• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic UTOPIA! ★°⭒𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥⭒°★


✩ space monarch ✩
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

welcome to sentinel city


mutant alias: (if applicable)
age: (20-30)
date of birth:
place of birth: (check the map in the docs for help)
power exception: (at least one)
reputation: (is your character high profile, or low profile? are they famous, or brand new? does anyone know their secret identity? how do non-mutants typically feel about them?)


body type:
hair color:
eye color:


virtues: (5+)
vices: (5+)
likes: (4+)
dislikes: (4+)
skills: (3+)
habits: (3+)
fears: (1+)


at least 2 to 3 paragraphs

things to consider when writing your history!
- what area of sentinel city is your character from?
- are your characters parents also mutants?
- how long has your character been a part of their guild/organization?
- why did your character join in the first place?


Q: can i make a character that isn't from sentinel city but moved there?
A: sure!! however, please give a good reason for this to be the case. if the gm team feels as if this is nothing but frivolous information, we may ask you to change it. most characters should be sentinel city born and raised.

Q: can i make a descendent of one of the founders?
A: absolutely! i know this isn't a frequently asked question at all, but you should know the option is there should you want it! just keep in character for the founder if they are mentioned please.

Q: can i make a guild leader or captain?
A: please do! however, I do ask that if there is somebody already working on one that you give them the chance to do so.

Q: can i make a character with powers that have already been claimed in a placeholder?
A: i think that has a little bit more to do with the person that placed the first placeholder. if they're okay with it, then i am as well. however, each power will have a limit of two people that can have it, because i would like a bit more power diversity!!

Q: can i make a character that shares a power with a guild/organization founder?
A: absolutely! go for it!!! no problem there, unless someone else has already claimed it!

Q: can i make a non-mutant character?
A: go for it! i'm all about fleshing out the world. however, i do ask that you make sure they have integral part of the plot and a reason to be there. otherwise they might not fit in very well.

Q: what sort of faceclaims are accepted?
A: real people only!! and not just some guy you know or some cosplayer either. please make them have some sort of following or celebrity status. models, ig models, actors, musicians, comedians, youtubers, etc.

Q: is this a first come first served roleplay?
A: it is an application based roleplay! however, we would appreciate it if you respected the placeholder. if there is a placeholder with a certain specific role (ie captains and leaders) then do not also apply until the original character is either accepted or denied. if that character is denied, you may then throw your hat in the ring for that role. same rule goes for superpowers and mutant abilities; however there can be two characters per power if, and only if, the original claimer of that power gives the go-ahead.

Q: are queer/gay/trans characters allowed?
A: fucking absolutely!!!! please bring em on! we love that!!!!

Q: why this specific age range?
A: we understand it's a little bit of an odd age range, and a little wide as well. we want to create a diverse and realistic sort of feel in terms of communities, without getting too wild with the age gaps. the gm team and i have discussed that it makes most sense that mutants can join guilds/organizations once they turn 20, and are expected to retire around age 30.




♡coded by uxie♡

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  • 3N7dtI9.png

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  • Antonia Romera | Romeratech Leader| Touch Telepathy | finished
    Lysander Favager | Majestic | undetermined | finished
    Ariel Jacqueline Lancaster | Demise | object manifestation | finished
    Ivina Hayashi | SOTO | steel armor | finished
    Rhett Waylon | Ragtag | super strength | finished
    Jude Martin | Greenfield | power nullification | finished
    Julian Grant | Myriad Leader | body switching |finished
    Casey Hayashi | The Enrichment Center | absorption | finished
    Oscar Kore | Magpies | lockpicking | coming soon

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viviana knox
  • 01
    Knox, Viviana
    Female - She/Her
    date of birth
    December 7, 1997
    bar tender
    years working

    Varying in appearance due to her mutation, Viviana typically sports raven-colored hair that rests right below her collarbones and pale sea-green eyes. While exploring her mutation at a younger age, she discovered that she could isolate changing her hair and eye color, helping her leave the salons behind and transforming her appearance whenever she pleases. Standing at 5'9", she tends to tower over most of her friends and colleagues, especially because she tends to choose heeled shoes rather than flats or sneakers.

