Upon the Golden Sands


One Thousand Club
This is a chat game. It is not PbP. It will be run via AIM (I would use IRC, but I have trouble with the damned thing). If this is good, read on. If you want to do something else, I'm afraid I'm unwavering on this part.

Still reading? Sweet.

Hi, fellas. Much as it pains me, if I want gaming, I need to run. So, I'm running a game idea that I had to put on the backburner a while ago. It's based in the South, so just remember that when you're cooking up your characters.


What exactly are we playing here?

We're playing Exalted 2e!

How many?

Four to six characters, with five being the optimal number. I will begin a countdown at four full submissions, hasten it at five, and totally close it at six. Full includes my OK on the sheets.

What do you want besides numbers?

Please make a backstory. There's no length minimum (or maximum), but it needs to tell me why your character is interesting enough to tell the story of. Just remember you have to wind up in Chiaroscuro, and can't have been Exalted for more than a year or so (I'm willing to bend a bit on that if you have a dire need).

What do we get to play as?

Solars and Lunars and Terrestrials. I may allow a Redeemobyssal (read: Redemption-path Emo Abyssal, since all Abyssals are emo, especially if they don't like being Abyssals) if you make a really intriguing one. No Sidereals. It's a bother for me to get them to work in a non-Siddie game.

Anything else we should know about character generation?

Take 50 XP off the bat. I detest the minimalistic starting power.

XP? Can I buy backgrounds with that? Complete backgrounds with it instead of BP?

Yeah. I realize this means players will have a lot more Ability dots and more Artifacts and stuff. That just means I bring bigger things. The rate is, as stated in the errata, a flat 3 XP per dot.

Can I have Merits and Flaws from the 1e PHB? What about Wyld mutations?

I'm okay with pretty much any Merit. Flaws...I'm iffy. I won't allow them unless they seem like they'd be a real inconvenience. Amnesia 2 is a story hook at best. As for Wyld mutations, I might be okay with it. Any negative mutations can only provide points for positive ones, though. You can still buy positive ones with BP.


Yes. Please see the Wiki: http://rpg.wikia.com/wiki/Exalted:_Upon ... lden_Sands

A Wiki? Seriously?

Yes! Hopefully, it will host character sheets (along with any updates), notes about everything important to the story, session summaries, and selected quotes from the game. I reward 1 XP for a good summary, and the turns will be round-robin (I'll do the first one, so you guys will know what I consider good).

Aren't we feeling optimistic about this game?

...can we get to the real questions?

So, these houserules...may I propose we change something?

Yes you may! Please do! I want to tailor it to your style. I won't go anywhere totally outrageous, but minor fixes to make certain aspects go along easier (like making speedbump Charms more useful) are totally cool.

You're cool with custom stuff? What about custom artifacts and Charms?

Yes. I love working on custom artifacts with my players. I get quite bored with conventional stuff, and I encourage you to at least name even your most basic daiklaive (though not anything in the Common Artifacts section...that'd get weird). Custom Charms will be under closer scrutiny, but sometimes there's just something you want that stunting can't pull off. I already have lots of behind-the-scenes custom Charms not yet on the Wiki. Full custom trees (and especially MA styles) are allowed, but you better be willing to spend a while working out balance issues with me, and I may reject it entirely if it's totally radical (like an MA style that allows time manipulation, or something).

What kind of game is this going to be? Where will it go?

I plan to provide a Vanilla sort of game, with lots of plothooks. However, I hope for it to be character-oriented, with each person having their own subplots and such. Thus, the more I know about your character, the more you've influenced the direction of the game. Also, I plan for it to be a sort of playground style. I won't railroad you. Feel free to hijack the plot if you think it'll be more interesting that way. But please don't do anything so radical as to start playing a style of game that nobody else wants to.

