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Fandom Universe Correction Agency 2.0 (RolePlay)


Bringing you the story of heroes.
Goonfire Goonfire homintales homintales PlusUltra PlusUltra Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke Solirus Solirus Shaoye Shaoye SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat LatinKnightz LatinKnightz Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
(Good golly that's a lot of memers. That's ok, it's who's left at the end that matters.)

Welcome to
Universe Correction Agency 2.0!
Someone, somewhere, something, whatever, has destroyed your reality, and it's up to you and your newfound pals to find that bastard and bring him to cold hard justice!
If you are just arriving, and interested in joining, please see the recruitment page (and please check the title to see if we're open or closed.)

If your character sheet has been approved, go ahead whenever you are ready.
Good luck on your mission, agents!​

Chapter 1: A Streetcar Out of Space.

It was quiet. Too quiet, perhaps.
It wasn't long before when you awoke in an unfamiliar setting when you realized something was amiss. The air was unnaturally empty, the room itself looked like it was in the middle of outer space... You weren't alone. There were other beds that sat across from you, beside you, with many other unfamiliar faces just as confused as you were. Clarity would come to you soon enough in the form of a seemingly large man. He had rubbery, greyish skin, with piercing yellow eyes, standing almost eight feet tall. "Good to see you lot finally awake. I'm sure the sudden change in scenery might be a bit of a shock, but with how things have been going, you'll get used to it."

He didn't explain much, but that you, along with a handful of others, where lucky to be alive, in a safer place where you won't be in harms way. In fact, that comment about you being in outer space was true. He told you that you're "outside" of your universe, out in the middle of space being looked at by him and his colleagues.

That's when you received... shocking news.
"I hate to be the one to break it to ya..." he said, his gruff voice sewn with remorse. "...Your universe has been obliterated. Everyone and everything you've held dear to you is no more."

Now, you find yourself here, sitting within, what seems to be, a trolley car driving you across deep space, following an ever unraveling white path that molded before it. There were stars everywhere, purple, glistening sparkles that glowed within the blackened backdrop of space. They aren't stars, however. They resembled giant pinkish-purplish crystals, all floating in an endless stream. A couple even having flown over the trolley. They were massive in size, as big as a skyscraper surrounded by a purple aura that lit up the trolley. That, however, wasn't the most impressive sight. From the right of the trolley was one big crystal, seemingly floating in a singular place all at once. How big was....hard to say. It looked close enough that you could touch it, but so far away, almost like the Sun.

The trolley seemed to be heading closer to a tall pillar right in their path. On closer inspection it looks like a large airport watchtower, on top of a massive white platform that was simply floating in the middle of space. While not as big as the large crystal, it wasn't so hard to miss.

The man sat at the conductor's seat. Pushing a few buttons, he started speaking. "U.C.A HQ, this is Admin Pepperjack. I'm coming in with another haul." Before him a floating screen with many faces looking right back at him popped up, illuminating the trolley, floating before his eyes. "Boss. They're all awake. I know you wanted me to ask, but I don't think they'll want to take up the offer with the shape they're in."

A voice coming from one of the faces emanated from the call. "We're going to need all the help we can get. Too many have lost their homes, and we can't seem to ever get ahead with him. If this guy is as dangerous as we think-"

"We'll keep losing star stickers!" Another voice interrupted. "We can't be remembered as the U.C.A's worst sector, we just can't!"

The first voice came about again. "....right, anyway. We've tracked his location and sent a handful of our agents out there. Stark had also provided two of his agents, on the account that his universe was just recently destroyed too. He's unaware there's still another survivor."

"Plus, we promised Balalaika she could pull off this guys fingernails once we get him." The second voice came back again. "Once we strip him of his powers, of course."

"Right." Pepperjack said. "I'll be there in about five minutes."

"We'll be waiting. I'm sure they're going to want answers." The screen turns off, leaving the trolley car dark once again.

Pepperjack remained silent for a while. He couldn't tell if they were talking back there, as his own fears had showered his brain with pessimistic thoughts that they'd never catch the guy. He clears his throat and speaks up. "I guess I should of said this before. Name's Pepperjack. I'm with the Universe Correction Agency."

Universe Correction Agency? Who are they? Who the heck was this Pepperjack fellow?

That begs the question. Who are you? What do you remember before the flash? How did you feel when you were told your own world, your family, your dreams, all of it literally blown to bits?! What do you say to your new...ahem...friends?
How do you tell your story?
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Tanjiro Kamado
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Obanai Iguro
Mitsuri Kanroji
UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24

Tanjiro was the first to wake up. He looked around his suroundings in confusion. Everything around him seemed empty as if he was in a void. Was it part of Muzan's henchwoman's blood demon art too? Was this void a pocket dimension like the Infinity castle?

The Infinity castle...he remembered. Muzan,or one of his demons teleported the entire demon slayer Corps to the Infinity castle,a pocket dimension where Muzan and his demons were hiding. Tanjiro and Giyu Tomioka,the water hashira,were fighting demons.then everything went dark.

Now he was in this strange void. "Tanjiro...you made it too?" a familiar voice asked.
He regonised that scent. He turned to face his worried friend and fellow demon slayer, Zenitsu Agatsuma.

"Zenitsu...you made it too." Tanjiro said with a smile. "You're alright?"
Zenitsu nodded sadly. "Yeah...I faced my brother in arms back in the Infinity castle. He was a Upper rank demon now. I defeated him...though I thought I would die...until I woke up here." Zenitsu replied. "Fully healed too... HaA,demon!!!" Zenitsu cried as he looked at the large grey being that went to check out on them.

"He's no demon but not human either,I can tell from their scent." Tanjiro replied.
"Can't you tell by his sounds?" "I..yeah." Zenitsu replied.
The being explained to them why they were here. " Destroyed...well, you mean the Infinity castle? It wasn't our dimension. It was a pocket universe created by one of Muzan's demons!" Zenitsu said.
"Yes,the Infinity castle was destroyed..." said a familiar voice. " But our world suffered the same fate."
Obanai! Tanjiro and Zenitsu just woke up!" A second familiar voice lectured.
"Kanroji,my apologies,but they had to face the truth."
Tanjiro and Zenitsu both regonised the figures. " Mr Iguro! Miss Kanroji! You both made it!" Tanjiro said happilly.
"Tanjiro,Zenitsu! I'm so glad you're both okay!" Mitsuri replied cheerfully.
"We did. Since the entire Demon Slayer Corps were sent inside the Infinity castle,all of us made it alive." Obanai replied. " Though the same cannot be said for our family,friends and allies back in our world..."
Tanjiro understood something" Thst means...Mr Uzui...Mr Haganezuka...Mr Urokodaki...even...no Nezuko!" Tanjiro cried. "She was still back in our world! My little sister!"
"No,not Nezuko!!!" Zenitsu cried.
Then the being introduced himself as Pepperjack and claimed to be part of the...U.C.A?
"What is that?" Zenitsu asked.
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UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

It all happened in a flash like a sonic boom all Ryuunosuke could remember was Yokohama is still recovering from Fyodor’s mind games, the hunting dogs and Fukuchi’s insidious plot, and the vampire contagion all in one fell swoop. Holding his head, he seethes, as he gets up confused by his surroundings. Sitting straight to catch his breath, and bearings; how obviously he’s not in Yokohama any more. What he gathered at least from the conversation with Zenitsu and Tanjiro is that their world has been wiped out. His heart sank, figuring his universe shared a similar fate. Not listening half past their world getting decimated. His only attachment to Yokohama was his little sister, Gin. Ryuunosuke’s stomach clenched as he thinks he lost her. He lost the one thing that kept him going and his last attachment to his world. Grinding his teeth, he stalks forward, ignoring the kids as he approaches the entity that mirrored a giant. “ A kyojin.” He hissed, of course the odd creature was coming to check on them.

