Vagrant [SU]


Four Thousand Club
First,a brief premise. You are one of the last humans. At the start,we're in Ottawa (in Canada,if there are multiple Ottawas out there). Our ship is called HMSV Phoenix.

Here is the Tech thread:

Read that so you don't accidentaly make a plasma pistol.

Use my singup as a template.

The Signup

-Name: Paul Grayson

-Age: 38

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Wife; Khalee Sanders (deceased) Daughter; Gillian Grayson (alive)

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Mechanic,tinker-er,advance scout (as in he scouts alone)

-Occupation before the war: Sargeant in the CER (Combat Engineer Regiment) in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)

-Medical information: Resperatory ailments related to second-hand smoke

-Appearance: Garage work outfit: Casual (bust shot: Wears a black short sleeved shirt and CADPat temperate pattern pants as casuals.

-Environmental Suit: Standard issue CAF Environmental Soft Suit:

-Biography: Paul was born into a military family,and always wanted to be a soldier. At the age of eighteen,he enlisted in the Army as a Combat Engineer,and was an examplary soldier. He met Khalee during his BMQ,and they married five years later,after saving up enough money for it. Two years later,they had Gillian,and a year later,international war was waged. For eleven years,the Graysons fought,as their daughter was taken care of by the government. During the third year of the war,Khalee was reported MIA,presumed KIA. A year later,she was confirmed to be dead. Now,on year eleven of the war,he fights for the only thing he has left;his beloved daughter,Gillian.
-Name: Konn Vainte

-Age: 24

-Family: Family Status - Unknown

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Frontline Scavenger (2nd in command of the squad)

-Occupation before the war: Advanced Vehicle Instructor, Sergeant in the Canadian Armed Forces.

-Medical information: Unknown Mental stability. All checkups reported fine.

-Appearance: (I'll get that later)

-Environmental Suit: Standard issue CAF Environmental Soft Suit:

-Biography: (I'll edit this later as well)
Name: Marco Vasquez

Age: 21

Family: no children, all parents and siblings deseaced in airlock accident

Possition: Icarus dropship pilot & Pheonix drop co-ordinator

Medical information: lost right arm in the accident that claimed his family, has artificial right arm capeable of interfacing directly to piloting computer, and a severe alergy to Citris


Enviro-piloting suit:

Bio: born into an enjineerign family, Marco found his passion to be flight, quickly getting the hang of piloting the "Zoomer" ultra-light speeder-bike, he soon came to get his license to plot the Icarus dropship.

Marco is usually a sarcastic and laid-back person, but he takes on an all-business persona when on the job, in his free time he enjoys being with friends, and getting drunk.
-Name: Reese Daniel

-Age: 23


An older Sister; Marley Bennett (Alive) and a Brother-in-law; Darrien Bennett (Alive)

-Position aboard the Phoenix:

One of the many helmsmen of The Phoenix, but when needed can drive and/or Pilot most of the vehicles on the ship.

-Occupation before the war:

Fighter Pilot of the Canadian Air Force

-Medical information:

High tolerance of Anesthetic

20/15 Vision


(Maybe the hair not so werd)

-Environmental Suit:


Addicted to the thrill of adventure, Reese wanted to make a fast getaway from the small countryside town she grew up in; she did so at the age of 18, her possessions packed neatly into a suitcase. With only a goodbye to her older sister, she made her way to the city where she lived the other part of her life. Quickly earning herself a Class One License before ultimately deciding to enroll in the Air Force to become a pilot.
Ranmyakki: Approved,get an out-of-suit appearance and bio done before completion of the surface mission.

Bettsyboy: Fully approved. Question: Is the suit a Soft Suit or a Hard Suit? Looks Hard to me.

Kagura: On hold until a suit picture is found. After that,you have the same deadline as Ranmyakki.
-Name: Matt Terrell

-Age: 33

-Family: Wife: Caila Terrell (alive) Son: Carlisle Terrell (alive; 3 years old) Daughter: Rain Terrell (alive; 2 years old)

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Security for scavenging teams

-Occupation before the war: Professional Cage Fighter

-Medical Information: Blind in left eye, bipolar (takes medication for it)


-Environmental Suit: Combat Environmental Suit:

-Biography: Matt was born into an abusive home, where his father was always drunk and beating he and his mother. His mother was a prostitute, and cared little for Matt. At the age of 9, Matt ran away and lived on the streets, only to be pulled into the world of street fighting. Being abused, he could take a lot of punishment and, in turn, dish it out. When he was old enough (16), he entered cage fights for higher stakes of money and, after several victorious matches and becoming champion of his district's cage fighting, he became a professional cage fighter at the age of 18. That's where he met his now-wife, Caila. They fell in love and, eventually, had two children, whom Matt revolves his world around. Using the money he had made from the professional cage fighting, Matt bought he and his family's way onto the Phoenix.
Kagu: Free to post,you have until the ground mission in Ottawa is complete to post an out-of-suit appearance.
-Name: Ryth Panutau

-Age: 11

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Jim Panutau(Deceased), Penelope Panutau(Deceased)

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Miner (Sooner or later.)

-Occupation before the war: Just...being a schoolboy?

-Medical information: N/A

-Appearance: Japanese 0035 Cyborg Early Prototype (Thank you Fhaux)


Environmental Suit: Does not need a evironmental suit, as he already has a viable space suit/cyborg suit. Sorry, so N/A.

-Biography: The boy was born in Japan, with a american father and japanese mother. The parents didnt have a hard time raising him until he was nine. Which was really odd, seeing as how mature he was. He should have been mature when he reached fourteen, not nine. He seemed to do chores around the house now, as with alot of time on the computer playing a game. When the war was reaching Japan, the parents put their child in a operation. It was at the hospital. He had a good chance of survival, seeing how hes young. It took two years to do that operation. The doctors had to put the child in a coma, and put him in the robot. After the operation, the parents heard of the war coming very close to japan, and drove him to ottawa. They dissapeared soon after, unknown to the boy, they were dead.