One further note: If you want to do a specific plot with your character, tell me. I'll try to work it in. Lunar/Solar mate? However you like. Topple a big organization? I can work it in. Of course, larger goals should just be filed as Motivations. I encourage you to make Motivations goals you can accomplish. Also, I'll ask permission before springing anything that might get into uncomfortable territory. Let me know of anything that would qualify under this (outside, you know, X-rated stuff. That's out entirely).

Okay, really, AIM? Why can't you use [insert other chat client here]?

The same reason you don't want to use AIM, most likely. It'd be something new I'd have to learn, and I'm already a fish out of water, since this will be my first chat game.

Right, speaking of that, rolls are all on the honor system, right?

Yes, but I don't like your tone, FAQ. Rolls will be on the honor system unless someone starts getting suspiciously lucky. I'm loathe to bog the game down by asking for dice pools so I can do all the rolls myself. It sounds like a pain in the ass.

Okay, so if we have to use AIM, what's your SN?

Darthman373. I chose it when I was, like, 13, okay? I don't feel like getting a new one.

When are sessions going to be? How often?

Hopefully weekly. As for when, Saturday nights or Sunday nights would the best for me, but we'll see what everyone else can do. Weeknights are iffy.

Anything else we should know?

Not that I can think of.

So...what are you wearing?

This FAQ is over.
I'm game; I've been wanting to get into a game for ages, but they're rather rare out in the boondocks where I live. The one catch is that while I've read the fluff in most of the MoEPs and skimmed several of the Compass series, this would be my first actual play experience. I might take a bit to get comfortable with the setting and mechanics (20 or so books is a bit much to just... learn), so don't hesitate to yell at me if I did something stupid in here. I double-checked it, but several hours of character generation tend to fry my brain.


Charya was one of the abundant poor in Chiaroscuro's outlying areas, born and raised in a cobbled-together shack of giant shards of splintered glass lashed together with rope. She wasn't content with the simple existence, though--the great caravans that passed through the city made the girl well aware that there were higher things in life, and she fully intended to get them. By the age of 14, she'd fallen in with the brigands that sometimes plagued the trade routes, driven to seize a brighter future for herself.

By 17, she ruled one such gang through cunning and manipulation... though she overextended herself when she tried to steal a shipment destined for a thaumaturge in the city, who went by the name of Alzhaine. The man himself intervened, and his magics, though simple, were enough to put the bandits at his mercy. Seeing the potential in their leader, he offered her a simple choice--join him as his bodyguard and take a chance at learning something, or get turned in to the Tri-Khan's forces. Left with little choice, Charya chose to join him.

It was a rather forced way to start off their relationship, but she soon learned to respect, if not like, the old bastard. He was grouchy and bossy, but it was also obvious that there was plenty for her to learn if she stuck around him. And learn she did--when he didn't have her out running errands or standing guard over his workshop during his long hours of study, he taught the girl the occult arts and what little he knew of the lore of the First Age.

And perhaps it would have ended there, if he hadn't noticed a falling star one night. Knowing Starmetal to be valuable beyond his wildest dreams, he dispatched his young charge into the desert to search for the crash site. Of course, she wasn't alone out there, and it happened that she managed to find the downed meteor--at almost the exact same moment as the Sidereal who had been dispatched to find it. With the treasure only yards away and only a lone woman for competition, Charya did the most obvious thing... she attacked the Sidereal in an attempt to scare her off.

Whether it was simply an amusement on the Sidereal's behalf or whether she felt the pull of Fate, she chose to stand and fight the young bodyguard, never letting her wound her, but always pulling her blows so as to not inflict any wounds in return. For hours, they sparred on the shifting sands, until finally, she gave a courteous bow to Charya, scooped up the meteorite, and vanished.

The Sidereal was a low-ranking Gold Faction Chosen of Mysteries by the name of Serenity's End, and she'd seen enough of Charya's drive and skill to be impressed. Pulling a few strings, it wasn't hard for her to have a godly patron mark the girl as a preferred candidate for Exaltation... nor was it long until Charya awoke, bathed in the divine light of the Unconquered Sun.

