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[Updated] Detailed partners for dark/horror MxF


Wonder Woman

About Me Oh man. This is making me nervous. I am 23 going on 24! I'm in London so our timezones may be a bit off, but I'm around enough for it to work!
About Me

I'm currently working on my MA in media and communications. Involves a lot of writing and not enough sleep. Terribly wonderful.

I enjoy dark fiction and darker humour.

Type of partner(s) I'm looking for:

Detailed and literate. I would like at least 3+ paragraphs for each reply. Not too bad.

Willing to take a male role. I can double as a male as well, but I don’t know how natural I would be at it. I would prefer to just be a female.

18+ years old please!

Will stick around and be fairly active.

Enjoys dark/horror RPs.

RP Details:

Dark or horror themed, mostly. It depends on the ideas thrown my way or what I think up. I'm open to other ideas.

MxF. Like I said, I take the female role, but I can double as a male if there's a need.

Romance is nice, but it won't be the main focus. There needs to be a plot outside of that.

I don't like damsel in distress characters - male or female. Badassery preferred.

One on ones I'm interested in and the types of characters I tend to go for:

• Mafia A - My character would be a woman who is pretty high up in the ranks. Other details can be figured out later.

• Mafia B - Character whose life is in danger because she has information on a crime family that could take them down.

• Vampire/Hunter - I can be either depending on what you want to be.

• Vampire/Witch - I can be either though I prefer witch.

• Any other supernatural - My character would depend on the plot. Could be vampire, witch, werewolf, or any other sort of supernatural being. Let me know!

• Superheroes/Heroes without powers - The type of character depends on the plot. I like for my characters to have an element of evil.

• Apocalypse situation - My character would depend on the plot.

• Murder mystery of sorts - Depends. We can work it out if you're interested.

• Your idea - Let me know!

PM me and let me know what you're interested and we can figure it out


This makes me nervous. Don't judge me.

Some of the details in the bio are essential to know in order to understand the bigger picture.

Name: Eveline Murphy - stage name is Scarlet

Gender: Female

Species: Witch. Knows very little magic as she was never taught it, and only uses it while hunting. Exposing that she is a witch is dangerous in New Orleans as witches are persecuted.

Age: 24

Eyes: Jade

Hair: Caramel to honey coloured, a little past her shoulders and loosely wavy.

Height: 5’5”

Tattoos, scars, etc: Tattoo behind her ear of a stake with a red snake coiled around it. Covered by makeup when she knows it will be easily visible. Another on the inside of her arm that reads ‘cor aut mors’ meaning ‘heart or death’. The old motto of her long dead coven, as she and her brother are the only one’s left living. Left uncovered because it’s harder to spot and most wouldn't take much meaning from it. Ring on her right hand that was passed down through her family. Scar still visible on her left hand from the spell using her blood to channel her ancestors.

Occupation: Both a vampire hunter and a singer at a vampire owned and occupied nightclub. The nightclub itself is classy, meant to remind vampires of the old days, and she is the only singer there. She auditioned for and took the job because it helps her find her targets and gain info. It’s a dangerous job but it pays well and helps her get her hunting job done.

Performance clothes: Usually a long, form fitting dress and stilettos. Colour of the dress is either red, black, or white. It’s the uniform, essentially. Hair is usually curled or pinned up to

Regular clothes: Black skater skirt with a white blouse tucked into it and black boots. Usually tops it off with a black, wide brimmed hat. On a hunt, she wears a long black overcoat and black gloves. The black helps her blend in with the darkness as she does most of her hunting at night… and she just likes black.

Weapon of choice: A few. Sawed off shotgun, a stake, and a variety of blades in different sizes. Occasionally uses magic but less often than she should as she doesn’t know much about it. She’s learning though.

Parents: William and Claudine Murphy, both died when she was young.

Siblings: Patrick Murphy, also a hunter/witch a few towns over from New Orleans. He is well-known so he steers clear of Eveline as not to put her life in danger.

Other family: James Murphy, uncle, deceased.

Background: Eveline grew up in New Orleans. That is, until her parents died suddenly when she was eight years old. Her mother’s death meant that she and her brother were the only surviving members of their coven.

