Usurpers of Hearth

Grahame Luck

New Member

Five men, all friends since childhood, have risen to a power equal of their King and Senate. (The Senate acts as a bunch of advisors)

These five men grow tired of their leaders squabbling over politics and not making actions to improve the country of Sinew.

They successfully execute the assassination of their King and the entire Senate, and even get to point their fingers at the religious fanatics which are the enemy of Sinew.

The next step in the takeover is to launch the worlds first missile, a nuclear one, at the innocent religious fanatics. Their entire island is wiped from the map. All that remains now is the large continent of Sinew.

One last thing remains: A general to command their armies. One man was a war hero, he was to be the general.

Now, the six men have proclaimed themselves the Six Kings, promising the people a better life, a safer life. Many citizens speculate about this. Will a rebellion rise or will the world praise these new leaders?

Important Information

This world is set in Steampunk environment, and in 1944.

Sinew is a giant land mass surrounded by sea with a small island next to it called Piety (Pie-tee) The planet is called Hearth.

A brief overview of the Six Kings:

The Leader, Charles Winfold. The one who controls the five others and the organisation they created which rules the world as we know it.

The Military Colonel, Hans Kriskoff. He rules the majority of the army controlled by the organisation and quells any rebellion on any corner of the planet.

The Economist, Ralph Plaw. Keeping the flow of money circulating around the world, he keeps everything in check with stock prices and when needed, halts flow to a certain location for various reasons.

The Mastermind, Theodore Quinn. The genius behind the whole plan to overthrow the government before the organisation took over. He designed the nuclear weapon which desecrated Piety and this in turn started a chain of events leading to the present world today.

The Psychic, Phillip Phin. Able to read minds of people he's looking at directly, his aid in the world domination helped greatly in destroying the world economy and leaving the organisation to rebuild it.

The Engineer, Joseph Mckensy. Furthering the technology of science, he and his team of scientist create many contraptions with their limited tools of steam. His body was burnt badly as a child. He learned most of his knowledge from watching endless tapes on engineering in hospital for several years. His team invented a special suit that hides his burnt flesh and keeps him alive.

These six men are never seen together in the one place at the same time. They each have their own sections of the world to monitor and meet once a month through holographic devices to discuss matters of the world. The one time they were all seen together and known as The Six Kings was when the nuclear device was launched on November 2, 1936.

Your character can be the following:


-Riot Officer

-One of the Six Kings. (PM me about that)


This role-play is (M15+) it will contain the following:


Adult themes

Explicit language

Lots of (girly) drama.

To participate in this role-play, the forum and the players will not be held accountable for whatever you read if you are underage. This bold text says so.

H20 (Water) has no impurities. This means there is no bouyancy which means nothing by hydrogen can float on it. It also means that steam is more efficient. The water is drinkable since the people do not have reverse omnosis.

Formal and informal language is English. Artistic language is German. (Music and entertaining literature) If somebody speaks German, they are considered to be flirting, making a joke, or insulting somebody. E.g: "Sie suchen feinen heute." (You are looking fine today) or, "Raus aus meinem Gesicht, Schweinehund!" (Get out of my face, pigdog!) A German insult shows passion and pure hate, it's the worst kind of insult possible.

If a song or piece of literature is sang or written in English, it is considered educational, serious, and/or important.

Please use Google Translate, even if you know German. (Google Translate often messes up the sentences, but if we all use it, it will make sense)

Post format:

<Date: 00:00AM/PM - 00:00AM/PM. DAY, MONTH, YEAR>

<Your roleplay>

The date is crucial. It tells everybody how long it takes for your turn to happen. Your time is not arbitrary on other people. E.g:

Player 1: 12:35PM - 1:20PM. 23/4/1944

Bob walked down the street, it was a nice, long walk.

Player 2: 12:50PM - 1:00PM 23rd of April, 1944

Frank saw a man walk down the street. He kept walking.

It does not matter how you state the date and time, as long as you follow the format.


The rebellion has two sides. The remnants of Piety who are deeply religious and spiritual, the home country was itself considered sacred. The other side of the rebellion believes the Six Kings killed the real king and are evil.

