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𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚏
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
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  • intro

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    act 1.

    hapter 1. Intake season at academies in all the Kingdoms has officially begun! You've received your acceptance letter and have been formally invited to your respective Academy. As the student, you are expected to arrive on time and do exactly as you are asked. The first test is the most important: showcasing your abilities as a future Huntsman/Huntress, forming a team, and attending classes in which you will only grow.

    Along the way, you will be taken on various missions to exercise your team (and yourself) as future Huntsmen/Huntresses. Do take these missions seriously and treat them as life or death, as in many cases, it could be your last. You are constantly being scored. These scores will help you in the very near future.

    Good luck Huntsmen and Huntresses and see you soon!

    — Headmaster Steele, of Beacon Academy



what are

we fighting




September 7


atlas, mistral, & vacuo



♡coded by uxie♡
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Headmistress Carolina Dove watched as students flooded the spacious courtyard of Atlas Academy. She made no rush to get from her office in the tallest of five towers to the grounds. In fact, she took her time moving down the expansive hallways, eyeing the portraits of past Headmasters and military personnel. She places a worn delicate hand on the hanging portrait of current General Astros — for luck, of course.

It was the first portrait students would see upon entering the safe walls of Atlas Academy, entirely on purpose. It was intended to inspire students, for Ares Astros was an Atlas prodigy with consistent top marks in his class, the ambition to become a Huntsman was apparent and yet, once he was offered a position in Atlas Military, Astros threw that future behind him and rose to the task. Headmistress Dove lingers on the portrait for a moment too long.

Students were required to see a future in the military; there were dozens upon dozens of bright-eyed students every intake year with a longing to become a famous protector of Remnant, fighting off hordes of Grimm and dedicating their lives to working for the common people. Occasionally, students realised they could get that exact outcome from working in the military, nothing to do with the classes that heavily emphasise the commonalities military personnel and Huntsman have in common.

Parting ways from the portrait, Headmistress Dove opens the grand doors to the Atlas Academy courtyard and savours the silence that befalls the expanse of students.

"Welcome." She speaks after taking her spot at the podium and adjusting the microphone upwards to accomodate her height. "Every intake Atlas continues to achieve the highest number of first years submissions. With how many of you stand here today, it remains clear the City of Atlas continues to strive for the best and most skilled of future Huntsman and Huntresses... and soldiers."

Special operation forces are lined behind her, dressed in polished white armour and helmets to protect their identities. Headmistress Dove herself had found herself a member of Special Ops, at request of the former Headmaster. He had seen talent and potential where she hadn't and the decision was not made in vain. There was no more fulfilling career choice she could have made for herself, aside from her current position. She had promised herself should she see a students capability fit for the military, she would intervene. She reached up and touches the military badge over her suit jacket fondly, regarding the students with an attempt at a warm smile.

"Your professors will know the best course of action for you, students. It would only be of benefit to listen and follow their instructions." Headmistress Dove releases her badge and addresses the crowd for a final time. "First years will follow Professor Kirigan to the stadium. You will be called upon to individually showcase your abilities with your chosen weapon and your semblance against a Grimm of your choice. Good luck, students."

Headmistress Dove disappears back inside the walls of Atlas Academy, taking the long journey towards her office where she will watch the event from the comforts of her office.

Rory Kirigan, a highly decorated special op as well as the Professor for first years at Atlas Academy, motions for the students to follow him around the length of Atlas Academy; the stadium was set aside from the Academy, if students could not make it here then they did not deserve to step foot inside the Academy itself. Professor Kirigan's hair was a shock of ginger on the otherwise opal landscape of the city, but his face was unmistakably Atlas. His all black attire was unusual for Professors, but with as much accomplishments as Kirigan had managed in his short time as Special Ops, he dared anyone to tell him how to dress.

The stadium left nothing to be desired, another incredible showcase of Atlas' wealth and capabilities in technology. Sleek silver and white columns, marbled floors and an open ceiling that usually was covered in glass when fights would not be taking place.

"Make your way behind the stage. Your names are above individual seats with your own personal scroll. These are Academy issued and you will no longer require your personal scroll, transfer your contacts and throw it away." Professor Kirigan leads them down the stadium steps, past the cushioned seats that current and former Atlas students, military and various elites were currently occupying. "Send an SMS to my ID — already in your contacts — detailing which of the following Grimm you wish to demonstrate your abilities on." He turns on his heel once he and the students are behind the curtains of the stage, revealing a long row of chairs and plenty of Atlas staff bustling around. "Beowulf, Creep, Boarbatusk, and Ursa. These may seem simple to you, but that is the point. You do not want to be judged on your struggles, but your strengths."

Rory Kirigan swiftly leaves the students to decide their fates.

godjacob godjacob Twotall Twotall SomebodyElse SomebodyElse SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles

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Haven Academy was deafening. New, current and former students flooded the courtyard, standing around the fountain and various statues. There were so many people, in fact, that people bled out into the streets blooming with markets. More so, Huntsman and Huntresses were everywhere. They spoke to families, assuring nerve wrecked parents that their children would be well taken care of and would thrive, no matter their current abilities. 'Haven Academy makes, not breaks', was the ongoing motto amidst the long successful students, standing around with their teams.

Headmistress Laurel watches the events fondly, taking her time before interrupting the tranquility of families saying their goodbyes, promising to write and check in. Her heart swelled in pride that so many students continuously came to Haven for their studies, that they believed Mistral was worth fighting for. Still. Even with their muddy history. It pained her, as a Headmistress. Slavery had been so engrained in the history of Mistral and the racism was far from over, knowing her own position as Headmistress was only possible as the other candidate just happened to be faunus. She strived to run an inclusive school, though many faunus took their chances in Vale.

"Students," she speaks softly into the microphone, hiding her face to clear her throat. "Please listen up."

She waits for the sea of faces to turn to her, noticing an equal amount of respect and distrust. Not your fault, she reminds herself. You are not the past. Let them feel what they feel. "I am so pleased to see how many of you have placed your trust within Haven Academy. Our faculty is dedicated to give students sufficient training to raise you up to your potential, not ours. Mistral will produce the finest of Huntsman and Huntresses based on your capabilities." The green dress she often wears on intake days billows gently in the wind with her words.

"To begin, you will form your teams. We do things quite differently here at Haven Academy, so I implore you to listen closely to Professor Fāng." She moves aside as the younger and more ambitious woman takes her place, touching her hand briefly in support. Alya Fāng glances up at her in surprise, but smiles in return.

Professor Fāng takes a deep breath, remembering how she had practiced this plenty of times with her team. Nothing to be nervous about. "Inside the walls of Haven Academy lies your first task: find the relics. Disguised as ordinary objects, they have been enchanted." Alya's semblance allowed her to change the form of an object into something of her choice, the illusion breaking once touched — in which it then became a port-key, transporting the person to another object with the same illusion. As such, if one student were to pick up a lantern, it would take them to another student holding the same lantern. Four objects of similar nature were hidden within and would be used to form teams. Ingenious, Headmistress Laurel had told her when she offered her semblance to assist in assigning teams. Just ingenious.

"Choose wisely. Choose based upon which relic speaks the most to you, as a person. As a future Huntsman and Huntress. This is the first most important decision of your lives." There was no need to tell them that finding the relics would not be so easy, hidden inside the many rooms of Haven Academy and guarded by Grimm; the element of surprise was important in training. "Best of luck, students."

Haven Academy's doors swing open.

artemis. artemis. Eviexe Eviexe Lolory Lolory MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

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Intake season for Shade Academy had finally begun. Students milled about around the outer perimeter of the school, waiting to be ushered through the towering arch made from clay; hardened from the heat of Vacuo. Huntsmen and Huntresses waited outside the Academy, talking loudly amongst themselves, impossible to hear above the extreme winds from the days' weather. Early morning often came with the threat of potential sandstorms.

Headmaster Ochre signals for the bells to ring, sitting at the apex of the Academy. He fidgets his overworked brown hands — the excitement was palpable. He often felt himself as nervous as the newest students must feel when first attending Shade, walking into the known; they will be tested beyond their limits, taught by the exceedingly skilled Huntsmen previously trained in those very halls, and fighting Grimm. For the peace of Remnant, despite the risks to their very own lives. Ochre felt a stab of sympathy and something close to guilt; he felt a sense of culpability for lives lost, even after training has ended at the Academy.

"Students," he shouts, straining to be heard over the wind despite the very limited student intake this year. Maybe two dozen or so students this time around. "Your journey to becoming the protectors of Remnant begins here!"

"Upon entering inside, you will be faced with your first task: fighting an onslaught of Grimm." He felt it quite macabre for the former Headmaster to enforce this, if he were honest, 'hazing' ritual, but Ochre was a traditionalist. "First years Professor Soren Sable will call your names one by one and at such time you will enter the fighting pits. The task is simple: survive." The fighting pits itself was a colosseum with every seat offering a clear view of the fight. Former and current students arrived early to size up the newest recruits and place bets, even the Professors were involved; Ochre had brought this up at a school meeting to perhaps overturn this, but was met with an overwhelming backlash that he felt his hands tied, even as the Headmaster.

Ochre casts a glance over the students. Until recently, Shade Academy was not always able to procure enough students to form a whole team. They started reaching out beyond those that passed the physically draining acceptance exams, searching for children that had skill, ambition, and the potential to become Huntsmen and Huntresses.

"Four students will enter the pit at a time, but this will not be your whole team. The first two to fall will become partners, as will the last two standing. Professor Sable and myself will be watching closely and will announce the complete teams after initiation." It was always so complicated to explain. Ochre detested finding new ways to describe the process of forming teams.

And with that, he stands aside and gestures inside the pyramid-like structure of Shade Academy. "Best of luck, students."

Students usher inside amidst the jeering taunts of current students; the thirst for bloodshed was clearly defined. The very lobby of Shade Academy was the fighting pit with a singular hallway on the northern end, opening up to what should be the Academy itself. The circular dome was constructed with the material that all of Vacuo relies on heavily; clay. This time around the clay is smooth and hardened, new. Recent construction means it had likely suffered a recent Grimm attack, or maybe the last initiation had left quite the mark, but this meant it was at its sturdiest. Any fight taking place today would not alter the colosseum.

The fighting pit was also hub to students with downtime and in need of a place to relax with their classmates or study. Many current students were strewn around, books in hand or gossiping amongst themselves; the subject not necessarily the first years but most assuredly is.

Professor Sable (Soren) leads the first years down the steps, talking a mile a minute to not take notice of the Lien being shoved into various hats and makeshift baskets — the last thing he needed was another first year emptying their stomachs on his boots... and following up with his own breakfast.

"Take a seat on the first row." He stops at the bottom of the steps, jerking his head to the empty row that will easily fit the three dozen or so students. "Wait for me to call your names and hey, word of advice? We ain't gonna let you die, if its within our power, but act like this is life or death alright? If you're pathetic out there then you'll be stuck with a pathetic team. Show whatcha got."

They had a mean lineup of Grimm this year. Soren had been out with his own team to wrangle some of the bastards back. He levels every student with a hefty look, hoping to drive the point home how important this moment was. "Trust me. You want teammates as good or even better than you. 'Cause if you're the best you've got?" Soren doesn't have to finish. He hopes the students have enough experience in the Vacuo wastelands to know how dangerous it truly is to have only yourself to rely on.

lostbird lostbird anyasjoy anyasjoy Chimeric Chimeric Zenritch Zenritch

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MOOD: Anxious
LOCATION: Haven Academy.
OUTFIT: Casual Wear.
MENTIONS: open / everyone.

“Remember what I told you about presentation?” His mother fussed over his hair for the millionth time that morning. Brody smiled and nodded at her, brushing her hand away again.

“Yes, yes I remember. Always make sure you’re presentable I got it already!” He straightened up, and made sure he was like his mother had wanted him: Presentable and ready for school. Though with all of her fussing, it made him feel a bit childish since she had acted this way each time it had been his “first day” of school. When he was a little boy, she had lectured him on looking appropriate. When he went to Sanctum for the first time, she had helped him with his hair the night before just so it wouldn’t be out of place in the morning, and now when he is a man and off to Haven Academy, she insists on brushing his hair and patting any stray lint off his jacket.

“I swear, I’m gonna have those words imprinted on the back of my eyelids if you keep repeating them.” He told her. She chuckled, but finally stopped brushing his coat with the lint brush.

She looked at him, and Brody knew she was probably close to tears. Again. “Mom, please don’t cry all over again…” He said with a weary smile.

