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Realistic or Modern VALKYRIE High

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Height: 5’11
Age: 17
Eye color(s): Brown
Face shape: Sqaure
Describe their eyes: Kind, and Searching. But often accompanied by dark circles.
Describe their nose: Crooked from being broken in fights.
Describe their lips: thi, with a gentle curve.
Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): Muscular
Hair color(s):Brown
Hair length: Medium
Hair style: Shaggy
Skin color: White
Complexion: Pale
Scars: He has several deep scars along his back and ribs.
Tattoos: tattoo of a snake on the back of his right arm, as well as a sigil over one of the scars on his ribs.
[/div] [/div] [div class=content2] [div class=image2][/div] [div class=para] Most prominent personality trait: Driven/Wilful
Best traits of their personality: Loving, Intelligent, Passionate
Worst traits of their personality: Hot-headed, Stubborn, Cynical
Current superstitions/quirks: he shakes his leg when sat down, he is also mildly superstitious.
Bad habits: Smoker, Can be seen as lazy as if he isn’t interested he won’t put the effort in, sarcastic
Special skills(Not meaning powers): Fighting, Guitar, Agile, Adept at forgery
Hobbies: Boxing, Reading, Has a prominent interest in mythology,

Having been born into a family of artists and teachers, it’s only natural that Janus would have first taken an interest in mythology and lore, having spent his earliest years following in his mother's footsteps. But as he aged, he grew more and more aware of his love of fighting, finding that there was no other thrill quite like getting punched in the face, knowing exactly what it takes to win. As a person, he’s sarcastic and cynical, but clearly cares for the people around him, willing to do anything to protect them. As well as this, Janus is an incredibly passionate person who will dedicate however much time he needs into whatever’s captured his interest. However it is hard to motivate him to put the same passion into anything he has no interest in.
[/div] [/div] [div class=content3] [div class=image3][/div] [div class=para]Year: Senior
Power: Fire
Rank: 15 [/div] [/div] [div class=content4] [div class=g1][/div] [div class=g2][/div] [div class=g3][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by wonhae[/div] [div class=name]Janus Marlowe[/div] [div class=tabcontainer] [div class=tab1]i.[/div] [div class=tab2]ii.[/div] [div class=tab3]iii.[/div] [div class=tab4]vi.[/div] [/div] [div class=personality]appearance[/div] [div class=history]personality[/div] [div class=extra]extra[/div] [div class=gallery]gallery[/div] [/div]

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