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Realistic or Modern Valley Lake Boarding High School

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Phil (original) Addisons

Age: 18

Sexuality: Homosexual

Favorite Subject: English

Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry

Personality: Excitable * Caring * Teasing * Playful * Charming * Easily distracted * Loves music * Quick to snap * Friendly * Emotional * Touchy, very cuddly *




-When people are nice to him

-Pineapple Fanta




-Soda water



-Judgemental people

-Sharing personal information

History: Phil grew up in a happy home, he had two mothers and was adopted by them. One worked while the other was a stay at home mom. From a young age he loved music and reading, his moms say that he could read chapter books at the age of eight and was dancing since he could walk. He was raised in a very open and supportive family which is what taught him to be himself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.5f63518efee79adddbc8fcf14faeb18f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.5f63518efee79adddbc8fcf14faeb18f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Name:Noa Denae Oliver


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.18a0a236db0d23964315127ab0c79269.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.18a0a236db0d23964315127ab0c79269.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Favorite Subject:History, Phys Ed.

Least Favorite Subject:Math

Personality:Noa is very sarcastic and loves to joke around with people. She is also very extroverted and enjoys others company. She has a tendency to be a little to loud or excited about things. She is sometimes overly dramatic and crazy, causing scenes in the worst of places and more often than not embarrassing her self. Noa has a weakness for brown eyes and can't help being drawn to people with them.

  • Like:She loves to draw. She likes to play basketball. Noa enjoys parkour as well and considers herself a parkourist.
  • Dislikes:She hates her father. She doesn't like people who are judgmental. Being told she can't do something.

History:When Noa was 5 her father left, causing her mother to have to take two jobs to keep them both fed. Noa admired her mother for her strength, but decided it would be best if she went to a boarding school to allow her mother have an easier life. She applied to Valley Lake, without her mother knowing, and hoped for the best.



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Colby Taylor Jackson





Favorite Subject:

art, maths

Least Favorite Subject:

science, physical education












making people happy


complex things





Colby wasn't born into a lot of money, but he was born into a family of a lot of love. He learned to value kindness, respect, honesty, loyalty, and togetherness while at the same time determining values of his own. It may have been a small household, and even broken at times, but it brought Colby up as well as damn near anything could. He's going here to establish independence from the life that he's so used to.


suffers from asthma, migraines, and GAD​


Name: Jake Evens

Age: 18


Sexuality: Homosexual

Favorite Subject: Psychology

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Personality: Jake is a very upbeat and outgoing person. He loves talking and can make friends with nearly everyone. He's very non confrontational, and he hates arguing with people. He's always laughing and joking around and you will almost never see him without a smile in his face. If you ever need some cheering up, Jake is the person to go to. He never shows any negative emotions which, if you ask his sister, is very unhealthy. But he doesn't think so. He is just a very happy person. It takes a lot to get him down in the dumps. He's very loyal, even to people he has only just met. He does his best to make sure everyone is happy, and when everyone's happy, so is he. Jake is just all around a very happy, bubbly, friendly guy.

Likes: Playing guitar, hot chocolate, horror movies, summer, swimming, being around his friends, his sister, documentaries, and hiking.

Dislikes: Country music, watermelon, spicy foods, romance movies, haunted houses, winter, and most sports.

History: Jake's family was always very happy and loving. In a reverse of roles, his mother was a lawyer working at a local law firm, while his father was a stay at home dad. At the age of 8, Jake decided that he wanted to learn how to play guitar. His parents, eager to encourage his creativity, signed him up for lessons. His love for the guitar and music in general flourished and years later, he's still trying to improve his skill. Around the time he started guitar lessons, his parents decided they wanted to have another child. Sadly, they found out that, due to complications during Jake's birth, his mother was unable to have any more children. His parents were not discouraged, and after a lengthy process, they adopted Jake's sister. They quickly grew close and remain so to this day. Recently, Jake's family had to move due to his mother's firm being relocated. So Jake will be spending his final year in high school in completely new territory.




