Valacari Academy [Inactive]

Taking no notice of the girl's discomfort, Toshiro snapped the book shut and spoke again.

"Why not just talk to him if you're so interested." He suggested. He didn't realize that it was kind of insensitive.

But that's what Jonas is for.
She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes a bit "I don't know how...." she frowned a bit then glanced around to make sure no one was around to listen
After washing the dishes, Daniel sighed and walked into the living room. He smiled when he saw Kota.

"Hey, umm, I made some pancakes. There are still some leftover if you want any." He told her, gesturing towards the kitchen.

Viktoria finally finished her cigarette. She threw it on the ground and stepped on it. She then walked back into the building
Said blond wrapped his arm loosely around Toshiro's shoulders and blew pancake scented breath into his face as he breathed. Toshiro tried to squirm away, but despite the deceiving loose look, the older boy had a death grip on him.

"Toshiro!" He scolded, "You can't be blunt about these things! They are sensitive matters." He smiled like he had won a battle.

"Yes," Toshiro grunted and he finally wriggled free, "because you would know all about sensitive." He turned towards the girl and bowed slightly.

"I apologize. I can not help you other than stating the most obvious thing to do."
She rolled her eyes at the boy then looked at Daniel "yea...uhm...t-thanks" she stuttered a bit nervous. She blushed and quickly looked down, hoping he would not notice
Charrlote not being hungry decided to go out and take a stroll around campus. She was never really into eating breakfast, never had a apatite in the mornings even before she was turned. She opened the door and headed outside. It was quiet nice out, the sub is shining and you could see a perfectly blue sky out. Charlie wasn't quiet found of sunny days, she likes rainy ones better, but it wasn't because of the fact that she is a vampire. All that burning in the sun is total bs. At least for her, she has never gotten even a sunburn. She strolled along side the building, admiring the nice day.

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Viktoria noticed Dakota constantly blushing at the sight of her older brother. She grinned. It's sweet She thought to herself. She could also tell that Daniel had a small crush on her also. He just didn't know it.

"Danni, don't you and Kota have first period together?" Viktoria asked in an innocent tone.

"Oh yeah." Daniel looked at his watch "Wanna walk together? We're gonna be late anyways." He smiled at Kota.
She smiled at him "Uhm.. okay sure" She stood "I'm just gonna go grab my books." She rushed upstairs and grabbed her backpack. She went back downstairs and smiled "Okay, let's go" She nodded
Daniel smiled and began making his way to class with Kota. "So, when's the last time you've eaten? Human blood, I mean.. S-sorry you don't have to answer that." He said blushing a bit. He'd always wondered what it was like for someone to be so addicted to something. He knows his sister had a problem, but never brought it up, not wanting her to get upset or relapse.
"Oh I don't eat human blood. I usually eat animals..." she shrugs walking awkwardly beside him "so what to lycans eat?" She looks over at him, a small smile on her lips

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Toshiro ignored the girl rolling her eyes at him. He was used to it. Not many people got straight to the point and liked to beat around the bush. He pinched the stem of his apple core between his fingers and stepped briskly into the kitchen to dispose of it. He stopped in front of Viktoria and gave her a brief nod.

"I will be seeing you in class." He turned on his heel and quickly ascended the stairs to retrieve his bag, then he left the room and headed out.
As the clamour mounted, Faith let out a sigh. She polished off another pancake before placing her dish in the sink. The brunette headed back to her room, placing her school supplies in her bag. A pen, a pad and a ruler. All she really needed to pass the time. Heading back to the kitchen, Faith heard Shade speak. "I'm afraid I have no idea." She gave him a small smile, before reaching up into another cupboard for a brunch bar. She slipped it into her bag, sitting back down and rummaging around in it further. She discovered a packet of chewing gum, a five pound note, three pence and a few wrappers. Taking out some gum, she chewed on it quietly.
Shade got up and made himself something to eat finally, a sandwich. He ate it on his way to class with his bag in one hand.
"We eat regular human food, mostly meat.We can't really control what we do or what we eat on a full moon." He explained.

"Is it hard? Do you crave it a lot?" He asked her.
"Sometimes" she shrugs and looks down embarrassed "I don't like hurting or killing innocent people..." she keeps her head down

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"Sooo... Faith. The prettiest angel in the universe," Viktoria began, smirking "I was thinking.. Why don't we throw a party? Maybe tonight?"

Daniel could tell that Kota was a bit uncomfortable "S-sorry for asking so many questions" He said rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"Oh no its fine" she smiles "its just that people never usually talk to me cause I'm weird" she shrugs and looks at him with a small smile

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Toshiro settled into the seat farthest from the door and pulled out the book that had been causing so many problems that morning. The title was "Looking For Alaska" and so far had managed to keep the demon thoroughly intrigued. He had always had a love for literature and Momo only helped to spur him onwards towards greater literary skills. She made him read a whole dictionary and recite works of Edgar Allen Poe from memory every day.
Faith broke out into a smirk, pushing her plait back. "I'm more like the most rebellious angel in the world." she held out the packet of gum. "Want some? But yeah, a party sounds awesome. What kind of plan were you thinking, 'cause I can sort out the music and stuff." she suggested.
Faith shrugged. "Just something Vik thought of." she explained. "Maybe tonight? Hey, maybe you could help out with some stuff." she added, with a smile.
"If we just get through the day, I'll heading out at lunch to get some stuff." she explained. "Vik, you could come with me, or Crow. Or both of you. We need food and drink as well as music." She suggested. "I was gonna get a few cds to add to the collection with my allowance money from the academy."
"What sort of music are we talking about, I'm all for this day and age's tracks but I prefer Rock and Heavy Metal" 
"I even have a few CDs of my own to add"
Faith nodded. "Well, if you bring some of your music, I'll download it onto the playlist." She explained, "If we also find out what other stuff people like, I'll get them to give us some of their favourite cds." she added, addressing Vik next; "What do you like?" she asked.

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