However, Ryuunosuke has no time for that. He affixed his cold gray, steel eyes on him. He feels fine. The raven haired man wants answers not to be looked at. “ Care to explain what happened? Where am I?” He demands, not mincing his words, he has no time for any lies of any sort. Whatever happened had to be the work of a monster with planet busting capabilities. He thought his world would end under Fyodor’s manipulation or the vampire virus spreading on a global scale. But no, this happened. The situation right now reads like a shitty American comic strip, except he’s living in it. He refused to accept this his reality.

His eyes are cold, exuding his vicious nature. He never took his eyes off the kyojin. His jaw set in a straight line, making his anger plain. He could hear one of the kids crying, annoying as hell. But, Ryuunosuke ignored all that he wanted answers and wanted them now. If his world is gone then the Port Mafia is gone. Gin.. it only fueled his anger more. He looked at the kyojin with icy venom. He felt fine though his body is still recovering from the vampire virus doing its work on his body. The kyojin said something about U..C. A. “ What is U.C.A..?“ the kyojin introduced himself as Pepper Jack. He’s named after a cheese.. why?
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Lin Lie
Lin Lie had not been a superhero for very long, in the grand scheme of things.

It was as though he had just woken up one day, and his normal life was something that was suddenly beyond his grasp forever. All because of a damned magic sword that he couldn't even swing around anymore, and before he knew it, he was teaming up with people who had been in worlds beyond his imagination. He'd met Doctor Strange, he was plopped into a team alongside other established heroes like Shang-Chi, Amadeus Cho, and Silk, he was fighting existential threats beyond his comprehension from Chiyou, the God of War, to Knull, the King in Black, and pulled into strange encounters with Loki, the Eternals, and the extradimensional realm of K'un-L'un. And he was just one guy with a little sword, and later, just a bunch of spiky fists.

Point was, he felt out of his depth. He felt like he had only just survived all these encounters through the skin of his teeth, through sheer luck. Such a short amount of time, yet he had already faced down more fearsome threats than some other, longer established heroes ever had. And yet, it didn't make him feel that much more confident. The opposite, in fact. It made him much more wary and nervous, like he was a dead man walking, like he was still living on borrowed time. And that whatever the next planet-level threat would be, he might not survive.

Well, he miscalculated that prediction quite a bit. The next big threat was a bit bigger than planet-level, and he did in fact survive. He thought he had already been living in the big leagues against his own will. He didn't know the first thing about the big leagues until now.

As the young man stared blankly right in front of him, it was perhaps his good fortune that he could hardly comprehend what just happened, the full weight of his world and the powers that it housed, the people and the dreams they held, all gone in a flash. He could have a mental breakdown about that later, but for now, his head was too fuzzy for that, like it wasn't truly real to him unless he'd have to see his world's remains to believe it. All he could do was listen to the man, a strange looking man that most likely wasn't exactly human, and struggle to take in his words.

"An... agency?" He murmured dimly, the stinging pain in his hand growing more agitated in the moment, not helped at all by the piercing yelling of some blonde kid nearby, though ironically, perhaps these two factors helped ground him in the moment even more.

"My... world. I was..." Lie said breathlessly, rubbing his head slightly as he struggled to remember what he might have been doing before this, to little avail. "Did you... save us? How did I... we all get here?" He strained to ask Pepperjack.
Harrier Du Bois


Ancient Reptilian Brain - Back again so soon, Harry?

What's going on?

Ancient Reptilian Brain - Who fucking cares, you're in a blissful state of oblivion, rowing across the ocean of nothingness.

Limbic System - warm, this nothingness wraps around you like a soothing blanket.

Ancient Reptilian Brain -
It wants you, Harry, to take you away into an endless voyage of peace.

I need to return, I can't go out just yet.

Ancient Reptilian Brain - Don't you get it, Harry, it's all gone, your hopes, your bonds, the very world around you undone. They're waiting for you, Harry, at the end of the chasm.

Limbic System - But the warmth slips out, replaced by the creeping cold of reality. Something or someone has plucked you from the warm embrace of the void. This sick game will never end, this infernal machine will never cease, only suffer!

Perception -
a sterile smell creeps into your nose, a perfectly and unsettling cleanness. The words of others slowly crawl into your ears as you realize you are far from alone, and as you open your eyes, light pierces through to reveal the unknown.

Pain Threshold - The light burns your tired eyes, but you're used to it, you even revel in it. As a sign that you're still alive, that you still feel something.

Adjusting to the light that burnt his weary eyes, Harry scanned the environment he resided on. Leaving the bed he'd been placed on, he quickly adjusted himself to delay the thoughts in his mind. Just who were all these people?

Logic - You don't recognize any of these people and judging by their appearance, it's not too far-fetched to assume that you shouldn't either.

Suggestion - They all appear to be as confused as you are, this is the perfect opportunity to build some rapport, or even break the ice.

Now's not the time for that.

Suggestion - It wouldn't hurt to be a little friendly.
His analysis would briefly halt as a tall man spoke up, his tone of voice seemed to indicate a certain familiarity with the circumstance. The man continued to explain, Harry carefully listening and absorbing all the information the large man provided. Additionally, he saw the reactions of the others from despair, disbelief, sorry, and even one who approached the tall man himself demanding a more thorough explanation. Then the grand revelation was dropped, his universe had been obliterated.

Rhetoric - You are convinced this man for his stature is some sort of part timer who isn't paid enough. No one in their right mind drops such damning information in such a tactless manner.

Empathy - You can sense remorse through the gruffness of the man's voice, he is truly sorry for your circumstance.

Volition - Deep breaths Harry, it's going to be okay, let's try to figure this out first like we did in the investigation. Everything will turn out fine.

Logic- Regardless, it is best to take this information at face value for now. We will need to collect more before we get a clearer picture.
Sitting on the trolley, Harry confidently maintained an air of confidence around him, even when the inside of his mind raced with worry and doubt. The sights as the trolley traveled through kept him somewhat distracted.

Conceptualization - Space, a dark canvas, filled with beauty through the unlikely domino effect of stardust and gravity. Only this one is made by squishy mortal hands and not universal chance.