    Viviana never meets a stranger, she has a very bubbly and upbeat personality, but it's all just a front for the darker side of her. She will use these traits to lure in victims, and then she does a complete 180, becoming an extremely brash, irritable, and borderline insufferable person. Though very few people have seen this side of her, they haven't been able to live to tell the tale, therefore nobody knows her true intentions. Although these negative traits are harder to discover, many people have boasted about how much of a joy she is to be around. She seems to light up the room when she enters and can make the most serious of people crack a smile.
code by @Nano

  • Beige Minimalist Neutral Clean Polaroid Photo Collage.png
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    • WHY




    coded by xayah.ღ

    • How to Save a Life

      —THE FRAY



    coded by xayah.ღ

    • Too Good At Goodbyes

      —SAM SMITH



    coded by xayah.ღ
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  • ignatius ectorius

    #majestic assist leader

    #music manipulation

    #jeremy shada

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    vincent rook

    #the red court

    #blood manipulation

    #robert sheehan

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    miles choi

    #ragtag leader

    #smoke manipulation

    #bang chan

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    kaycee park


    #game interaction

    #lee felix

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    renata morales



    #daniela nieves

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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      121lbs (55kg)

      hair c.


      eye c.

      dark brown


      ectomorphic with long limbs to compliment her stature. there aren't many accentuated curves to her body and her choice of clothing displays that. teaching in a class with all sorts of new faces requires naomi to be careful of what she wears even though her sense of fashion can still be considered out of the ordinary for that field of work. one can call it a modern blend of sophistication yet bold, sticking to uniform choices of color within the building. for ex., exhibits a & b. however, her position as an instructor doesn't drown out the fact that naomi is still in her twenties and enjoys dabbling in a more risque fashion outside of the enrichment center.


      raven black with the occasional wavy strand sun-bleached into a deep red. it is a cascading mass of spun silk that stretches past her shoulders and down to her waist, nearly swaying at her hips. there aren't many days that naomi can say it isn't done, as she enjoys taking the time to style it in a multitude of ways. when it's not slicked in gel, pinned up in buns, or braided into intricate patterns, her trademark look is leaving it to hang and frame her face.


      an alluring brown framed by her natural eyelashes. she occasionally decorates her almond eyes with a sharp, winged eyeliner to further enhance her observant gaze. however, she mainly prefers the natural beauty of her inherited features.


      wrapped in creative freedom and artistic expression, naomi's body is a temple of its own sort. mirroring anything but the common minimalistic aesthetic of a teacher, black and white tattoos splatter against her body, the biggest piece being across her navel with a few being placed on her arms and legs. her face is not free of the same distinguishing features as she has a total of two nose piercings and sets of ear piercings as well.


      working in a room full of inexperienced metahumans atop of not having been blessed with the gift of fast healing, naomi is bound to get caught in the crossfire of some students at work. mainly decorating her hands and arms, she wears these light scars proudly if it means their growth is consistent. no prominent ones reside against her skin.


      lizeth selene.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Vera Bryant


    #red court

    #cara delevingne

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Silas Rafael



    #tom webb

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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iphi windsor

  • req.

    #no saint

    iphigenia 'iphi' windsor
    mar 22 / 27 years
    the outskirts
    the red court, member
    crime, majority of
    secretive; known only as the 'voidwalker' and nothing more




    #red court

    5'10" / 1.78m
    53kg / 117lbs
    thin, almost ghoulish. in spite of her sickly figure, iphi carries herself with a distinct air of importance begetting for that of royalty.
    hair colour
    platinum blonde, bordering on silver.
    eye colour
    ocean blue
    body mods
    iphi's initiation became her definition of sin. what she did to others, what was done to her, left her with scars forever lasting. among those scars include a missing fingertip, a left eye abrasion so severe a part of her sclera is permanently bloodshot, and lashes of welts across her spine. it earned her the red courts symbol, tattooed on her tongue.
    for the red courts uniform, her garments consist of the required red, white, and a touch of black. her style consists of form fitting clothing, embracing her ghostly appearance and captalising on the fears of others. in her down time, iphi still prefers the red courts colour scheme, though she dresses more 'proper'; you wouldn't believe she hailed from the slums upon seeing her.
    face claim
    sasha luss





♡coded by uxie♡


  • majestic.

    Midnight Sun.




    • 01.



      Rowan Lyer Booker



      "Midnight Sun"






      cisgender female (she/her pronouns)






      Sentinel Proper



      Team Majestic Captain



      ana de armas




      body type.

      being on the taller side, rowan has the appearance of a thinner woman; slightly lean, not a lot of muscle, most people see her and believe they can knock her over in one hit. but, being a skilled and talented mutant, she's got a lot of strength hidden in her body. definitely a bit of a surprise to those she meets for the first time.

      hair color.

      rowan's natural hair color is a dark chocolate shade of brown. not dark enough to be mistaken for black, but with the caramel highlights she regularly gets, there's a degree of contrast between such light and dark colors.

      eye color.

      a stunning hazel; the perfect middle point between brown and green, her eyes serve as her most noticeable feature.


      rowan has been advised many times to not get tattoos in the spirit of keeping her identity secret, but rowan has simply learned to mask her tattoos with her magic. she has a few along her arms, even snaking around to her shoulder and back. her favorite one is a massive piece on her right thigh.


      due to her upbringing, rowan has many scars along her body. it's what she attempts to hide with her tattoos as the scars remind her of her past.


      rowan LOVES dressing up. the only time you will catch her not dressed to the nines is when it's her day off and she's chillin at home

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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lola wright

  • req.