After their deaths, she and her brother went to live with their uncle. Her uncle, a human, had no magic and no means of teaching the children so they taught themselves a few tricks. She could remember the first time she saw his tattoo of a stake with a red snake coiled around it… she was curious and, unlike most adults, he was honest with her.

And that was how she and her brother entered the family business of vampire hunting. Her uncle trained them quite a bit, of course, but no amount of training could prepare them for the real thing. They went out of hunts with him regularly. Once they were old enough, they went out on their own, using the bit of magic they could. Their ways are more unconventional compared to the witches in New Orleans, but most witches didn’t practice anymore out of sheer fear. When they turned eighteen, they were fully initiated and given the tattoos. They could choose where to put them, and they each chose behind their ears. It was dangerous for the tattoo to be seen but danger was part of the job.

One night when she was nineteen, her uncle never returned from a hunt. Two days later, his body was found… at least what was left of it. From that day forward, they each vowed to continue what he’d taught them. They weren’t angry about his death - he’d always told them it was a very real possibility. All they wanted to do was keep the fangs off the streets and away from mortals.

And Eveline really did want that… but she also wanted more. Armand Moreau had been the Prince of New Orleans since its founding in 1718. He had helped it grow and thrive, but he was also one of the cruelest vampires on record. Witches had been around since the beginning as well, but they had been persecuted for so long that eventually they gave up. There were some that became vampires - a sad attempt at ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’ and most of them now worked for the Prince. Hybrids were more dangerous than vampires themselves because they had the magic and the vampire abilities. Any other witch left in the city, well… they hid.

There was a darkness in New Orleans. Her uncle had once estimated the population of vampires to be at around 30%. The number usually kept other hunters away. Well, the number of vampires and the fact that the price usually extinguished the hunter problem before it could grow. Eveline saw this as a challenge. The city of New Orleans had never had a witch who was a vampire hunter before.

Her uncle had lived further out in the swamps where he couldn’t easily be found. Her transition back into the city had been careful. She began hunting vampires in and around the area of New Orleans two months before fully moving back. That way, if anyone ever looked into her, they would find that the hunting began happening long before she moved back.

When she moved back, she went to the cemetery where the coven’s burial vault was located. She’d read an old grimoire, located a passage about channeling the magic of ancestors. And she did just that. While she didn’t have much of the know-how, she now had the power of five ancestors (any more and she would die)

Now she’d been living near her old family home close to the French Quarter for about five months. Unfortunately, she couldn’t live in her old family home - there could be no ties to her family or her brother lest they find out who she is. The job at the bar was new - she’d been working there about two months. The job was mostly to get info, find out who some of the vampires were, and put some of her singing talent to good use. The bar itself is nice - large and nicely decorated… even if if is owned and occupied by some of the cruelest vampires. She could understand the appeal of the club - it could remind many of the patrons of the good old days. Mainly it was just used for powerful vampires to sit, drink and gather information.

Her job, according to her boss, was to make people fall in love with the Rogue nightclub through her. She mostly acted as background noise though many who came alone would sit and stare at her while she sang. The music was dark, slow. The atmosphere was perfect for the darkness of the city.

It had only been a week since she heard the news. Through her network of hunters, she was told that the Prince of New Orleans was sending out seekers - mostly hybrids - and muscle to take care of the hunter problem. If there was one thing the Prince hated more than witches, it was hunters. And she was both. Considering she was the only hunter in t he area, that meant they were looking for her. Her brother had urged her to lay low for the next couple of weeks but she wasn’t afraid of them.

Personality: While singing, Eveline tries to come off as a bit enticing, making eye contact with some of the patrons as she sings the darker part of the songs. The eye contact always worked in her favour because she could get a good look at their faces. That way, she’d know who her targets were. Off the stage, she tries to come off a bit more innocent though her attitude comes through sometimes. She tries to keep it in check - after all, she’s not supposed to know how dangerous her job is.

Out of work is a different story. Eveline is quiet and focused. There are a few people she’d consider friends - other hunters out of the city - but mostly she keeps to herself. There were other witches in the town but they were scared. As much as she wanted to free them, she couldn’t understand why they had so willingly given up.

