Unnatural Love [Inactive]

BW Red

New Member
BW Red submitted a new role play:

Unnatural Love - What happens when teenagers of Redwood high search for love in all the wrong places?


It is often said that High School will be the best time of your life. Sadly, it isn't always true. Filled with Jocks, posers, and... Hot teachers? What will happen to an abused girl as she tries to defy the system to love her cold teacher? What will happen when a drama teacher falls for his gay student? What happens when a drunk history teacher dates one of his students? What happens when a player sets his eyes...

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I slowly walked up the front steps of my new high school, Redwood High. I felt terrified. I wasn't sure how everyone would think of me. I studied so hard to pass their exam with flying colors and was offered a scholarship. It was just the thing I needed. With dad in and out of jobs, I didn't know how I would've afforded it.

Opening the doors into homeroom, I saw kids sitting or leaning on desks, talking to who I assumed were their friends. I quickly made my was to my desk, looking at the floor the whole while, making sure not to accidentally make eye contact with someone. I already heard some hushed whispers asking who was the new girl which was only met with unsure answers.

Taking a breath, I looked up. I had to be strong. This was going to be my high school for the next two years. I couldn't let my fears take over my life. I was going to be strong.

Terrence Shockley

|Location|Current Actions|

|School Entrance|Observing the proper dress code|

"Hiddleston. Tuck in your shirt. Also, remove your piercings
right now."

The student groaned due to his teacher's stone hard words. Terrence, however, glared at the student with the intentions of kicking him out of the pathway if he didn't oblige to his order. The student shivered at his teacher's glare and had no choice to obey. Terrence scooted over and cocked his head to the side, observing the other students who were taking advantage of the situation and were hurriedly escaping from the old buff's clutches.

"Alright, Hiddleston. You're free to go."

He said before tapping his student's shoulder and confiscating the piercings. As the student hurriedly ran away from him, Terrence shoved the piercings in his pocket and leaned on the wall of the school entrance, continuing on confronting the students who weren't following the rules of the school.

"Dirty Iced Chai Tea Latte please? Large if you don't mind" She asked the barista politely with a bright wink. She smiled inwardly thinking of how she was hopelessly excited for the first track practice of this year. They have been training all winter and fall for this, and it was finally time to start the conditioning.

Paying for the tea with a smile and grabbing it from the counter, she began making her way to her car, checking the time with a sip. 8:24 am... She then hopped into her silver Audi 2015, turning up the radio, she began making her way to the school.

Arriving finally, she made her way to first period, her tea only half gone. '
Jenna!' She turned and went to the sound of the voice, texting her trampy 'friend' telling her and her brother to hurry up.

She sat down and began looking around the room quietly, which was most unlike her.
Where is everyone? And who on earth is that?? She thought, noticing the new girl, turning to a nearby preppy guy, he whispered that she was brand new. I wonder if she will want to join track... She might have the build for it underneath all of those baggy clothes.
Michael Teal arrived at the school that morning, stepping out of his car in the parking lot, and walked up to the school. He held a hand to his head with a groan.. he had accidentally had a little too much to drink the other night, and he honestly felt like crap. But then again, this was not the worst he had ever felt, so he could surely deal with it for a few hours. He pushed his glasses a little up the nose and adjusted his collar.

Then he noticed the Math teacher standing and scolding students already and he let a hand fall down on his shoulder. “Being strict this early in the morning?” he asked him with a smile, and patted his back.

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