    * full name
    dolores wright
    * nickname
    wants to be known and addressed only as "lola" — she'll freaking lose it on you otherwise.
    * mutant alias
    la douleur. (means exquisite pain) only lola would think it was a smart idea to give herself an alias that no one else can even pronounce, she isn't even french.
    * d.o.b.
    october 31st || 28 years old
    * p.o.b.
    sentinel proper.
    * power/abilities
    pain illusion.
    * guild
    myriad. lola has been an initiate for some time now, much to her disappointment.
    * occupation
    if lola isn't working at the guild she is most likely back at home in the centre of sentinel proper. besides, why get a job when you have a wealthy family name to live off of?
    * reputation
    famous because of her family's name, but unfortunately has a low profile when it comes to her alias. lola wants to be known and really dislikes all of the rules when it comes to her secret identity, but she does enjoy the little rumors she hears when people talk about her ability.





    * height & weight
    5'5'' (1.68 m) || 120 lbs (54 kg)
    * body type
    on the thinner side of average. lola often carries herself with importance, her chin high and described as snooty.
    * hair color
    dark, very dark brown hair. normally it's a shoulder medium length with a wavy bounce, along with a long side bang that's normally on her right side of the face. she always thought it fixed her bad angle.
    * eye color
    big and somewhat doe-like eyes, she can't help but be very expressive through them. they've always been strange — she realized that sometimes it has a tendency to appear light brown on some days, but when she is feeling rather cheeky and devious, they go completely dark.
    * body modification(s)
    has had her ears pierced for as long as she could remember, they still are. another thing about lola, it is a public media knowledge that she has a tattoo but no one knows what is it or where it is on her body, which gets the media talking. she has a fine line scorpion red tattoo on the left side of her ribcage. lola was eighteen when she got it, a gift to herself.
    * sense of style
    a walking audrey hepburn inspiration. being born in the family she's in, lola was always told that she needed to look presentable and polished — never let them see your wrinkles and untidiness. would describe her fashion sense to be elegant, minimalist and very sophisticated, preppy style that seems passionate, much like her. associates her wardrobe with muted color palette of red, black, white and grey.
    * face claim
    aubrey plaza.





♡coded by uxie♡


    • 04
      full name
      blaire kato
      female - she/her
      date of birth
      january 3rd
      place of birth
      north sentinel
      it was divine.





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  • Rosaline Hawthorne

    # power // emotional manipulation

    # fc // hande ercel

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    Aurora Osbourne

    # power // singing hypnotism

    # fc // sabrina carpenter

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Charlotte Rae Falconer



    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Viktor 'Oneiros ' König


    #The Myriad

    #Gabriel Macht

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Ashley Berzinz
  • i
    full name
    Ashley Berzins
    date of birth
    9th July
coded by natasha.

  • candice "candy" lane

    # wound/pain transference

    # red court

    # maddie phillips

    ♡coded by uxie♡

    estella osbourne

    # perception manipulation

    # green field

    # aslihan malbora

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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kolya "warlock" devushkin

#dimensional manipulation



♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Nikodem "Niko" Wrona


    #the bone witch

    ♡coded by uxie♡


    Name: Nikodem Anatol Wrona
    Nicknames: Niko
    mutant alias: The Bone Witch
    age: 24
    gender: demi-guy
    pronouns: they/he
    sexuality: androsexual
    date of birth: January 28th, 1999
    place of birth: Sentinel General Hospital in North Sentinel

    power/ability: Scrying, using animal bones (and a bit of blood), carved with ancient superhuman runes, passed down from generation to generation, Niko is able to scry certain knowledge of certain people.

    power exception: Scrying isn’t easy, not just anyone can do it, it takes an innate ability that not everyone has, but it also takes extra steps and time. The type of scrying Niko can do is extremely accurate but also extremely dependent on his time, tools, and focus. Not only do they need the ancestral bones, they need a blessed wooden bowl, stained in the blood of the user. They also need the blood of the person they’re scrying for.

    guild/organization/occupation: The Myriad, secretary to Viktor König

    reputation: Niko is known as a competent but relatively quiet and stoic secretary for the Myriad. What they do in the shadows of the Myriad’s various businesses is seldom known. They are, however, known for consistently wearing short, black silk gloves. They are said to be a gift for loyal service.