New Orleans. A city that hadn’t changed much since the last time she was there. It was still beautiful, colourful, always full of life. A mixture of American colonial and Victorian style mansions lined the streets. Jazz music echoed through the French Quarter in the night time. The city itself was superstitious, more careful, but it was the steady stream of tourists that usually kept vampires busy.

Eveline had been born here and she hadn’t been back since her parents passed away. At least not until she’d fully returned five months ago. The hunting had been easy so far. The vampires weren’t used to hunters in their city anymore so they didn’t know to be careful of them. Her kill count rose dramatically during the last five months, a reason why the Prince was taking interest and sending out hybrids and muscle to take care of the problem.

Eveline’s boss had said there were a few important guests at the club that night. That meant the Prince’s witchy-vamp hybrids and his muscle had come to the Rouge to find clues. Considering the club was owned and occupied by some of the city’s worst vampires, it was indeed a good place for them to look. This was a problem though. It meant she had to be careful with her own magic… Hybrids were not to be trifled with. They were witches from the old days with untold power and vampiric abilities and countless years to hone them. With their immortality, they could most likely channel the power of decades of ancestors. She could only channel five herself before it started to take a toll on her. It almost seemed dangerous to be in the same room as them.

“Put your hair up or something, darlin’. Show our new guests some skin. Entertain them, put a spell on them… I need them to tell their boss good things about this place,” her boss told her before disappearing onto the stage. The skin remark meant that he wanted her to show them some neck. Thankfully she’d already covered the hunter symbol tattooed behind her ear. And she would put a spell on them. She was the club’s only vocalist, and she was good at enticing the guests.

After being introduced, Eveline - now working as Scarlet - walked onto the stage. All of the eyes were on her, and she strategically made eye contact with many of the newcomers. It was different… She could feel the magic radiating off of some of the hybrids. Her heart sped up at the idea that they could feel her own magic - a sound that made some of the vampires smile. Fortunately, she’d tried out a cloaking spell in the grimoire before coming into work. If it was actually working was something she wasn’t so sure of.

“Lots of new faces in the crowd tonight,” she purred into the microphone after her final song (ten songs a night), the delicate southern drawl catching the attention of only a few patrons. She rubbed her index and thumb together slowly and watched as the rest of the room turned to look at her. A little magic never hurt anyone and they had no idea she’d even manipulated them like that. After throwing a wink to the crowd, she continued, “If it’s your first time at the Rouge nightclub, I’d like to welcome you. This last song is for you.”

The patrons were quiet as she went on to sing “I Put A Spell On You.” The song was fitting, and she saw a few of the hybrids smile. The best part was that their smiles indicated nothing - the cloaking spell had worked from the looks of it. As she sang, she looked from face to face, cataloging them for later. If she ran into them outside of the club, she’d know who they were, the traitorous leeches. She wasn’t so sure she’d try to take them on but it was good to know in case they came snooping around.

When the song finished she spoke her last, soft twang like wind chimes in the night, “Enjoy the rest of your night.”

Eyes followed her as she walked off the stage and took a place at the bar. She was the only ‘human’ at the bar as far as she knew besides some of the bartenders, but she was protected by her boss. Most vampires knew better than to touch his employees… but many vampires had their own rule book in this town.

“May I buy you a drink, Ms. Scarlet?” came the drawl of a man now standing uncomfortably close to her. Vampires were terrible at personal space.

“I drink free, darlin’,” Eveline said, her smile revealing the tiniest bit of annoyance as her usual red wine was placed in front of her. The man was Al - a newer vampire. Usually he stayed away from her but tonight he was being a bit pushy. He was proof that alcohol and fangs weren’t the best mix.

“This seat taken then?” He said, moving around to take a seat before she had a chance to answer. Annoyed, Eveline took a long sip of her drink. He was intoxicated and angering a drunk vampire was not on her list of things to do tonight. She wanted to keep an eye on the Prince’s guys - especially the hybrids…

But perhaps she could spare a kill tonight. The Prince’s men didn’t suspect anyone yet - they weren’t even sure if the hunter was a male or female let alone that it was a witch they were after. “Actually, it is… so if you’ll kindly leave,” she said, her voice innocent but her smile growing bold as if daring him to follow her home tonight.

