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Fandom Updated Harry Potter MxM OCxOC RP Search!

Edric Blight

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi there! I'm Edric Blight! I'm back on the hunt for a 1x1 partner again! (:

Some of you may have seen my previous interest post. This is pretty much my most recent interest post but edited slightly to add a few more things I forgot in my original post. Some partners seem to have abandoned me so I have some newly freed up time to take on new partners.

Let me just start off and get this out of the way quickly: I am absolutely NOT ghost friendly. If you're checking this thread and planning on messaging me to start something but really are just here to waste both mine and your time, please leave. It's harsh, I know, but if you're planning on ghosting and dropping at any point without telling me, kindly do not interact.

Now, if I haven't scared you away, that does not mean I expect you to be bound to me by some wacky roleplay contract or life debt. All I mean is that if, at any point, whatever the reason be, you are no longer interested in our roleplay, PLEASE tell me honestly. I genuinely will not freak out on you, all I ask is just for open, honest, and transparent communication. So please, don't ghost me and if you do happen to no longer be interested in our story, just let me know. I promise I'll understand.

I just wanted to get that out of the way first. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's ghosting. I'll treat you with human decency and kindness and I would hope you would do the same back. I know it's not typical that someone starts out their interest check like this, but it's a huge thing for me. I hope you can understand.


Ok, now for the juicy stuff- the stuff you probably came here for! The actual interest check!

As the title suggests, I'm looking for a Harry Potter Male x Male roleplay! Specifically, I'm looking for this to be OC x OC. I can play canon but not only do I feel I'm not fantastic at it, but I honestly just don't really enjoy it. I much prefer OCs and the creative freedoms to play your own character. It just feels more real and enjoyable to me. So that being said, if you are on the hunt for something involving canon characters, unfortunately, this might not be the interest check post for you.

As four Hogwarts house pairings, I can pretty much play any house against any house, but, I am more well-versed in playing either a Gryffindor as my OC or a Slytherin. But, I can always tackle a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff if you'd like! (:

In terms of specific plots, I don't necessarily have any. I'd love to plot that with you though! But, as a basic and loose plot outline, here's something I really find I enjoy. I'm a big fan of starting our characters off during their first year on the very first night at Hogwarts and playing out their seven years (and perhaps beyond). We can plot what we do if we choose to go this route, like certain mysteries or monsters each year for our little guys to tackle and whatnot. I always find it so fun to watch our boys grow and develop from little kids to young adults, it's so fun to me. Keep in mind this would be with the hopes of having it be a long term roleplay. I guess I can do short term roleplays but I much prefer the longer term stories.


Now, moving on to what I require from you. It's really not that much in my opinion. First, as stated above, don't ghost me. Just tell me if at any point you no longer want to do this. Once you tell me why, I'll never pester you again- promise, you have my word. I will not be on your butt for the entirety of your time here on RPNation. We can agree to mutually part ways, respectfully. Building on this, a big thing I like and kind of expect from my partners is open and honest communication. I feel it helps a story survive and leads to a healthy relationship with writing partners.

Next big thing is in regards to face claims. I know this might be controversial and many people might be turned off about this or disagree, but it's my preference. If you don't like it, that's ok. For face claims, I ABSOLUTELY require realistic face claims. I do not accept animated, cartoon, or hand-drawn. Sorry, but this is a big thing for me. I need to have a realistic visual of our characters. If you at any point need help finding a face claim should this not be your forte, ask! I'd be happy to help! If we're starting them off younger and during their first years, I typically like to find a child actor of some sort so I have both face claims of when they were younger and when they're a bit older as a teen (if they've been in the business long enough). Also it's nice because the person will be semi-famous and not like some random kid lol.

While I don't necessarily require this, it is very nice to have, and that is OOC chatter, or rather, a partner who is willing to be ENGAGED with plotting and general OOC chatter. I find it really hard to plot, write, or even talk with a partner who isn't really as into it as I am. What I mean by this is I just do not vibe well with people who give dry responses and those who seem like they really aren't as passionate about creating and writing a story as I am. Please, don't hesitate to spam me in OOC about ideas, gushing over our characters (I know I sure love to do this!), or really anything, hell, even if its not RP related! I just really love to talk and become friends with my partners. It makes the process even more enjoyable to me. (:

I know this one is a bit much, but I also ask that my partner is relatively active. I'm personally just not someone who can roleplay and wait a week or more for my partner to respond. I do get if you are busy or if something comes up while we are writing, but just as a general thing I do prefer for my partner to be active to post multiple times a day or at the very least, once a day.

Finally, the last thing I require of my partners is for them not to give me one-liners. All I ask is that I have something to reply to. I won't do one-liners but other than that, I have no length requirement. Quality over quantity as they always say. I feel like this requirement isn't too wild or out there. I can typically write a wide range, sometimes a ton (like with starter posts particularly), and sometimes maybe just three or four paragraphs. All depends on the circumstances. So yea, no one liners please. :3


I think that should be all! I know it's a bit short in terms of an interest check but I think I've covered everything. Please, either message me through DMs or comment down below! I can't wait to hear from you all and I'm so excited to get plotting and eventually writing! (:

I no longer offer OOC on Discord for personal reasons so I do prefer to keep that and the RP itself on site please! (:

This interest check previously did well so hopefully it works wonders for me again! :3

Have a magical day!

Harry Potter Train GIF
I'm potentially interested. I'm just a bit worried about time. Because of work and other responsibilities I can't promise a post weekly.
I'm potentially interested. I'm just a bit worried about time. Because of work and other responsibilities I can't promise a post weekly.
That’s fair, rn I’m so desperate for partners I’ll accept that! And since I know in advance it makes it easier so I’m not expecting frequent replies. I’d love to write with ya! (:

Edit: I just sent ya a DM!
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Heya, I'd be interested in starting a roleplay with you! As a forewarning, I'm pretty new to this site and depending on length, I'll probably be able to reply once every 3 or 4 days.
Heya, I'd be interested in starting a roleplay with you! As a forewarning, I'm pretty new to this site and depending on length, I'll probably be able to reply once every 3 or 4 days.
Sounds perfect! I’ll dm you!
AHHHHH OMG I SAW THIS POST AND IMMEDIATELY REMEMBERED OUR RP FROM A WHILE BACK- I'd love to revisit that and plot out some ideas to continue if you'd like? I completely understand if not because I did ghost, but dm me back in our ooc chat if you'd like to!!
AHHHHH OMG I SAW THIS POST AND IMMEDIATELY REMEMBERED OUR RP FROM A WHILE BACK- I'd love to revisit that and plot out some ideas to continue if you'd like? I completely understand if not because I did ghost, but dm me back in our ooc chat if you'd like to!!
Alright 👍
I’m super interested!! I grew up with these books, love the world, and have the same views on ghosting so… sounds like a ton of fun!

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