    Height: Standing at a lanky 5’6, Niko is of average height with long legs and shorter torso.
    body type: Niko possesses an ectomorphic physique, thin shouldered with a narrow waist and only the barest hint of any musculature. He’s gaunt in nature and would seem sick if not for the proud way he carries himself.
    hair color: Stark white and straight. Fluffy strands fall down past their ears and to their shoulders, like cotton candy or cirrus clouds.
    eye color: Steel blue. Eyes like Niko’s have been referred to as: “lifeless”, “dead”, “cold”. There’s little kindness left for others in Niko’s eyes; they reserve amiable glances for only those in the Myriad, it seems. However, if looking at Niko in a gentle light, one could say they sparkle with mischievousness every once in a while. A glint that turns cold steel gray to warm water blue, if only for a second.
    tattoos: Niko has little use for tattoos as they’re considered unprofessional in his line of legal work. However, on his ribs, where hardly anyone ever sees, is a tiny stylized sun in blue ink with a few motifs surrounding it.
    piercings: Two lobe piercings and a nostril piercing that is removed for above ground business.
    scars: Beyond a few scars on their shoulders and fingertips, no others can be found.
    ailments: n/a
    style: An androgynous take on business casual that most find unoffensive.
    faceclaim: Cameron Hill

    virtues: quiet, intelligent, clever, thoughtful, organized, professional, protective, tidy
    vices: calculative, secretive, impersonable, blunt, wary
    likes: office supplies, old texts, collecting relics, soft rain, feeding strays, schedules, organizing, cleaning, reading fashion mags (guilty pleasure), shopping
    dislikes: sour candies, disorganization, isolated loud noises, the color blue, arrogance without charm, eye contact
    skills: clerical work, scrying, cooking
    habits: taps his mouth with his fingers when he's thinking, fiddles with a metal band on his wrist when he's anxious, will not look others in the eyes for too long, preferring to focus on charts and whatnot in his hands
    fears: the death of his adoptive family, specifically his younger sister

    The Wronas, despite being a part of the Myriad and immigrant Superhumans, were a very loving family. Dawid and Alicja Wrona, from Poland, moved to Sentinel City and joined the Myriad at the behest of a cousin. Mikolaj Wrona felt that Alicja’s ability to scry could be supremely beneficial to the Myriad and knew the young couple were planning to move anyways to have a safer life for their unborn child. The Wronas were well liked. The Sentinel Wronas had a long standing loyalty to the Myriad and the Polish Wronas were quickly becoming the same. It was very tragic when Dawid was killed ten years later in a business deal gone wrong. Even more so when Alicja deteriorated and passed not soon after from a broken heart. Dawid left behind a single gunmetal bangle and Alicja her scrying powers, along with countless texts on how her family used them. Nikodem, though orphaned, was quickly placed in the care of his Uncle Mikolaj. For a few years, it was just the two, before Mikolaj met Daniella. The wedding was a grand affair, with Niko as the best man. The Wrona family (and the Myriad) welcomed Lydia Wrona two years later. It was at this time, when Niko was sixteen, that his induction to the Myriad began. It was time for him to get serious in both the legal and illegal sides of the Myriad’s businesses. Nowadays, Niko works as a secretary for Viktor König, doing both clerical work and scrying when needed for both Viktor and Julian Grant. Niko enjoys a good friendship with Charlotte Falconer, but thinks Victor can be annoying if not a fantastic lawyer. He tells him as such but Niko likes to think Victor appreciates their frenemyship.

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  • * Lucian Corwin

    • req.


      * d.o.b.
      nov 10 / 27yrs old
      * p.o.b.
      sentinel proper
      * alias
      * guild
      the magpies
      * power/ability
      memory manipulation
      * occupation
      a tragic "inheritor"
      * faceclaim
      jonathan bailey