Inland Empire - The elephant, swallowed by the snake, causes an illusion. One would claim it to be a hat, while the others would claim it to be the creatures. Only when you step before it will the truth be revealed.
Approaching the large pillar, which resembled an HQ of sorts, the large man contacted others through some form of advanced radio. Harry would carefully listen into the conversation, not that the large man was attempting to hide it in any way.

Logic - Looks like your problem is far more common.

How much more common.

Logic- Worryingly so. And we know it's someone who is causing this.

Half Light - This is fucked up man, we're so fucked.

Epirit de Corps - An elusive individual outmaneuvering an entire organization is nothing new to you. You'll need the right tool and trustworthy allies. It's a shame Kim isn't here with us.

Reaction Speed - Wait, did the large man just introduce himself? Pepperjack, that's his name

Rhetoric - Now would be a good time to introduce yourself to him.

Suggestion - Finally, this is where it gets good. Keep it simple for now, however, they're likely not very interested in you.
"I'm Harry, pleasure to meet you, Pepperjack." Harry would calmly reply to Pepperjack. Harry would then remain silent, waiting for others to chime in or react with their far more volatile personalities.

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The two gunshots would ring out in Taylors ears as she lay down on the grass, her eyes transfixed on the night sky, her face an expression changing from one of betrayal to reluctant acceptance. Closing her eyes for what she thought would be the final time, the expected stinging pain or impact never seemed to come, continuing to lay there for several moments before slowly opening her eyes.

Her face would turn to confusion, and clenching her hand slightly, the surface below her was no longer the soft dew-covered grass but a firm mattress. The soft buzzing of her swarm sense slowly came to her as she turned her head to look around, spotting what she could only guess was a case 53 speaking to her.

Throwing a hand over her face she couldn't help but laugh, seeming like she couldn't even die right, then the shock of his next words hit her, stunning them to silence before her laughter continued. With a few words, everything she had done had just been rendered pointless, they thought they had finally won against the impossible odds only for her world to end with a whimper.

It was absurd to think about, but that didn't make the facts any less true. She looked over the rest in the room more closely, a small part of her holding out hope to see a familiar face, but she never was that lucky. It also seemed she wasn't the only one lost at her current predicament, so she would have time to morn later for now she had to assess her current circumstances. Pushing her emotions into her swarm before the full impact could overwhelm her she got to work.

Ok first, her mind was back and she was able to understand the words of the others without issue, her body was no longer wracked with pain, and...she had her arm back? That meant whoever had brought her here had healed her. Her would-be rescuers were part of some larger organisation, wide-spread with multiple departments that covered different areas, they had a command hierarchy and were chasing someone specific. The person being chased was responsible for wiping out worlds plural, another Scion? Something else like him? Did that mean this UCA was a Cauldron equivalent? If that was true she could only hope they were at least more ethical about operations.

So the UCA had many members and covered different sectors, and each sector held different earths with resources enough to remove a world-ender of powers and traverse worlds.

Sitting up in the bed finally she remained silent taking it all in, finding her mask next to her and taking it in her hands, running hands over it as she listened further.

The children with swords, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Obanai, Kanroji, another few unknown Asians with there own issues similar to their own....wait were they all speaking English? There wasn't any of the telltale accents so did this UCA also have some translation ability?. Well as long as they were nothing like the ABB or CUI she could maybe work with them, but she had to observe them further to fully make that call. Then there was also another, first impressions would be a wreck of a unkept drunkard but he's eyes gave a different story, likely a story there but given the fact their world had been lost she could not really judge someone for turning to alcohol...her father had fallen to a similar vice after his own loss.

Standing up fully from the bed she fitted the mask over her face, putting her game face on. "The How isn't important, they saved us, the why is not altruistic but because they need Aid, presumably to hand the individual who did this to our worlds...I doubt you would be happier if they had a good reason though all things considered. The when should be as soon as possible given they don't seem to stopping any time soon, which leaves the What and How....which they are going to explain in around five minutes once we arrive correct?". Taylors voice would come out with a buzzing distortion full of chittering and echoing from more than simply her mouth. Her expressionless mask turns to Pepperjack for a moment while taking a few steps forward to check over her costume and equipment.

"Im....." She was about to introduce herself and speak up once more when she suddenly stopped with a realisation. Who was she now? Skitter? Weaver? Taylor?...Khepri?...did any of that even matter if she didn't have a home to return to? then again she had not stopped for so long that wasn't really new, was it. So how should she introduce herself? it wasn't like she really had any reason to have a cape name anymore. Several moments of silence continued before she spoke again with a slight sigh.

"Well its up in the air at the moment, Let's just go with Taylor"

Across the room, a towering man would sit in silence, a somewhat bored expression across his face with a fist to his cheek and clad in somewhat extravagant leather robes and coat. Looking to each with a lazy eye, it would stop for a moment on the weapons of the children, idly given them a closer look before letting out a low sigh and going back to his musings.

Specialist Henrik

Current location

Physical State:
Somewhat tired but in rather good shape otherwise

Mental State:
Confused, on guard


Darkness… that was all that he could see. There was no sweet dreams to help him relax during his slumber and rest peacefully or nightmares to cause him twist and turn during his slumber and keep him on high alert… only the seemingly endless dark void that stretched on for all he could ‘see’. One would find terror in such a thing, after all, it was always significantly better in order to at least dream of something in order to keep one’s mind from going mad even from slumber alone. And yet, he didn’t find uneasiness or discomfort when it come to the darkness, no, if anything, he saw it simply at face value… he was asleep, likely about to wake soon with the coming consciousness to his body which was aided by the sounds of what seem to be activity and conversations around him. He couldn’t really hear just yet due to his current state and lack of focus… but that was just about to change…

…for his eyes soon began to open right up, still finding it rather dark although it was easy to figure out what exactly was obscuring his view as his sense of touch returned to him, the feeling of his helmet right over his face which muffled some of the voices being spoken all around. All of which were unfamiliar in comparison to the typical bunkmates that the man usually was stationed with, but it wasn’t anything too much of concern at the moment. It was when he finally stood right up and got off of bed before fixing his helmet back onto its proper place that he soon realized just how ‘different’ everything really was. Mainly, the sight of many other individuals in here, all of which certainly not being anyone he can recognize with the lack of the familiar dull green military fatigues and helmets from anyone he can see. Usually one would panic at such an unfamiliar environment, after all, in a strange and unknown location filled with strangers likely would cause one to not take well to such a thing. And yet, instead of panic, he only kept a stoic and calm face throughout the entire thing to assess the situation… a soldier shouldn’t cause unnecessary trouble when there doesn’t seem to be a need for such just yet, after all, everything seemed to be calm at the moment. Nothing that needed to shoot at just yet. For now, he needed to figure out just what was going on and collect any information he could before attempting to contact anyone from the Rebel Army to collect him and bring him away from this location.