She sniffed, “It’s fine. It’s just…Oh my baby is all grown up now!” She immediately broke her promise and sobbed into his chest as she hugged him. “You’re off to be a Huntsman! I can’t believe it, it seems like only yesterday I could carry you on my hip. I used to take so many baby pictures of you like that!”

Oh Brody knew. She kept an entire photo album full of embarrassing and adorable baby photos of him. Of course, presently he was much taller than his mother, but that didn’t stop her from trying to baby him either way.

“Come on Priya, you just spent all morning brushing the coat…” His father said. She immediately jumped back to pat the wet spots out of his jacket so as to not leave a stain, while Brody laughed. His father handed him a box without much preamble, and Brody’s eyes widened. “Here. I want you to take this with you to Haven…”

It was a small, yet rusted old toolbox. One Brody knew his dad safeguarded for years, that held various old blacksmithing tools from his own youth. “Wait, really? Should I-” He tentatively reached toward the toolbox and took it in his hands. His father wouldn’t even let visitors rummage through those tools, though sometimes he’d be happy to let Brody hold one or two of them.

He nodded. “Go on and take it, kid. I’ve wanted to give it to you for a while, anyways. Those were the first tools I used when I was your age, and now…Well, I don’t exactly need old tools like that anymore. I’ve got a whole workshop here! They won’t have stuff like this in Haven, so keep it close, okay?”

Now Brody felt like he was going to cry, but he decided to just hold it in instead. They didn’t need two Sedona’s sobbing their eyes out this morning. As he finally tore himself away from his mother, and headed for the door, he looked shocked at the crowded streets of Mistral. “Oh my…” his mother whispered as she surveyed the cramped area. “Well, don’t forget to visit and write to us frequently!” She gave Brody a slight push to get him through the crowded streets, and Brody yelped as he was thrown into the crowd.

Brody could feel anxiety creep along his spine as he stood among the crowd of new students, all bustling forward to the open doors. He was thankful to have a few of his old Sanctum Academy peers nearby to pass the time with, but nothing could get rid of the slight oppressive air he felt as Headmistress Laurel spoke to them. When she explained the rules of their first assignment, Brody made sure to latch onto every word so he wouldn’t embarrass himself later unlike some of the other nervous wrecks he had bumped into.

He had seen one kid practically crying by the statue earlier, and he wasn’t sure what for, but Brody wasn’t about to join him. I shouldn’t rush in there before everyone else…better to let the crowd disperse a little and then spread out to find my item. As the students all converged into Haven Academy’s halls, he purposefully hung back so as to not be swept away by the surge of excited students. He took a moment to look around by the entrance way, after all what if one of the items had been placed right at the beginning? It would be clever…but not enough to fool a student. Judging by the other students who were milling about the entrance way, poking their heads in various places Brody suspected students wouldn’t normally be allowed to look into, he realized he wasn’t the only person who thought about that.

He headed deeper into the school, mindful to not move around too much otherwise he’d ruin his appearance totally. Now if I was a magical item in disguise, where would I be…?

code by low fidelity.


MOOD: Eh...
LOCATION: Haven Academy Yard.
OUTFIT: Casual Clothes
MENTIONS: open / everyone.

Carlie was in his room as the airship sailed towards his new home of Mistral. He was currently playing his hand held; a game called Eclipse GRIMM. This game had four characters with various abilities and are named after colors Red, White, Black, and Yellow. It wasn’t a hard game, but it was fun enough when you needed to kill time or keep you mind off things.

Even though most of his concentration was on fighting the last boss he could still feel butterflies in his stomach. Not only was he going to a new Academy he was going to a whole new area! All he had known since he was a kid was Atlas but now to be going to Mistral where no one knew his name, his abilities, and no unreasonable expectations. ‘Stage Clear’ showed on his screen and he let out a breath, that’s the reason I’m going to Haven he said to himself trying to calm down those butterflies.

There was a sudden knock on his door but before he answered the voice announced his stop was coming up and to get ready. Carlise saved his game real quick and gathered his things before walking out of his room for the first time this entire trip. As soon as the ship landed Carlise followed the rest of the students out before reaching into his jacket pocket and pulled out his hand and continued playing.

Carlise wasn’t sure when, but he and the rest of the new students found themselves in the standing in front of, who he assumed, the headmaster. He returned his attention to his game as she began her speech. He didn’t really pay attention, but he figured it was just a ‘welcome new students’ speech I’ll pay attention after this level…

It wasn’t until he heard a new voice begin talking that he stopped for a second and looked up. He listened to her explain just how teams were to be formed So, our first ‘test’ is a scavenger hunt with less steps? He though to himself before he sighed, “What a pain.” he says to himself looking back at his hand held and begins walking through the gates ignoring the overzealous students running past him, some even bumping into him.

He was one of the last ones past the gate walking down the streets casually while other students excitingly pick up and put down any item that looked enchanted in their eyes. His fingers mashing the square button as his character, Black, was unleashing combo after combo before he hits triangle and finishes off the boss GRIMM with her special attack, “yes!” he says in a low yet exciting tone.

“Dude, just open it.” Carlisle stopped in his tracks and looked towards the source of the voice. Standing in front of a door were three kids with one of the kids hands on the doorknob nervously, “why are you afraid? It’s not like they are hiding GRIMM inside.”

“I know! But…” the kid trailed off as he locked eyes with Carlisle, “hey! Come here for a minute!” With a reluctant sigh he walked over to the boys, not once taking his eyes off the game his handheld, “dude, we think there is one of those things the instructor was telling us about inside.”

“And?” Carlisle asks, damn another trap he thought to himself as he opened a trap chest on the game.

“And our friend here is being a sissy and won’t open the door.” Another student says. Carlisle stood playing his game as the three boys began to argue. Calling each other childish names and throwing insults at each other not realizing Carlisle, who had enough of them, had already walked past them and wet to open the door.

The door opened while Carlisle was pushing the ‘quick save’ button. The message ‘Your game has been saved’ popped on his screen and the moment he looked up a giant claw reached out from the dimly lit room. Carlisle let out a curse and he threw himself back barely dodging the claw. He managed to stay on his feet and quickly pulled out Epilogue and held it in front of him ignoring the gasps from the other three boys behind him as three Beowolves walked out from the room they were trapped in.

“Wh-What’s a GRIMM doing here?” one of the kids yelled in terror.

“Doesn’t matter,” Carlisle says, “there is four of us and three of them…we can take them-“ his sentence was cut off by the sound of their screams going further and further away, “or I’ll just take them…” he says with a sigh.

The first GRIMM, seeing an opportunity, lunged at Carlisle trying to get its claws into him but Carlisle was quick and put up his sword to guard. He could feel the GRIMM was trying to force him off his feet. Suddenly the other two charged at him from both his flanks. He couldn’t rely on his semblance because of the numbers which means he was going to have to do things the hard way, “What a pain!” he says.

With a quick Draw, Carlisle pulled out Echo and shot the Beowolf in front of him. The sudden attack seemed to stun it and Carlisle took advantage by pushing its claws away from his face, stepped past the Beowolf, while slashing Epilogue into its abdomen, and for the coup de grace he fully pulled the trigger causing an explosion that forced his sword through the Beowolf and completely disintegrated some of its parts. However, he had no time to be pleased with himself as the second and third Beowolf was still charging towards him.

Quickly, Carlisle shot the second Beowolf in the head causing it to fall to the ground, its momentum caused it tumble to a stop. He then dodged the third Beowolf lunge attempt before shoving his sword into the Beowolf’s mouth before it had a chance to attack again and fully pulled the trigger. Again, there was an explosion from his sword that caused him to be flung back a foot or two and caused the beowolf’s upper half to be completely gone.

Carlisle, after checking his surroundings and was satisfied he was in the clear, put Epilogue away and pulled out his hand held making sure it wasn’t damaged, ignoring the oohs and aahs from the other students who just witnessed him solo three Beowolves, “What a pain in the…” he stopped when he noticed a rather large sack was just sitting in the middle of the room where the Beowolves were, “Huh?” He cautiously walked inside the room checking his surroundings as he made his way towards the sack.

The closer he got he realized it was a large sack full of lien just sitting in the middle of the room, “What idiot would just leave this here in a Beowolf room?” He says to himself as he looks around, “That’s a lot of Lien though…” he slowly reaches for the bag, “Maybe I’ll just get enough for the DLC and give the rest back.” He says as he grabs the sack of Lien.

code by low fidelity.
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mood here




location here


interactions here


tags here

. Haven Academy proceeded itself on rumours and more, an impressive building and about to house an impressive potential huntsman (himself evidently). It was glaringly opulent in the way buildings oozed and encompassed more rooms than his own imagination might conjure. But nothing compared to Cine’s sister though.

“I cannot believe you’re actually here.”

Cinereous laughed at the words, watching as his elder sister looked stricken, unspoken emotions scribbled across her countenance, and gave him a squeeze. She was much older, but Cine could feel the fear coursing through her. It was palpable as her quivering shoulders and he leaned into the hug. One arm looped around her as Cine adjusted his boots and placed his arm away. “I think you mean, you totally believe I am here?” He countered as he dipped away on one ankle and twisted away from the embrace. “No.” He heard the anger bottoming in her tone. “I’ll just wow my professors with a smile, charm my team, and I’ll be wadin’ through more loot than you can actually spend.” He teased with a fluttery hand, already flourishing the dramatics in her direction, but she refused to yield to his antics. She was always better of the bunch, where she adhered to making a life on principle, but Cine opposed that naturally. He skulked for his meals, stole what was available, and honed his skills in shadow. Irredeemable in some eyes, but his family quickly warmed to the idea. But this couldn’t be one of them, becoming a hunter and dreams were for the hopeful.

He wasn’t surprised nobody else came for him (his mother couldn’t bear him to be in danger), and the rest of his siblings were convinced of his folly. He would return within the day. Yet his sister, Euodice, believed differently and thus her turning up solidified the drive within Cine to succeed. No— he was going to come back with a brazing emblem that connected him as a huntsman and get his licence. His sister once more held that sympathetic look, rousing her dry throat in action. “Cinereous.. you know they—”

Cinereous shook his head, cutting the conversation short. The courtyard then descended into shouts, clamouring in anticipation and bottled in curiosity. “Go back.” He gently nudged his sister, who nodded meekly, dropping his bag to the side and retracing her steps away. She looked so much like Cinereous, but she matured in a way wisdom would never reach him. His sigh collected itself on the tip of his tongue, forcing his chin upward and slinging his belongings across his back. It wasn’t much. Until he could amass his own hoard and that knowable glint traversed his eyes. It struck his eyes with a lighter shade, commanding itself almost to a washy black, and Cine knew he was in business now. Headmistress Laurel didn’t just cut a fine figure through the crowd, but her voice acquiesced to all miserable parents and heeded the eager students into submission. He whistled lowly. Suddenly, Cinereous found himself particularly undressed in his ratty tunic, brown leather pants and swishing cape. His waist was double belted (with more tools than a blacksmith) attached to his hips. The only item that glittered with the weather was his guns, perched in carefully maintained holsters and his initials scribbled.

Find an item? Simple.

He could do that in his sleep, as students rattled into sprinting and shouting, coating the noisy courtyard with more chaos. Shrugging his shoulders, Cine slunk into a group, watching in curiosity and caution. It seemed some students didn’t care and rushed around the school’s grounds. Enchanted items could be anything. Would the headmistress be petty enough to conjure up items with no relevance? Would a fork in a cutlery draw count? He didn’t know, pursuing the air through his lungs and sidling up alongside a nervous student by a door. Poor guy was dripping in sweat and his own tears. It was salted across his cheeks and eyebrows, wringing his fingers through a measly weapon. “Hey man, don’t worry, this room is safe.” Probably was the unspoken word in his sentence, silky tapping an index finger to the gleaming door handle. It took a little convincing, ushering his tone to be friendly, but accommodating. “I checked it out maybe thirty seconds ago. You can go in.”

The student appeared to be appreciative, readjusting his grip and charged through Cine. A scream echoed as its own answer, helpless to bound through the door, and Cine winced tentatively. Okay, a theory was confirmed— rooms were unsafe, and the kid was probably fine. Probably was the operative word there again, he had a weapon, what more could he want? Cine carefully tucked himself into the wall, heading in another direction and leaving behind a screaming mistake.

