he was worried it was from playing the guitar so much and was afraid he would have to stop. His parents took him to the doctors and after seeing a specialist he was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis. the first question out of his mouth was can I still play Guitar to witch his mother shook her head and smiled as the doctor said "that is up to you young man" Max smiled. A year later things were going pretty good he was mostly free of his depression and playing better than ever he didn't think anything could stop him.Then he got detention at school witch he knew meant his phone would be confiscated for a week at home he didn't think to delete the messages to his boyfriend or picture of cute guys none of it so later that night after he handed his phone over to his parents they came into his room he could tell they were furious but didn't know why he didn't think they would go through his phone but they did. The next day he was forced to break up with Alex and inform him they could never talk again. over the next two years his home life only got worse he was sent spiraling back down into his depression, and was made to feel worthless and like a terrible person (witch is when he developed his self ridicule) so when he heard about this school he knew it was his chance to get out of the abusive house and have a shot at happiness. He convinced his parents to let him go because as he said "you won't have to look at me on a daily basis if I go" he was also hoping that if he was gone long enough they would realize their mistake. so here he is ready to learn, ready to be happy

@Jennifer Shotain
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Name: Rylie Melnick

Age: 17

Appearance (Please be realistic and not anime/cartoon-ish):


Sexuality (can be undetermined/find out over the course of the role play): straight

Favorite Subject: science

Least Favorite Subject: math

Personality: Rylie is shy at first when it comes to meeting new people and this causes her to have trust issues as well. She is often view as a kind, confident, generous, and smart intellectual. She is can be a bit stubborn at time when it comes to doing something or gets ordered around. Rylie loves to help others more then herself, and she loves to laugh a the time. Rylie tries not to let others get the best of her, because she thinks crying and worrying is a waste of time.

  • Like: drawing, dancing, cooking, reading, and taking walks.
  • Dislikes: waking up in the morning, violence, and arrogant people.

History: Rylie was born into a middle class family with her three other siblings; two brothers who are twins they are both one year older then her. Her father was an attorney for a well known attorneys office, and her mother worked as a professor at a science institute, but since they are both busy they try to make time for Rylie and her other siblings. The Hill family hardly got into any arguments, and her mother and father always tried their best to take care of her and give her and her siblings many opportunities and loved her unconditionally and Rylie did the same. Rylie was a 'A' and 'B' student at her old school but her mother saw that she didn't have any friends just two or three. Rylie was the anti-social person in the family when it came to trying to socialize with family members, but not her two older brothers who give her one year since they are both twins, they talk a lot and sometimes joke around with Rylie when she looks like an outcast. The students always made fun of her for being anti-social and studying a lot, which wasn't bad at all. It came to an extent where she got bullied too much that she couldn't take it. Rylie was tutored at home for a few years before going back to school and her mother thought that boarding school was a good school for a student like her to attend to and plus she could make new friends and memories. Rylie is now going to try very hard to make new friends and come out of her comfort bubble.


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Name: Kea Voung

Age: 17

Appearance (Please be realistic and not anime/cartoon-ish):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fe17808885f00f9f5db9aa6f8602ecb8.jpg.905d8e62e969e4b3f25e3f8ffd7fa0fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/fe17808885f00f9f5db9aa6f8602ecb8.jpg.905d8e62e969e4b3f25e3f8ffd7fa0fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality (can be undetermined/find out over the course of the role play): Heterosexual

Favorite Subject: Music

Least Favorite Subject: Geometry

Personality: Kea is sensitive, caring, and compassionate, and is deeply concerned with the personal growth of herself and others. Individualistic and nonjudgmental,She believes that each person must find their own path. She enjoys spending time exploring her own ideas and values, and are gently encouraging to others to do the same.

  • Like:
  • Playing the Piano
  • Studying
  • Dislikes:
  • Parties
  • Crowded areas


Being the first generation of her family to live outside of Vietnam there was a lot of pressure placed on her to do great things. Her parents sending her to this school to better her future as well as theirs. She doesn't know if she will be able to live up to her parents expectations but she's willing to try afraid of what will happen if she fails.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/a565b7376c98e83c541bf9beb89cbd06.jpg.6dfddaebdde827099b72b4ec8cea580b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/a565b7376c98e83c541bf9beb89cbd06.jpg.6dfddaebdde827099b72b4ec8cea580b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Brindle-Lynn Barlow

Age: 17



Sexuality: Straightish.

Favorite Subject: English

Least Favorite Subject: Math, but she does well.

Personality: Brindle-Lynn is very laid back as she enjoys the simple pleasures in life. She's never too excitable or too pessimistic but does have normal teenage tendencies (mood swings, anxiety, self-worth issues, etc). Due to her upbringing, she is humble and polite, constantly exhibiting Southern mannerisms. One would notice that she's approachable, but also a bit of a reclusive, tending to stick to her own guns and avoiding anything that would cause her to stand out. Once you've gotten to know this petite brunette, you'd realize that she's a handful of spastic quirks and quite hard to quiet down once she's gotten started.