Just an example from a one on one I did with a friend. Character and her "husband" are essentially supposed to be the worst vampires in existence.

"Are ye afraid of death?"

Her voice was strikingly feminine but authoritative, so much so that the male whose neck she had a grip on immediately squeaked back a yes. The woman pushed him harder into the tree trunk she'd been hold him up against, taking pleasure in seeing him fight for air. He was a hunter camping out - at least she'd assumed he was - and he had picked the wrong forest tonight. She had seemed so deceptively human, a beautiful young woman who had gotten lost. She couldn't blame him for trying to help her... but that wouldn't save him.

A smile began to form on her lips and she slowly lowered him to the ground, crimson red eyes never once straying from his as she spoke the last words he'd ever hear, "Then ye'll run."

She didn't have to tell him twice. The man took off north, in the direction of her home, without bothering to look back. Straying behind for a few moments, the women took interest in her claws and the diamond that adorned her ring finger. Just a few more moments and he would be far enough away that it would be somewhat fun to kill him. She'd gone for easy targets all week and she wanted a challenge.

"Ready or not, here I come," she whispered, disappearing from the spot she'd been standing as if the wind had picked her up and carried her away.

She had him down in seconds, as if she had never let him go at all, the last of his blood dripping from the wound on his neck. When he was found - if he was found - there was no doubt it would be called an animal attack. No one would dare call it exactly what it was - at least not if they were smart.

The woman stood and began to walk, running her tongue over her upper lip one last time to make sure she got the last of the blood. The house was close enough - if the man had made it far enough then someone else would have snatched him up.

Straightening her leather jacket, she approached the winding driveway, not bothering to pick up speed in favour of the long walk.

"Ellis!" Her head snapped up and she nodded to Seamus, one of their lieutenants. She made no move to acknowledge the man with him, however, opting to wait until he introduced himself in the meeting.

After she'd entered the house, the guest turned to Seamus, "Who was that? I- I mean she's a little intimidating, but Jesus, certainly someone like that couldn't be one of us."

"Ellis O'Hanlon," Seamus said, smirking as he turned towards the house, "Sullivan's wife, although not really in the traditional churchy sense. No priest or paperwork involved. Nothing holy about it. I would be careful about calling 'er 'is wife though. Thinks it implies she's 'is property, and she'll rip yer 'ead off for it. I am a bit surprised ye've never heard of 'er though..."

Ellis smirked when she heard Seamus give the newcomer the warning. However, she and Sullivan weren't so much married as they had made each other a promise. It had been just the two of them - they wouldn't have had it any other way - and she had, of course, taken his last name. It was not as human as it sounded... The two of them were still beasts, but he was her weakness - even if she refused to say it aloud.

"Another thing, lad," Seamus said as he entered through the front door, "Show a little respect. These are not the vamps ye want to be pissin' off... Sullivan's got a thing for goin' for the gut, and eyein' Ellis like ye did out there could get ye disemboweled."

Ellis laughed outright at the last part as she entered their meeting room. Sullivan probably wouldn't go so far as to do that, but hey, scaring the kid was probably a bit fun for Seamus. Despite everything, however, she could tell from the start that she couldn't trust this kid - something about the way that there were hardly any traces of human blood on his skin and what was on his skin was old, as if it had come from a blood bag. Still human blood but it was suspicious - she'd yet to meet vampire who worked for them that didn't drink from the living. That and... well, he was no Darcy.

It had been almost a week since Darcy, their strongest lieutenant under Vida, was murdered, and it was a death that she was still dealing with. She'd hunted so much in the past week that she was certain her eyes would stay a permanent crimson color. He'd died saving her from the stake, something that she'd rip him apart for if he was still here. She was fast enough - strong enough - and she had survived plenty of stakes before. She could have done it again... He didn't need to die for it.

Taking her place at one end of the table, Ellis sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. She'd been distant from Sullivan for the past week, she knew, but this type of anger was new to her. After they'd killed him, she'd slaughtered the three slayers who'd done it, returning home later, covered in blood and bearing the bad news. Darcy had been a trusted companion and there were very few people she trusted, but it was still almost pathetic how much she cared. Now though... Now she finally felt ready to tell Sullivan about that night.