-Name: Alex Johnson

-Age: 25

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Orphaned at a young age. Not sure who the real parents are, but was raised by an lower "rich" class couple.

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Pilot / Scout.

-Occupation before the war: Hardcore gamer of First Person Shooter, Racing, Real Time Strategy, and flying games.

-Medical information: occasional blackouts caused by stressful situations.


-Environmental Suit:

-Biography: As Alex grew up, he did not have to struggle for anything for he got what he wanted. He never had to work at anything in his life, it was merely handed to him. The only thing that he had to wok at was, video games. No matter what he did on this, he could not just demand that he be number one, he actually had to work at it. These are the things that he craved for. Something to make him feel like a normal person. As he played games, more of the flying and racing games, he set out in his real life to apply it there. When he turned 18, Alex set out on his first flying adventure. He was not the best, but he was decent. Through the years of practice that he had, he became an expert pilot and even started to build his own 'rogue scout' plane. Though he was not able to complete this before the war started to erupt and spread closer to his home, Alex was more then prepared for anything, to protect his investments. When the war broke out and enveloped his house, Alex placed all his valuables in the warehouse underneath his families own mansion. Hoping on his motorcycle, he roared through the streets looking for a 'safety zone' to call home, for the war had overrun him and his family.
I think Andrew and Tricky are both good.

Just need your bio Andrew and your Appearance/Suit Tricky. Deadline is by Launch.
Im waiting for kagura to finish her recolour.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Wait, Fhaux did so. Thank you fhaux. (Gonna post it on the profile now.)
Name: Koriko Tsuyoshi

Age: 23

Family: All close family is deceased, long before the war.

Position aboard the Phoenix: Mech Engineer, Tactician, Mech Pilot

Occupation before the war: Worked in Japan on various mech-related projects, including the original YMIR designs.

Medical information: Fit as a fiddle.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Name: Koriko Tsuyoshi

Age: 23

Family: All close family is deceased, long before the war.

Position aboard the Phoenix: Mech Engineer, Tactician, Mech Pilot

Occupation before the war: Worked in Japan on various mech-related projects, including the original YMIR designs.

Medical information: Fit as a fiddle.

Appearance: A mix of Cocasian and Oriental in looks, due to his interracially married parents. Black hair and thin eyes with a tall and firm figure.

Environmental suit: The same as Cide, in his sign-up.

Bio: being a scientist in Japan, and one of the leaders for the YMIR project, Koriko helped come up with a good portion of the mech's key functions, alongside other great minds. He managed to copy the data before the Americans stole and deleted it, and holds the designs close to him at all times. He plans to use the Phoenix to eventually make enough YMIRs to defend itself, along with improving his creations.
-Name: Nathan Haile

-Age: 22

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Owen Haile (Father/Deceased); Mark Haile (Older Brother/MIA)

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Mechanic, Pilot, Tech archeologist

-Occupation before the war: Mechanic assistant

-Medical information: None

-Appearance: [X]

-Environmental Suit: [X] Hard-body pressurized with small guidance thrusters for work in depressurized,0g, and/or hostile environments.

-Biography: Nathan's father was the chief engineer during the construction of the Phoenix. Soon before it's launch He was killed while stopping some malfunctioning equipment from going haywire. Almost immediately after that Nathan's brother scout ship went MIA while scouting what he thought was an American ship in the dark side of the moon, leaving Nathan to fend for himself. He managed to use his father's reputation to score himself a low position as a maintenance engineer, before working his way up to a full fledged mechanic, licensed to work in almost all parts of the ship, as well as maintenance with transports and other vehicles. Although his work mostly revolves around returning broken things back to a working state, he most enjoys tinkering with and modifying equipment, though it's not always under regulations and has gotten him into trouble with superiors once or twice.
Accepted, but do note that the Phoenix has never been launched before. It is not flight tested.

(Wait for Riddle78 First though)
Yeah...Sui,your character is solid,but I put a lot of salt into backstories. Just tweak it a bit to co-incide with the fact that the Phoenix didn't take off yet,and fix your father's mode of death (a reactor meltdown is impossible at this point in time in the RP,it isn't in full use yet) and then we're golden.
-Name: Dr. Jim Reddi

-Age: 23

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Unknown if they still live or not

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Doctor and general surgeon

-Occupation before the war: Sport paramedic

-Medical information: Lightly failing eyesight


-Environmental Suit:

-Biography: Has spent the past three years treating trauma related to contact sports such as football. Attaining his full doctrine at such a young age was almost unheard of, but he managed it by taking courses online; working as a doctor, working off heaps of debt in his thirties didn't sound very appealing, so he planned to pay them off before then. Placed on the phoenix and seperated from his family, he gets to work his ass off treating the soldiers and anyone else on board.
Name: Carson Dayle

-Age: 20

-Spouse and/or children (if applicable),family: Lived with Grandparents

-Position aboard the Phoenix: Medic, Sniper

-Occupation before the war: Private as a Field Medic in the CAF

-Medical information: Chronic Headaches


-Environmental Suit: armour&order=9&offset=120&offset=168#/d2kpp0p

-Biography: Carson is a native Canadian resident. Born in Ontario, he lived for a short two years with his parents. Until they died in a tragic accident. After that, he was sent to live with his grandparents, who also lived in Ontario. At age 18 he enlisted to be in the army to become a medic. A year after that, the international war broke out. Carson is calm person and knows how to get stuff done in tough situations. He is also, a complete smart-ass.

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