But that all changed when realization began to kick in as he gotten out of bed, the soldier picking up his oversized hiking backpack and donning it, walking to a window and peering outside, seeing the large expansive void of space right outside, stretching far more than his own eyes can see. He was certainly not on Earth… that’s for certain. Shaking his head and getting the thoughts of an early rescue out of his head, helps gaze soon focused on the tall grey skinned figure that looked like no martian or venusian before in his life. But he couldn’t get more words in as his eyes widened in realization at the alien’s words… his home, everything he had ever known, was gone. He couldn’t even give a single goodbye to anyone before being transported here, the only things he cared about being gone and him being possibly the only survivor left. As much as he wanted to dismiss the idea as a mere fever dream, the cool temperature regulated air certainly made his skin chilly, and the words he was listening to were certainly real.

It was a momentarily lapse in his usual stoic nature, but soon the man shook his head and refocused once more, now settling on the alien once more as word of this ‘UCA’ began to be spoken of alongside other questions being asked all around the room. All of which were sufficient enough that he didn’t have any of his own to input, and so for now, he began to go through his bag instead as everyone spoke, insuring that everything within his inventory was kept in check. Alongside such, he rose a hand over to press against the radio device attached to his helmet, trying to see if he can pick up any sort of radio frequency out here to listen in on. Nonetheless, for now, the soldier was becoming more and more content with everything… there was no use trying to weep when there are clearly bigger things at play here. There was this ‘universe destroying’ threat running about, and judging from the conversation of this ‘Pepperjack’, they may be recruited in order to try and deal with it. Hmph, very well, from one army to the next… he will still perform as best as he could… and so, once finished, he closed up his bag before making his way right to Pepperjack. Stopping just a few feet away, the soldier clapped his boots together before raising his hand up to his head in a military salute, the man now speaking out loud in a more serious and straightforward tone. “… Specialist Henrik, Rifleman of the now defunct Rebel Army, awaiting your command!” quick and straight to the point, that was how he enjoyed it…

UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24
(open for interaction)


Lying atop one of the beds was another soldier in a dark uniform. Though shrouded in darkness, one could make out the gas mask and submachine gun at his side. The grip of a Desert Eagle—peculiar for any unit to have—jutted out of his leg holster.

His eyes snapped open at the first sound of voices, and he rolled off the side of the bed upon realizing he knew none of these people. An eight-foot-tall gray man... Under most circumstances, he'd have thought now was a good time to start shooting, but this wasn't 'most circumstances'. The giant spoke with intelligence, telling those present of the dire situation. The agent rose from beside the bed with his gas mask donned, ready to listen.

Inscrutable was his body language as he marched towards the tram. In his mind, he thought about the world he lost—rife with bioterrorism, corporate hubris, and dirty politics. Was it that great of a loss? Regardless, he considered the grand scale of the multiverse and how there wouldn't be anything left, at the rate things were proceeding. No matter how vast, nothing was truly infinite.

"Callsign HUNK, ex-U.S.S. field commander, at your service," he introduced himself aboard the trolley. This 'Pepperjack' had an interesting conversation, confirming his suspicions; they were hunting the culprit, someone likely of godlike power. One of the people on comms dropped a name, though... "Who's Balalaika?" She sounded brutal, if the talk of removing such a powerful being's fingernails was any indication.


A black-haired woman wrapped in a long cape sat up, confused. She remembered trying to outrun an explosion large enough to destroy an entire city. Was this Heaven?

It all moved so quickly, and the confusion likewise switched to shock in the blink of an eye. Her face fell, voice trembling. "Oh my god... Lucas... Julian... Data-7..." As far as she knew, they had all been annihilated alongside her universe. She'd have felt better if she was the one who had died.

She was quickly ushered onto a trolley. She obliged, albeit nearly staggering, clutching her biceps. She apparently wasn't alone; all of them were refugees, at this point. "These poor people... Isn't there some way to restore our universes?" she pleaded, her cheek pressed against the glass window, hat askew. "My name... is Cybersix. I think I understand what your agency does, and I'd be willing to help. I just really want to see my home again. Meridiana..." She trailed off with a drawn-out sigh.
Zaeed Massaini
Two sides to a story

Zaeed sat up with a groggy groan; this was the fifth time he woke up; the other times he fell back asleep, his brain needed motivation to stay awake, and before the others were awake or were starting to wake.

He glares over at a group of friends. Judging from their behaviour, and appearance, they were mainly, if not all, teens.

"Fucking brats." He grumbles to himself as he takes another puff out of his cigar-. Wait, cigarette?

'Fuck, I didn't fall asleep with this lit, right?' Zaeed thinks, mentally cursing himself out.

Zaeed groans, a he takes another puff out of his cigarette, the marijuana took the edge off of his reality. He looked around, his eyes observing everything, but his brain was processing nothing that wasn't important. Which, frankly, was nothing in this room.

The other detail he even bothered to process was the fact the others looked... Odd. Sure, they were human but they just weren't right.

Zaeed glares at the man? Creature? Alien, who spoke.

The question irritated him at first, who wouldn't know who they were in this time and age?

But the question also got him thinking. He didn't brother to introduce himself so that maybe, just maybe, he might have an advantage on the others.

"Who the fuck asked who you are?" He sneers at the alien, Pepperjack as it introduced itself.

Zaeed tried to ignore the question, but it kept itching at his brain, what happened? Last thing he remembered he was on the front lines with Shepard when a explosion killed her, or did it? Zaeed didn't brother to try to think about it. If Shepard was dead, that meant his world really was done. He got out of that fight barely alive himself.

But if he was alive, so was Shepard, right? "Hey, applejack, pepperjane, whatever your name is. Is she alive?" He didn't want to clarify, if the guy didn't know, he was useless to Zaeed anyways. If she wasn't alive, his efforts would be useless no matter what he did

When he peered out the window, it was clear he was once again in space, but the sight was wrong. It was similar to what he was used to but it felt wrong Zaeed knew and understood why as soon as he caught a glimpse out of a 'star'. It was a huge fucking crystal thingy, not a star, that got Zaeed pissed, the kind where he could control it but he'd physically snap if somebody asked or said something stupid around him.

But they never tell mine
Demon Slayer Corps remains
UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 Goonfire Goonfire Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke PlusUltra PlusUltra Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
The strange man introduced himself as Pepperjack.
Despite still being worried about his sister missing,Tanjiro bowed politely in front of the admin.
"My name is Tanjiro Kamado." He replied with a smile.
"I..I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma." Zenitsu replied,overwhelmed by the surounding sounds coming from all the unknown beings.
"My name is Mitsuri Kanroji,Love Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps!" Mitsuri replied cheerfully.
"Obanai Iguro,Serpent hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps" Obanai replied in a cold tone. " Kaburamaru here is my friend and ally." Mentioning the white snake around his neck.

Obanai gives a cold glare toward Zaeed. Kaburamaru hissed toward the man. " Who are you calling brats?" Obanai spat. " I can understand for Kamado and Agatsuma. They are lower ranks in the Demon Slayer Corps.
"Don't you dare!!" Zenitsu cried.

