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  • Too cheesy!

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  • Super cute

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  • It's okay

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  • Not for wedding vows...

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usmc luv

human/kitten/mermaid princess
Part of this is a poem I wrote when my fiance and I had started dating. I of course just added the elements to sound like wedding vows. Is it too cheesy? He loves my poems, so I thought it would be cute. It's going to be a few years before we get married, but I just wanted to see what others think.

The smile on your face,

the sparkle in your eyes,

they both remind me

of what is right.

You make me laugh

and you make me cry.

Never do my thoughts

stray to "Why?"

You brighten each day

with every curl of your hair,

and melt my heart

with merely a stare.

Even though others may feel

that I am only dreaming,

you push those thoughts away

with your heart's singing.

"I love you,"

I continue to say,

and I will continue to say it

each and every day.

Even though there's been distance,

we've been miles apart,

but there's never been distance

between our hearts.

So on this day,

we join together,

to join our hearts

this bond will not sever.

So if you'll love me,

through and through,

please just say,

"I do"

I think the rhyming is a bit much for wedding vows. But when you're reading this in front of your friends and family, its about presentation so anything will work.

A flower unpicked shines bright in the sun.

She dances in the wind,

and she embraces the rain.

She has bloomed beautifully.

She is becoming strong.

Surrounded by roses and weeds,

she has been deemed average.

How could such a flower not be seen as beautiful?

I would have picked her out instantly in a field.

Others walk past her.

They do not feel she is worthy.

The flower knows that there have been some that admired her,

but some have said, "She is only a weed. She is not beautiful."

Others decided to agree, despite the truth.

Will she ever be recognized as a truly beautiful flower?

{Note:} This was written in my English class. We wrote poems after looking at the format of part of one of Charles Dickens' poems...

Happily I thought of him,

and happily I wished to be with him,

but sadly I knew that right now I would have to wait,

So I dreamed of being with him,

and what a marvelous dream it was,

to be smiling hand-in-hand with my love.
When she escapes from reality, into the world of her dreams, she is more powerful than any of her fears.
{Note:} I know I wrote this in English class but don't remember writing it... Thought it was interesting yet lame

Come live with me, inside my palace, filled with the finest jewels. With all of the money I have here we would never work like mules.

The house, covered in diamonds

The sheets, made of silk

The rooms, covered in art

The toilet, made of gold

My palace may be full of the finest jewels I know, but the one jewel I'm missing is your heart.

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