Vacation in Venice


Junior Member
Hey everyone! If your character sheet is not accepted, I will let you know in the OOC thread, and I will tell you the reason(s) why. And if I like your post, it means your accepted!


1. Benji Basson

2. Alice Basson

3. Deseray Truitt



(I can add more spots if the need arises ^_^ )

Character skeleton



Sexual Orientation:


Plans after summer:


Anything else you would personally like to include :) :
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Name: Deseray Truitt

Age: 18

S.O: Straight.

Personality: She doesn't usually brush her hair, but when there's an event she usually does. Deseray can be stubborn, especially when tired. She hates mornings, and can stay up for a long time during night. She loves sweets, and especially loves coffee early in the mornings. Deseray is an optimist, but when things go really by she turns into an pessimist. Indoors are her best friend, unless it's snowing outside. If you offer her a spotlight, she'll refuse, Deseray isn't a fan of being the center of attention.

Plans after summer: Plans on getting her drivers license, and hopefully getting a job at a cafe. She needs the money so she can move into an apartment, or with her friend.



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Name: Benjamin 'Benji' Basson

Age: 18

S.O: Gay

Personality: Benji is very snarky and cynical. He always has a wise remark lined up and he always speaks his mind. He hates romantic things and he thinks they're cheesy. He's not a huge party person, in fact, he's hardly social at all. He'd rather just sit back and observe things than take part. He can always be found reading a good book instead of going outside or conversing with people. If it weren't for his sister, he would have stayed home instead of going to a foreign country. He can be a bit cocky and full of himself, but he's always willing to admit when he's made a mistake. He's very stubborn and hard headed and will hardly acknowledge something unless there is concrete proof for his to scrutinize.

Plans after summer: Benji has always loved studying criminal justice and mysteries. Even from a young age, he was always watching mystery shows, scooby doo being his favorite. He sees mysteries and crimes like puzzles, and it thrills him to try and put all the pieces together. The only reason he came on this trip is because of his sister. After the trip, he plans on attending New York University to get a degree in criminal justice.


Name: Alice Basson

Age: 18

S.O: Straight

Personality: Alice can definitely be described as the funner of the two siblings. While Benji would rather stay at home and read all day, Alice gets restless when she has to be quiet doing one thing for a long time. She prefers to go out and about on adventures, seeing whatever it is they can discover. She's gotten herself and her brother into some pretty tough spots because of these adventures, but she never means any harm. She's not big on partying, but she won't deny going to one if it's convenient for her. She's a huge people person and will try to make friends with everyone she sees. She's always doing what she can to make people laugh and feel happy. Once she gets her mind set on something, it's hard to convince her to do something else or reconsider. Benji has long given up trying to talk her out of the crazy ideas she gets. She's very imaginative and is always spurting random thoughts and ideas out loud.

Plans after summer: Alice and Benji are complete opposites. While Benji enjoys puzzles and analytical challenges, Alice prefers to do things that require a touch of creativity and fun. She tried many times to get into her brother's interest of mysteries, but she just couldn't do it. Whenever Benji would get into one of his mystery moods, Alice would go off and read. Reading was one of her favorite things. So when she was faced with the decision of what to do with her life, she decided to go to New York University as well, and pursue a degree in education. She hopes to teach Honors high school English.

  • ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Graham van Edgar

    ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ: Graham, Edgar, etc.

    ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: ♂

    ᴀɢᴇ: Eighteen

    sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Straight

    ᴏʀɪɢɪɴ: Caucasian(British)


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Medolia Xavion Bridges






Medolia is a sweet, innocent teenage girl who doesn't know how to let go. She seems to always most of the time be uptight and be curious about people around her. She only wants to make some friends and try to let loose and have some fun. Medolia can be pretty unaware of what is going on around her, but she tends to figure it out later on. She's actually quite peaceful and doesn't like when shitty or suspicious situations are going on or about to happen. Medolia, you can say, will be your cup of tea when it comes to relationships. She can go any pace but it'll take her sometime for her to get used to it, so don't rush it.

Plans after summer

Medolia is going to finish her last year of highschool as a senior. Afterwards when she graduates, she wants to get into Colombia University in the city of New York. Not too much she wants to accomplish, but graduate with a couple of degrees and then wants to live her life from there. Maybe wants to get married, become an artist and have a couple kids or something.



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