Since the girl's Exaltation, she's been the subject of numerous brief visits from Serenity's End--though she, of course, took quite a lot of convincing before she would stop trying to kill the Sidereal on their second meeting. These visits have gone far toward grooming her as a local tool of the Gold Faction, with lessons on the true history of the world and tutelage in sorcery that was beyond anything Alzhaine could imagine. While not trusting the lessons completely, Charya has quickly come to agreement with most of the Gold Faction's policies, and has thus made bringing about a second age of Solar rule... with, of course, Sidereal oversight... her goal.

So far, she has only prepared. In the great glass ruins of Chiaroscuro, she has found a long-abandoned manse and refurbished it somewhat, though its geomancy is still upset. With her long studies of ancient lore and sorcery almost complete, Serenity's End has gifted her with a powerful artifact bow to help get the girl on her way. That this bow just happens to match her destructive and un-subtle nature probably isn't a coincidence.

Appearance and Personality

Charya has the dark skin and black hair common to southerners, with her hair usually kept at shoulder-length and pulled into a ponytail. Since her Exaltation, she's taken to wearing simple white robes, though she has light armor and normal clothes for occasions on which she needs to be less conspicuous.

For a self-proclaimed scholar, she isn't particularly calm or subtle. She prefers flashy spells and flashier fights, and she's happiest when she's the center of attention. And hey, how are people going to learn that the Solars aren't monsters if they just hide in the shadows all of the time? She can resort to stealth and trickery when need be, but it's rarely long before something makes her lose her cool and arrows start flying. She can be somewhat haughty and overconfident, to boot... a trait that her newfound belief that Solars deserve to reign Creation hasn't done much to help. Still, for those that can put up with her--and keep her from drawing an entire army down on their heads--she's a loyal and competent ally.

Name: Charya Alim

Concept: Showboating Sorceress

Player: Slime Node

Motivation: To restore the rule of Solars over Creation, starting with Chiaroscuro.

Caste: Twilight

Age: 20


A circling aura of flaming, golden meteors--showy and attention-grabbing, like she prefers, and perhaps a homage to the encounter that led her to exaltation.


Physical (Secondary)

Strength ***

Dexterity ****

Stamina **

Social (Tertiary)

Charisma **

Manipulation ***

Appearance **

Mental (Primary)

Perception ****

Intelligence ***

Wits ****





Archery ****

Martial Arts

Melee ***







Resistance **



Craft **

Investigation ***

Lore ****

Medicine ***

Occult ****




Dodge ***


Stealth ***



Linguistics ** (Languages: Flametongue (Native), Old Realm, Low Realm)







Flaws and Merits




Mentor *** (Serenity's End, see history)

Resources **

Artifact *** (The Gate-Sundering Ram, see below)

Manse * ( Creates a Dragon Willow Agate, Oadenol's Codex pg. 98 )




The Gate-Sundering Ram

In times of antiquity, this massive powerbow is said to have been the weapon of choice of an inhumanly strong Solar warlord, who could blast open almost any gate with it in only a few shots. Perhaps it isn't quite as frightening in Charya's hands, but it's still quite capable of blasting down a normal door... or anybody who particularly annoys her. It has a single hearthstone setting.

Speed 6 Accuracy +2 Damage +8B Rate 3 Range 350 Attunement: 8m. Tags: P, B

With the expenditure of 3 motes prior to a shot, any human-sized character struck must make a reflexive [(Dexterity or Stamina) + Athletics] roll at difficulty 3 or be blasted 3 yards backward and fall prone. Increase this difficulty to 5 for beings notably smaller than humans, and decrease it to 1 for horse-sized beings. (Larger creatures are too massive to be blasted back.)