"Would you keep it down?" a familiar emotionless voice asked. Tanjiro noticed a familiar figure coming to them. "Oh and what are Kyojin? Some kind of demon?" The 14 year old young man with long black hair with cyan highlights asked Ryuunosuke.
"No way,the Mist hashira is here too?" Zenitsu cried.
"Tokito,you made it." Obanai said. "Muichiro! Glad you made it too!" As he saw Tanjiro, Muichiro's expression changed. "Tanjiro! Good to see that you're still alive! Your sister and Miss Kocho will be happy!" The 14 year old Demon Slayer said. He gestured toward a bed at the end of the hall.
Tanjiro saw Shinobu Kocho,the insect Hashira,giving medicine to a familiar figure in one of the beds.
Tanjiro and Zenitsu ran to the bed,followed by Muichiro. Both Tanjiro and Zenitsu could catch the scent and sounds of the towaring man. Both of them seemed intimidated. It was short lived as the three reached the bed.

Tanjiro's younger sister,Nezuko was sleeping in the bed.
Tanjiro took his sister's left hand, crying. " Nezuko...I thought I lost you for good little sister!"
Nezuko-Chan...You're okay! I'm so gladdddd!!!" Zenitsu cried,crying even harder.
"Tanjiro,don't worry,your sister is sleeping and regaining energy. I don't know if the serum Lady Tamayo and I created is still in effect that our world is destroyed,but I might have to see once we arrive at this "U.C.A"'s HQ if they do have a medical yard."
Tanjiro nodded to her. "Oh..and I am happy that you are both alright..as well as Mr Iguro and Ms Kanroji." Shinobu replied. Their world waa destroyed and yet she still had that smile. Tanjiro could still catch scents of sadness and rage within her.

"Tanjiro, what about that woman?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro and Zenitsu looked toward Cybersix.
"Her scent...it's both human and it's not at the same time." Tanjiro replied."Same for her sounds." Zenitsu replied.
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Interactions: UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24

A red streaked individual was knitting on one of the far corners of the trolley. Chuckling ever so quietly to himself as to avoid upsetting the other ones. Horrific you might find it to be for him to be amused by the dread of such characters. But at this point for him, amusement was the only positive emotion left in his sad excuse for a life. He had arrived just a little bit earlier than the others. Through, ways that you might say were a bit unorthodox (Blackhole). He was put on this trolley to go through what seemed to be an orientation of sorts. An orientation that was bound to get ugly from what he could tell. He recognized some people, people who were fictional in some of the other universes he was in before.
But their appearance was all he knew aside from a few tidbits he caught from his travels. Either way, he should keep his mouth shut about it. Consequences always followed these kinds of things. And who knows? His information might not be the same anyway. He was 90% sure the the green guy was a ninja. . . Yeah he was probably wrong.

He chuckled a little to loudly before covering his mouth in a hurry. "*Great. . .*" He thought to himself. "*You're now the bad guy, great job Nettle!*" He coughed in an attempt to play it off. But he just couldn't. A hint of a grin crept up the corners of his mouth as he tried to address Pepperjack. "Excuse me! Would you happen to know when we're near the next blackhole? I'm, obviously not supposed to be, here, with your little group of cosplayers. . . If you could just drop me off the nearest wormhole or something then I'll be out of your hair! I've already caused enough trouble for you guys right? Cugai's face when he dropped me off here should tell just about everything."


Nettle was of course, referring to his magnificent entrance of smashing through the space cafeterias window nearly claiming a dozen or so lives. The only victims thankfully being just a few tacos and a salad before the lockdown sequence activated.

“….who the **** is this guy?!” - Cugai, Administrator, unknown time

Nettle opened one eye before closing it again.
"Oh hey, I'm breathing oxygen again. . . That's nice." He thought to himself before continuing his nap. Well, he would've if he wasn't grabbed and stood up by whoever this guy was. "Hey! Language! Beings of all kinds are watching this!" He gave small pat/slap to the persons face. ". . .Can you let go of me now?"


A few hours pass, the stranger had been placed inside a white room. Only a single table separated him from the rather small administrator before him. “Ok, one more time…Your universe exploded how many times???
"Well, explosion is kind of an inaccurate way of describing it shorty. . . Ok that was kind of mean I'm sorry, I wanted to try being rude but it doesn't feel nice I'm sure you're a very nice person!" He looked around the white room. It was surprising how many rooms were almost exactly like this. ". . .What were we talking about again?"
“Well, if I need to refresh your memory, when we dragged you in here for questioning you mentioned something about seeing an, and I quote…” He pulls out a folder, looking at the paper within.* “big bang theory? FUGAI, YOU BASTARD, THIS IS WHY I’M DAD’s FAVORITE!”
"This is less professional than I expected. I like you!" He giggled.
“Errg…ok, look. Let’s just say we’ve been…having some issues….real big issues...”

"Also, are these cuffs necessary?" He clinked the metal chains together. "This feel kind just a little bit redundant considering my. . . many abilities. . ." He raised an eyebrow upon hearing what the man was saying. "Issues? Do tell! I love issues! They distract me from my issues!"
“….Balalaika would hate dealing with you…Anyways, I may as well give off some context. I’m Cugai, an administrator of the Universe Correction Agency.”
Nettle gave a rather incredulous look. "Universe Correction Agency? Wow, that must be a depressing job. Universes die all the time. My condolences to you Cugai." He gave a sympathetic nod. "Do you have a retirement plan? If so then I could recommend a wonderful variety of universes which are guaranteed to stay stable and never perish! I've only been wrong 3 times!" He laughed before utter dread appeared on his face for a quick 5 seconds before grinning again.
"Laika is a stop-motion animation company." He said for no particular reason.
“I’m aware that Universes meet their end, eventually. But, even a dying old man has white blood cells that attack invaders. That’s what we are…unfortunately, we have a…virus that’s been slipping through the cracks.”
Nettle paused, he stared Cugai for sometime before leaning forward on the table. "What kind of virus?" He asked, curious.
Pulling out another folder, he opens it to see if it’s the right one, signing in relief as he slaps in on the table “28 STAB WOUND- wait-“

***technical difficulties***

“We call him “The Pretender.” We don’t know where he comes from, but from his unique energy signature, his universe must of been destroyed, by him, assembly. Since then he’s managed to destroy about 20 universes.”
Nettle gave an impressed whistle. "20? At that point it's just a number. That's a pretty cool nickname how did he get that?" Nettle placed his feet on the table. "Gosh it would be fun to get cool title like that. Something like, I don't know. . . The Doctor? Oh wait no someone already took that. . ."
"Looks like you have a multiversal serial killer in your hands. Have you managed to profile him yet? Crimes like these require very heavy motives. . . He didn't used to be one of yours did he?"

“Not that I know of.” Cugai said “Not an abnormal thing for agents or admins to go rouge, but they never go far.”
“We call him that because, from what we’ve managed to grab, he thinks himself a god. Yet, his power fluctuates, from nonexistent to…boom.”

