Other Unpopular Opinions

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koshka koshka I used to play console when I was younger but keyboard and mouse was pretty easy to pick up so know me so whenever I use a controller it's a weird feeling.
Unpopular opinion: horror games are way too overrated~

(I mean, they're fun and I like them too, but people who don't even like horror games force themselves to play just for the sake of other people or gaining publicity). UwU
Very unpopular,

It's fine to not associate yourself with people, who, are politically opposite of you.

Slightly unpopular,
As someone who loves guns, who loves the mechanisms, the engineering, the history...ect, I absolutely cannot stand the gun community. I love going into gun stores and talking about guns, and looking at them. Then, religion or politics comes into the conversation or I overhear something, bam, my time is ruined.
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Got another one.

Parents shouldn't really spank their kids at this day and age. As a kid who did get spanked I can tell you that it didn't improve my attitude nor behavior but rather forced me to learn how to hide from my parents and not let them know things they should know because of fear of being hit.
“Why are we paying attention to this? We should be paying attention to THAT!”

Gee, it’s almost as if we can tackle multiple issues at once as a society.
I liked The Amazing Spider-Man movies.

I said it. No regrets. I liked em.

You can accept that a person did good things and was a bad human being.

Omg yes! Okay guys, Hitler was a really horrible human being but he did make some good laws against animal cruelty. Also, he initiated a strong anti-tobacco movement and led the first public anti-smoking campaign in modern history. I can still say for certain though is that he was a monster.
Scar (from The Lion King) was hands down the best character and I cried when he died. I love how he uses his mind and not strength. It back fires in the end but I want Disney to make a movie about why scar is the way he is.

Also I thought Simba was a jerk. Don't know why though
The plot devices in Mockingjay were really interesting and could have made for an awesome book, but the execution was disappointing.
I was mostly just looking through half of this thread to know who I should ignore, tbh. I guess I should throw a few opinions out there too.

I haven't seen the rebuilds, but NGE got shitty toward the end (and that includes End of Evangelion). I liked Shinji's character until the very end of the original series, and I think Hideaki Anno is extremely pretentious. I feel like he took his issues out on his audience with that terrible ending and I hope he got his shit together.

I didn't like how the loose plot ends were tied at the very end of Cowboy Bebop. It felt rushed to me, but after finishing NGE, I do appreciate it more. It's still pretty weird how relationships are showed in Japanese media though, I'll probably never get used to it. I had absolutely no idea Julia and Vicious were in a relationship until someone mentioned it after the fact on a message board. Seriously, sometimes they'll have these dudes react to a girl like she's a mildly irritating fly, and then later you find out they're married lol.

While I'm on the subject of anime, I hate the L/Light ship that's so popular with the Death Note fandom. I guess I sorta get it, but I still find it odd how people are dying to see a character hook up with someone who wants to murder them. I make my fair share of homoerotic jokes during Foe Yay moments sometimes, but it's not that serious. I just like gay ships better when one isn't trying to kill the other.

Probably not really an unpopular opinion, but Moonlight is one of the few absolutely perfect movies. I just needed to let that out.

I'm fine with the terms POC, MOC, WOC, etc. Just try to stop using it as an adjective when it's a noun. It's 'people of color,' so if you say POC person, it reads like 'person of color person.' And stop using it when you just mean black people. Just say black people.

Cat people need to stop acting like they're more intellectual for preferring them over dogs. I love them, but that being said, both are dumb-dumbs. I have two cats, so I have first-hand experience.

And now for the most controversial opinion of all... Hot dogs are sandwiches. Angela Bassett thinks so, and I trust her judgment over The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.
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Even though I still prefer the more depressing episodes, Black Mirror's San Junipero was a lot better upon rewatch. I was super over 80s nostalgia when I first saw it, and that might've been why it didn't leave much of an impression then. I still think Hang The DJ was extremely blah and don't agree with the comparisons.

People who are Team Light seem like they'd very easily end up in a cult. I firmly believe this after years of reading them hyping his narcissistic ass up as a great leader.

Sugar has no place on grits. Don't @ me.
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