      * he/him

      * pansexual

      * scorpio

      * the magpies

      * height
      6'2" (1.88m)
      * weight
      175lbs (79kg)
      * body type
      lucian has a lean, athletic body that reflects both strength and agility. his build is well-proportioned, with broad shoulders that taper down to a slim waist, made of muscles that are defined but not overly bulky. his frame is toned and versatile and he carries himself with a natural confidence; his posture straight and poised, exuding a sense of control and elegance. with muscular arms and visibly defined biceps and triceps, his physique hints at the disciplined workouts behind his build. his chest is firm and well-defined, complimenting the overall symmetry of his body. lucian's physique is a blend of strength, grace, and subtle power, perfectly matching the refined, yet cunning ambition that burns inside.
      * hair
      thick, dark brown hair with a simple short back and sides with longer length on top, emphasising his sharp jawline and chiseled features. usually sleekly swept back or to the side using a light pomade.
      * eye colour
      pools of shadowed amber, deep and dark as the heart of a stormy night. they gleam with a sinister intensity, as if concealing secrets whispered in the dark. his gaze, piercing and unfathomable, has the unsettling quality of a predator's—sharp and all-seeing, capable of stripping away pretense and revealing the vulnerabilities beneath. those dark, smoldering eyes seem to harbor a quiet malevolence, like the calm before a tempest, waiting to unleash their hidden fury.
      * tattoos
      * piercings
      * scars
      * ailments
      * style
      lucian's style is a sophisticated blend of classic elegance and modern flair. he often gravitates towards tailored, well-fitted clothing that highlights his athletic build and sharp features. his fashion choices reflect a polished, refined aesthetic. for formal events, lucian often opts for sharp, tailored suits, usually in dark, neutral tones like black, navy, or charcoal. he typically pairs these with crisp white shirts and slim ties, giving him a timeless, debonair look. in more casual settings, lucian's style is relaxed yet still well put-together. he often wears fitted jeans or trousers, paired with simple yet stylish tops like crewneck sweaters, button-down shirts, or well-cut jackets. his casual looks often feature muted tones, with a focus on quality fabrics and clean lines, creating a look that is both effortless and sophisticated. lucian also pays attention to details, often accessorising with minimalist watches, sleek shoes, and occasionally, subtle jewellery like a ring or bracelet. his overall style is the perfect balance of traditional and contemporary, exuding an understated confidence and a strong sense of personal taste.





    ♡coded by uxie♡

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fluticasone fluticasone fluticasone
Ann Akimiya
She/Her - Twenty-Three (23)
5'7" (170.18)
body type
chronic neck pain
bullet wound in shoulder
korean and japanese flags fused, rainbow rose on arm, crown behind her ear, 美 on her wrist
varied, flashy
business district
Ann Akimiya
Cultured Queen | aka Silk | @TeamDemise member | Might delete later
3d After three years of villainy, I've finally bought back everything I left behind when my parents kicked me out. Thank you to everyone who's supported me on this journey and here's to many more years to come.
January 4, 2023 Feeling thirsty, might delete later.
December 26, 2022 Silk is back in action. We'll be doing a twenty-four hour live stream on twitch.tv/String_Theory. Hope to see you there!
November 27, 2022 I lived bitch. @SOTO
January 1, 2022 New Year, New Me
December 10, 2021 Calling me an industry plant is so funny because last I heard my parents sold the company and moved back to Seoul.
December 10, 2021 Breaking my silence.
December 5, 2021 Hello, Silk Spinners! In celebration of my new sponsorship with @Villanous, I'm giving away two free, custom supersuits! All you need to do is Repost and hit that follow button.
StringTheory @SentinelTingz
November 21, 2021 BREAKING NEWS! Silk, also known as Ann Akimiya, was seen with Pete Davidson following a public breakup with Icarus.
November 19, 2021 .@TheREALIcarus You've lied, you've cheated, and you've stolen. I could have forgiven all that, but to encroach on my territory? It's over.
StringTheory @TeamDemise
October 31, 2021 Yes the rumors are true! The our favorite thread swinging villain, Silk has wrapped Icarus around her fingers.
November 10, 2020 Welcome to the Silk Spinning Nation.
November 2, 2020 @TeamMajestic, you may have struck me down, but like a butterfly I've metamorphosed into something bigger, better. Prepare to meet your demise.
November 1, 2020 Big things are happening. I can't say what, but stay tuned ;)
October 30, 2020 Hey Team Majestic, is 1.5 million subs enough to get an audition? :)
June 5, 2020 Geez, a million of you want to watch this shit?
January 3, 2019 Alright, with everything settled, I'm going to work on making more videos than ever!
January 2, 2019 Everyone please follow @TraderJoestar! He's a life saver. If you wanna donate to my CashFlow: @AkiAnn23.
January 1, 2019 I just got kicked out of my house for saying I wanted to become a full time content creator 🙃 Anyone wanna let me couch surf? I've got $50 and a dream.
November 20, 2018 I don't know if I can keep doing this. My grades are shit. I can't sleep. I miss my friends. Everyone tells me I should be lucky that my parents are paying for everything but that just means my life belongs to them.
November 12, 2018 Yep, academic probation
October 20, 2018 I might have to cut back on videos. My advisor's saying I'm gonna end up on academic probation
August 22, 2018 God I hate chemistry. It's like attending the center all over again.
August 21, 2018 Wow, this blew up. Follow me on twitch and subscribe to my YT channel.
August 21, 2018 Sentinel isn't a real city. It's just nine guilds in a trench coat.
August 17, 2018 Back-to-school streaming all week! @ twitch.tv/String_Theory
April 20, 2018 I got accepted to Uni. Tech money here I come~
April 2, 2018 Just kidding. I'll just have to be more discrete about filming.
April 1, 2018 Guys, I'm giving up YouTube and moving into the woods.
September 20, 2016 Sorry I haven't been posting videos. Turns out slinging without a license is actually illegal, so my parents grounded me. Thanks for all the subs though!
August 14, 2016 One thousand likes and I'll stream myself slinging across the Business District.
July 15, 2015 20k subs? We are so back.
May 31, 2015 Whatever, here's my second channel. I do fashion hauls and talk about cool stuff. https: //www.youtube. com/channel/StringTheories I also stream on Twitch every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (don't tell my parents).
May 30, 2015 What the FUCK @YouTube? It's called FAIR USE. You can't strike me just cause I used a few seconds of a Disney song.
April 15, 2015 OMG! It's been a long two years, but we finally got 10k subs!
July 16, 2014 Apparently I used to have a twenty-four hour nanny for the first five years of my life because I kept accidentally choking myself. Thank goodness for rich parents, cause God knows Mom was too busy with shootin' the shit with big wigs to learn about how to care for mutants. #loredrop
June 1, 2014 Ok so my friend told me to post my YouTube here so here you go! https:// www.youtube. com/channel/StringTheory1
May 31, 2014 What should i do with this thing? My mom says not to post pics online but...
September 5th, 2013 Thank you for 100 followers! I love you guys so much <3
August 24, 2013 First day of eighth grade!
August 23, 2013 I'm soooo BORED! thank god i only have two more days at the enrichment center...
June 12, 2013 Just got this account! Can't wait to make new friends :D
I'm greedy. I want all the smoke.
This scrolls V

