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Fantasy Valacari Academy (Re-Opening)




You have been invited to join Valacari Academy. One of the only known academies for you 'Special' beings out there.We will train you, teach you new things about your kind(s), your history. We will help you to control you habits. So pack your things, and get ready! Each of you will be assigned a dorm room with the other students. We hope you enjoy your stay!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/vampire-academy-school.jpg.f6b959a7b77df46e3e7c898bd7ed20cd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34575" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/vampire-academy-school.jpg.f6b959a7b77df46e3e7c898bd7ed20cd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Angels are very powerful and enticing beings. Most angels are stronger than most demons. They are usually very outgoing and adventurous beings. Angels are very much known for their amazing healing abilities. Angels do not always have their wings out, most usually stay in their human form. When angels wings are out or when they are very upset their iris' usually turn to a beautiful gold.


Like angels, demons are also very powerful. Not all demons are as evil as people say, but when you cross the line, all hell could possibly break loose. Luckily, most demons are patient and can control their anger. Demons usually feed on human souls, not all but some. Unfortunately, if they spend too long without a human soul (As in more than 6 months) they could become extremely weak and most likely die (the school will be providing demons two souls a year. The souls were taken from humans who have already passed). Demons do not all have wings like angels. Some demons were born of one human and one demon which is the reason they don't receive wings. When Demons are upset or have their wings out, their iris' turn a deep dark purple-ish red. Demons cry blood.


Also known as werewolves and children of the moon, are one of the fastest creatures known to man. They only turn once every month when the full moon comes around (Fortunately, the school will provide cages with chains, clothes, and food to protect the students). Unfortunately, turning is a very painful experience. Every bone in the body breaks over and over again until the transformation is fully complete. Lycanthropes have amazing reflexes and healing abilities. Their only weakness is wolf bane. Like vampires, the color of their iris' change depending on their moods and their ancestors.


Vampires are very strong and intelligent beings. Like werewolves, they have both super speed and super strength. Unlike demons, who feed on human souls, vampires feed on human blood. Like demons, if they spend too long without that blood they could get very weak and even die (The school will be providing blood bags, 'donated' from the blood bank. Each vampire will only receive 2 bags a year.) Vampires have the strongest senses known to man. They can also compel anyone except for their own kind (unless they have vervain on them) A vampires weakness is vervain and the sun (The school will provide each vampire a ring the will make them immune to the sunlight so they will be able to attend classes in the day time.) Vampires can let their fangs either show or not show whenever they please. The color of their iris' change depending on their moods and their ancestors. Vampires stop aging between the ages of 18-20.

{If you are interested, PM me first so I can ask you a few questions}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/vampire-academy-school.jpg.f44dc60ad6f61e0564ecda0ee0069d2a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34568" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/vampire-academy-school.jpg.f44dc60ad6f61e0564ecda0ee0069d2a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alena sighed as she sat back on her bed. She had been up since four AM getting her dorm cleaned and ready for her new dorm mates. She was exhausted, but she didn't really care. She got up, grabbed her phone from her bag, and decided to text her older brother. A few moments before she could actually send the text, he walked through the doors.

"Hey, baby sis," Aaron smiled. Alena rolled her eyes and stood up.

"You know, this isn't your dorm, Ronnie. You can't just storm in here without knocking," She walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of soda.

"Looks like somebody was stress cleaning," He looked around the dorm. She childishly stuck her tongue out at him while opening the soda.

"You're not allowed to stress out, it's your sophomore year," He explained.

"Why are you even here?" She raised an eyebrow after finishing her soda and ignoring his comment.

"Well, I've decided not to give you the lecture on the whole making friends thing, but I do want to make sure that you're happy this year," He half-smiled.

"I've got to go, my dorm mates should be arriving soon," He sighed "Just promise you'll try to make a friend, Lena?"

Alena ran her hands through her long blonde hair and sighed,
"Fine, I'll try. But, I'm not making any promises."

Aaron smiled and walked next door, to his dorm. He quickly hid all of his canvas' and sketch books. He dreaded the fact that he had new dorm mates. He didn't care that he had no friends, just as long as Lena had friends. He sat back on the living room couch and started reading a random book he found in his sister's bag.

((Just so you guys know, each dorm is the size of an actual house with four bedrooms, a kitchen, and living room, several bathrooms, and a basement.))
Kayla slipped quietly out from within her room, peering throughout the hallway as she did so. She overheard conversation commencing downstairs just as she took a simple, small step forward. She hasn't much knowledge of those she had been dormmed with, but she hoped there wouldn't be much conflict between any of them. Within her own consciousness, Kayla was debating upon her next move. Go downstairs and speak, or remain in her room until further notice? While contemplating her next move, she stood silently in the hallway, leaning carefully against the wall.
The brown overcoat that hung from his shoulders fluttered slightly in the wind as he approached what he'd been informed would be the dormatories. The building was certainly impressive, even from his luxurious standards. This is supposedly where he'd spend the coming year, together with a few other students who he hadn't met yet, and he wasn't entirely opposed to the thought. Instead of the usual black suits and red ties, he'd be able to meet other human beings of his own age, even live together with them. He had imagined that it would be an interesting experience if nothing else, and could contribute to his social skills and understanding of the lower standing people in society. Though honestly, judging by the architecture, this place wasn't a place for poor men. It was completely possible that his classmates would be rich like himself.

Roughly 6 meters away from him, he saw a man walking away from his dormatory. He paused briefly at the bottom of the stairs and sent a glance after the man. Was it perhaps one of his room mates who'd already came in and gotten comfortable? He pondered following him and introducing himself, but reconsidered at the last moment, seeing as if they were roomies he'd have an opportunity to meet him later. Besides, the bags weren't entirely weightless, he didn't want to carry them around forever.

He walked up the steps, and opened the door without knocking on it. The bags were dropped on the floor as he eagerly started getting out of his overcoat that started feeling like it was frying him alive. He hung the overcoat on the closest hanger, kicked his shoes off, and picked the bags back up before actually spending a moment looking around the room. A modest smile was printed on his face, and he felt generally optimistic towards this place. He took a couple steps inside and spun to take in the room. (Maybe you should add a picture for the interior of the dorms?)

He sighed, pleased at what he saw, and then noticed a girl. She was tall, slim, with blue eyes and blonde hair, which seemed typically scandinavian, or maybe other middle- to northern european areas. He'd imagine that she was considered quite pretty in most of her social circles, hopefully that wouldn't mean she was vain or arrogant like such treatment might mold one to be. Nontheless, he kept his smile up and shone at her as he spoke up: "Hey there. My name is Cecil Ares Wilcox, and who might you be?"

He bowed slightly, and continued "You live in here as well? I suppose that means we're roomies, or something. What about that guy who just left, does he also live here?"

(I just realized he's a sophomore and that should technically mean he's been here before. Whoops. I guess I'll go with him being transferred here from somewhere else then.)

Setsu arrived at dorm number three. She smiled, she was finally home! She raced up the front steps, took out her key, and entered the dorm. It was just as she remembered it, except a lot cleaner. She immediately went up to her room, not wanting to disturb any of her dormies, if they were here yet. Her room was her haven, so loved it here. She couldn't wait for the new semester to start!

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