Name: Cora Evens

Age: 18


Sexuality: Straight

Favorite Subject: Theatre

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Personality: Cora and Jake are as different as they are similar. Cora, like her brother, loves joking around and she can be very bubbly. But, unlike her brother, her friendliness only comes out when she's around people she knows and likes. When she's around strangers, she clams up and hardly speaks a word. Her brother has tried to get her to come out of her shy shell, but it's close to impossible. It's hard for her to open up around people she doesn't know but once she gets to know you, she's extremely happy and friendly. Like her brother, she's very loyal and she hates seeing anyone looking down. The main difference between her and her brother is that Cora is not afraid of confrontation. If someone makes her angry, it's one of the few times she will pipe up. And if someone messes with someone she cares about, she isn't afraid to throw down. She's very protective of the people she cares about and doesn't hesitate to show it.

  • Like: action movies, kick boxing, rock climbing, acting, musicals, summer, singing, her brother, and anything sweet.

  • Dislikes: Winter, horror movies, studying, owls, the color pink, winter, and cooking.

History: Cora's parents died when she was 3, so she has no memories of them. She had no living relatives to take her in, so from the age of 3 until she was adopted into Jake's family at the edge of 10, she bounced around between orphanages and foster homes, each one a total nightmare. Nothing too bad every happened to Cora while she was in the system, but she was extremely happy to finally be adopted into a loving home. She and Jake were fast friends, becoming as close as any pair of siblings could be. While Jake was interested in the musical side of the arts, Cora was more interested in theatre. She starred in many of her school's productions and in plays outside of her school. When she found out their family would be moving, she was devastated. She would have to leave all her friends behind, which wasn't appealing to her. Jake tried to cheer her up, but it was no use. Cora would be starting her last year of high school in a completely unfamiliar town with a very pessimistic attitude.


Jennifer Jade Pierce


Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Favourite Subject(s): Physical Education, Art

Least Favourite Subject(s): History,

Personality: Jennifer loves being around people. She is extroverted and enjoys keeping company. She enjoys lyrical dance, ballet and wrestling. She is confident (usually) and very open to others. However, if you ever push her wrong buttons she can be devilish and rude. Jennifer is the shoulder you'd cry on and that one friend who is the risk-taker. She is up to almost anything. She hates arguing with others and tries to avoid it as much as possible.

Likes: Wrestling, art, lyrical dance, pickles, bunnies, rollercoasters.

Dislikes: arguments, cockroaches, lectures, history

History: Jennifer was born in a strict household. She was an only child and her parents made sure to give and raise her as best as possible. At the age of 5, her parents had given her many extracurricular activities. Her parents taught her manners and how to be lady-like. At the age of 14, she eventually got tired of acting like the perfect human her parents wanted her to be and she ran away from home. She hung out with her closest friends, trying out many different activities. Ever since then, she and her parents hardly interact with each other and she learned to take care of herself.

Extra: Jennifer has two nicknames, Jade and Jenni.

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Madelynn Aaliyah Williams

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.817356204f2a6f9f6fbe2220bc37ad55.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.817356204f2a6f9f6fbe2220bc37ad55.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Madelynn Aaliyah Williams




Heterosexual; straight

Favorite Subject:


Least Favorite Subject:



Sweet ?? Kind ?? Gentle ?? Playful ?? Shy ?? Quiet ?? Adventurous

Caring ?? Sarcastic ?? Witty ?? Bubbly ?? Mischevious


?? Sweets, especially chocolate.

?? Doodling on the corners of her History essays.

?? Reading in the quiet, serene environment of the verdant forest behind her house.


?? History. History. History.

?? Kiwis & pineapples.

?? Over-friendly individuals.


Madelynn grew up as the youngest in a family of five. She had two older twin sisters, Bridgett Amethsyt Williams, and Taylor Emerald Williams. Older than her by a good six years, Madelynn had always looked towards them with respecting eyes. Whatever they did, Madelynn copied; however, Madelynn was insufferably shy. Her entire family had relatively loud, sociable personalities--except for Madelynn. While her sisters joined their school's volleyball, cross-country, and softball teams, Madelynn would be sitting on the bleachers, cheering them on next to her doting parents. Even her parents were more sociable than she. On the weekends, they would host tea sessions for the neigbors, often even inviting them for barbecues on the holidays. It seemed that the loud personalities of the family had intimidated the young Madelynn, making the girl a bit shyer than her rest.