He would be fine. But maybe Cine shouldn’t be using his fellow beamless stragglers. He could hear more banging, thrashing, and writhing— Grimm. Headmistress Laurel and Professor Fāng didn’t pull any punches in arranging this test. The unknown and the known— separate the students quickly from comfort to reality. He would have applauded them if he wasn’t canvassing for his own item and speculating on different strategies. Okay, sneaky Haven. Cine could do something similar, speckling an item or two with a silvery orb (hopefully to know if something was touched), one item was a random chair and another a curtain.

Okay, not the most sought-after items, but it was a start.

See if ordinary items were in the equation and then calculate from there, as he slunk down another alleyway to cause unintended chaos.

♡coded by uxie♡
Iris Murin, Atlas Academy

This was actually happening, she really made it!​

Those had been the lone thoughts Iris had in her mind the moment she walked through the doors of Atlas Academy as the Huntress-in-training to be seemed to just try to make sense of the reality of the moment here. All the young woman’s struggles, all of her strife and the headaches she had to overcome just to get here. Her path had been a messy one from Mantle to Atlas City but none the less she arrived and she was determined to make her mark!

The courtyard thankfully had a lot of elbow room which Iris always appreciated, when you had this many bodies in one place you needed to least be able to breath a bit as there were countless aspiring Hunters and Huntresses and boy had there been a ton of those! It really shouldn’t be a shock as most of these people either desired to get in with Atlas Military or become a Huntsmen so the field had always been wide, and while her parents had hoped she would move more to the military side of things Iris had one goal on her mind and that was to be a pure Huntress and show everyone what the walking earthquake of Mantle could do. Granted nobody actually called her that but still, when she did become a Liscensed Huntress she figured that’d be a pretty cool title for herself.

“Soo, any idea when the head honcho is gonna show?” Iris asked one of her peers, and her causal attitude seemed to cause that individual to turn away from her as she seemed to shrug. What, was it rude to ask that? Either way she seemed to get her answers as all eyes soon had their eyes on Headmistress Dove, from what her aunt had told her a member of the Atlas Spec Ops basically the elite of the elite among Huntsmen in Atlas. Having a dual role with that and being a Headmistress had to speak of her ability but Iris had not lingered on that. The important bit was the first-years were under the care of Professor Kirigan who led them to a large stadium as they would be given some fancy academy scrolls and given the chance to select their own Grimm to demonstrate the skills of their weapon and Semblance on as all of this seemed to excite Iris who seemed to have her fist pumped at the news.

“It’s sort of like ordering take out. Only instead of a meal, it is a fresh butt to kick.” Iris proclaimed, a bit louder than intended as a couple students glanced her way and iris sheepishly seemed to rub the back of her head as she cleared her throat. “I-in a manner of speaking of course.” Iris said as she whistled a bit awkwardly before the students were asked behind the stages to find their individual seats.

With a bit of a beat to her step, Iris moved with the others and looked for her seat which seemed to be more towards the middle of the backstage area. There the new fancy academy scrolls were as Iris had begun the process of transferring her old date and contacts to it. While throwing out their personal devices seemed like much, she had been meaning to upgrade anyway so the young woman had seen this as a win-win. So once that was done, she moved to the real meat and potatoes of what she was given, and that was Grimm selection.

By design, this was intended to be a showcase of what they offered as incoming students, and while each Grimm breed offered their own unique challenge Iris instantly knew what she desired and quickly selected the Boarbatusk option. From what she knew those things could be relentless and came at your hard and were just rushing tanks on legs which all appealed to Iris’ interests. Surely if she could batter around something like that it would leave a good impression and besides, she always wanted to test her figurative and literal muscle around so she seemed to settle to her decision. Once she had selected and outlined the Grimm’s description into her message, she sent the SMS to Professor Kirigan who had been seated with the Atlas elites in their own exclusive section.

Iris had glanced over to that area, her aunt had always loved to rave of those kings in the sky who seemed to rule above them, those military goons who high on themselves they couldn’t see out of…well, Iris was not about to repeat the full quote now, even internally. Course her parents always raved of those among the Special Forces seeing them as an ideal to strive for as they worked as City Guards and Iris had always felt stuck in the middle; conflicted on paying respect but also not being blind to the disparity between those blessed in Atlas City and those below like her in Mantle.

Either way she merely shook her head and tried to focus on what was to come. This was about her, not her father, mother, aunt nobody else and she had one drive. To prove why she belonged, to prove she was a Huntress in the making and she was ready to kick anyone’s butt to get to where she needed to be. That drive was all she needed as she sat with a nervous but eager anticipation, shaking almost with a glee to go out there and make her mark!

Today the world would get a first glimpse as to who Iris Murin was!​

is still cold and clear...

breathing life to unfurled sheets of bamboo paper were practiced brushstrokes constructing a variety of silhouettes and figures: humans, faunus, animals big and small, constructions simple and grandiose, even the soulless grimm. vivid, colorful hues painted across the bamboo silently vocalized tales of a thousand years past — tales of humble villagers accepting glorious quests, of the ordinary encountering mythical wonders and mythical monstrosities. now in the present, zhu daixi would have never anticipated she'd find herself in a similar position to the legendary characters adorning the scrolls plastered around her family's temple. she, a typical girl from kuchinashi, standing before the luminous, glimmering jewel of mistral: haven academy.

towering into the brilliant cerulean sky was the palatial structure of the academy. swirls of all sorts of tints encompassed her vision — people clad in fabrics of blues, greens, reds, purples, all contributing to the unintelligible chorus of chatter filtering into her mind. among them was her own mother, someone considerably shorter than daixi was herself and yet still rather tall for a woman, dressed in apparel strikingly different than what her daughter wore. whereas daixi was clad in dark crimson and burgundy, her mother donned beaming yellow. it was said to be the color of prosperity and luck, though continually her mother had insisted daixi wouldn’t need any of the latter.

”you have to make sure you eat enough! and sleep enough! and don’t do anything dangerous! don’t get into trouble—“

māma, when have i ever gotten into troub

"and get your homework done on time!" her father was next to hastily interject before another syllable could spill from daixi's lips. akin to the two zhu women, her father was also considerably tall and adorned in a similar fabric as her mother. he always was one who seemed eager to match clothes at her request, or do anything really, if it put even a hint of a smile on her mother's face. "if anyone bothers you, tell me. i'll come here and beat—"

please don't.”
in a subtle pause, she mulled over the thought.
"in fact, i don't even think you could. you can't even kill a bug without screaming.”

"and yet when your mother asks, i still get the job done. do not underestimate your father and a good sandal, dà bǎo. there is nothing i won't do for this family... ah, where was i? don't stay up too late! don't..."

daixi had to repress a sigh. well, she supposed even the legendary figures forever captured in the scrolls lining the walls of the temple had their perils. whereas their obstacles hindering them on their journey were fearsome beasts and grimm, hers were two nagging parents who had everything to say but goodbye. yet she felt no ounce of annoyance, as she recognized that their nagging was purely an expression of their care and perhaps a purposeful prolonging of parting ways. certainly, it was made apparent by the sudden softening of their gaze and the honeyed tone that dripped from the words they uttered.

"... we are just worried for you, daixi. but more than anything, we are so, so proud of you. we know you'll achieve wonderful things here. just know that if you're ever missing home, the doors will be right open for you. but make sure to update us whenever you're free or if you need anything, okay? no matter the distance, we will always be here for you."

watching her parents take a step further and further away until they were nothing more than little dots in her vision truly was the most difficult first step of her journey. successfully, daixi had managed to impede tears from endlessly spilling out her eyes in front of her parents. yet in the courtyard, gathered with hundreds of other students, they threatened to pour again. every so often, daixi's head would tilt up to the sky as the headmistress spoke to blink back the wateriness of her eyes, partially because she didn't want people assuming it was professor fāng who moved her to tears, and partially because she didn't want to test just how waterproof her makeup was at the moment. at least this treasure hunt of hers would provide a good distraction...

and a frustrating one at that.

for a school as massive on the inside as it was in exterior, it was only a matter of time before daixi felt as though she had walked down the same hall twenty times. enchanted relics... ordinary objects... what was she supposed to do? touch everything? how was she supposed to choose a relic wisely when she didn't even know if an object was a relic? daixi released a gentle sigh. she needed to settle down and think.

and what helped her focus the most? music. a pecular symphony was created with the sound of her humming and the muffled noise of panicked screams reverberating behind closed doors and down the halls. professor fāng didn't want to make this relic hunt so easy, did she? but her personal symphony was interrupted by the sound of a voice behind her.

"uh... h-hello?"

daixi turned around to see a boy who had clearly failed to do as she had done. his eyes were puffy with tears, his hair tousled yet also clinging to his forehead from sweat alone. dirt and dust clinged to his clothes, almost as if he had been tossed around or beaten up. "that... that room back there..." he drew a thumb behind his shoulder to point down the hall. "i checked it out a minute ago! if you're still looking for a relic... maybe you should check there!"

daixi looked at him suspiciously. what idiot would fall for a trick like that? with a raised brow, daixi pointed up at herself.
”... do you think i'm stupid?”

"wh-what? nooo. you're probably the smartest person alive!" he awkwardly laughed. the poor guy. it was almost like she could see all the sweat draining out of him. "look, it was just a prank! it's not even my idea! i'm sorry, i'll just—"

”find me a grimm and i'll be happy to take it out for you."

the boy looked at her, puzzled. however, it only made sense in daixi's head. in almost all ancient mythos, heroes never so simply stumbled into their prize. no, they underwent trials, and the trials professor fāng prepared were clearly the grimm. "you... want to find the grimm?" he repeated hesitantly.

”yep! and you look like you've already been beaten by a few, so you'll by the perfect grimm magnet!"
turning against her heels, daixi clapped her hands together twice before heading back down the hallway.
”come on, let's get going now! we don't have all day!"


♡coded by uxie♡


Olivia Caldwell

MOOD: Calm
LOCATION: Atlas Academy Courtyard
OUTFIT: Huntress Outfit
TAGS: #theduchess #cryaboutit #youremad
MENTIONS: Open / Everyone.

And here she was. On the grounds of Atlas Academy.

Olivia stared out at the sea of bobbing heads, all belonging to brand new, accepted students into Remnant’s finest Huntsmen School. If she were asked her thoughts and feelings of this moment from a total stranger, she’d shrug. Her feelings about this place growing up were created by her daydreams, a place where talented people could train to become literal heroes. Once she had developed her Semblance, her father had taken her on countless visits to the school grounds, teachers and private counselors flocking to her side to feed nothing but fame and glamor into her ear. Naturally as she grew older, her imagination and wonder for the place faded. Now, as she looked among Atlas Academy, thoughts of the place were nothing but neutrality. It was a school to her and nothing more.

Moments passed before all heads turned towards the front entrance, A woman in a very official-looking uniform stepped out from within the academy, approaching a podium to speak to the students.

Olivia didn’t feel like elbowing her way forward for a better look, so she instead decided to pull on her vision, her soft blue eyes turning a few hues lighter into a pale blue. Her vision seemed to shoot forward instantly, stopping until it looked like she was standing right in front of the crowd’s speaker. This woman looked to be Headmistress Dove. Olivia had never met the woman personally, but her looks matched the description people usually gave when talking about her. The Headmistress spoke quick and confidently, the amplified sound of her voice through the podium’s microphone tricking Olivia’s brain into thinking the sound was deafening. She watched as the woman gestured to another teacher by the name of Kirigan, the man standing only a few paces away, being the one to escort the crowd towards Atlas’s testing grounds, The Arena.

The Duchess smirked. “Finally.”

As the crowd began to move and follow Kirigan, Olivia let go of her vision, returning to normal and following the flow and path of the people. Her rifle swayed in its holster, bags russling, and buckles klinking as she walked, the sound of her boots clomping along as they walked through the cobblestone courtyard. They soon transitioned into the Arena, an almost amphitheater-like structure that oozed money and prestige. She didn’t have enough of a chance to look around before the next set of instructions was given from Kirigan. He directed the lot of them around the Arena, moving behind the main stage to an area full of seating and staff members. Once there, the professor began to rattle off instructions, the students following suit, finding their seats and beginning the process of transferring their data over to their newly issued scrolls. Olivia made her way to her assigned seat. She took out her rifle from its holster on her back, crossing her legs and placing the rifle along her lap as she took her seat. Opening the new scroll, it looked silver, shiny, and brand new. Could it be the latest model? Holding a device in each hand, she tapped away as her contacts and messages transferred over, Olivia tossing her once personal scroll into a passing staff member’s receptacle. She was quick and down to business as she itched to test her trigger finger on some bloodthirsty Grimm.

