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Fandom Valhalla Awaits

Harald smirked some at Ivar and gave a nod "Very good, we will be sure to re-enforce our men just in case. I cannot see him trying to plan a sneak attack though." He murmured to him frowning some as he watched Max and Halfdan chat outside "Sometimes I wonder if Svanna's father was the man her mother claimed him to be.."

Ubbe came over with Asta in his arms looking at her confused "A package? Apparently daddy has a package." He cooed to Asta and gently handed her over to Carmen while he opened the box
Carmen frowned and went to set her down in her rocker as she was getting sleepy anyway then went back to Ubbe, pausing in the doorway as she watched the color drain from his face "Ubbe?" She asked him quietly, "What's wrong?" She asked him quietly, stepping over and placing a hand gently on his back

Ivar frowned some, strugling to keep his composuree for a moment. "You'd be surprised by my brother." He muttered. "He may be all love and peace and wanting to mesh together again but the whore in his bed is always ready and on the attack." He muttered. "It wouldn't surprise me if it was her that showed up and he stayed home with the baby." He spat, half getting annoyed by the thought of Carmen taking over like that and trying to steer the conversation away from who Max's father really was.
Ubbe went a bit wide eyed picking up the paper in the center and taking a deep breath. The symbol of Gungnir carved into some kind of rotting meat lay beside it. He quickly pushed the box outside as to not let the smell overtake his household. He frowned as he turned to Carmen shaking his head "Ivar has officially declared war....you must get ready for anything, this battle will be a great one."

Harald chuckled some shaking his head a bit "We will slaughter those Italian scum without hesitation. They are no match." He muttered sipping his drink a bit "Tell me Ivar....what is it you and Halfdan spoke of that night we traveled Vestfold?"
Carmen frowned and watched him, "Ubbe... If this is what he wants then why are you giving it to him? Why are we waiting here in hopes you win? You may have Bjørn... But he has Oleg of Kiev and he has Harald and Halfdan." She frowned "You have a daughter to worry about." she pleaded with him.

He frowned some "I do not remember, the only thing I know is that he told me not to speak to Max like she is a slave." He muttered "With all my sickness that has come since then Harald do you truly think I have kept up my memories?"
Harald shrugged some and gave a mischevious smile "It was worth a shot." He murmured before leaving to go speak with Oleg.

Ubbe frowned more shaking his head some "We have your side too, this is the only way we can end this. A definitive winner, if I do not do this then it will never end...it has to end." He explained
Ivar frowned some and raised an eyebrow, looking over towards Max and got up to go speak to her, making it halfway across the room when his right leg gave way and he grabbed the table to stop from completely hitting the deck, grunting in pain then got himself stood up again and headed out of the room, beckoning for Max to follow.

Carmen frowned and made him look at her "Are you hearing yourself?! You're suggesting that you possibly get killed just to end this?! You have a daughter now Ubbe. I can't let you put yourself in this danger!" She told him frowning.
Max frowned softly when she saw Ivar clutch the table out of the corner of her eye. She excused herself from Katya and quickly went over to him following him inside "Are you okay?" She asked him worriedly

Ubbe frowned more as he looked at her "What do you suppose I do then?! Try to assassinate him!? And if that does not work he will do the same to me?! We continue this back and forth?!"
She frowned and shook her head "No! I want us to leave!" She begged him, "Ubbe I am not losing my family to this psycho!" She told him frowning.

He frowned and shook his head "We are going to war.... It happens tomorrow.... I suggest you stay here with Katya and Igor. And once I have won we will be back but do not let anyone in." He told her seriously
Ubbe frowned more and shook his head again"And where would we go?! If I run Ivar will find us! My only choice is to kill him now!" He yelled finally loosing it "He will die and I will be the one to kill him!"