  • Likes: Sweet Tea, Nature, Writing, Cooking, Being Social, Animals, Luxury Make-Up & Make-Up Application
  • Dislikes: Ill-mannered people

History: Brin spent her childhood and early teenage years on a successful crop farm in the south, helping her family man and maintain their property. She was sent to an expensive private school once she was old enough and would return home and back into routine during summer and winter breaks, her parents convinced that it would keep her focused and teach her responsibility. During the most recent spring, Brin lost her family suddenly in a car accident (which would also in-turn make her an heiress of sorts) and was taken under the guardianship of her grandparents, who then would apply for her acceptance to Valley Lake, which was closer to their residence.
Name: Marcus Black

Age: Sixteen

Appearance (Please be realistic and not anime/cartoon-ish):


Sexuality (can be undetermined/find out over the course of the role play):Hetero

Favorite Subject: P.E. Math

Least Favorite Subject: History

Personality: Mischievous, Rebellious, Caring, Loyal, Rash

  • Like: Swimming, Hanging with friends, Getting into trouble, Full moos, Night time
  • Dislikes: Being woken up, When people cancel last minute, Judgmental people, When people pick on the little guy

History: Marcus grew up in a family that didn't care. So he spent all of his time swimming, and hanging with his friends. Ir wasn't till he decided he was going to make a difference. He chose to help people instead of turning away. So he applied to this school to get a new start. This is what led him here.


Extras: @Iris Hazel can your and my char date. Oh and can the first p.e. course be swimming??
[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]Good to me. Sorry it took me awhile to accept. I've been on and off today and busy.

That's quite alright. Life happens. :) So I'm assuming I'm accepted? Lol.


~Allison Richards~







Favorite Subject:

Allison's favorite subject is math. She loves equations that make her brain tick.

Least Favorite Subject:

Allison's least favorite subject would probably be History.

Allison feels that it's pointless to learn about people who are dead and long gone.


Allison, I would say is an ENTP (extroversion, intuition, thinking, perception) without thinking about it twice. She is a very charming and fun person, her personality is like screaming, "look at me, I'm Allison!" She can also tend to take some insults too personal and can make her either irritated or angry. She is a stubborn and proud person, sometimes afraid of being herself. She tends to be good at money making, but not so good at managing her money, but still. As an ENTP, she does have weaknesses. For example; ENTP's are very restless people, they like taking risks, challenging people that they should not. They are big risk takers with another word. But a good thing is; ENTPs are very good at communicating, yet they tend to lose every discussion they end up in. She is very immature, protective, and pushy.She loves having fun, though. She is a real sweetheart, and can be exceptionally funny. But let's take a look in her brain. Allison has a few mental illnesses, nothing to serious. She has dyslexia, so if she starts flipping out when you ask her to read something, just understand that she can't. Allison also has ADHD, so she is constantly squirming, tapping on something, playing with something, tapping her foot, humming, swaying, some type of movement. If you make her sit still, she just can't and might start wheezing or something. But she normally takes medication for it and can sit still for hours. But without her medicine, she goes nonstop. But otherwise, she's fine.



weets | Food | Taking Walks | Music | The Arts | Broadway | Traveling | Sleeping In | Cuddling | Bonfires | Swimming | Snow | Sweater Weather | Coffee | Flying


Liars | Cheaters | Rude People | Being Used | Being Neglected | Snobs | Know-It-Alls | Spiders | Death | Getting Injured


She has a thing for hats, with every stylish outfit she wears- she has to wear a hat.

-Her ride is a black motorcycle, it's her baby.

- Let's add her to the list of beautiful Heartbreakers.

-Distancing is her thing, but if she likes something- she won't be distant anymore.

-She does any kinds of stunts, dares, jumps, etc. You name it.

-When she gets really happy, her gray eyes become so bright they look even more like silver

-She learned to play the piano at age 8, then began to learn the violin soon after both she love very much but by her own choice, she decided to play the guitar.

Name:Isabella lavenza

Age: 18

Appearance (Please be realistic and not anime/cartoon-ish):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fd914aaeb281e8193f550d3d4f9c0a1a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.fd914aaeb281e8193f550d3d4f9c0a1a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality (can be undetermined/find out over the course of the role play): bisexual

Nationalaty: Greek

Sthereothype: adrenaline junky

Favorite Subject:


Least Favorite Subject:


Personality: Fun, always happy, very flirty, loves to get into trouble.

  • Like:
  • Anything that gives her an adrenaline rush
  • Flirting
  • Dirt bikes
  • Music
  • Her friends
  • Dislikes:
  • Math
  • Being bored
  • Guys who think she's not good enough

History: Isabella was born from a rich lawyer and a successful buisness man so she was born into royalty. She grew up having everything she wanted but she wasn't selfish at all. When she was five her uncle on her mothers side got her a dirt bike and sparked her love for motor cross and other adrenaline sports turning her into the flirty, happy, adrenaline crazed girl she is today.




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[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]Yes. You are free to engage with characters in the In Character section. Have fun! :)

Thank you!!

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