Olivia selected Rory Kirigan’s Profile, selecting “Direct Messaging’ before sending the professor a text.


She hit send, the side column of the message app displaying a closed envelope to signify the message had been received. Now Olivia just had to wait.

Wait for the excitement to begin.

code by low fidelity.


MOOD: Excited
LOCATION: Haven Academy.
OUTFIT: Casual Wear.
MENTIONS: open / everyone.

Brody could hear all of the loud commotion going on around him, and knew then that he had made the right decision to not hastily rush in like everyone else. As he walked down the halls further into the school, he could hear shouts and clamor of battle against Grimm. Well at least I know which rooms to avoid… He took his time while everyone else went straight into the fray. One thing he noticed as he surveyed the destruction around him were the kinds of rooms people were choosing to go into. There wasn’t anything immediately obvious about them, but they were all big and open. Places where Grimm would have to fit inside of for a proper battle. Maybe I should avoid cramped spaces then? I have to think about this like a teacher would…where would I put both a hidden object and a Grimm?

He bumped into someone while lost in thought, and immediately apologized to the quivering boy before him. It was the same one he saw crying by the statue earlier. “Oh! Sorry about that, my bad.” Brody said, though he noticed just how beat up the kid looked. “Hey uh…are you okay?

“Of course I’m not okay!” He exclaimed angrily. “I walked into one of these rooms thinking it’d be fine. I’d never seen a Grimm so large…” he shuddered.

That explains the various bruises… Brody wasn’t worried, however. He was certain the teachers wouldn’t just up and release creatures that first years like them wouldn’t be able to handle. It wouldn’t look good if we all got eaten on the first day after all.

Well at least you made it out! You should be proud, you know. Fighting Grimm is no easy task. Did you happen to find anything?” Brody asked.

“Yeah I did…it teleported me halfway across the school though. Uh, that’s when I bumped into you. My partner’s still…busy, back there.” He pointed a thumb back at the room he’d just left. Brody could definitely hear the sound of battle coming from it. Whoever this kid got partnered with, they sure did like beating Grimm up.

Ha, you’ll make a great pair! Opposites attract and all that, you know?

“No I…don’t know.”

Like magnets? Ah, it’s whatever. Listen, try working out sometime, okay bro? If you get a little more muscle, Grimm will be a piece of cake! Take it from me, I hit the gym all the time.” The boy rolled his eyes, much to Brody’s surprise. He thought his advice was sound.

“Yeah sure, whatever bro. I don’t need some dumb jock lecturing me on how to get better.” He scoffed with crossed arms, and then looked Brody up and down with a glare. “Are you even supposed to be here? You don’t exactly look like the rest of the student body…” He said, in a disdainfully bigoted tone.

Brody took one challenging step forward and looked down at him. “And what’s that supposed to mean, huh?” He asked as he towered over the rude boy, who quickly began to backtrack his snarky comment.

“Uh, n-nothing! I just misspoke…”

I see. Maybe you should hurry back to your partner already. I’m sure they need your help.” It was the politest way Brody could think of telling him to piss off. Thankfully, he immediately slunk back into the room he came out of to do just what Brody suggested with a solemn nod.

Ugh what a jerk…You give a guy advice, and that’s how he responds!? He stormed off and decided he’d join the rest of the student body in flinging himself into random rooms. He’d wasted enough time thinking about which doors to open, and if guys like that were finding their partners before him, he knew that wasn’t a good sign. ’Dumb jock’…hmph the nerve of that dude! He pushed open a door which led to what seemed to be a gymnasium of some kind, totally lost in thought.

This room was different from the others, the lights had been dimmed some and the air was far colder than the tepid hallways he’d just left. As he walked into the room, he ducked instantly to avoid the large scorpion tail of a Manticore. The black and white beast roared loudly at him, appearing so suddenly as if it arrived from thin air. The Manticore immediately pounced, and Brody rolled out of the way, his hand hooked onto the small handle behind his back that attached Orpiment to his jacket. With a flourish, he twisted his body and swung the large hammer head straight for the back leg of the Grimm. It tripped and crashed against the wall with a heavy thump that was enough to send a tremor through the ground.

Okay so maybe they are willing to put beasts like this for the first test. Great. He stood up and held Orpiment in front of him to guard when necessary as the Manticore was already back on its feet and ready to pounce at him again. It howled at him and bared its sharp lion-like fangs, and Brody noticed that it kept shivering its body in an odd way as if it were constrained. He spotted large metal shackles that had somehow been placed on the Grimm’s midsection, where its large black wings normally were. It lunged for him again, and Brody side-stepped out of the way. He deftly twisted the handle of the hammer, and then swung it at the Grimm’s metal shackles. Just before it could touch the metal, the Grimm was harshly shoved away by the Gravity dust forged into the hammer.

Confused, the Manticore stumbled on its feet. Clearly, it had braced itself to be hit, not to be shoved by some unseen force. And it was even more unprepared to be ]pulled roughly by an invisible hand as Brody twisted his hammer once more, and pulled back on it. He was thankful that whoever had managed to trap this Grimm had placed metal on it in the first place, otherwise he’d have to get much closer to it than he’d like. The Manticore was thoroughly thrown off balance this time, but before it could regain its footing, Brody swung Orpiment down on its front paw and it reared its large head back and yowled.

It swiped its other massive paw at his head, but Brody was prepared for that as well. He raised his arm and awakened his Semblance at the correct moment. The Manticore’s large claws were stopped as it glanced off of the hard rock of his body. He only hardened one side so as to keep a hold of his hammer, though now he was stiff and much slower than before thanks to the added weight. Now that it was closer, he was able to get a hit in with his hammer straight for its head. The Grimm staggered back as Brody took the opportunity to rush forward, and with two hands wrapped around the handle of his hammer, he lifted it high and smashed it straight down on the crown of the Manticore’s maned head.

The Grimm fell flat on the floor with a sickening crunch, and then dissipated into a thin black ash. Brody fell back on the ground, now that the danger had been averted. Hopefully there isn’t another Grimm hiding away in the corner… He took a moment to just catch his breath, with his hammer forgotten beside him. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something glint like silver. He craned his neck and spotted a strange pouch that had seemingly been there the whole time, most likely guarded by the now decimated Manticore. He dusted himself off and made his way towards the pouch, and was shocked to find it was actual Lien just sitting there for the taking.

Oh no! Someone must have left this here, probably one of the teachers…or a student who ran out of here the moment they saw that Grimm. Brody reached down to pick it up. I should hold onto it so I can turn it in.

code by low fidelity.

Brody could hear all of the loud commotion going on around him, and knew then that he had made the right decision to not hastily rush in like everyone else. As he walked down the halls further into the school, he could hear shouts and clamor of battle against Grimm. Well at least I know which rooms to avoid… He took his time while everyone else went straight into the fray. One thing he noticed as he surveyed the destruction around him were the kinds of rooms people were choosing to go into. There wasn’t anything immediately obvious about them, but they were all big and open. Places where Grimm would have to fit inside of for a proper battle. Maybe I should avoid cramped spaces then? I have to think about this like a teacher would…where would I put both a hidden object and a Grimm?

He bumped into someone while lost in thought, and immediately apologized to the quivering boy before him. It was the same one he saw crying by the statue earlier. “Oh! Sorry about that, my bad.” Brody said, though he noticed just how beat up the kid looked. “Hey uh…are you okay?

“Of course I’m not okay!” He exclaimed angrily. “I walked into one of these rooms thinking it’d be fine. I’d never seen a Grimm so large…” he shuddered.

That explains the various bruises… Brody wasn’t worried, however. He was certain the teachers wouldn’t just up and release creatures that first years like them wouldn’t be able to handle. It wouldn’t look good if we all got eaten on the first day after all.

Well at least you made it out! You should be proud, you know. Fighting Grimm is no easy task. Did you happen to find anything?” Brody asked.

“Yeah I did…it teleported me halfway across the school though. Uh, that’s when I bumped into you. My partner’s still…busy, back there.” He pointed a thumb back at the room he’d just left. Brody could definitely hear the sound of battle coming from it. Whoever this kid got partnered with, they sure did like beating Grimm up.

Ha, you’ll make a great pair! Opposites attract and all that, you know?

“No I…don’t know.”

Like magnets? Ah, it’s whatever. Listen, try working out sometime, okay bro? If you get a little more muscle, Grimm will be a piece of cake! Take it from me, I hit the gym all the time.” The boy rolled his eyes, much to Brody’s surprise. He thought his advice was sound.

“Yeah sure, whatever bro. I don’t need some dumb jock lecturing me on how to get better.” He scoffed with crossed arms, and then looked Brody up and down with a glare. “Are you even supposed to be here? You don’t exactly look like the rest of the student body…” He said, in a disdainfully bigoted tone.

Brody took one challenging step forward and looked down at him. “And what’s that supposed to mean, huh?” He asked as he towered over the rude boy, who quickly began to backtrack his snarky comment.

“Uh, n-nothing! I just misspoke…”

I see. Maybe you should hurry back to your partner already. I’m sure they need your help.” It was the politest way Brody could think of telling him to piss off. Thankfully, he immediately slunk back into the room he came out of to do just what Brody suggested with a solemn nod.

Ugh what a jerk…You give a guy advice, and that’s how he responds!? He stormed off and decided he’d join the rest of the student body in flinging himself into random rooms. He’d wasted enough time thinking about which doors to open, and if guys like that were finding their partners before him, he knew that wasn’t a good sign. ’Dumb jock’…hmph the nerve of that dude! He pushed open a door which led to what seemed to be a gymnasium of some kind, totally lost in thought.

This room was different from the others, the lights had been dimmed some and the air was far colder than the tepid hallways he’d just left. As he walked into the room, he ducked instantly to avoid the large scorpion tail of a Manticore. The black and white beast roared loudly at him, appearing so suddenly as if it arrived from thin air. The Manticore immediately pounced, and Brody rolled out of the way, his hand hooked onto the small handle behind his back that attached Orpiment to his jacket. With a flourish, he twisted his body and swung the large hammer head straight for the back leg of the Grimm. It tripped and crashed against the wall with a heavy thump that was enough to send a tremor through the ground.

Okay so maybe they are willing to put beasts like this for the first test. Great. He stood up and held Orpiment in front of him to guard when necessary as the Manticore was already back on its feet and ready to pounce at him again. It howled at him and bared its sharp lion-like fangs, and Brody noticed that it kept shivering its body in an odd way as if it were constrained. He spotted large metal shackles that had somehow been placed on the Grimm’s midsection, where its large black wings normally were. It lunged for him again, and Brody side-stepped out of the way. He deftly twisted the handle of the hammer, and then swung it at the Grimm’s metal shackles. Just before it could touch the metal, the Grimm was harshly shoved away by the Gravity dust forged into Orpiment's metal.

Confused, the Manticore stumbled on its feet. Clearly, it had braced itself to be hit, not to be shoved by some unseen force. And it was even more unprepared to be ]pulled roughly by an invisible hand as Brody twisted his hammer once more, and pulled back on it. He was thankful that whoever had managed to trap this Grimm had placed metal on it in the first place, otherwise he’d have to get much closer to it than he’d like. The Manticore was thoroughly thrown off balance this time, but before it could regain its footing, Brody swung Orpiment down on its front paw and it reared its large head back and yowled.

It swiped its other massive paw at his head, but Brody was prepared for that as well. He raised his arm and awakened his Semblance at the correct moment. The Manticore’s large claws were stopped as it glanced off of the hard rock of his body. He only hardened one side so as to keep a hold of his hammer, though now he was stiff and much slower than before thanks to the added weight. Now that it was closer, he was able to get a hit in with his hammer straight for its head. The Grimm staggered back as Brody took the opportunity to rush forward, and with two hands wrapped around the handle of his hammer, he lifted it high and smashed it straight down on the crown of the Manticore’s maned head.

The Grimm fell flat on the floor with a sickening crunch, and then dissipated into a thin black ash. Brody fell back on the ground, now that the danger had been averted. Hopefully there isn’t another Grimm hiding away in the corner… He took a moment to just catch his breath, with his hammer forgotten beside him. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something glint like silver. He craned his neck and spotted a strange pouch that had seemingly been there the whole time, most likely guarded by the now decimated Manticore. He dusted himself off and made his way towards the pouch, and was shocked to find it was actual Lien just sitting there for the taking.