". . .Sounds a little bit like me to be honest. . ." He whispered just loud enough for Cugai to hear. "Thankfully, I don't see the point of spreading despair and suffering. The knowledge to destroy a universe. . . That knowledge requires traveling. . . and in depth research on each single one. . . His fluctuations in power probably come from each universes unique system of physics." He kicked a leg back down.

"So what have you grabbed from him so far?"

“We believe he gets his powers from, and this is a theory, the universes he destroys. With every one he’s been in we’ve tracked him down, but before we can find him, he detonates. We’ve actually saved some people from oblivion, but there’s no trace of their universe. No energy, nothing.”
"Have you considered that those universes. . . haven't? Been destroyed?"
“Perhaps. That’s why we need to catch him. If he can restore all those universes, we can strip him of his power and lock him away forever…and it pains me to say that we need as much help as we can get.”

". . .You're not going to ask me for help now are you?"
“Well, since we’ve planned on asking the stowaways for help, you’d wouldn’t be an exception. I can’t offer much, the only things I could would be a possible position with the U.C.A, or a chance we could restore your home. Assuming it hasn’t died on its own and started anew of course.”
For some reason, this offer to restore his home made Nettle twitch. He slowly leaned on the table and calmly made a request.
DON'T, YOU, DARE, TRY AND RESTORE MY HOME. . ." Nettle reached across the table and somehow managed to pick up Cugai by the collar. He stared straight into the tiny man's soul for some time before dropping him and collapsing on his chair. ". . .Please don't. . . " He whispered
Cugai was startled by the sudden action, but nonetheless just stared at the man, plopping onto his chair, somehow denting it.
“…I’ll let that slide for now. Alright, what’s dead is dead. Though, I doubt you’d have any reason to aid us, your expertise on being a “dimension hopper” as we call them, could help us stop this madness.”
He sat in silence before speaking up again. ". . .I think interdimensional homeless man is a more accurate description." He leaned back and massaged his forehead. "You know what? This time. . . I don't want to help. It all ends in tragedy anyway. I don't need to travel the multiverse to know that's true." Nettle stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving now. I'm sure you'll find another "dimension hopper" who'll be glad to help your cause. So either you let me go now. Or I steal your identity and nab all the tacos in the cafeteria."
Cugai watched as the man stood, holding out his arm, it begins to stretch and morph, placing a sharpened finger on Nettle’s head.

“Not so fast. You’re telling me there’s nothing you want?”

Nettle looked at the tip of Cugai's elongated finger. ". . .Well now that you mention it. . ."

"There is one thing I do want!"

“Don’t tell me it’s exclusive privileges to the taco stand, everyone has that these days…”
"That was almost on the list. . . But no, it's something else." His body started disappearing. "What I wanted right now most in the whole wide multiverse. . . Was to see your face once you realized you've been duped!" A knock came from outside the room. "*Are you having fun with me in there Cugai?*"
“Huh?” Turning his head to the wall, hearing a sly giggling from his brother. “Oh, you little mother fu-“

“See, I told you he’s got a nasty temper.”
Fugai said, looking up at Nettle.

Suddenly, the interrogation room erupts in a fiery explosion, the small white robbed man’s yellow eyes glowing red.

“SO….are you in or not?”
". . .Nah! I've got homeless things to do, but I suspect that it's going to take a bit for me to leave this multiverse. We'll probably see each other, you guys have fate here right? Of course you do everyone has it. Feel free to give me a holler if I'm around!"
"Who knows. . . I might help."

Cugai scoffs, the watch on his wrist flashing, a voice echoing from it. “Let’s head back to the watch tower. We’ve wasted too much time.”
“That’s because you’re mad.” Fugai replied. “You think you’ve wasted time when you’re not having a good time. Funny, since time technically doesn’t exist out here-“
“CiMos! Get us back to the watchtower!” Cugai shouts into his watch, a purple portal opening behind them. They both walk through it before it disappears.
The silence of space is the only constant sound now.
Nettle clapped his hands together now alone. "I should leave soon. . . But before I do. . ." He pulled out the exclusive taco privileges card he stole. "Taco-timeeeeeee. . ." He said in a high falsetto voice. He skipped through the hallways happily.

Back in the present:

"Any of you guys want an emotional support taco?"
Commander Shepard
Mentions: Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
Great, Shepard's nose was clogged again. Between the constant fevers, the colds, the headaches, the panic attacks, the nightmares & PTSD, & the constant ringing of the ears, there were a lot of little annoyances in Shepard's life. But those were the little ones. Big ones? Oh well there was the Geth, the mercenary factions, the many MANY raiders constantly traversing the galaxy, the Collectors, the Reapers, the fact that no one wants to cooperate even when the galaxy is threatened with an unstoppable invasion, & the simple fact that SHE DIED ONCE... now that was too much to face alone. Luckily, in the Milky Way, Shepard wasn't really alone when she faced these threats. There was Anderson & Hackett, the only two men in the whole universe that Shepard actually looked up to in some feasible way. Wrex, Tali, Garrus, Liara, & Kaiden, AKA the original Normandy crew. Miranda, Jacob, Thane, Kasumi, Zaeed, Legion, Grunt, Samara, Mordin, Jack, as well as Tali & Garrus again, they made up the second Normandy crew, which was the fiercest group of fighters in existence in Shepard's opinion. And it wasn't too long ago that she met some new faces like James Vega & Steve Cortez. Each of them was an exception combatant, willing to sacrifice anything to save the galaxy, just like Shepard was. And now...

Well now they were all gone. Hell, the whole universe was apparently. Destroyed in a way that made the Crucible seem like a massive joke now. It was all gone, which meant it was all worthless in the end. All those missions, all those sacrifices, what few relationships she actually made attempts to form. They were essentially irrelevant now. Everyone & everything was gone. Aside from the equipment she took, the only real exception was a fellow survivor. Zaeed. Shepard spotted Zaeed a while ago, thought didn't say anything. Right now, she wanted some alone time. Was she glad to see someone from the Normandy crew, really from the now gone universe, still alive? Of course she was. If what Pepperjack said was true, then someone like Zaeed would work well in fixing this whole mess. He was quite useful at stopping the Collectors. From what Garrus & Grunt told Shepard, the line against the Collectors would've collapsed without an extra set of muscles & firepower like his. So yeah, like Shepard, Zaeed was an asset. But that's all anyone is in the end, right? Just a variable factoring into a set of even more variables.

Shepard wasn't quite willing to throw in the towel just yet. Even if everything was seemingly gone, there was always one last thing to reach towards. Revenge. Sometimes that's all a person needs to stay alive, to stay in the fight. Hell, Zaeed understood that just as well as Shepard. If these UCA people were the only ones that could give Shepard the chance to make things even, then she was with them, she'd eliminate all threats, all obstacles, same as always.