Max frowned more as she listened to him and gave a small nod. She made him look at her and shook her head a bit feeling tears well up in her eyes "Your eyes are blue Ivar....you can't go...you'll be hurt." She whispered
He frowned shaking his head. “I will be fine. And I’ll be back before you know it.” He muttered. “We are making an offering tonight and tomorrow. I take control.” He told her seriously

Carmen frowned and just held onto him tightly. “I can’t lose you though Ubbe. Please.... just think about this before you do something you end up regretting.” She whimpered.
Max gave a heavy sigh and nodded softly kissing him lovingly "We need to talk when you have a chance...and we need to talk before you leave." She told him seriously

Ubbe took a deep breath shakimg his head more "You won't loose me....Bjorn and our ties will make a sacrifice tonight. Odin will be on our side."
She frowned and shook her head. “They are catholics Ubbe. They will never join you in that.” She frowned. “I am scared.” She whimpered, burying her face into his chest as she held him like he would disappear if she let go.

he frowned some. “I have time now. Talk.” He murmured, heading out to the kitchen with her to get a drink.
Ubbe held her tight and took a deep breath "It will be okay, we will be okay." He said quietly kissing the top of her head gently

Max followed him to the kitchen and sighed softly as she watched him "I'm pregnant..." she said carefully to him. She had finally put the pieces together of her not feeling well after she realized she had missed a period
He frowned and shook his head, pulling away. “No you can’t.... we don’t know if they... No.” he frowned and moved away more. “This was reckless.”

she frowned and shook her head crying quietly. “This all started with Sigurd drugging me.” She spat fuming.
Max frowned softly as she watched him letting a few tears fall "Ivar I'm sure they will be okay...we're going to be parents aren't you happy about it at all?"

Ubbe tensed and frowned more "Trust me...Sigurd will be handled in this outing." He spat growing furious as he thought about it
She frowned and nodded just holding onto her husband as tightly as she could. “Come lay on the couch with me? Just while she sleeps.” She begged him quietly.

he frowned some, still in an awful mood from last night to begin with. “You promised me we were being careful enough. If my child is born deformed then it is all your fault for not waiting.” He spat at her and stormed away as best he could.
Max stood there is shock not knowing how to react to his words. She took a deep breath and quickly composed herself when she saw Oleg come into the room "Hello Oleg, would you like a drink?" She asked sweetly

Ubbe gave a small nod and took her to the couch. He layed down and pulled her to lay ontop of him
She frowned and shook her head. “I’m scared.” She mumbled into his shoulder.

he frowned as he shook his head. “He is feeling the pressure of tomorrow already.” He told her. “Katya will be here tomorrow with you. And Igor to keep you company.” He smiled.
Max gave a small nod and smiled some "So I have been told, I will make sure they are kept safe." She said quietly before pouring herself a glass of water

Ubbe nodded softly as he rubbed her back gently "I know...but we will be okay, I promise."
Oleg nodded and frowned some. “He does not treat you like the queen you should be.” He told her then left her to it.

Carmen frowned some and shook her head. “That’s not reassuring. I will believe it when I see it.” She mumbled and kissed his cheek, holding onto him the whole morning until Bjorn arrived.
Max frowned softly at his comment and sighed heavily sipping at her water a bit. Once the day had come to an end she made her way to their room frowning when she saw Ivar packing a bag "Where are you going?"

Ubbe sighed heavily and kissed her cheek gently going on through their night. He sighed heavily as Bjorn came that morning "Are you ready brother?"
Carmen had finished putting his silver pieces in not long before and was now pacing the downstairs with Asta in her arms, trying desperately to keep busy.

He frowned shaking his head. “It’s not for me love. It’s for you. They’re taking you to the cabin tomorrow. Away from here. You and Katya and Igor. Just to be safe.” He promised, turning to face her, his eyes still as blue as they had been for the past few days.
Ubbe sighed heavily as she paced making his way over to her "Hey hey...calm okay? You have to stay calm for her. We will be okay."

Max frowned more and made him sit on the bed staring into his eyes as she cupped his face "Your eyes are blue Ivar....you're going to get hurt..." she whispered letting a few tears fall "I cannot loose you."
She frowned some and nodded, squeezing his hand tight. “If I wasn’t so worried about you, you look so damn fine in your armor.” She mumbled.

He frowned and shook his head. “I will be okay love.... half of Ubbe’s manpower is already left him. We will be just fine I promise. And when I get home we will talk more about our child.” He mumbled placing a hand over her stomach. “I love you.” He promised.
Ubbe smiled and chuckled quietly before kissing her lovingly "All doors and windows are locked, you know the escape route correct?" He murmured quietly

Max gave a small nod and placed her hand over his before kissing him gently "You come back to us understand?" She whispered before she went to get ready for bed. Ivar had her awake earlier than normal to help get her, Igor, and Katya out of the house and to the cabin without notice. She sighed softly as she sat in the car trying to stay calm.

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