Flashy, expensive, and phone-addicted, she fits the social media influencer stereotype. When she isn't out playing villain, she stays in touch with current trends and discovers new interests, throwing her time towards whatever hobby she's picked up this month. She doesn't hesitate to buy whatever piques her interest and rarely regrets her purchases.

Ann is the person to go to if they're looking for collectibles, limited edition goods, or even less frivolous objects like computer parts or furniture. She's amassed a large collection and if anyone wonders where she bought them she'll smirk and say "don't worry about it." Money is no object and if someone needs something that she doesn't then why keep it? Plus she could always steal buy more. As much as she frames herself as catty and materialistic, she takes joy in giving gifts and helping others.

Bright lipstick and bleach blonde hair distinguish her from the crowd while a litany of chains drape across her eclectic outfits. She revels in the attention and has, more than once, handicapped herself when playing cat and mouse with a new hero. There's a certain high that can't be replicated with using your mutant abilities to weasel out of situations so she waits until a situation is truly dire to fight back. She likes being that "ace," the wild card, that dark horse that manages to gain the adoration of the crowd in spite of adversity. If somebody doesn't see that in her then she may damn well look like a fool trying to convince them otherwise.

Those who do give her the time of day will find a slick, if not somewhat sassy girl. Ann will talk about anything from the weather to someone's origin story to her deluge of recent purchases. Whether it's because of her lofty dreams or lack of attention span, she'll dart from one subject to another, barraging her audience with questions and random bits of trivia until she can find a point of connection (good or bad). Whether that means giving gifts, roping them into a risky scheme, or goading them into a bet, she knows how to garner a reaction. More than anything, wants to create an experience for those she bonds with, be they a friend or foe. She welcomes adventure in all forms and as long they can keep up, they'll be thick as thieves.
Generous, Outgoing, Adaptive, Curious, Clever
Impulsive, Attention Hungry, Roguish, Careless, Petty
Fashion, Reading, Social Media, Cinema, Photography
Watching Sports, Driving, Cold Weather, Chewing Noises, Snoring
Removes bones before eating, Sings parodies in the shower, Saves dozens of drafts
old age, a boring death, failure
Acrobatics, Photography, Graphic Design, Makeup, Python, CSS, HTML
Love her, hate her, either way she'll make sure you know her. Anyone remotely online knows of String Theory, aka Ann Akimiya, aka Silk. She has no secret identity as she believes that tying her two identities together will form a stronger parasocial relationship. Unfortunately who aren't enamored or amused by her antics tend to find her vapid, annoying, and attention hungry.
String Manipulation.txt
She can control any fiber she touches. During this process, these threads can stretch any length, though its strength will weaken based on the length and width of the thread. This includes those in her body, which she can manipulate to snare objects, maneuver, and mend. Her body's "thread" is akin to braided steel though non-metallic, more flexible, and retractable. Cutting her body's thread will wound her and depending on how much is cut off, cause amputation at the source of the thread.
Koharu Nagayama
She is an online friend who likes Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man. Aside from being a supertaster, she does not appear to have any mutant abilities.
Jouga Jonouchi
No, I can't. I promised I would do a photoshoot with TSS.
He is her manager and the one who initially housed her after she was kicked out of her parents' home. Though not directly involved in Team Demise's affairs, he does handle her finances and all the "boring stuff" she never learned how to do. He has the ability of temporary duplication.
Bai Yuan Yue
Good luck in today's match! Don't go down without taking one of them with you!
Her best friend for life. Despite parting ways when she dropped out of school, the two maintained contact. True to her name, Yuan Yue is unaffiliated and works alone. Money and information are her only motivators. It is unknown whether or not she has mutant abilities.
Ichabod Bouziane (Icarus)
Getting real close to the sun there, buddy.
Publicly, known as @TheRealIcarus, he is another member in Team Demise's roster. Due to Silk's popularity and Icarus' fading popularity, Team Demise decided that to shake things up with a messy, villainous tryst. They broke up after approximately a month and though they have an outward reputation of being bitter exes and rivals, they're actually on good terms. As his alias suggests, he can sprout wings, fly, and weaponize his feathers.