"The meeting was supposed to be at 12 AM. It is now..." Ellis said loud enough for anyone partaking in the meeting to hear, checking her watch before continuing, "... It is now 12:03. Ye know I don't like to be kept waiting."

Example from a one on one that I've been doing for years. Won't be playing this character - sentimental stuff. If you're interested in mob, I'll be creating a new one.

Anna placed a hand on the gun in her coat pocket as she opened the door to her home. She had guards, sure, but one could never be too safe. She lived in the city – someone could take her out the second she crossed the threshold. Locking the door behind her, she turned and headed to her car. A familiar voice stopped her dead in her tracks, “Been waitin’ for you to come out.

She turned and, just as she’d expected, it was a street kid nicknamed Hot Head. It suited him – he had a shock of red hair. No one was quite sure who he worked for but he was quick with his fists and knew a lot of people. Her guards took a step toward the man but didn’t take their weapons out. Anna had been taken in for questioning yesterday – they didn’t want to draw any more attention to her.

“Yeah? What for?” Anna asked, sizing him up. His hands were at his sides, which was a good sign, but she kept her own hand on the loaded pistol in her pocket just in case. It was a small gun – mainly for self defense – but it did the job as well as any other. The rest of her weapons were inside in two large safes – including a few from the shipment her men had smuggled in. But this gun was by far her favourite.

The grip on her gun tightened when he reached into his jacket and pulled out a newspaper. He pointed to the headline and laughed, “Reed taken in, released after a few hours… Extortion, eh? How’d you manage to get outta that one? Use the ‘I got a kid’ card?”

Anna laughed and shook her head, “I don’t have time for this, hot head. I got taken in, they didn’t have anything on me. End of story. My boy has nothing to do with it.”

“Yeah, your boy…” His voice trailed off and he looked away. After a moment, he scratched the back of his head and turned his attention back to her, grinning, “He’s four, ain’t he? You better keep him safe, Anna. Never know who’ll try to get to you through him.”

Her eyes flashed and Anna took a step toward him. Hot head, she knew, had killed children before and it infuriated her. This was different. This was her boy – her four-year-old boy whose very existence brightened her dark world - and this asshole was threatening him. Joey was safe at school at the moment but just the thought of him getting hurt made her heart drop. Pointing her finger at him, her other hand still on the gun, she spoke, “You are playing with fire.”

“It’s not the first time I’ve played with fire.” His smile widened for a split second before he took off down the street. She watched him go, trying to keep herself from shooting at him right there.

Not the first time I’ve played with fire. She knew exactly what he meant – a year ago someone had set her old house on fire. She’d managed to grab her son and get out safely. The fire had prompted her boss to put her in a house in the city with tons of guards. They try to set this one on fire, they bring down the whole neighbourhood and she knew they wouldn’t risk that. They hadn’t stopped at the fire, however – they’d riddled her empty car with bullets and killed one of her guards.

Anna took a deep breath and turned back to the car, slamming the door hard behind her once inside. The driver glanced back at her, knowing not to ask any questions right then, and pulled out of the parking space. People were trying harder to get at her – but they never would. Dying was never an option.

He drove her down to one of the five bars she owned. This one was struggling a bit because of the location but she was determined to get it up off the ground. She walked in and leaned against the bar, smiling to the bartender, and looked around, “So I see we cleaned the place up a bit yeah?”

Just a sci-fi plot I haven't done much with before.

Isobel was not expecting to be thrust into this position at only twenty five. It should have been when her father was too old to rule that he would pass the title down to her. He was gone now, though, and there was no putting off what had to be done. She turned down the long hallway that lead to command, boots hitting the floor so quietly that her passing caught members of the Force and citizens alike off guard.

As she reached the tall, metal door of command, an automated voice came over the intercom, “Name and initials.”

“Isobel Crusoe. I-C,” she said, her soft voice revealing a subtle and rather unknown accent. No one else she knew spoke the same way besides those on her mother’s side of the family, but they were long dead by now. Even they had no clue as to where it came from. A story told by her grandmother suggested a long forgotten world that existed long before theirs was discovered… but those were just stories.

