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Fandom Until Dawn

Mikey sees two people sitting on a bench near the lift. They're clearly waiting for someone and he walks up to them. "Hey", he says.

Hope notices multiple people near the ski lift. Even though she wants to introduce herself, she stays a couple meters away from them.
Brianna And Logan Just Arrived at the Ski Lift, As They Got Closer The Felt Like They Were Being Watched "It Feels Like Were Being Watched" Brianna Said Looking Around "Yeah It Does" They Arrived To The Ski Lift To See Many People "Hey Guys"
"That's not even the worst thing that could happen", Mikey smirks and he lowers his voice. "People were killed here, man. They say the killer is still here, wandering around and looking for his victim...". He smiles in a creepy way and then laughs.
As Lindsey And Logan Get To The Ski Lift They Saw Lily And Mikey On The Ground And Lindsey Walked Over Him And Looked Down At Them And Said "Hey There Guys"
"Hey Lily" She Looked Down At Mikey "Hey... Mikey" She Said

Logan Waled Up To Hope And Said
"Hey There"

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