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Chelsea Fraiser Greene







Favorite Subject:

Physical Education

Least Favorite Subject:





Running, Competition, Junk Food, Spicy Food, Anime, Skating, Soccer, Puns and Video Games


Idiots, Slow people, Pointless arguments, Bubbly people


Chelsea was raised in a very busy and loud city, which meant that she had a very fast paced life, her parents being away for work most of the time. At a very young age, she had a lot of independence and a strong sense of right and wrong from being left alone all the time. When she was 13, her mother had passed away, which to her, wasn't THAT sad considering she wasn't really close to her mother but Chelsea's father was definitely more than a little depressed. So, she decided that she would be out of her father's hair and apply to Valley Lake Boarding School, and to her surprise, she got in.


-Chelsea is an imsoniac

-She has dyed her hair green, pink, purple and even rainbow before

-Her original hair color is brown

-She only has 1 dress and 1 skirt in her wardrobe

[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]This is how I would like sign up sheets to be like.


Appearance (Please be realistic and not anime/cartoon-ish):

Sexuality (can be undetermined/find out over the course of the role play):

Favorite Subject:

Least Favorite Subject:


  • Like:
  • Dislikes:




If there is still a chance for me to get in then I will fill out everything, but I don't want to do it and it go to waste :) Thanks in advance
Name: Charlotte Withers

Age: 17

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.db7544cdf45f7a927d57a53d2314e976.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.db7544cdf45f7a927d57a53d2314e976.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Bisexual

Favorite Subject: Art

Least Favorite Subject: Math

Personality: Spontaneous, mischievous, edgy, yet charming

  • Likes: Drawing, painting, causing mischief, and being with friends
  • Dislikes: Math and most school in general

History: Charlotte was one of 6 children growing up, meaning she didn't have much attention, or wealth, and tried to win her parents love and care by standing out. This of course never worked and ended up having to find ways to have fun.


Extras: -Charlotte likes to dress like no one else to stand out

-She also likes to dye her hair various colors

-She is slightly rebellious and likes to be with her friends



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[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]Soon. Very soon. Possibly tonight or tomorrow. Basically starts once I get all of the schedule and dorms figured out.

Okay, if you need help with anything I can help with whatever :) Can't wait!
[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]Hopefully so. I'd like to try to even things out, but as long as there are an even number of males and females, then we can start. If more people join later on, then they'll get assigned rooms.

I wish I could help
[QUOTE="Jennifer Shotain]The only thing you could really do is make another character. Otherwise, there's nothing else you can do but wait for two more character sign ups. I don't blame you if you don't want to. I wouldn't want to manage two characters in one role play. I think I would confuse myself.

I would totally do that if I was good at playing males xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.e145d00b8f0d1112965aa32f90dae255.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96393" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.png.e145d00b8f0d1112965aa32f90dae255.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jeremy Steves

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Favourite Subject(s): PE

Least Favourite Subject(s): Physics





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.71d926c4262466ac7e238409fa4ce461.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96394" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.gif.71d926c4262466ac7e238409fa4ce461.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​



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Jennifer Shotain] [CENTER] [B]Girls Dorms[/B] [B] Dorm #7[/B] Chelsea Fraiser Greene (@Chibii) and Madelynn Aaliyah Williams (@WinterSoul) [B]Dorm # 11[/B] Hailey Leyla ([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/23899-jennifer-shotain/ said:
@Jennifer Shotain[/URL]) and Cora Evens (@JustAnotherFadeAway)

Dorm #12

Charlotte Withers (@Iris Hazel) and Jennifer Jade Pierce (@failedmacarons)

Boys Dorms

Dorm #3

Jake Evans (@JustAnotherFadeAway) and Phil Addisons (@Phantasia)

Dorm #6

Colby Taylor Jackson (@oli) and Jeremy Steves (@Phantasia)[/CENTER]
Omg you read my mind! I was totally hoping that Noa would be paired with Lauren!



Adam Scott







.:Favorite Subject:.


.:Least Favorite Subject:.



Quiet and timid. Adam doesn't enjoy to speak alot, he is much more of a listener. He also voids out a bunch, and sometimes doesn't pay attention. He also doesn't have a lot of confidence when it comes to women. He is much more quiet when it comes to women. He can't even talk to one, without being forced to.






Adam proposed to his ex-girlfriend at the age of 16. They had been going out since the start of high school. Adam believed everything was going well with them, until he proposed. When he got the ring out, she immediatley refused saying that she this was too early they were still 16, nothing serious. He was heart broken when she broke up with him right after. After that, Adam put all his dedication in his school and still currently does. He studys a lot to try to remove the pain of the breakup. Which was a long time ago.

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