Staring into some reflective glass, Shepard noticed that the scars were getting even worse. What was it that Miranda said? The more stress, the more intense the rate at which the implants & cybernetics operate? Yeah, that was it. Demonic. That's the first word that came to Shepard's mind as she looked upon herself. She looked terrifying. Good. "Hell is infinite... plenty of space to fit 'em all." She was going to send them all there, make things even.
Mentions: UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24

Quinn’s screen like face buzzed to life. She sat up, looking around. ‘What.. What even happened? Where is everybody..?’ She thought. Quinn didn’t remember much of what happened, the memories of it was fuzzy, she knew she was spending time with Riddles.. before everything went dark.

Noticing Pepperjack, her ears raised, a confused look befalling over her face, whilst listening to his introduction. ‘I’m in space? But how..? Who even are these other creatures..?’ But, upon hearing her entire universe had been obliterated, her ears fell back. The most torn, distraught, and heartbroken look crossed her face as her jaw was left wide open.

Then, She finally spoke up. “No… NO! This cannot be possible! I can’t lose the people I care about forever!” Tears began forming on her face, as she began to wipe her eyes. ‘Everything I had..everything I’ve ever known is gone…’ the thoughts bounced around her mind. Now on the trolley, she lifted up her head. Eyes focused on the shining of the purple and pink crystals, despite the circumstances, she found beauty in them.

Quinn exhaled a shaky, digital breath. Looking to Pepperjack quizzically and with hope. Even though it was so painful to lose her home, family, and friends, she had to inquire about why she was even here. “Mr. Pepperjack, I’d like to know more. Can you inform me on what a U.C.A is?” The robot asked.
Centurion Marius Titus
XIV Legion


Marius found himself staring out into what was called "Space".

Then he knew immediately something was very wrong with this picture.

The Centurion's eyes grew wide at the fact that his attempt at saving this Rome was for nothing and it was no longer in play.

He gritted his teeth, suppressing his attempts at rage

Instead, he sucked in his rage and eyed Pepperjack "What is the U.C.A and what do I have to do?"

His accent is hints of Latin yet a translator is immediately turning what he says into English.

(Open to whomever) UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24
The trolley kept it's pace toward it's destination with little to no problems.
At first, Pepperjack figured everyone else would focus their attention on each other for the most part. That didn't last too long, of course, but he shouldn't be too shocked. Telling an entire batch of strangers that their entire universe was destroyed was bound to get the noggins knicking.

He first answered the question of Lin Lie. "Yes and no. I pulled some of you out, in the nick of time too. The rest was more or less my co-workers. We've been tracking down this real nasty bastard. Seems each time we get closer to him...well, you know. So, in an attempt to salvage what we can, we saved the closest people we could grab before the flash."

Oddly, this batch introduced themselves, four of them directly to Pepperjack. They, like many of the others, seemed more than willing to want to help take down their mutual enemy, which was good, as the last batch wasn't so reasonable. He turned to HUNK when he asked about Balalaika. "Real tough cookie. She was one of the first to get their universe destroyed. Back in her world she's head of a Russian mob, has a real nice way of getting bad men to talk. Despite that, she's pretty much a drinking buddy."

Pepperjack's eyes then looked back at the large man with the sword. He felt he should say something to him, but decides to leave it be.

Pepperjack turned to the scarred man, telling from his attitude he wasn't the friendly type. Not that he hasn't dealt with people like that. "You've got eyes, doncha twiggy?" He didn't know what he had against the woman in particular, but being that they come from the same universe, it must've been a personal issue. Not that he cared.

Pepperjack looked over to the seemingly sentient machine. This wouldn't be the first time he's dealt with robots not the last time either wink wink, but even Pepperjack couldn't deny it's curiosity. "It's an acronym for the organization. Universe Correction Agency. U.C.A. We hop from universe to universe to, basically, remove anything that doesn't belong. Kinda like white blood cells in a really large body. We're a big organization. I mean, really big. If you got more questions you can ask my bosses."

A sudden question. Tacos? That ain't gonna do much for the lot. Besides, they've practically arrived at the watchtower. There's plenty more to go around.

Coming to a silent stop, the cosmic trolley had finally arrived to the very bottom of the watchtower. Pepperjack stepped out, stretching his arms and legs in strange and rubber house-esk shapes as he begins to walk toward the tower. "Alright, this is our stop! Feel free to look around while I go get the bosses!"

The Watchtower stood above all. It's presents gleamed with a feeling of ultimate connectivity, as if you could be able to communicate with everyone throughout the whole multiverse. That, however, wasn't the only thing you could look at. Dozens of unfamiliar faces passed by, some human, some not, some big, some small, some outright uncomfortable to look at. Beside that, there was a lovely smell of food. From the side it looked to be some kind of all you can eat buffet. Endless food items ready for anyone to come by and stuff their faces.

On the opposite end looked to be a mall-sized building, but it lacked windows, or doors for that matter. Upon further inspection, one would find that it is actually a vending machine, supplied with millions of delicious snacks. A single screen asking for any currency you can provide.

U.C.A Watchtower; Unknown Time
Goonfire Goonfire

"We are currently occupying five different universes at once. They all emit his unique energy signature."​

Within the watchtower, two smaller beings, dressed in blue and white robes, watch a larger screen with many faces looking back at them. "And you're sure you found him?" the white one asked.

"We must have." A man wearing what seems to be red and yellow armor spoke to the two. "The team we sent after were tasked to take him down, but we've ran into some difficulties."

"What kind of difficulties, Iron Man?" The white one asked.

"Ultrakill?" The blue one chimed in.

"Worse." Iron Man said.

The blue one gulped. Another voice chimed in, a blonde, pale skinned woman with rosy cheeks. "Perhaps a more peaceful approach is what we need. Maybe if he doesn't see us as a threat, we can simply talk to him?"

"We tried that, Princess." A frail, old, fresh, squidy gentleman said. "That mad cat is to much of a Negative Nancy."

"Yeah." A large crocodile spoke, adjusting his headset. "Doesn't take a detective to know that this guy is bad news!"

"But we know that he's got a conscience." A woman with pink gummy skin said. "We think he's been recruiting bad guys from different worlds. Ultra Magnus has been chasing a few around, but he hasn't reported back with any info."

"Bad guy cliché number 16." A young, white haired lady, also kind of squidy, says while rolling her eyes.

"That's not the worst of it." Iron Man continued "Aside from Magnus, we had an entire eight man team finally track him down. They did fine for the first portion but...he suddenly became stronger. Like a surge in power. When he got the upper hand he killed both Morales and Piccolo...Goofy as well..."

"NO!" The blue one shouted. "It's always got to be the cool one's who die!"

"This will not stand." The white one said. "He has millions under his belt, and we're not going to stop until that bastard is buried in a grave made of his own broken dreams!"

"Oooooo, that doesn't sound fun..." A sponge said.

"Good luck to you both." Iron Man said. "I hope we don't lose any more people."

The screen turns off. The white one turning to the blue. "I think Pepperjack should be back by know, Fugai."

