Valacari Academy [Inactive]

"Yay!" Viktoria said, full of excitement "I'll be getting the beverages." She told them

"I like pretty much everything," She explained.

Daniel smiled "Trust me, you're far from 'weird'"
Faith smiled at Viktoria. "It's gonna be epic." she stated, with a smirk. "Crow, would you mind asking around what kind of music people like?" she asked.
"Sure, but as far as i can tell the rest of my dorm are still asleep..... that will prove troublesome but I'll try"
Daniel thought about it for a moment and then it came to him. His emerald eyes seemed to light up and he couldn't help but smile.

"You're a Cymbidium. It's a type of orchid. You're delicate and fragile at times. But at the same time you're nothing but beauty, which makes you stronger and more free. Like a butterfly." He explained, unable to remove the goofy smile from his face. Realizing what he just said his face turned cherry red and he felt like punching himself in the face. Why did he have to say something so cheesy? He sighed "Sorry... I know that probably didn't make sense..."

"Awesome. I'm so excited!!" Viktoria couldn't stop smiling.
For the first time since Toshiro left, Jonas spoke out. He was at the sink washing his dish.

"Can I help out?" He asked Vik.
She blushed redder "It made sense, thank you" Before she could think she had gently taken his hand but quickly dropped it, not sure if it made him uncomfortable
Faith smiled. She nodded at Crow. "Do what you can." She explained, before turning to Jonas. She looked at Vik for a few moments, before looking back at him. She turned back as she saw another girl grab Daniel's hand. She nudged Viktoria. "So, are you gonna invite your brother and his girl? she chuckled.
Walking towards the dorm room, Jinxx managed to find her way without any issues. In all honesty she didnt want to be here at all,

but it was better than her other options. Lavender eyes moving towards the buildings she checked her surroundings. I wonder whos around... Her thoughts wandered along with her eyes, taking in the scenery around. "Hmm"
"Haelee!" The angel groaned as he left his dorm, walking almost right into the little demon who he could not stand in any way. Of course, everyone had something good in them, though that girl made it hard to see anything good in her. Always swearing, always breaking rules, always beeing up for some sort of drama.

And what was it with the outfit?! To wear that sort of outfit on a normal day... On any day for that case! It made him shudder as he started to walk down towards the kitchen to catch an apple before class. "Can't you put on some clothes at least?" He asked as gently as he could, correcting the collar ofthe light blue shirt he kept on, together with washed up jeans and black sneakers.

"What's the matter angel boy? Can't handle a little bit of skin?" She teased him as she kept on walking beside him, her dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail with the curls falling down her neck. Oh, how she enjoyed teasing the saints. While he was light and allgood, she was darkness and all bad. She had dropped most of what could be defined as clothes. Wearing a pair of shorts that barely covered more than her bum, and a crop top with the word hell written over it, she was obviously not the girl you would bring home to meet your parents. She was more of the girl who would visit you and if you weren't at home, she'd burn down the house just to show she had been there.

"You couldn't find something less flashy?" Matt asked, holding open the door to the kitchen for her, letting her walk in first. She had no idea how much he wanted to put his shirt over her, despite not liking her company, just to make sure she didn't push any other boys into the lust driven hell that had ruined more than one life.

Haelee looked as if she was considering it, tapping her chin as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muslï bar. "Nope" She answered that straight, with a grin on her face, as she walked over to the first free chair and sat down, legs spread on each side of it.
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This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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