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Realistic or Modern VALKYRIE High


Sad Lesbian
VALKYRIE High School has many elements of your average school. There's classes to attend, social events held to try and force socially awkward students to socialize, clubs and other extracurricular activities to occupy students' time, and cliques and groups populating the halls and all trying to fit in. But, this isn't your average high school. You might be surprised to find Controlling Fire, Wielding Light, or Shaping water on a students schedule among the more mundane classes like home economics and biology. VALKYRIE is a school for special students with powers and abilities beyond wildest imaginations, and its goal is to try to train these students to control and master these unique gifts to the best of their abilities. Each student has had these abilities since birth, though only now are they truly manifesting themselves in ways that can pose threats if not mastered and controlled.

The powers are as follows:

  • Fire: Fire students are burning, and passionate. This passion can lead to tempers, and hotheadedness is not uncommon among these students. It is essential for these students to gain control of their powers, lest they lost control and destroy everything.
  • Water: Students that have control over water are patient and calculating. Their tranquil temperaments lead many to perceive them as cold or unfeeling, which couldn't be further from the truth. They have mastery over all matters of water, including ice and snow.
  • Earth: Earth students are hardy and smart. They can form entire mountains with nothing but movements of their hands. When they get an idea in their heads, it can be next to impossible to stop them. Their ability to terraform makes them essential for much of modern life.
  • Flora: Students of flora have mastery over all plants, and can control and bend them to their will. They're stereotyped as being very empathetic, and kind. While often dismissed as having lame powers ineffective for combat or everyday life, their ability to make plants rise from bare earth out of nothing and follow their bidding can be threatening if, per say, they decide to surround you in vines of thorns or have a tree wrap its large, oaken branches around you.
  • Air: Air students have mastery over the wind and skies. Care-free and sweet, these students tend to make excellent friends, but can occasionally be a bit too laid back. Their gift of flight leaves many to envy them. After class they can often be spotted gliding in the air, not a care in the world.
  • Tech: Tech students for centuries were seen as geniuses, and nothing more. They worked well with their hands and built fantastical creations. However, the rapid progress of the internet and technology has unlocked their true potential, and it is now obvious that they are so much more than originally thought. Their ability to hack into devices and control them with a point of their fingers is intimidating, to say the least, and they're well known as master hackers and coders. It's as if they're born understanding computer code as a second language. They have a tendency to be introverted and quiet, but make deathly loyal friends.
  • Psychic: Often noted as some of the most misunderstood students, psychics are often perceived as creepy or unnatural. Their powers come in many varieties. Some can tell the future, most are telekinetic, many have the ability to read minds and dreams. The stigma of being creepy and lacking personal boundaries has been one these students have tried to break for forever, and mind reading is often looked down upon as invasive. Regardless, they are very powerful, and surges of exponential psychic energy can be devastatingly destructive, making this one especially necessary to get under control.
  • Healing: While often dismissed as useless or lame, students with the ability to heal are invaluable. The amount of lives saved because of a healers' presence is too many to count. These students are kind, generous, and empathetic. Not only are they gifted at healing physical injuries, but their good nature and abundant patience often leads them to be wonderful at calming even the most enraged people. They have been known to be able to stop full blown brawls with just a few kinds words.
  • Electricity: Students with the ability to bend electricity are excitable, smart, and sometimes impatient. It is essential these students get control of their powers, lest they surge excess power and blow out entire power grids. When they get too excited, they're known to shoot off rogue bolts, so it's best to be cautious when giving them good news.

Using these gifts for any kind of combat is banned, and the punishment is expulsion. However, unbeknownst to the higher ups in charge of the school, when it seems all is quiet on the school grounds, and the students have seemingly retreated to their dorms for the night to rest, the real fun begins. Behind the school lies a heavy wooded area. Traveling off the beaten path and following the cryptic signs will take you to what appears to be a very small shack, no taller than seven feet tall and 4x4 feet wide. However, opening the door leads you to a stair case. Following this stair case will take you to the underground arena, wear students fight it out for titles. These fights are overseen by many of the faculty at the school, and the combatants are assigned ranks 1-20, one being pathetic and 20 being legendary. These battles lead to violent rivalries forming between students, which come to a head in the arena.

The dormitories are divided by gender, with three students to a room. On the weekends, students are free to travel home if they're close enough, or stay at the dorm.

(what do you guys think so far? should I continue world building? anyone interested in this? should I elaborate more on the cliques and clubs?)
this is still a work in progress, i haven't quite assembled a character sheet but, there will be plenty of room! you can play a teacher or a student but, obviously teacher roles are very limited.
Alright so here's the character sheet.

Full Name:
Orientation/Sexual preference:

Eye color(s):
Face shape:
Describe their eyes:
Describe their nose:
Describe their lips:
Body build(slim, muscular, etc.):
Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.):
Hair color(s):
Hair length:
Hair style:
Skin color:
Scars (optional):

Personality snapshot:
In depth personality (optional):
Most prominent personality trait:
Best traits of their personality:
Worst traits of their personality:
Current superstitions/quirks:
Good habits:
Bad habits:
Special skills(Not meaning powers):

IF STUDENT (if teacher delete this portion)

Year (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior):
Power: (fire, water, flora, earth, air, tech, psychic, electric, or healing):
Rank (1-20, optional, only for students who fight, if your character doesn’t fight, then ignore this):

IF TEACHER (if student delete this portion)
Power/What you teach:
Do you oversee the arena (yes or no):

