Unpredicted Meeting


Duchess of Procrastination
A loud snarl emitted from the large creature, it's maws chomping at the male who stood upon a boulder. "Well, aren't you a big beast!" The male exclaimed, leaping off the large rock to avoid the giant's hand from sweeping him into mid air. "So much meat as well! You would last me a couple of days." Kaene added, swinging his hands back and forth as he tauntingly sidestepped out the way of the giant's foot. He stared at the human-like creature, estimating that it was about 15 or 16 metres in height. Kaene took a glance around the area, checking for anyone watching before bringing his hand up to his lips. He breathed in, before chomping his powerful jaws down on his ball of his right thumb.

Sudden sparks were sent throughout his body, a loud explosion being heard for miles around. He felt his body become submerged in tissue and fibres, his face moulding into the muscles. Couple of moments later, Kaene was buried inside the neck of the titan body which stood at a staggering 18 metres. His eyes set upon the giant in-front of him, seeing through the titan body's eyes now.
Slowly the slim male who looked only six-teen, stepped around the trees, her blood red hair that looked like fire against the sun shone brightly at this time of day. His pale fingers ran over the rough bark of a towering tree, his eyes followed the giant wood statue up, her orbs glowing deep red along with the flame of hot blue-ish white danced within them. The red markings that curled around her fingers and wrists in detailed designs were glowing as well, he always got like this in nature; his senses were heightened and the warm from the sun made him space out somewhat
Kaene threw his head up towards the sky, letting out a deafening roar that would probably be heard from the cave he lived in yesterday, which was a couple of miles away. He swung his fist into the giant's head, knocking it straight off his body in once swift movement. The giant stumbled back, falling backwards onto the small river. The water splashed out the bank, though remained flowing smoothly. Kaene stomped his foot into the creature's chest, straight through it's beating heart and efficiently killing it.
Katsu suddenly was rocked from his own little world, snapping his head toward the roar as the flames into his eyes flared up in a brilliant blue flame. His hand rested against a tree, his flaming orb curious but a bit worried, he slowly began to walk silently toward the noise
He breathed heavily, kneeling down by the body as he prepared for his lunch. Kaene reached forward, grabbing the far side of the hole he had just made, forcefully tearing that back to reveal it's lungs and the top of it's full stomach. He leaned down, chomping down on it's shoulder and beginning to bite of the flesh.
The short male walked silently through the woods still, his eyes had calmed back to their normal red and blue flame dance inside the base color of crimson. He touched every tree he past to feel the rough bark, his space out having reformed slightly, but not to the peck of what it had been.
A couple of minutes would past and the entire upper body of the former giant would be devoured, including all the bones. Kaene's titan form bore some similarities to a hyena, jaws powerful enough to crush bones and not afraid to take on enemies larger than himself. He grabbed one of the legs, sinking his jagged teeth into the thigh before ripping off a chunk of meat.
He was startled suddenly by a crow calling and a flame flared around him as he squeaked loudly. He quickly gathered the flames and made them dissolve as he calmed his breathing, his eyes wide as white flames danced around in his eye sockets.
It took a total of ten minutes for the titan to completely devour it's enemies. He returned to his full height, glancing around the landscape for it's decapitated head. Kaene found no use to be in this form any-more and lowered himself onto his knees. Steam began to flow out the body, shielding him as the skin upon the neck weakened, eventually parting to allow a clear space for Kaene to exit out of. A minutes later, Kaene pulled himself out the body, sitting upon the shoulder as he was surrounded in hot steam.
Katsu sighed as he ran a shaky hand through his hair, he hated being startled when he was completely spaced out and as he walked, he suddenly felt the earth vanish from under his feet, yelping loudly as he slide, rolling down the dry river bank. He rolled to a stop from the nearly ten foot fall.
He leaped off the slowly vanishing body, landing on his feet. The steam was almost unbearable, though the light breeze of cool wind helped his human body adjust to the temperature. Kaene began to walk away from the evaporating form, a happy sigh emitting from his lips as he continued to walk. He hummed lightly, enjoying the sound of the water flowing, as well a small fish splashing in it.
He groaned softly, weakly shifting onto his hands as he pushed himself up slowly, warm liquid trailed down his left cheek and the feeling made him sigh. He slowly pulled his legs under him as he tried to get the blurred shaky vision to calm down. He didnt know what he had hit his head on, but, in truth he didnt really care at the moment either. He looked around to search for a way out of the trench he had fell into.
A couple of minutes past again, and Kaene had found himself walking into a forest to receive a break from the glaring sun. He spotted a deer with it's fawn, grazing on some lush green grass as he past by. He held his hands behind his backs, taking a moment to appreciate the beautiful scenery he was surrounded by.
He groaned again, but when he went to stand, he winced and fell back as he gripped his right knee. He growled faintly at the sharp pains in his flesh before leaning against the trench wall
He began to hum a tune one of the scientists used to sing to him to lure him into sleep. Kaene liked that scientist, she one of the ones who protested against the idea of his execution. She was nice as well, easy to get along with due to her constant talking. Kaene leaped over a log, advancing deeper into the woods.
He looked around and held one of his hands up, his eyes turning white as he growled again at the pain only to have a huge column of white flame flare off into the sky. He was trying to get his sister out of hiding to help him up.
He slumped down against a tree, sliding down to the grass. Kaene sighed softly, bored out of his mind now that he had gotten his food. "What to do...What to do..." He repeated, only to end up playing with the turfs of grass sprouting from the ground. "It's so boring.." He murmured, bringing his knees up to his chest.

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