Oh no! Someone must have left this here, probably one of the teachers…or a student who ran out of here the moment they saw that Grimm. Brody reached down to pick it up. I should hold onto it so I can turn it in.
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  • how he's feeling...

    Anxious and excited.



"Today's finally the day." A young man clad in brilliant silver armor thought as he gazed longingly at what would soon be his home away from home.

The Huntsmen and Huntress hopefuls spread throughout the outer perimeter of Shade Academy could attest how the blonde knight was the first to arrive and patiently wait for the gates of Shade Academy to open. Some may attribute his punctuality merely to the excitement he was feeling at the moment, as evidenced by the enthusiastic grin plastered on his face. But the truth of the matter was that there's no way he could ever be late, unless he deliberately tried to do so. While being instantly awoken at the crack of dawn might seem inconvenient, Ael's just thankful that it also gives him an instant recharge no matter how many hours of actual sleep he got. Plus, thanks to being forced to be an early bird, he has more time to tick all the boxes on his daily morning routine.

Still, even Ael had to admit that he went overboard with punctuality and had to wait for several hours before spotting a fellow student as a result. Once more students arrived, he couldn't help but be overcome with curiosity, flashing everyone a friendly grin and asking questions about how their weapons worked and what sort of semblances they had. Eventually, the ringing of the bells indicated that he didn't have to linger outside the academy walls for a second longer, and on cue, Headmaster Ochre delivered what he assumed to be a rousing welcoming speech rendered barely audible due to the incessant billowing of the wind. Nevertheless, Ael managed to get the gist of the Headmaster's announcement, and his grin got even wider when he learned the initiation test involved battling grimm.

Truth be told, he was a bit worried that the intake exam would be far more complicated than it really is, but leave it to the Vacuoans to come up with something simple yet effective. It reminded him of the popular saying the locals have, "If you can survive here, then you are welcome." That statement even affected how new students would meet their partners and form their teams. While the system seems lenient even to those who "fall" in the exam, Ael knew better than to willingly make use of the safety net.

As he arrived with his fellow fledgling huntsmen and huntresses at the fighting pits, his suspicions were confirmed when he saw that the place was an actual coliseum and the entire student body was in attendance. He doubted that all of them came merely for the free entertainment, confident that a lot of his future seniors intended on judging the performance of the newbies in the arena.

Shortly after the new students were seated at the front row, Professor Sable started calling out names for the first batch of students to take on the horde. His anticipation built up as one, two, and three students were called, praying his name would next leave the professor's lips. The professor wasn't even finished uttering his name when the blonde knight visibly pumped his fist in the air out of excitement and hurriedly joined the others. While he didn't find anything remarkable about the first two students, he caught himself staring at the dark-haired beauty next to him. Not only was she attractive but his intuition told him that she's the one most likely to come out of this test as his partner.

"Hey there! My name's Ael! It's nice to meet you!" Ael said enthusiastically as he flashed a bright smile towards the dark-haired girl.

From the corner of his eye, he spotted several staff reining in Grimm of all shapes and sizes in preparation for the exam. He identified Beowulves, Creeps, Boarbatusks, and Ursas along with several other nasties he couldn't wait to turn to dust. While he felt some degree of nervousness, it was vastly overshadowed by the excitement he felt as he stood in front of his seniors, peers, and professors.

"They sure pulled out all the stops to welcome us, the least we could do is meet their expectations. Anyways, good luck out there. I know you'll do great! Oh and you look great by the way!" Ael addressed the dark-haired girl one last time before he poured all of his focus at the task at hand.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Shade Academy: the fighting pits.


i was myself entirely.

cinna weaver

Dread has made a home in Cinna's abdomen. Travelling from Coquina to Vacuo City was a four day journey and the moment she stepped out of the settlements border, Cinna had felt nothing but apprehension. It was a strange feeling. She mulled it over on the travel — to be so torn about the thing she wanted to do most in the world, but still feel like the ten year old girl being attacked in her own backyard.

Cinna gathers her belongings in her duffel bag, a farewell gift from her siblings. It was new, not worn and torn like most things in their home. She hadn't shed a tear then but she feels a small pinch in her throat thinking back. Goodbyes weren't easy, but necessary in a kingdom like this. You never knew which day might be your last in Vacuo.

Contemplating whether she made the right decision for the tenth time that morning, Cinna rucks her duffel on her shoulder and leaves the small inn she was staying in. It was cheap, because she was a future or, current student. Inn's were in abundance around Vacuo as cities and settlements were far-reaching, requiring days of travel on foot. Fortunately, the inn was just around the corner from her new home: Shade Academy.

Clay walls bordered the Academy that sits smack in the middle of Vacuo City. She supposed the architecture was far better than that of Coquina, but perhaps it was simply new. She spots a burgundy sign at the entrance warning of Sulfur Fish sightings. Must be Grimm, Cinna concludes and shows the guards posted by the gate her acceptance letter. They nod, allowing her to pass through.

It was just as she pictured: Vacuo was massive. The population enormous considering most families don't have more than one children as its more Lien than its worth — Cinna was a rare case with four sibling. Vacou City allowed for a safer haven from the Grimm that lurk in the vast wasteland, she wondered if it could even rival that of Mantle. Shade Academy however? She shakes her head staring up at the pyramid structure, mesmerised.

She suddenly feels out of place. No doubt majority of students here had gone through their own trials and tribulations as citizens of Vacuo, but the need to cover up the scar carven across her face was immediate. Cinna keeps to herself, away from the crowd and waits for the bell to ring, signalling the start of session. Headmaster Ochre briefly explains how initiation works, but she finds herself spacing out, staring at the golden robes. Why is he dressed as a monk? There's a variety of decorated badges and pins on the fabric, possibly accolades for heroics she wasn't privy to. She thought that was just an Atlas thing.

Mood soured at the thought of it, Cinna follows the fellow students and Professor Sable at a languid pace. He was talking too much for her brain to keep up with, too preoccupied by the badges. When did Vacuo care for such things?

"Take a seat on the first row."

She does, sitting somewhere in the middle of students. Any chatter amidst them drowns out as she stares at the sand pit. Would the Grimm be more challenging than what she was used to dealing with back home? Cinna had become one of many volunteers to protect the borders of Coquina whilst she was studying for the entrance exams. She learned from former huntsman, but mostly security. Could she even do this?

Cinna feels the burn of her acceptance letter from her back pocket.

Shade Academy believed she could. Maybe that was enough.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.



Alya waits patiently in the cafeteria, ignoring the buzzing of her scroll — her teammates were desperate for her attention whenever she attended Haven Academy. It was hard for them to grasp her dedication to the students here in Mistral. Why be a Huntress and not just become a full-time professor? The answer was simple to her. Why not both?

Headmistress Laurel sits politely across from her, surveying the objects of the year. Chinese zodiac statues. Made from pure gold and carved to perfection, Headmistress Laurel had ardently constructed them herself. When they had been presented to Alya, she had simply stared, missing the meaning. Usually it was wood carvings of weapons, shields, music notes, arts. It separated the brawn from the creative. But she was never one to deny the Headmistress.

"Which one would you choose?" The Headmistress breaks the silence, startling Alya out of her trance. Asami Laurel was a woman of few words, the ones she bothered to speak mattered. Was this another test of her making? Alya had grown quite used to that.

"Oh. Um...." She looks over the statues, truly considering the query. They were placed along one mahogany cafeteria table, a significant distance between them. "Perhaps the dog. I've always wanted one." She sheepishly looks to the Headmistress, smiling at the admission. Truth was, there was no time for pets — a Huntress never stayed in one place long enough to give the proper care. That was the retirement plan, if she lived to see it.

Headmistress Laurel slowly nods her head, as if it were expected. "Do you know what it means?"

"I am afraid not, Headmistress."

"Loyalty. Honesty. Do you believe you exhibit those qualities, Miss Alya?"

So, it was a test. For which only Alya had the answer for. She dips her head slightly to consider the question. Yes, she was loyal. To what? Her teammates would argue. She was loyal to them, of course. She was prepared to die for any one of them, as long as the job was finished. To the school? Certainly. There was no greater passion in her life than that of training students to be Huntsmen and Huntresses. Maybe the answer was Mistral, she was loyal to. And she found herself honest enough to admit that.

"I do believe so, Headmistress." Alya meets her gaze again, stretching her arms sideways on the bench she's sat on, feeling the vinyl beneath her fingertips. A grounding technique. Headmistress Laurel had a way about her, Alya had realised from her first year at Haven. Alya often felt herself on the verge of dissociation when inquired about such questions plaguing Asami Laurel's mind. "Would you say so?"

Her eyes look up in response, just a flitter before they're focused back on her, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "I would say so."

Alya purses her lips. "Which one would you choose?"

"The Rabbit."

A crack of thunder effectively ends the conversation, signalling the joining of two objects. Both students are suddenly warped into view beside the Ox, looking frightened and windswept.

"Hard-working. Dependable." Headmistress Laurel sighs wistfully.

Alya stands from the table and beams at the students, thrilled at the sight of her semblance at work. "Take a seat, students. Your team will be assembled shortly!"

artemis. artemis. Eviexe Eviexe Lolory Lolory MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

© weldherwings.


Dual Post

MOOD: Happy & Annoyed
LOCATION: Haven Academy.
OUTFIT: Casual wear .
TAGS: #TheOx #TheDog #TheLienWasALie
MENTIONS: open / everyone.

The moment Carlisle grabbed the sack of Lien there was a sudden jolt and for a split second he was stunned in place as the world, like a video game, began to glitch. Mixing together and becoming one garbled mess of colors and objects becoming abstract like one of the paintings in his mother’s study. Unsure what was going on Carlisle grabbed Epilogue and readied himself for whatever was going to happen next. The wind picked up deafening the young hunter and with a jolt of lighting it all stopped and found himself in another room with another student mirroring his confused and concerned face.

Brody, who hadn’t expected any kind of wind or thunderous sound to erupt the moment he grabbed the pouch of Lien, was frightened to find himself in an entirely new area. The first thing he did was to check if Orpiment was still with him. Thankfully, it had been in his grasp when he held the mysterious pouch. Though what wasn’t with him any longer was said Lien pouch. Goddammit I’ve lost someone else’s money… His eyes widened when he spotted another student just a few feet away from him with an apprehensive look. “Hey this is going to sound strange but uh…you wouldn’t happen to have seen a strange bag of money laying around, would you?” He asked with a sheepish smile.

“Strange bag of money?” Carlisle repeated remembering that was the last thing he saw as well before being teleported to the cafeteria and in front of a giant Ox statue. He took a quick glance of his surroundings and realized he and this other student were the only ones here. It was then that he was able to put two and two together. The bag of Lien that he and this other person saw, being suddenly teleported, and in the cafeteria with this other student, “The Lien was fake,” he says with a sigh, towards the other student, “we found the enchanted items.” Ugh, so much for the DLC

“Wait, it was…fake?!” Brody exclaimed. He stood and dusted himself off as he looked up to find the golden dog statue before him. “I hope you’re right about that…I wouldn’t want to have lost so much Lien, when I could’ve given it back to its owner, you know?” He looked around, and noticed the set up of the room they were in. “This must be the cafeteria. I’m guessing we’re one of the first student’s to have found our item…well, in that case, I think introductions are in order!” Brody stuck his hand out for the other boy to shake. “Nice to meet you, I’m Brody Sedona! I guess this means we’re partners from now on, then?”

“I guess so…” he simply says before walking towards one of the many long tables that filled up this area and sat down and pulled out his handheld and began playing, “oh,” he said as if he forgot something, “I’m Carlisle, pleasure and all that..” there was a long pause as his fingers mashed the buttons on his handheld. Until he noticed the one known as Brody was still there. With a sigh, Carlile turned off his handheld and put it in his pocket before turning his attention towards Brody, “I don’t suppose you know what happens next right?” of course he doesn’t, he’s just as new as you “Or why we stood in front of those weird looking statues.”

Brody awkwardly shoved his hand in his pocket before speaking, “I have no clue what happens next, to be honest.” He shrugged. “I’m just as lost as you are. But as long as we’re here, let’s get to know one another! We’re partners now, so shouldn’t we…you know, socialize and stuff?” Brody got the feeling that Carlisle wasn’t the social type at all, judging by the way he tried to immediately run to a table to play some game. He thought for a moment, before he snapped his finger. “I got it! Why don’t you tell me where you found your mysterious bag of Lien?” It seemed like a good way to pass the time, and an even better way to get his new stoic partner to open up a little.