Name / Cost / Page


1. Ox-Body Technique / _ / 208

2. Terrestrial Circle Sorcery / _ / 220

3. Spirit-Detecting Glance / 3m / 221

4. Reflex Sidestep Technique / 1m / 227

5. Second Archery Excellency / 2m+ / 184

6. Trance of Unhesitating Speed / 2m+ / 187

7. Spirit-Cutting Attack / 1m / 221

8. Easily-Overlooked Presence Method

9. Shadow Over Water / 1m / 227




Name / Cost / Page

Emerald Countermagic / 10 or 20 motes / 253

Emerald Circle Banishment / 10+m / The White Treatise 44

Summon Elemental / 10m / 254

Stormwind Rider / 15m / 254

Flight of Seperation / 10m / tWT 45

Flight of the Brilliant Raptor / 10m / tWT 46

Lightning Spider / 10m / tWT 52

Flying Guillotine / 10m / tWT 47




The Gate-Sundering Ram:

Speed 6 Accuracy +2 Damage +8B Rate 3 Range 350 Attunement: 8m. Tags: P, B

Short Sword

Speed 4 Accuracy +2 Damage +3L Defense +1 Rate 2 Min: Str *





{ } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { } { }




Compassion Conviction

[X][X][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }

Temperance Valor

[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] [X][X][X][ ][ ]

{ }{ }{ }{ }{ } { }{ }{ }{ }{ }


Dodge DV 5


Dodge MDV 5


Parry MDV 3 (Investigation)




B 2

L 1

A 0




~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ][ ][ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]




[X] [X] [X] [ ] [ ]

Personal 16

Peripheral 34

Committed 3


Limit Break


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]


Virtue Flaw


Valor, Foolhardy Contempt



Her original mentor, Alzhaine

The cause of Solar resurgence


Chain Shirt (3L/1B soak, 0 mobility, 1 Fatigue)



Bonus Point Expenditure

2 (two points of Lore)

7 (Essence 3)

1 (1 points of Background: Artifact)

2 (1 point each of Archery and Occult)

2 (Willpower)

1 (Manse 1)

Experience Point Expenditure

8 Lightning Spider

8 Flying Guillotine

7 Lore 4

8 Spirit-Cutting Attack

8 Easily-Overlooked Presence Method

8 Shadow Over Water

Various OOC Notes:

My AIM is Byzantine Laser, since that's the medium you prefer. If there are any problems with this, contacting me through there might be the quickest solution.
Hello. I've got a character that I'd like to play, however, Brickwall insisted I run some of her major assets by the rest of the players before I be allowed to play her. Primarily of concern to Brickwall is that the character in question has a five-dot artifact Warbird, and he feels that the mobility this would give to me (and two potential passengers) could alter the shape of the game, and he insisted I ask the other players, which at this time consists of you, Slime Node. I've tried to get to you on AIM, but I haven't seen you online.

Secondly, I should also note that last night, I introduced Brickwall to OpenRPG, and he finds it good, if it is a bit of a hassle to install. It may be downloaded from this page; use openRPG Installer.exe if you're using Windows. Other systems, well, you know more about installing programs to your machine than I do, it uses Python and is multi-platform compatable.
I must admit, I'm a sucker for epic journeys on foot in most systems, but given the scope of Exalted, I think throwing some speed in there couldn't hurt. I'd probably want to swap out Stormwind Rider for a different spell if such a means of transportation were around, and I'd expect to see some fun and interesting results from gallivanting around in a 5-dot artifact, but I have no real objections.

I've already done some experimenting with OpenRPG for games in other systems too, so we're good there.
You might want to keep Stormwind Rider. I can only carry two other people on Freefall, and that's only if we all REALLY like one another.

Also, um, I've been looking for you on AIM, but you don't seem to be there. Did you misspell your AIM SN, by any chance?
It's probably more a thing where I've been at work for 11 hours a day the past two days. :P I'll log on now, though.
Alright, I've got my character sheet ready.