Lucian Corwin
I mean I'll never turn down a free meal from you ;)
They met when they were teenagers, both rich kids sneaking into the outskirts. He was one of the first people to reach out after she was cut off from her parents. Whether by coincidence or design, they've become two sides of the same coin. Their approaches to food, fashion, and even literature vastly differ, yet they appreciate it all the same. Though they're part of different guilds it hasn't stopped them from riding the line between best friends and budding romance. She's aware of their diverging goals and the desire to keep things platonic but can't help but reach out (even knowing his powers will leave know trace of her dalliance).
Leiko Kay
All I asked was for you to stay. We didn't have to make it deep.
She was Ann's first love. It started off as a fling spurned by Ann wanting something smuggled out of Japan. but turned into nights of drinking on rooftops, small scale missions, and spinning chaos in Sentinel Proper. Little gifts like boba and lemon candies turned into a burgeoning romance. But Ann is ambitious, she wants to take their romance outside the bounds of the city and plan a vacation somewhere--perhaps outside the bounds of their hookup. If The Magpie flies away however, she'll be taking her heart with her.
Marianne Pasternak
What happened last night? Did someone throw up again?
Clubbing buddies, daredevils, and influencers, they could almost be peas in a pod. Though Ann does not partake, they've been known to attend illegal street races and drink.
Antonia Romera
Come on, we should totally have a girl's night!
Despite being from different guilds, Antonia and Ann struck up a friendship during a car meet/street racing event. At the time Toni had been as much of a partier as Ann and Lysander, though definitely more reasonable. Ann made it her mission to repair the relationship between Toni and her sense of style. Dressing for yourself rather than the public (or some perverts) was an idea she held strongly in her heart. Not to mention that Ann could be a makeshift bungie cord for Toni whenever she wanted to scratch that daredevil itch. After her family was murdered, she toned down her partying quite a bit and while Ann did her best to console her, she lacked the tools to alleviate her grief. Since the day Ann started her affair with Lysander, she's slightly distanced herself from Toni--guilt awash every time that they do hang out.
Lysander Favager
She told me she's working late tonight so we should be good.
They met through Toni around the time that she joined Team Demise. Despite being a member of Team Majestic, they hit off due to their mutual interest in luxury items and partying. Secret omakase, drug trips, and late night adventures caused them to grow closer. As much as she hated to admit it, she began crushing on Lys hard and no amount of Lucian seemed to stave it off. Between Antonia receding back into her shell and the two continuing to go on not-dates together the affair just sort of...happened. She tells herself that she's betraying Toni and that she'll break things off once Lys and Toni get married but for now, she'll enjoy a love that belongs to them and them alone.
Ariel Jacqueline Lancaster
Lucky Charms as a nickname is CRAZY.
Though they have similar personalities, the two don't have much in common so they don't interact outside of work...and bullying Casper.
Edmund Deluca
Oh so you cheated?
Ann's friendship with Edmund allows her to enjoy three underrrated past times: annoying Miri, gambling, and cheating. They get along fairly well, due in part to his constant teasing over her wanting attention and her snarky responses. Their favorite activity is gambling, but after discovering his ability to manipulate probability, she decided to retaliate in her own way: cheating. It's a game of Spy vs. Spy whenever they face off, it's a contest between whose the better manipulator.
Miranda (Miri) Alighieri
Mmmmm no <3.
People who call Ann a diva have not met Miranda Miri. Though she tries to be professional to Team Demise's captain, it's difficult to be respectful when she gets posessive over a friend of all things. The jealousy has only driven Ann to hang out with Edmund more because at her heart, Ann is a spiteful bitch.
Casper Samson
Listen, it's not my fault the SOTO boy couldn't fight for shit.
She's a bully and he's simultaneously her biggest ally and a victim (of both her and AJ). As equally brash--sometimes obnoxious souls, they banter endlessly during meetings. It's a show of respect and well as camraderie because frankly, she wouldn't settle for any other PR rep.
Rosaline Hawthorne
Come on, I think I know where his car is.