Carlisle looked at his new partner for a moment with his elbow on the table and his hand pressed against his chin, his stoic expression studying this Brody fellow who seemed very hell bent on making Carlisle his new friend or something. He let out a sigh and a ‘this is so annoying’ before he decided to speak, “Found it behind a door. These three other students were afraid to open it so they told me to open it for them, I was attacked by three Beowovles and they ran away,” he then shrugged and added, “so I took care of them, Solo Mode.”

Brody seemed taken aback by that, and blinked in surprise. “Wow really? Three whole Beowolves…” He cocked his head at Carlisle a little. “Hm…no offense dude, but you seem a little on the…scrawny side. It’s hard to imagine, that's all.” Then again, there were plenty of students he’d known back at Sanctum who could take down all sorts of terrifying Grimm despite their stature. “Oh! We could totally hang out at the gym if you want! Grimm will be a piece of cake if you lift a little.” And it would make for a great team bonding experience! Mom says those are important in Huntsman and Huntress groups…

Carlisle is usually a stoic and hard to read person but if Brody looked hard enough he would notice a little eyebrow twitch when he called Carlisle ‘scrawny’. However, He quickly brushed it off and looked in another direction, “I’ll pass,” he says, “I don’t like my clothes fitting me tight and all those muscles will just get in the way of my fighting style.” There was another long silence before he turned his attention back to Brody, “What about you?” he asks, “Where and how did you find your little non existent bag of Lien?”

“You’ll never believe this, but it was actually a Manticore in the gym. Like, a real one!” He shuddered remembering the creepy stinger tail it had. “Granted, the teachers seemed to have shackled it, so I had an easier time getting rid of it. But still! If anyone else had gone into that room, I doubt they’d have gotten away like I did…I’m just surprised finding that bag landed me here. In front of this uh…big dog statue?” He had noticed the 12 big statues before them, but he hadn’t thought about what they were there for. He did recognize the animals, however. “I think they’re Zodiac animals. I learned about that all the way back at Sanctum. They’re supposed to tell you what kind of person you are based on when you were born!”

“If you believe in that kind of thing.” he adds as soon as Brody was done talking and looked back at the statue he was teleported in front of. The Ox, Hard-working and dependable he turned his head away and scoffs yeah right He pulled out his phone from his pocket and did a quick search for ‘dog sign’ and clicked on the first result, “Honesty and Loyalty.” he read out loud before looking at Brody as if seeing if the description fits this boy that was in front of him, “Well, I don’t know you well enough to know if these things are true,” he says before putting his phone back in his pocket and resting his head in his hand, “but I suppose it’s better than being a liar and disloyal, so there is that.”

“I like to think I’m those things, anyways…Who knows, maybe you really are hard working and dependable? I mean, you got rid of those Beowolves right? That’s pretty hard work, if you ask me.” To Brody, this was going pretty well already. Sure, his partner was a little aloof and kind of quiet, but most people were compared to him anyways. He’d been told lots of times that he talks way too much, and far too loud before by many of his former peers. “I think now that we’re here, perhaps we should wait and see if others join us? Who knows, this whole cafeteria could be full by the time the day ends.” He thought for a moment, “Or we could go and find the Headmistress? She’ll probably let us know what to do next! Something tells me you probably want to do the second option anyways though…you don’t exactly strike me as a social butterfly. No offense, dude.”

“No idea what gave you that impression.” Carlisle says sarcastically before returning his gaze to the most interesting wall in the world. The two sat in silence for a moment before Carlisle sighed and stood up, “these seats suck!” he says, “maybe if we just talk to the headmistress we can get our rooms and be done with all of this nonsense.” he began walking in a random direction with so much confidence you would think he knew where he was going. It wasn’t until he stopped when he realized he didn’t have a clue, “So…umm…” he looked back at Brody, “you…uh…you have any idea where her office is?”

code by low fidelity.
Iris Murin, Atlas Academy

The damned thing of having so many students all taking the same sort of "right of passage" demonstration was that the wait for everyone to finish had been agonizing! While Iris herself had finished nice and early and seemed ready for action, countless other students to be still seemed to be entering information or milling over what type of Grimm to defeat which while understandable had been tedious from her perspective.

"Come on, hurry up..." Iris muttered to herself, perhaps a little louder than intended as one student glanced over to her with an eyebrow raised as Iris sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "...t-then again what's the rush really." She said with a awkward chuckle before she sighed and placed her head on her hands as she sat and waited. Needless to say she needed to do something, find something to entertain herself with or else she'd be all but ready to explode as she began to mill over possible ideas. However, a lightbulb seemed to go off, surely someone nearby had been finished up themselves and would be open to a chat, wouldn't hurt to get to know one of her future classmates in advanced after all.

She glanced around as she seemed to try and look for someone who both was finished and also seemed interesting, and she seemed to find the ideal individual in this rather well dressed blue haired girl about her age that seemed to be sitting around. As luck had it, she also was close enough for her to lean over to speak to as Iris had done just that and seemed to strike up conversation. "Hey there uh, happen to be done? Just uh curious what Grimm you decided to take on, I'm going for a Boarbatusk here those guys always put up a struggle." Iris said as she asked the girl by her this ice breaker question.

Twotall Twotall





mood here




location here


interactions here


tags here

What would be constituted as a personal relic? Such a question meandered through him, taking shape under the constrained screams and his own breath laced through the hallway. Nothing came from his own personal semblance — meaning — relics were more than just a simple item. Cinereous groaned to himself more than the mission, knowing with certainty he needed to put into the work and dispelled his own semblance in activation. He wanted to confirm something amiss with the misguided exam and find a loophole. No such existed within the capacity of his semblance, and he hated how his boots echoed against the ground. Okay, time to get serious, tracking his way down to a random door and gingerly tossing his wrist forward. It took a few seconds before something greeted him with a sharp introduction and Cine ducked under; bending his knees downwards to the shiny floor. It was way too nice to be here, once more proving the hidden wealth or resources the academy operated on. How much was even poured into it?

Saliva cooled in his throat, collecting his cool forward, and pushed his eyes up. It was a series of vicissitudes events, contorting together into a sleek ribcage and void-like skin; with bone protruding in angles that made him wince. Yet, he could see something else—distinct and haunting. It was the depthless orbs blazing at him and locking onto him with a hunger he could feel in his stomach. It roped around his wrists around a familiar need to move and he pulled on that impulse, swiftly pulling himself to the right. “I insist on a date before you get handsy.” He quipped to the charging monstrosity, grunting in anger and lunged without stopping. Okay, strength motivated its claws coming down once more and hunching forward to achieve a lethal swipe. Cinereous propelled himself forward, accelerating his agility to roll under the claws and hoisting one gun from his belt. He spun that around with his fingers, once, twice, unleashing a series of bullets into a squishy stomach and the creature howled. It did little in damage, watching as tiny specks of ash twirled around his forehead and the thief needed to launch himself back. He was once more reliant on his boots, holding his ankle down, and directed himself away before the creature could gain the melee advantage.

Its teeth clattered in response, slamming two legs down and presuming what Cine could identify as a predator’s stance. Its teeth were too foreboding, and long, and gesticulations on its throat with a need to consume the much smaller human. “Okay, we can dance first, your choice, buckeroo.” His smile sparked under the danger, retreating to the door and thudding his guns together; a simple lock mechanism activated. It allowed the connecting handles to slide together, and he spun his quarterstaff in his fingers. Cine’s hair whipped around him, but, luckily, the copious amount of gel and styling he prepped kept it in line. The Beo Wolf didn’t care about the semantics of weapon design or hair, leveraging its strength within its muscles and grappling forward. Perfect. Cine laughed, plopping his staff down and hoisting himself in two steps. Predictably, the Grimm launched itself into the wall, splintering the brick or wood; falling once more like decayed petals. A cut slid across his cheek, now, in the aftermath, he was too close to the offending claw. It didn’t deter his ascent, using the Grimm’s arm to draw himself up, and he wrapped his legs around the Grimm’s head. He used his quarterstaff against the Grimm’s neck. It was an effective muzzle, applying pressure and his own strength. It wouldn’t last long, his human condition couldn’t stand up against an inky creature, and its feral response.

“You’re a very bad boy or girl? Or bad them? Anyway, we could have been friends, can you imagine? A hunter and his pet puppy.” He grinned as he dissolved his staff, pressing a button and catching his gun in both hands. It was a minuscule moment to position them against the skull and unload his own revenge.

He was rewarded with a generous thump, and Cine removed his legs quickly. (getting squished wasn’t in his plan). He blinked slowly, watching as the deflating mass crumpled and Cine dusted himself off — his hands were busied from fighting. It probably wasn’t expected anyone would even piggyback or have his own version of a chicken fight in the room. He didn’t see any water to cushion his fall, adding to the bruises and cuts speckling his skin. “It’s not you. It’s me. I have standards.” He winked at nothing, tracing his steps further into the room and crinkling his eyes at the junk. Okay, some rooms probably contained more items and were probably more guarded. Ego, his friendly encounter.

Or he pissed off someone on the upside, damning his fate to a scatter of trinkets and one angry wolf. With a vendetta, he added mentally, whose desire to eat him up had been way too explicit. First time in his life someone was attracted to him, go figure.

Something here had to attract him, fiddling with numerous objects and dutifully ignoring the big gouges on the floor. He would not be held responsible for that. He hoped with a small grimace decorating his lips.

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

prof. rory kirigan

Something about the start of a new year at Atlas Academy bored Kirigan to death.

An early 'retirement' from the special ops (in reality, take a teaching job and scout for students that would be better suited in the military than as a Huntsman) was supposed to be flattering. No one had done what he had managed to do and at such a young age, almost fresh out of Atlas Academy himself. In his eyes, he saw it as needing to be replaced. Why should he be the bloodhound for Atlas, sniffing out fresh meat?

He had listened to Headmistress Dove's repeated mantra. When Kirigan had heard it at the fresh age of eighteen, he had been inspired, mesmerised by the Headmistress ability to chant the crowd of students. Things had changed. He respected the Headmistress for graduating into the military instead of pursuing a career as a Huntress, believe him. There was no greater satisfaction to be found than serving Atlas and its military. But Miss Carolina Dove had become a Headmistress for a reason — so why was he now in her post, doing her job for her?

Kirigan's scroll buzzes with numerous messages from the new intake of students. Low and behold, the vast majority choose a Beowulf. Creeps were too small for students such as ones attending Atlas. Every one of them had something to prove. Ursa's were popular, but were quite difficult and could send the wrong impression: students almost always overexerted themselves and came across as weak. Boarbatusks were the least likely chosen, for some of the same reasons as Ursa's: they're tough, they take thought and skill to take down effectively, and being seen as weak in front of so many Atlas elites was surely an embarrassing stain on people's memory. Good luck being taken seriously after graduation.

From: Kota Frost

Kirigan works fast behind the scenes, responding with the text: You're up first. Head to the curtains.

Kota Frost stands, following the white painted lines on the floor that lead to the towering heavy arctic blue curtains. A staff member stands by, holding onto the rope that will part the curtain and release the student. Kirigan gives a quick rundown to the student on what is expected.

"When the curtains open, stand on the white X and wait for your chosen Grimm. Do not hesitate. Do not allow it anywhere near the guests — that will reflect poorly on your performance. Deal with it swiftly." He doesn't say good luck, because he truly doesn't care.

He looks down at this scroll and messages back the next student, surprised by the choice.

From: Iris Munin

From: Rory Kirigan
After the student enters the stage, take your place behind the curtains and wait for your turn.

Being the first student was the most nerve-wracking, he remembers well. The second student was more prepared, able to watch the performance of the first and learn. Soon enough, the curtains part and Kota Frost takes the stage. Kirigan doesn't care to watch, but he listens eagerly as the Beowulf roars its welcome.

godjacob godjacob

© weldherwings.


atlas academy:
the stadium.



you're no saint.

sylvie verde

Today was the second most important day of Sylvie's life.

'The first,' Melina, her mother, reminded her almost daily, 'will be your graduation.'

Sylvie had been assured from early in life of her importance in the future of Atlas. Whether it was serving her kingdom as a politician, the military, or as a Huntress. Deciding on a Huntress frankly came down to her semblance which showed itself on a tour of the dust mines in Atlas. It would be wasted as a politician, which required her brain and her charisma.

