Val-Kitty Empire

[info To Be Added Later]

Moderators: @Reaper Of Souls, @Don Valence, @EliCarter





Appearance:(Neko please)



Position in Empire:





  • Empress: Don Valence
  • Consort: Reaper of Souls
  • Kawaii Princess: EliCarter
  • Captain of the Guard: Don Valence
  • Royal Advisor: Open
  • Trainer of the Army: Open
  • Elder/Wiseman: Open
  • Healer: Open

(PM me if you would like to add a position. There is a limit of 5 middle class/peasants/soldiers)


  • Order of Authority: RPN Staff>RP Moderators>You
  • All RPN rules apply
  • Romance is permitted; Nothing over PG-13 in the RP itself
  • Keep all OOC conversation to this thread
  • Keep cussing to a minimum
  • Minimum of one paragraph, seven sentences minimum
  • Have fun!
  • Come to me or the other mods if you have a problem
  • Be kind and respectful toeach other
  • "Valkitties for life" if you read this

Name: Raze Leopold Mancoonit

Age: 25

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.7c2d94ff33a1522685e56fc1f5fcc16c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5534" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.7c2d94ff33a1522685e56fc1f5fcc16c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's fun, hopelessly romantic, and his emotions are highly unpredictable. Little things can set him off, but mostly things just make him angry. You will never see him cry, no matter how close you are to him. He sees the good in people most of the time, and trusts easily, except when it comes to the Empress. He's very serious around the army and those he does not consider friends, but once training or exercises have ended, you can find him joking and drinking among the soldiers.

Bio: Raze was born in the home of a lord of an outlying province. He was the son of a maid who died during birth. In another room nearby, the lord's wife as giving birth. The child only survived a few hours, but the staff was afraid to tell the lord and his wife, so they instead swapped in Raze for the dead child. They felt he deserved a good life, as his father had likely died in service of the Empire, and his mother was one of their friends.

The lord and his wife were more than happy to accept him as their child, completely oblivious to the deception. They raised him in the belief that he was their own, teaching him court etiquette and swordplay, and all of the things he would need to know for a life as a lord. They took him to visit the palace many times, where his eye was repeatedly caught by the beautiful princess.

On one of these visits to the palace, a few weeks after his sixteenth birthday, he and the princess had taken a walk into the courtyard. They had sat down near a fountain, and her hand had found his. It was at that moment that he confessed his love for her.

Both of their parents seem to approve of the coupling, and Raze began to court her, with tips from his father and some of the serving staff. It was seven years later when they finally married, after she became Empress, and he became her consort.

Position in Empire: Consort

Weapon(s): He carries a longsword in a back-sheath he was given by his adopted father. It has a string of runes near the base of the blade on either side. He has yet to find anyone who can decipher them.

Skills: He is a talented smith, making an assortment of tools and weapons in his spare time, when he isn't at court or supervising the army. He is also a skilled hunter, often going on hunts with the other castle staff.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Other: He is often found wandering the streets of the main city in disguise. People usually recognize him because of his eyes. They're a dark red, which stands out among the yellows, blues, greens, and browns of the other citizens. His ears also have little tufts on the tips, but that is not as rare.

Valkitties forever



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Age: 17

Gender: Male(It's a trap!)



Personality: I'm very. Eli is very promiscuous, and masculine yet completely unmasculine. Eli is also prone to becoming very embarrassed when a situation doesn't go his way


Position in Empire:




Name: Isabelle Hartford

Age: 28

Gender: Female


Personality: Cunning, persuasive, usually serious, knowledgable, loyal.

Bio: Isabelle grew up surrounded by books, and she could usually be found reading one at any time. Her parents were middle-upper class respectable furniture merchants that were interested in politics, influencing Belle to read more about them and get involved. Belle became an excellent public speaker, despite not having many friends and soon found herself as a royal advisor.

Position in Empire: Royal Advisor

Weapon(s): Just a sharp-tongue


Sexuality: Homosexual


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