Riot Officers stop the rebels by any means necessary. Batons, guns, explosives, whatever the case may be. Most officers start off trying to make a better world and over time turn into cruel and corrupt, not all though.

To be one of the Six Kings, PM me and I'll give you full details on their personalities and their history. Read it all and understand who they are. If there's something you don't like about the character, or you want to add your own little thing(s), we can make some sort of agreement.

Citizens are everyday people who praise the Six Kings. The rebels will often try to convert them to their cause and sometimes they do, sometimes it doesn't go right and things get intense.

History (Brief)

During the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) Steam was widely used and expanded over the world. Fossil Fuels were never discovered so technology was limited to steam engines.

1900 - The First of the six future leaders were born.

1902 - First steam engine plane was invented

1906 - The war between Sinew and Piety breaks out and lasts for three decades.

1923 - 1930 - Many advancements in technology which are similar to modern times and even futuristic.

1936 - The organisation known as The Six Kings is officially formed. Shortly after forming the organisation, their first action was to launch the world's first Nuclear Steam Missile. (NSM)

1937 - Piety is declared a wasteland for their treachery against the King. The Denizens of Sinew praise the Six Kings.

1940 - The first rebellion outbreak recorded since the takeover of Sinew over a convincing conspiracy.

1944 - Organisation The Six Kings have total world domination.

The current date is the 29th of October, 1944.

Unimportant (but interesting) Information

1902 - First steam engine plane invented

TODAY is a historical day for man! Mankind has conquered the land and now we have conquered the skies by making the first man fly in the worlds first ‘aeroplane’ created by the Pieties.

The Pieties have given the King of Sinew the schematics of the aeroplane and are showing our engineers how it works. A spokesman, Robert Jenny says, “We are extremely glad the President of Piety allowed us to fly the skies alongside his men. In the near and far future I can see many ways we can use this as a way to travel and to promise a lasting relationship with our ally.”

The technology behind the aeroplane is called ‘aero dynamics’ which uses the wind to keep the plane gliding like a bird taking a rest from flapping it’s wings after a long journey.

The minister of defence is most intrigued by this newfound technology and asks for planes to be militarized. An official answer by the King is yet to be heard of.

1906 - War between Sinew and Piety

The President of the Republic of Piety believes that he was contacted directly from his almighty god, Kel’Rum. The God demanded that the blasphemers across the emptiness (Jargon for 'water') must pay for not bowing down to him. The President, Thomas Lowing immediately assembled his army to sneak-attack Sinew. As confident as he was, his country doubted his actions but were reassured once he gave his speech the following night after the first strike in Sinew began.

“My fellow Pieties. Approximately twenty four hours ago, I was directly contacted by Kel’Rum himself. He demands that the Sinewers pay with their lives for not worshipping his almightiness. I dare not refuse the word of Kel’Rum for that it would bring destruction upon us. If blood must be spilled for our lord, who are we to reject his word? The blasphemers must pay.”

The roar of clapping filled the stadium and the King of Sinew refused to be beaten but for 30 years they were unable to assimilate Piety until the nuclear incident occurred.

There are many war stories on both sides but there are none other than the Holding of Tenningville, a coastal town of Sinew. A total of 535 men were deployed to that town in 1910 and every single man held off Tenningville until their dying breathe. In the end it was a loss for Sinew but they defended it against all odds… For 10 years they held the town until the final push on 1920 when the Piety went behind enemy lines to infiltrate and plant TEBs. (Toxic Emission Bombs)

1923 - 1930 - Many advancements in technology which are similar to modern times and even futuristic.

The advancements in technology cover these items:

Exoskeleton suits (1925)

Powered by boiling water which is in a tank on the back of the unit. It weighs exactly 240kg. Due to how heavy it is, it is used as a distraction, a dummy.

The subject wearing the suit will be equipped with a heavy weapon such as a machine gun. While it is suppressing fire, squads can move in undetected and take out the enemy.

The suits’ heat grows rapidly so recommended use of time is 10 minutes. Subjects who have used suits longer than 10 minutes have had the following side effects:

-Hypothermia (20 minutes of use)

-Dehydration (15 minutes of use)

-First degree burns (30 minutes of use)

Unknown effects beyond 30 minutes of use. Hypothesis’ suggest burns intensify.

