Other Unpopular Opinions

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First Person Shooters: Really kids of this generation? You like a game that is:
  1. Past your age
  2. In a dying genre
  3. Filled with toxic people
You should be ashamed of yourself. Like seriously, why think that legends of video games Nintendo are for babies? You act like a baby, you play like a baby and you rage like a baby. You are spending your money on a company you know that is literal shit. Whatever be Activision, Microsoft or EA, the FPS genre is nothing but a CASH COW. It is made to drain your money so that the companies can keep being in the capitalist market of the United States. The worst offender out of them all is Call of Duty.

Oh, and don't even get me started on your community. FPS communities are the worst. They are worse than League and Dota's community COMBINED. They are filled with little kids who rage and generally do not know how to play the game. You probably have friends that do the same thing. Break your friendships and find a real friend who can acknowledge every single game's legacy. Not just the FPS genre's legacy. Every single person who plays these games that has AT LEAST some sense of human decency HATES YOU. So uninstall your game, go buy a Nintendo Switch or go buy some other franchise and spend time on it. Don't go following me saying "This game is for little babies because it is not Call of Duty. Why did you even say this?"

Okay, I was just meming there. To be serious, I do not care what game you choose. Just know that if you choose the FPS genre, expect to be hated by me.
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First Person Shooters: Really kids of this generations? You like a game that is:
  1. Past your age
  2. In a dying genre
  3. Filled with toxic people
You should be ashamed of yourself. Like seriously, why think that legends of video games Nintendo are for babies? You act like a baby, you play like a baby and you rage like a baby. You are spending your money on a company you know that is literal shit. Whatever be Activision, Microsoft or EA, the FPS genre is nothing but a CASH COW. It is made to drain your money so that the companies can keep being in the capitalist market of the United States. The worst offender out of them all is Call of Duty.

Oh, and don't even get me started on your community. FPS communities are the worst. They are worse than League and Dota's community COMBINED. They are filled with little kids who rage and generally do not know how to play the game. You probably have friends that do the same thing. Break your friendships and find a real friend who can acknowledge every single game's legacy. Not just the FPS genre's legacy. Every single person who plays these games that has AT LEAST some sense of human decency HATES YOU. So uninstall your game, go buy a Nintendo Switch or go buy some other franchise and spend time on it. Don't go following me saying "This game is for little babies because it is not Call of Duty. Why did you even say this?"

Okay, I was just meming there. To be serious, I do not care what game you choose. Just know that if you choose the FPS genre, expect to be hated by me.

Outside of Team Fortress 2, of which I mainly stick to friendly servers and goof off, I'm not a big fan of first person shooters. Between my own personal problems (my aim is so awful it's one of the reasons why I main Medic) and the fact I find that some players are rather rude, I often avoid the genre in general. Trust me, I've been accused of being a squeaker more times than I count before I decided to forgo communicating through voice chat entirely.
UnDeRtAlE aInT sHiT wHy WoUlD yOu WaNt To PlAy A pAcIfIsT rUn AnD nOt MuRdEr An EnTiRe SoCiEtY

that took longer to type than it shouldve
Just so you know.
This thread is doomed.
I give it a week.
Halo is the best video game series in existence!
I didn't feel like reading the rest of the thread because I 100% agree with this (although it should have stopped after 4, lbh)
I HATE these kinds of cookies

I also think the black cookie part is better than the icing filling of Oreos.

... What I can gather from this is I do not like icing. LOL
Alright, let's bring this back on the rails.

Trump Era Politics: (Please note that I have a neutral opinion on the new president of the United States. I do not in any way, shape, or form support him nor do I oppose him.)
Conservatives, let's think about this. Would you rather pick a president that was recently exposed for spamming emails? Or a president that despite his antagonizing statements will not keep his promises? Let's be realistic here:


I might just trigger a few people here but consider every single representative and every single past representative. The past presidents have a strong campgain and strong promises. What do these representatives have? Absolutely nothing. So I present this statement:

Every single political decision from 2016 to 2020 is IRRELEVANT due to incompetent people in power across all countries.

No, I am not saying the West will die out, I am saying that politics in coverage and competence has hit a new low.
I can't stand 99% of anime, nor the cult of "everything that comes out of Japan because ANIME is amazing".
Same with the Kpop following of the same bent.
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