Ragara Corei's life began as one of luxury and seemingly inevitable prosperity. Born to House Ragara, second daughter of what would eventually be three, her parents maintained a large manse on the coast of the Imperial Isle itself, overlooking the eastern sea. Wealthy beyond avarice and indulgent, her parents had her, as all their daughters, well-educated, taught in the arts of sword and bow, and of course, riding and sailing.

Corei is three years younger than her older sister, and two years older than her youngest sister. Being the middle child, she was often overlooked, though she always got what she wished for if she asked for it. Like all girls, she fought with her sisters occasionally, but loved them both dearly; indeed, she had an exceptionally close relationships with both of her sisters. Corei was easily the most precocious of the trio, often filled with vainglorious envy, mischief, and occasionally malicious spite. Still, for all her faults – she could be greedy, selfish and brattish – she was at heart a good person who loved her sisters and those around her.

Betrothed to be married “Upon Exaltation or attaining the experience of twenty yearsâ€
hi, putting this up more as a placeholder, got directed to here by your add at rpgloop, I'll have a full application up in a couple days

the basic idea is a night caste that uses righteous devil style and has ties to lookshy
Is that "Ties" as in "works for" or "has history with and wouldn't mind a little payback against"?

Because, hey, it might not be the High First Age shit, but raiding a 7th Legion warehouse is always fun, too. You can never have enough magical loot, if only because every piece of loot you have is one that nobody else will be using against you.
Also, Brickwall, I have a question.

Are we going to do this tongue-in-cheek, Keychain of Creation style, what with our characters having some metaknowledge of the world, like the number of dots we have in whatever, and jokes about "Are dodge charms your answer to everything?" "Yes, because Dodge Charms are the answer to everything!", or are we going to do it more serious, without the semitransparant fourth wall?
probably closer to works (but with, not quite for), but I'm still hammering out the background and wall o' text, I mean stats
I thought Lookshy weren't down with us 'nathama dogs, even though they also weren't down with the Realm and the Immaculate Order?
its not impossible, base idea is char was from a semi prominent family of lookshy that just happened to exalt the wrong way as it were, and while whether they would still be welcome in lookshy or not I need to read more and speak with the gm, was looking at taking a rating 2 or 3 ally from there
found lookshy's stance on anethema in anycase

they dont hunt or shun anethema, and peaceful ones can came into the city and are treated cordially, but the sheer power and unpredictability make some people there nervous
I should usually be free whenever on Saturdays. The one catch is that I'll be going to sleep around midnight (Central Time) most nights once I start my new job, so I'd prefer that we not go too far past that.
Ah, that rules me out. You guys have fun :P I was watching the topic considering whether or not to join, but the decision has been made for me.
As a heads-up, everybody, with Brickwall's blessing, I've updated the Wiki.

There is now a Character Sheet Template for Solar Exalts (and which can serve as an admirable launching point for another Exalt type for those of you not playing a Lawgiver), pre-formatted, with hold-your-hand top-to-bottom instructions on what goes where and how to best format them for conformity. (I forgot the spells section; someone more knowledgeable about sorcery might want to update the template, and I'd be quite grateful.)

Character sheets go in Category:UtGS Player Characters; I have included instructions on the Category page about how to make your character sheet properly appear in the Category. Likewise, any artifacts which are not like, those collars of never-stinking or whatever, need to go in Category:UtGS Panoply; the instructions have been duplicated there, as well.

If you're having trouble, go ahead and AIM me or whatever. I'd prefer if you tried first on your own (Unless Brickwall gives me like, 1 XP or something for everybody's sheet I enter into the wiki entirely on my own ;) ), but I won't hesitate to help you out if you're struggling.

[edit]Oh, I forgot: If you have any Manses, they should have their own Manse page as well- they should go in Category:UtGS Manses, which is itself a subcategory of UtGS Locations.
Added a basic Spells framework to the template. (This is the part where somebody informs me I did it completely wrong.)

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