Bellow here you can attach a faceclaim. This is not required but I prefer it. Use real people please, not anime characters (nothing against anime characters, but it always bugs me when I recognize a character from something and it sucks me out)
Full Name: Ollie Winslow
Nicknames(optional): none atm
Gender: gender
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation/Sexual preference: it really doesn't matter to her
Age: 16

Height: 6'5
Weight: 190 pounds
Eye color(s): blue
Contacts?: nope
Face shape: heart?
Describe their eyes: not very deep set startlingly blue eyes that seem to pierce your soul
Describe their nose: it is nearly perfect, it has a bit of a hook to it and its not small but not large
Describe their lips: soft and small, they have quite some curve to them
Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): she is slim but also curvy
Body abnormalities(Cleft lip etc.): her teeth are sharpened and can prove fatal
Hair color(s): black but dyed blue
Hair length: about to the small of her back
Hair style: usually done in an elaborate style
Skin color: Caucasian
Complexion: Pale
Scars (optional): none
Birthmarks(optional): none
Tattoos(optional): a rose vine around her arm as if the vine where attached to her and black angel wings on her back covoring the majority of her back
Piercings(optional): snakebites below her lower lip

Personality snapshot: it depends really she can be bubbly and as cute as a button or in an instant she can be primal and instinctive
In depth personality (optional): Ollie at first meeting is clearly more animal than human, preferring things raw and killing her own food rather than cooking though she can come off at first as cold and unfeeling once you earn her trust she is quite caring and loving

Most prominent personality trait: protective
Best traits of their personality: motherly
Worst traits of their personality: moody
Current superstitions/quirks: she is big on paranormal
Good habits: she is quite obedient once you gain her trust
Bad habits: she will attack those who threaten those in her "pack"
Special skills(Not meaning powers): she is extremely agile and quick on her feet, also her primal instincts are extremely strong
Hobbies: drawing

IF STUDENT (if teacher delete this portion)
Year (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior): sophomore
Power: (fire, water, flora, earth, air, tech, psychic, electric, or healing): Psychic
Rank (1-20, optional, only for students who fight, if your character doesn’t fight, then ignore this): N/A she doesn't fight unless they threaten her or her "pack"

Bellow here you can attach a faceclaim. This is not required but I prefer it. Use real people please, not anime characters (nothing against anime characters, but it always bugs me when I recognize a character from something and it sucks me out) Acual fc: LeFabulousKillJoy


• • • •

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B A S I C S​
n a m e Jasmine Nicole Thurman
n i c k n a m e Jaz
g e n d e r Female
p r o n o u n s She/Her

o r i e n t a t i o n Demisexual
a g e 17


A P P E A R A N C E​

Jasmine is 5’7 and weighs around 135lbs. She’s has a slender body with lithe muscles from dancing and gymnastics. Her eyes are chocolate brown in color. They can be described as soulful, they’re the key to knowing how she feels. Jasmine as a oval shaped face with high cheekbones. Her nose is wide and slightly upturned while her lips are full. Jasmine posses a head full of brown, curly hair. In its natural state it stops at her shoulder blades but when straightened it reaches her mid back. Jasmine has warm brown skin that is blemish free thanks to her skin care routine.

P E R S O N A L I T Y​
Most prominent Compassionate
Best traits of their personality Honest || Understanding || Confident
Worst traits of their personality Stubborn || Perfectionist || Overachiever
Quirks Tapping her fingers || Biting her lip || Pacing

Special skills Acting || Flexible || Piano
Hobbies Gardening || Reading || Training || Star gazing

P L U S​
Year Senior
Power Earth
Rank 14

Jasmine Thurman

• • • •

• • • •

code by pasta
Last edited:
Full Name: Livia Sariel
Nicknames: Livie, Livi
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation/Sexual preference: Bi
Age: 16

Height: 5'4
Weight: 121 lbs
Eye color: Hazel
Face shape: I think it's called a diamond face shape?
Describe their eyes: Livi has a doe-eyed look to her- her eyes are relatively big with long lashes.
Describe their nose: She's got a snub nose, which is a little crooked
Describe their lips: She has slightly thin lips
Body build: Livia is rather lean, and could be considered having an ectomorph body type.
Body abnormalities: Her nose is a bit crooked from breaking it, and she has freckles scattered all over her face.
Hair color: Ginger
Hair length: Her hair goes roughly down to her hips
Hair style: Livia typically has her hair done in a braid that goes over her shoulders, although occasionally she prefers to have her hair down with a few flowers in it.
Skin color: White
Complexion: Fair
Birthmark: She has a birthmark she claims looks like a turtle on her back

Personality snapshot: Livia is rather caring in nature, doing her best to make sure the people around her are safe and happy, even at the cost of her personal well-being.
In depth personality: As stated above, Livi is compassionate towards the people around her- stranger or friend. Her caring and passionate nature is often her downfall, often leading to her getting exhausted and burned out, or taken advantage of. She finds it difficult to let stuff go (be it people, dreams, etc.) and has a tendency to chase after things, even if they seem out of reach or looking as though the outcome will be hopeless.
Most prominent personality trait: Selflessness
Best traits of their personality: She always seems to have time to talk to people, and tries to stay supportive of those around her.
Worst traits of their personality: Livia can be a bit clingy and overly sensitive.
Current superstitions/quirks: Livi's a huge believer in the idea of karma.
Good habits: She's made it a habit to show good manners and stay polite, although she's much less formal around friends.
Bad habits: She has a tendency to bite her nails and chew in her lips and the insides of her cheeks
Special skills: She's knowledgeable in first aid and is surprisingly good at juggling. For... some reason.
Hobbies: Crocheting, writing poetry, hiking

Year: Sophmore
Power: Healing


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