Idea Unusual naming conventions in rp?


Totally human, I swear!
I don't just mean "it's a fantasy world, so name your character 'Uknorjo' instead of 'Charles'" or "it's the olden days, so boys can be named 'Ashley'"

So far, I'm running a roleplay with no hard theme for names but with openness for really weird names for characters that have a villainous inclination to their concept.

I've contemplated running one where the characters have names based on scientific taxonomy of lifeforms, and another where the characters are named after chemical compounds.

Now I'm developing a concept where the characters are named after foods and beverages.

So I was wondering if anybody had any ideas for unusual naming conventions for characters in a roleplay, or tips for using this trope in a roleplay.
I love unusual names but I personally don't tend to follow a specific theme or anything like that. It is a fun idea to toy around with for sure though, and I remember reading a really solid bit of advice on this from the DnD Dungeon Masters Guide:

Consistency is key. You can pick what you wanna do, but ya gotta stick with it. I think the example the DMG used was, don't give everyone generic fantasy names or like Fothric and Klavir only to then introduce a wizard just named Ray.

Just be consistent with the thematic choice you made and that's really all you need. If you choose food and drink names, go all in. Don't name half the people after food and drink and then name everyone else after household objects or numbers or things like that. Deviations can be excused/make sense, but doing it too often lessens the impact of your naming convention.

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