“Place your hand on the scanner,” came the automated command. She placed her hand on the screen next to the door and watched as the blue light went down and then back up over the skin, analysing the prints to confirm her identity. Once finished, the voice confirmed that her entrance was accepted and the door before her opened. She moved forward quickly, acknowledging the salutes from her men by lifting two fingers of her own and nodding. The salute was simple - left hand, palm facing yourself, two fingers - one for the force and one for the people.

She was already dressed in the uniform - a skin tight and armoured black body suit. The metal shoulder armour sat atop the suit, protruding upwards to give it a winged look. Her family crest was built into the suit just over her heart. Beside it was the Nazat emblem. Reaching up, she began to tie her dark hair into a pony tail and once she had finished, she nodded. “Begin broadcasting.”

Isobel stepped onto the circular platform and immediately saw herself on five different screens, each recording from different angles. Those watching from her home planet of Nazat would see her as a hologram on their information transmitters. Wasting no time, she began to address her people, “People of Nazat, early this morning, your brave leader and my beloved father passed away. Not only did he care deeply for his people, but he admired your strength and determination during these hard times. He asked that I not allow the deaths of our brave men of the Nazat Force be in vain.”

Pausing, she thought for a moment about how she would deliver the news of her attack on their neighbouring planet. Even if the news relieved them, they would still be anxious about any upcoming retaliation. Betraying no emotion, she continued, “I have been sworn in as your new leader and commander of the Nazat Force. Not long ago, one of our ships was attacked by ships belonging to our neighbouring planet and all men and women on board were killed. I have ordered our men to launch a counter attack that I am hoping will lead to our victory and bring justice for our fallen comrades. Our neighbour needs to know who he is dealing with. Continue to be strong and know that I am willing to go to any length to protect you. Signing off.”

Lifting two fingers in salute, she waited until the broadcast had been turned off before she turned back to the men in the room. She was unsure if telling her people about the attack was the right call. After all, she didn’t want it to cause any panic. Still, the attack was out of the ordinary but not surprising. The neighbouring planet’s ships had been blocking her own from getting to the resource planet of Qael. They had been warned that if Nazat ships were blocked again, there would be harsh retaliation. Perhaps they had decided to strike before her own forces could.

Approaching the radar on the far side of the room, she clasped her hands behind her back watched the lights as they moved along the screen. There was a cluster of them in one area - the attack. Glancing back at one of her men, she spoke, her accent a bit stronger this time, “Call in. Immediately. I want updates. It looks like our neighbour has more ships than we had anticipated.”

If you're interested:

- Feel free to PM me or post here.

- I'd like to see some examples of your writing too. I want to make sure we're compatible :)

- I'm open to your ideas and plots as well.

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I like the hunter/vampire idea. I can play a male hunter. I'm pretty good with male roles, actually. Though, just to warn you, I might not be just as good with the dark theme as you are. I mean, I can play it, I just not as good with it as, say humor.
NekoQueen49 said:
I like the hunter/vampire idea. I can play a male hunter. I'm pretty good with male roles, actually. Though, just to warn you, I might not be just as good with the dark theme as you are. I mean, I can play it, I just not as good with it as, say humor.
That's okay! :) You don't have to be. Feel free to PM me and we can think something up!

I love dark horror rps so I'd be up for all kinds! In terms of your plot ideas, I would be up for either the vampire x hunter or the apocalypse one. Though I think I'd need more explanation of what you mean by the cannibal threat. :)
I would like to roleplay with you. :) I have a couple of dystopian/apocalypse-ish plots that I can run past you, and you can find examples of my writing in my signature.
I'd love to play a Vampire character in a more dark/Horror RP ^^ I'm thinking something along the lines of mysterious disappearances in a nearby forest and glowing red eyes that lurk in the shadows if that strokes your fancy?

I'll keep this extremely brief and concise.

I like role playing, and I also like dark plots. And since you also like role playing and dark plots, why don't we collaborate on a role play?

Well, for starters, a vampire X hunter wouldn't be that much of a bad pairing, would it?
Updated with examples and more one on ones that I would be interested in doing.
Hello! I'm interested in RPing with you ^-^ I almost always make male characters, and while I haven't been in many dark/horror RPs, the idea intrigues me. Which of your ideas are you most interested in? Or would you like to create one together?

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