They're good friends and co-workers with an oddly similar taste in partners. Ann often acts as a buffer for Rosa's more extreme mood swings and takes advantage of their PTO to go out and get ice cream, smash some cars, and whatever else. She appreciates the confidence boost that Rosa gives in battle, though there are some unfortunate times where that Ann retains residual feelings after leaving the workplace.
Nikodem Wrona
I swear at this point you've memorized Viktor's credit card number.
She would murder for him or at least, snag away the last pair of vintage Louboutins. They met at the shopping mall when Ann was fighting someone for the last of a limited run shirt. As she was about to fight Niko intervened, saving her from an assault charge and the other person a black eye. From then on, their love of fashion, sass, and gossip has kept them together. It also helps that they're damn near the same size in everything.
cassandra cummings
Don't make trouble for me and I won't make trouble for you! :)
After accidentally injuring a civilian, Silk was taken in by Cassandra for suspicion of being part of a bigger operation. As much as she swore that the whole incident was a misunderstanding, Cassandra was unrelenting in her convictions, going so far as to deprive Ann of her senses. But all was not lost for our not-hero. With some quick thinking, she finalged her way out of Seeker's grasp. All that's left is holding on to that trump card should she come back for round two.
Carl Evans (do not pick up)
You're the copy, I'm the blueprint, bestie
Where to begin? They met in TEC when they were young and ended on bad terms when she left and he decided to retaliate by riddling her hair with chewed gum. It wasn't until they were both in Team Demise that they saw each other again. While she's glad he's alive, a rivalry has brewed between them due to occupying similar niches. Still, for all of their shit talking, she'd be damned if someone tried seriously going after him.
You killed it on Main Street! I don't know how the hell you weren't caught though.
They're both street artists in their own right, one preferring to shitpost and the other making works of art. Sometimes they collaborate and other times, they're content to work side-by-side, but in either case she finds respite in someone knowing her only by her acts rather than her persona. He's also fun to smoke weed with.
Owen Murphy
8PM, The Glitz n' Glam. Tell them you're with Silk.
He caught her in 4k trying to do a Spider-Man upside down kiss before promptly eating pavement. While it wasn't entirely his fault that the photos were released she teases him about it being the reason why she didn't make it to Team Majestic. As much as she teases him however, she sees him as a close friend and God help anyone who tries hurting him--she's his bully and nobody else! On the odd occasion that Team Demise has an after party, he's usually the first person she extends an invite to. He has to get her good side after al
Vivian Knox
You won't believe what happened.
Her advisory bartender and the second person she spills all the tea to.
Rex Isaac
I solemnly swear I'll keep making ya proud.
Rex is one of Ann's friends and the one who secured her an audition. Having met in the Outskirts while they were younger, Ann wormed her way into her heart and reconnected after getting kicked out of her home.
Ignacious Ectorius
I think 99/100 is a pretty good score for someone without music powers~
She first met Ignacious after attending one of his concerts. Though not a long time fan, she always appreciated music. After some back and forth the two have become karaoke buddies, both drunk and sober.
Genevieve Nash
Stop texting me when you're half asleep, I'm not smart enough for your cyphers.
Neve is a quintessential part of Team Demise's troublesome trio. Not only does she act as the buffer and audience member of Karl and Ann's disputes, but also adds her own mischief to the party. And just as is the case with Karl, don't hurt her unless you want to be strung and quartered.
Casimir Skinner
How did you manage to beat me in anarchy chess?
They met during geocaching when she snuck into a location that he couldn't reach. After exchanging numbers they became geocaching buddies and board game buddies. Where he knew chess, she studied Go and after teaching him the tricks...he's totally kicking her ass. She still wins once in a while though, so she's BASICALLY better right?
Kaycee Park
We can't end on a LOSS!
Discounting her long time frenemy, Kaycee is the person who she plays video games the most. Ann initially met him online, only knowing him by his username until finding out that he also lived in Sentinel City. The two met up and luckily, their friendship translated just as well in real life as it did online.
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