"What about Atlas Military, hon?" Her mother holds her hand, guiding her down the Atlas courtyard. The transportation had swiftly arrived at her house to pick them up, driving them directly to Atlas Academy on behalf of the Atlas council. Perks of being the chairwoman's daughter, and all. "I know you are set on a Huntress but-"

"Mother," she gently chides her before Melina goes on another one of her tirades. "You know I haven't set my mind on a Huntress yet. I just performed much better at Mettle Academy as a Huntress than an operative." She shrugs one dainty shoulder. "My semblance works better in a team environment."

Mettle Academy had awarded Sylvie in top marks for her level of cooperativeness. She listened well to leadership, never questioned who had authority above her — though she was not opposed to voicing her opinion — and effective communication during high stress situations allowed her mock teams to thrive during training. Her acceptance into Atlas Academy came as no surprise to them.

There was no arguing that simple fact and Melina sighs with a resigned smile. Some things were up to fate, her father would tell them both.

Headmistress Dove exits the Academy's main door and Sylvie feels her mothers grip on her hand tighten. The Verde family was not strangers to the most important figures in Atlas — they were one of them. But Sylvie's absence at home would be felt deeply by her mother in a mansion all alone, with only paperwork and meetings as company.

"Will you stay?" Sylvie suddenly turns to her mother, full of hope. Work had prevented Melina from attending so many of Sylvie's events at Mettle Academy, maybe it would put her mother at ease.

Melina hesitates, for just a moment. A sickening feeling settles deep in Sylvie's stomach before her mother relents, giving her hand another squeeze. "I will head there now, hon."

Goodbyes could wait until after the demonstration.

Sylvie listens closely to the Headmistress once her mother follows the crowd of others making their way into the stadium to select their seats for the performance. It was common knowledge how the intake exam went; most people in the city bought their tickets for the event ahead of time, eager to see the future Huntsman and Huntresses of Atlas in action. The intake exam even had an extracurricular subject taught at Mettle Academy, setting them up for this moment specifically.

Kirigan departs the courtyard to lead the students into the stadium. Sylvie follows at a distance, shellshocked. He was a big deal. His exploits in the Atlas military had been nothing short of successful.

She saunters down the stadium steps, craning her neck above the other students to get a glimpse of her mother. Most likely Melina had used her status to get a balcony seat with the upper class, much preferred over sitting with the socialites and former students. Her name is above a seat on the far end of the row of cushioned chairs, with a scroll neatly atop it.

Taking her seat, Sylvie taps the scrolls together to quickly transfer the 363 contacts she had stored and fires off a text to Prof. Kirigan.

From: Sylvie Verde
Creep, please.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Olivia scrolled through her new scroll’s contact list, lightly glancing at the names that appeared. She didn’t think having most of the academy’s faculty and staff listed on the entire student body’s personal scrolls was a good idea, even if they could see who was messaging them. That wouldn’t dissuade pranksters or the foolhardy from making poor choice with these devices. Olivia had a knack for knowing people and how they worked. Spending the last 5 years at her father’s company had taught her how to study people and, more importantly, what to expect from the general populous.

Her expectations for most people were low and not much had changed to make her think otherwise.

Olivia continued to check the contents of her scroll as well as redownload all of her old apps. She sat in her chair quietly before hearing someone to her left, the words directed at her. She turned to look at the person only to be met with, what Olivia could only describe as, the most jacked-looking woman she had ever seen. While Atlas definitely had more demographics of girls than ‘prim-and-proper tightwads’, this lady was still a surprising sight and not the norm.

“Yes… I picked Boarbatusk as well. A good challenge. Beowulves are too basic and an Ursa is a little overkill for a first matchup.” Olivia put down her scroll and turned to speak with the girl directly. “Show off a bit and end the fight quickly and you might get a good spot in the Academy’s standings.” Olivia was about to mention more before the woman’s phone started buzzing in her hand.

“Well, looks like you’re up soon.” She paused for a moment before saying more. “Words of advice. Get a killing blow from the underside or back of the neck. The face and head are too heavily armored. Try not to fumble out there.” Olivia ended the conversation rather bluntly, going back to looking through her phone.

godjacob godjacob
Iris Murin, Atlas Academy

Of the two of them Olivia seemed to be the more "conventional" Atlas Academy rep; Having that Duchess aura about her, the stylish hair the smooth fair skin the ideal athletic frame yadda yadda yadda. She really did have that feel about her while Iris had been...less conventional, not only in her more visibly muscular frame but in how she carried herself but at the moment the Boarbatsuk discussion had taken focus as she heard the girl explain herself and her reasoning seemed to be solid enough as Iris nodded along. "Yeah, want to really make an impression with this showcase, seems good minds think alike." Iris had complimented.

She listened as this girl seemed to give sound advice to her, identifying the Boarbatsuki's weak spots once it became clear she'd be on deck as this bit of helpful aid seemed to be quite the gesture on her part. "Seem to know your stuff, sure you'll handle yourself fine. If I find myself in trouble I may thank you for that advice, of course though I have to first test how good that armor of its is." Iris said before standing.

"Grimm are creatures that feed on fear, and my whole attitude is to fight strength for strength. If I can bust that armor head on I am sure that will give the Professors here something to take notice of and hey, gives me something to strive for and I always am at my best when I shoot for the unlikely." Iris admitted, as she seemed to be a head on type for better & worse.

Iris stretched a bit before she grabbed her axe and began to move to the on deck area as she had been next to go after the lucky first contender, though before she left she glanced behind her to the girl and seemed to smile. "By the way, name is Iris. Iris Murin." Iris said as she introduced herself.

"Who knows, if we both do what we need to do we might end up getting along well together, either way I got some boar butt to kick so see you on the other side~" Iris said as she winked before she moved off with an eager step as she seemed all too eager to show everyone what she could do.

Twotall Twotall

That morning was full of dead sleep, drool, and light sounds of breathing. That is, until the back-to-back alarms, eight in counting, stirred Viridian back to the living. At first, she huffed like maybe that would send away the nuisance of sound. In their persistence she jolted up, hair a crow’s nest and eyes still unopen. A few more moments of blaring buzzes and beeps continued as she processed the reason why someone, her, went through the trouble of setting them. When it registered that today was the day, Viridian nearly fell off her bed as she hurriedly battled to fling off her sheets and stumble to get herself together.

Catching herself on the back of a chair in the far corner of her room, she hazily traded out her pajamas for the outfit she had put together last night. In the bathroom she steamrolled through her routine. Having washed her face, she became a little more awake and looked back at herself in the mirror. Getting ready for the day was one thing, but today held so much more weight to her. And she knew she wouldn’t be the only one to feel this way, anxious or excited, something to prove, a purpose to fulfill. Maybe that should have felt like a camaraderie between herself and the rest of the first years, but for Viridian, it felt most like competition.

She did not want to be one of plenty who would fall to Grimm or in the shadow of another, unless she chose to. These were the thoughts that plagued and drove her all the way up to the headmaster’s speech and subsequent opening of the colosseum’s doors. Her heart fluttered and mouth twitched in anticipation, but her eyes remained focused. She carried onwards through those hardened clay walls and arches. From gate to seat she had shuffled along like an alert zombie. She could taste the adrenaline in the air, pumping throughout Vacuo’s alumni, students, and even the teachers themselves.

Finally, it was beginning. Viridian would be alright with a partner, it was going to happen anyways, right? Huntsmen and Huntresses always formed teams of four. If they didn’t hold her back, she didn’t really mind. The apprehension she held insider her felt like a snake rearing and having to wait to strike. Eager, nearly impatient, but she knew better and would pace herself, take it steadily – for now.

She seemed to be delivered another wake-up call at her neighbor’s bright words. Perceptible only by the way her eyes widened and remained big for a handful of moments before receding back to their focused, collected shape. “… Yeah.” Her first response did have some excitement to it, but it was more at how startled and wonder in ‘why’ he would try greeting her. She thought it was too early for introductions until exams were completed. Her hypothesis on it may have been nerves quickly fell away as she didn’t see that in him, only excitement, maybe the same amount of eagerness she was trying to push down. It was hard for anyone who came here for a reason to not be excited or anxious.

“Hi… Ael. I guess it’s nice to meet you too... even though I don’t know who you are…” He was probably just one of those people, feeling the need to introduce themselves to strangers, or maybe she was comfortably impolite, not feeling the same expectation. Viridian felt a coil of defiance at the phrase “meet their expectations,” he wasn’t wrong, but perhaps it was the idea of needing someone’s approval that bothered her. Ael’s last sentences of encouragement were brushed off as frivolous things people say. There wasn’t much she would genuinely return; she didn’t know him and wouldn’t have to unless they ended up on the same roster. Still, she never would hope for anyone to fail unless they’d made an enemy of her. Yet she struggled to figure out what she wanted to say, maybe she could be nice and encouraging too.

“Right. Hope your throwdown is fun.” Her gut winced at her attempt. She liked to think she was great with words, but she was more fluent in the areas of insults, sarcasm, and without filter. The exchange that only she made awkward further spurred her desire to be quickly called upon.

Shade Academy
coded by natasha.
Iris Murin, Atlas Academy

Iris watched from the waiting area as the first student got their crack at the action, and god seeing a fellow aspiring Huntsmen go at it only seemed to get Iris more pumped up! Before long that student finished up his bout with an Ursa as Iris knew it had been her time now as she held her axe close and walked out to the miniature little battle area that was designed for students to go nuts on with their chosen Grimm. And speaking of the chosen Grimm...


An unearthly roar and the sound of battering metal draw Iris' attention across from her, as within this refined steel container had been her opponent the Boarbatusk. This ravenous creature of darkness growled and slammed into the bars as it tried to burst itself free those four yellow, soulless eyes communicated only malice as saliva dripped down while it seemed to be in a frenzy. Quite the messy beast to be sure, Iris even seemed to wince a bit at the mess of saliva at the bottom of its cage but the task was presented before her as what she assumed to be some Atlas official seemed to walk by the padlock of the Grimm container.

"Atals Applicant, Iris Muri, are you ready for your physical evaluation?" The Atlas official asked as he seemed ready to bust the padlock at a given moment. Iris in turn, took in a deep breath as she held her axe Peacemaker close to her and seemed to shift to a battle stance as she could not help but flash an eager but confident smirk of sorts.

"I was born ready!" Iris declared, and with a nod, the padlock was slashed clean as the official departed and the cage burst open as the Boarbatsuk roared out and charged to Iris with a full head of steam, and Iris true to her spirit opted to charge right ahead as the two raced to the middle with Peacemaker raised and striking a clean blow right to the armored head of the Boarbutsuk. Sparks flew as metal clashed against the armor of the Grimm but the beast pushed Iris back who managed to remain upright but seemed impressed by its strength. The Boarbutsuk seemed to be far from done as it dug its feet to the ground and charged as it tried to slam into Iris and impale the girl though Iris had Peacemaker ready as she shifted to the side and hooked her axe against the tusk as she used a combination of balance and strength to tilt the creature mid charge as it toppled and landed hard on its side as it stumbled along the arena floor and slammed to a wall!

"That all you got porky~?" Iris called out with a playful sticking out of the tongue and some visible bravado which only seemed to enrage the Boarbutsuk who got to its feet and unleashed another primal cry in the air. "GGGRRRRRAAAAAKKKKKK!!!"

The creature seemed to roll up into a ball and gained momentum as it launched with a rapid acceleration. Iris seemed surprised by the initial speed as she slammed Peacemaker against as she was unable to dodge in time but the blow knocked her back and to the side as she tumbled back along the ground but rolled to her feet, though was shaken a bit by the blow. "Ouch...okay, hits harder than I expected..." Iris muttered to herself as the Boarbutsuk rolled on and attempted to circle around to slam into Iris again. Iris in turn shifted Peacemaker into its tommy gun setting and fired a volley of dust rounds as they seemed to strike the beast but the way it seemed to spin so rapidly allowed that armored front to rotate and block most for the rounds even as some made contact with flesh along the back. Iris jumped over this rampaging top of death and fired rounds with a flip over it as more rounds blasted and clanged against its armored head, tusks and flesh as it raced around and around. Iris landed on her feet as Peacemaker shifted to its axe setting while the Boarbutsuk circled around and tried to charge her again from the front.

Iris knew she lacked firepower at the moment, so her axe seemed to begin to coat itself in this powerful pressure as her aura flickered as she raised Peacemaker and slammed the axe against the ground before the Boarbutsuk could close the gap fully to her.