Heat-seeking missiles. (1923)

Weights 50kg and has a radius of 100 meters. Explosive radius is 10 feet in all directions.

Recommended use: Anti-infantry

Note: Missiles aim at the hottest thing it can see ahead of it within 100 meters.

Due to light weight, not much water is incorporated into the missile and is relatively slow, travelling at 5km/hr. The initiated fire sends it 10 meters in the air then it activates and flies at its closest, hottest target.

Detonation is precisely .03 seconds after impact with target.


Combat Drones. (1930)

Developed by Joseph Mckensy and his private team of scientist and granted to the King of Sinew for the greater good of the Empire and His Majesty, the first Combat Drone to replace the trooper has been developed.

Remotely controlled or programmed, these droids can kill by the hundreds and only be damaged by dents and explosives.

Equipped with assault rifles, 8 rockets with explosive radius of 5 feet in all directions, it is an effective tool against any threat.

Once decommissioned in combat they will immediately detonate. I cannot stress how much you must keep the drones separate from one another for the event when one is shot down it will blow up and destroy everything around it.

It’s tank is filled with six hours worth of water which makes it limited to only one fourth of a day’s work until it shuts down and self destructs, lest the enemy captures one.

1940 - The first rebellion outbreak recorded since the takeover of Sinew.

In the Economical Section of Sinew, trouble is brewing. The citizens feel the Six Kings are evil and create more evil. They rebel because they want their King back or because of the Nuclear Incident and there is also the remnants of Kel’Rum who side with the rebels. Will the rebellion tremble from its own disagreements between the King and Kel’Rum, will The Six Kings empire destroy them or will the rebels find a truce and attempt to overthrow the Six Kings?

1936 - The organisation known as The Six Kings is officially formed. Shortly after forming the organisation, their first action was to launch the world's first Nuclear Steam Missile. (NSM)

There was much turbulence in the politics in this time. The Six Kings were seen as heroes and their growing military was seen as a threat. They grew tired of the politics and blew up the assembly chamber in 1938 while there was a meeting on, killing the King, his family and every political party that attended the meeting. Those who were not at the meeting were hunted down and assassinated. Piety was blamed for the terrorist attack. The Six Kings declared themselves the new world leaders, each taking a region of the world for themselves.

In 1942 they met a man called Colonel Hans Kriskoff and offered him a position in their organisation. It took much persuasion but he eventually submitted to their whim to crush any rebellions.

P.S: If I have left anything you think is needed, give me a heads up! This is my first RP I've made here.

P.S.S: I really want some fan art of this stuff. PM me for specific details, or you can surprise me.
This RP is boss. I'm making a character now. I'm assuming that particularly talented engineers can make new devices or make improvements on existing ones? I'll have a list of such things with my character sheet.
Riddle78 said:
This RP is boss. I'm making a character now. I'm assuming that particularly talented engineers can make new devices or make improvements on existing ones? I'll have a list of such things with my character sheet.
You can do that, as long as it doesn't have too big of an impact on everybody else, or gives you an advantage over somebody else.
Why hello!

I came here out of curiosity from the thread you left on my intro.

And must I say, I'm very interested to join this RP.

I'll be making a character skeleton immediately. ^^

Oh, and I've read that you want some fan art?

I'm adept at sketching/Traditional Art. [Perhaps I might send you some artworks to tickle your fancy? xD ]
I have sent you a message about the Fan Art. ^^

I do have a question though, can I include a picture of my character in the character sheet, or is it not needed?
The first few posts should be an introduction, then later on, have your character clash with others. (Some exceptions will apply)

This whole roleplay is based on a story I want to write, but I want it to be unique. Instead of one person getting all the ideas, a multitude of people get the idea and we all share the credit. E.g: Instead of me saying how the rebellion begins, two or more other people can and I document it.
I will be playing as the Six Kings that have not been taken by players. The Engineer is the only one taken up. The Mastermind was asked for, but I haven't heard back from that person in weeks so it's safe to assume he's inactive.

As players take up the characters, they will continue where I stop. I expect that by the end, all six kings will be taken up and I will have my own character.
If you introduce characters, they are your NPCs to control. If they involve interaction with another player, sort it out with the people involved.

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