The Boarbutsuk cried out as its momentum and the force of the unseen force knocked it into the air as it was forced out of its curled form with a devastating little crater left where Iris had struck. Her Semblance, Shockwave, produced a powerful seismic force that slammed against the ground which caused a section of it to crack and this force slammed into the Boarbutsuk and knocked it airborne! Iris quickly moved under it and shifted Peacemaker to its tommy gun as the vulnerable underside was exposed and she fired several rounds as her rounds pierced the softer flesh and the Boarbutsuk cried out in pain before it slammed hard to the ground. The beast groaned, wounded and it seemed to struggle to stand as Iris turned and seemed to smell a sitting duck as Peacemaker shifted back to its axe form. Iris charged ahead as the Boarbutsuk turned and attempted to stand as its wounded back legs prevented a spirited charge. Iris in turn had her axe again coated in that aura of hers as she grinned a bit as her eyes focused on the crone of that skull...


"ERRRRGGGGGAAKKKKK!!!!" The Boarbutsuk cried out as its armored skull was pierced by the Shockwave-boosted axe as she dug Peacemaker deep in and the Boarbutsuk was in a wounded panic as its life was fading fast and it struggled to get away or least lodge a tusk into Iris, but she kept right and dug deeper as she had began to twist and turn with the axe lodged inside jerking with her full might. "Sorry there but this...is....mine!" Iris called out, and with a mighty heave she yanked the skull off its neck and decapated the Boarbutsuk with its skull hanging off the end of her axe as she raised it for the officials and spectators high like some sort of trophy. Iris' expression seemed to convey the pride the Mantle-born girl experienced before the Grimm seemed to fade into literal dust as Iris seemed to sight but even with the effort her smile had been hard to mask as she raised a hand high while she heard these words following her exit out of the field of battle.

"Results of this demonstration: Victory, for Iris Murin."​
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prof. soren sable

"First up!" Soren announces with a clap of his hands; lights snuff out, leaving only the pit illuminated and silence descends.

He casts a glance over the students, weighing the options.

"You and you," he deftly points to two brunette boys huddled together. "Names?"

They share a look and one speaks: "Timone and Theodore Verdell."

Soren jerks a thumb over his shoulder. "In. Now, you?" He locks eyes with another boy, this one appearing as if he's itching for a fight. "I don't care for your name. In." The boy shrugs, grabs the weapon resting at his feet suspiciously looking like a shovel and follows the twin brothers into the arena. "And... you." He points at a girl this time.

"Mallory Zahra."

He doesn't have to say, she's already standing and heading into the pits. He nods approvingly, good initiative. He makes a motioning wave with his arm in the air, knowing his teammate will notice the signal.

"Assuming you listened to Headmaster Ochre, you know whats expected of you lot!" Soren shouts to the students in the pits, but makes a point to lock eyes with each student on the bench. "Show what you got and don't fall first."

Forming his hand into a fist, he motions his arm in a wave once more and ground centred in the middle of the pit falls away. The clay hexagonal platform ascends just as quickly as it fell, an Ursa sitting in place. Soren hops over the barrier towards the students on the front row, out of harms way; for now. Some Grimm feed off of the excitement and nerves of the crowd, sometimes forgetting the students within reach and charging over barriers. It was another test for the students selected: protect others. That's what it meant to be a Huntsman.

"Have at it!" He calls to the students, marking the start of the exam.

Mallory, the girl, moves first. She dances around the Ursa that is much too large to keep up with her lithe movements, managing to already render the Grimm into a daze. "Do something!" She shouts impatiently at the men sharing the pit with her.

The twins almost fall over themselves at the order, both of them reaching to brandish a mace: one with sharp edges resembling the spikes of a sun, golden yellow and the other sports a crescent moon, the shape resembling a gardening ho, silver and dark. They swipe and lunge at the Ursa, taking advantage of the openings that Mallory provides them. The nameless boy mirrors Mallory, walking perpendicular to her and using his shovel-like weapon to scoop the dust in the arena into the eyes of the Ursa when given the chance.

Soren hadn't expected the boy to play defence. Maybe he should have cared to learn his name.

"Theo, wait." Timone, the one who had spoken their names originally and Soren now notices is the slightest inch taller than Theodore, grabs onto the elbow of his sibling. "You are tiring yourself out."

Theo, however, seemed to be in the heat of the battle — hearing anything but the pounding of his own heartbeat was hopeless. He continues to swipe, duck under the slashes from the Ursa that seems to be batting at him as if he's an incessant fly rather than a fierce soldier in training. Soren hangs his head at that. Another showboat to reign in.

"OI," the shovel-boy roars. "Listen to him!"

He, decidedly, would not. And in an impressive feat of utter stupidity, Soren watches Theodore grab onto the Ursa's arm, shimmying his entire body up the length of it and swing the mace at its shoulder as if that would do... anything at all.

Shovel-boy relaxes his defensive stance for a moment to pull a face of complete confusion by the act of Theo and then shake his head before charging in himself, swinging at the Ursa's waist. Mallory gasps as the Ursa swings its entire body, almost knocking into her with its thick arm. Theo was not so fortunate. He's flung, soaring past Mallory and slamming straight into the barrier that separates the pit from the crowd. There's a resounding gasp when his body slumps to the ground.

First down.

Timone doesn't look in a hurry to join his twin. He takes up position beside Mallory, mace at the ready as she continues to make small and quick movements, always managing to capture the attention of the Ursa. Soren wonders if thats part of her semblance. He watches closely as her hand flexes, noticing the swirl of what could be mistaken for an aura dance between the breadth of her fingers. On cue, the Ursa turns its head — he notices the jerky movement in its neck, as if the Grimm is fighting the temptation to do so.

With an indignant roar, the Ursa lashes out with both arms. Shovel-boy gets caught by the act and is sent sprawling on the ground, weapon clattering above him. The spade end clips him in the head and he groans in a daze. Defeated by his own weapon, Soren decides he is back in the camp of not caring for his name. The Ursa raises both arms up, about to send its fists down onto the boy and Soren sighs, hopping the barrier and rushing forward to grab the boys ankles. "You're done, buddy." He yanks him, pulling him from the pit and yelling at the remaining students to finish the job. If they did not manage to defeat the Ursa, another Grimm would be presented. Last two standing meant defeating the Grimm — Vacuo had no interest in training cowards.

Mallory takes that as her cue to reach behind her, pulling out a tome; pale red in colour, with gold gilded edges and the skull of a Grimm resting on the cover, eyes a bottomless black. There are pages sticking out at every end, a well-loved book, clearly. Mallory flips the belt buckle open that secures the pages inside and swipes a thin page out between the space of herself and the Ursa.

"I assume you know how to use that properly." She says to Timone, nodding at the mace clutched tightly in his hand.

"Um. Yeah." Not the most convincing, but it must be enough for Mallory as she secures the tome at the back of the belt hanging low on her hips.

Soren hauls shovel-boy over the barrier, dropping his body at the feet of the other students. He's in and out of consciousness. Soren turns around just in time to catch Mallory doing that thing with her hand again, but this time her target is the slip of paper. It rises, suspended in the air between her and the Grimm. "Slice it, please."

Timone doesn't need to be told twice, swinging his mace at the paper. It tears in half and before both pieces can reach the ground, a scythe-like weapon materialises in its place. Without missing a beat, she charges forward and takes the handle effortlessly. On the upswing, she slices the Ursa in half; turning it to dust, as does her weapon.

She spins around to face a gaping Timone. "What?"

"How did you...?"

She shrugs one shoulder. "Family semblance."

Soren suspected there was more than that, but announces their win to the crowd with a thunderous clap. Students, new and current, break into applause at the efforts of Mallory and Timone. He suspects its more for her, she had dealt with it quicker than most had managed in years past.

"Who is next?" He turns, surveying the row of students and immediately spotting his next targets.

Zenritch Zenritch Chimeric Chimeric

© weldherwings.


  • how he's feeling...

    Confident and Determined.



As the group got ready for their shot at the test, Ael played back the ordeal the previous group went through in his head, analyzing what they did wrong and acknowledging what they did correctly. From what he had seen, not everyone in the group had much actual combat experience, except perhaps that Mallory girl.

There’s only so much book smarts and theoretical knowledge can do for a Huntsman-in-training, and more often than not, the first Grimm a huntsman or huntress faces proves to be their hardest kill. So practicals, risky as they are, remain the best form of instruction for anyone aspiring to make a living out of hunting Grimm.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) for Ael, Ingram Ironcurtain was an avid believer of practical experience. So much so that it felt like the protection of the entire settlement of Zramore became his responsibility. While he was thankful for all the knowledge he obtained, the old man was practically a slave driver and every day of training felt like hell until he gradually got used to it.

The words of the old man echoed in Ael's mind as he counted down the seconds before the moment that would determine his future as a Huntsman.

"Sooner or later, someone's gonna find out that you're from the accursed country that took everything away from them."

He noticed that the same platform that brought out the Ursa in the last match started to descend, no doubt fetching the Grimm that would start off their exam. The anticipation of finally putting his skills up for display and making a statement was giving him butterflies in his stomach.

"But your actions, not your birthplace, defines the person you become".

After the platform returned, he noticed a large Beowulf immediately rush off of it as soon as it saw the four Hunters, a glint of excitement and malice noticeable in its otherwise soulless eyes as it charged towards the fresh meat offered by its captors.

"So go out there, and let your actions speak on your behalf. If I know my fellow Vacuoans, we love someone who makes a good first impression."

As the aforementioned Beowulf neared the group, the armor-clad lad started walking towards the monster's direction, an aura of absolute confidence radiating from him, his smile becoming even brighter with each single step. The Grimm swiftly closed the distance between it and its prey and instantly lunged at the knight without hesitation. Its eyes were filled with a mixture of hunger, hatred, and bloodlust.

"If you can survive here, then you are welcome."

Ael waited until the last second before sidestepping the Beowulf's premature attack, all the while focusing his semblance to accumulate at his right foot. As soon as the Beowulf was in position, he kicked the grimm with all his strength, launching the beast upwards with so much force that it produced a sickening crunch as it collided with the domed ceiling, before its lifeless, now disintegrating body fell to the floor with a deafening thud. If one were to look closely at the ceiling, they'd notice a barely visible crack form from where the Beowulf made impact.

For a moment, silence, as spectators were stunned by the sudden display of power from the blonde knight. But there was no pause for the exam as another Beowulf emerged from the platform which had already managed to deliver another deadly adversary. As if it knew what he did to its companion, it focused its attention on Ael and charged towards him, motivated either by predatory instinct or vengeance for their fallen brethren. The once warm and gentle smile of the knight was now replaced by a crazed-looking grin. By now, he was also charging towards the freshly-spawned canine, his eyes also filled with the same, if not even greater bloodlust as the baleful creature.

When both man and beast were only a few meters apart from each other, Ael focused his semblance yet again on his feet, before he kicked the ground and propelled himself towards the Beowulf. Right as he fully collided with the creature, Ael outstretched his right arm and grabbed the creature’s neck, crushing it and burning its face off as he slammed the grimm on the ground. Afterward, he calmly dusted himself off, and looked defiantly at the Headmaster, as if taunting him and asking “is that all you got?”. He extended his right hand towards the platform and curled his fingers back and forth as if taunting the next grimm that would emerge to come and get him.

Unknown to him at the time but the combination of the terrifying creatures of darkness as well as Ael’s very own display of violence had generated a plethora of negative feelings for a child spectator. She began crying just as another Beowulf was ready to emerge from the platform, unwittingly attracting its attention. Thus, instead of going towards the group of fledgling huntsmen and huntresses, it leapt towards the young girl seated close to the front row, ready to rip the child to shreds. Panicked gasps resounded from the audience, as the Hunstmen and Professors stationed to protect the audience were caught off-guard by the sudden attack and looked as if they wouldn’t be able to stop the grimm.

Fortunately, before it could fully cross the barrier, the Beowulf was suddenly impaled to the wall by a sword thrown from the direction of the examinees. Upon closer inspection, the crowd realized that the arrogant blonde knight managed to throw his weapon in time and avert disaster, resulting in resounding cheers to envelop the coliseum.

"How's that for a first impression, old man?" Ael mused as he walked over to retrieve his sword. He was not looking forward to the muscle fatigue in store for him tonight.

♡coded by uxie♡

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