Fugai throws himself toward the nearest window, seeing that the trolley had finally arrived. "He is! And he's got our newest batch of freeloaders. Imma gonna go down and say hi! CiMos, prepare the elevator!" As the elevator doors open, Fugai threw himself inside, grabbing a suitcase as he prepares himself for the newcomers. "Don't wait up for me, Cugai! I'm not waiting for yooooou!"

"Wait!" Cugai sighed as his brother ran to the elevator, he talks into his watch. "Balalaika, where are you? Pepperjack's back with our potential new candidates. We've also found...The Pretender....but we've ran into some complications... He's killed three agents, but don't tell the newbies about it. I'll stay at the top of the watchtower and report if something's happening. Give them a...ok, asking for a warm welcome would be much, but at least make sure my dumbass brother doesn't freak them out like the last batch."
Creasing his lips, Ryuunosuke is displeased over the damn suspense. He wanted real answers, not food. Oddly, the vampire virus affected his appetite. He’s not hungry as it is anyway. He shifted his attention to the one called Tokito asking what are kyojin, if they’re a type of demon. It’s not a question of great importance nearly as trying to figure out what’s going on in the underbelly of the U.C.A. The vending machine is reminiscent of the advanced technology of Yokohama, it’s all similar to him, having seen it all in modern day Japan. He stared at Tokito as well as his friends. Their clothing, and their katanas give off the impression they’re time travelers just like everyone else here. Tokito and the other demon slayers look to be from feudal Japan, if he could pinpoint the exact time period, they’re from the Taisho period. It didn’t explan why the kid doesn’t know the definition of a kyojin, but know what a demon is, he wouldn't be making it a big deal out of the 14 year-old’s question if Tokito did not ask if Kyojins are demons. He had no reaction past his cold disposition, he looked down at everyone else, he thought of them as nothing to him.

His gaze faltered on to Zaaed; he had Chuuya’s eloquence with his speech patterns, could drop a curse word like his life depended on it like the redhead. Unlike Chuuya, Zaaed gives off intelligence though he has a potty mouth similar to Chuuya. He called the kids brats. They didn’t like that, ignoring their incessant bleating. Now, his icy orbs bore into Tokito’s hues. He didn’t know what a kyojin is, but a demon, wouldn’t he at least have run into a kyojin sized demon at least, comes off as odd to him. ” A kyojin means giant. I thought Akuma is a word for demons?” He shook his head, turning his head away from the children. “ Moron.” He looked at Tokito sharply, meaning what he said to the kid. He thinks the blonde called Zenitsu is a waste of oxygen and molecules. Must be nice to reunite with his friends and Nezuko must be his girlfriend.

He doesn’t have friends, the idea of romantic attachments seem foreign to him. He only really cared for his little sister, Gin. It’s doubtful his universe survived the power of a planet conqueror, his analytical mind senses there’s maybe a traitor among them. Nothing is ever that simple, supposing he made up his mind then and there. He’ll make whoever is responsible the way he works in the Port Mafia, treat them the way they haven't seen before, preferably by his rashomon. He just stared at Taylor listening to her as she speaks, having his mind made up.

He feels a wheezing sensation creeping up his chest, knowing he’s going to have a coughing fit. Ryuunosuke hated them as much as his distaste for everyone else with the exception of Osamu Dazai, and Atsushi though he only tolerates him. Without a word, he broke apart from the group as he fell into a violent coughing fit.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 PlusUltra PlusUltra Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24
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Looking to Pepperjack, Quinn would tap her own chin in curiosity. She had heard of universes before, but never had never got the chance to travel to any before. She gave a half smile, knowing about how cells and the human body functioned.

Heading off of the trolley and into the new space, Quinn looked around at the crowds of new faces in bewilderment. Noticing many food stands with things to eat. The robot didn’t really require any food to survive, that relied solely on her battery power. Though, she did like the idea of food.

Noticing the brightness of the screen on the vending machine, she carefully beelined towards it. Viewing her own reflection of herself in the screen, as her face was brightly orange. Quinn exhaled, she needed to find a charger…somewhere… but how?

Noticing another reflection in the screen, she heard the other going into a coughing fit. A look of shock and sacredness overtook her face. Turning around, she ran as fast as she could through the crowds, stopping at a sudden halt in front of Ryuunosuke.

“Oh my!! Do you need assistance?!” She asked in worry, her expression becoming more and more concerned.

UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat darkred darkred
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
"I know that Akuma means demon. I'm no idiot. I just forgot what Kyojin means." Muichiro replied dryly. This Ryuunosuke fellow,he didn't care about him much. He still kept an eye on him as he didn't trust him.
"Muichiro Tokito,Mist Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corpd,he added,introducing himself to Ryunosuke.
"Tokito,we've arrived!" Mitsuri cried cheerfully.
UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 Wildcard888 Wildcard888 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
The Demon Slayer Corps survivor got out from the trolley and looked around the suroundings of what will be their new home and headquarters for the time being. Fortunatly,despite still being asleep,Nezuko had shrunk down to her chibi size,enough to be carried in a new carrier box that Tanjiro had on his back once again.
"So....huge!!! Ir's overwhelming!" Zenitsu shouts."Those sounds some humans and others are not..."
"I do agree this can be overwhelming." Tanjiro replied. "All those different scents..." he noticed Ryuunosuke.
"I know what you're thinking Tanjiro!" Zenitsu replied.
"It's a bad idea to introduce yourselfto that guy! Judging by his sounds. He's bad news!"
"I know,I can tell by his scent. Though he reminds me of Genya Shinazegawa. "
"The wind hashira's brother? Yeah but..." Too late,Tanjiro went to meet up with Ryuunosuke. Zenitsu followed him nervously.
"Good day to you. My name is Tanjiro Kamado!" he said to Ryuunosuke. "And this is my friend Zenitsu Agatsuma. We're part of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"Ahhhh!!! Look that all that delicious food!" Mitsuri cried. "I was so hungry!"
"Good,but try not to eat everything. Keep some for the others." Shinobu replied.
"Kocho.let Kanroji do as she please." Obanai retorted.
As Mitsuri ran for the gigantic buffet only to bump into Quinn in the process.
"Oh,I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." She then got a good look at the robot.
"Ohhhh! You're so adorable! Are you some kind of metal dog? Wait,you're not feeling well are you?" She asked,worried and gently patting the robot on the head.
"It's a machine and an advanced one at that!" Shinobu replied with a smile. "Perharps it needs to be fixed."

Harry remained quiet throughout the remaining ride. His eyes observant and cautious even when giving off an air of confidence.

Rhetoric - I have some good news for you. You're far from the weirdest person in the general vicinity.

Inland Empire - How boring.

Conceptualization - Maybe through your limited lens he is, but perhaps everyone believes themselves to be the most normal.

Rhetoric - Just see for yourself.

Perception - Each and every individual in this trolley differs greatly, some appear to be from the same place, from glistening armor, to oriental clothing, there appears to be no other consistency. Your ears also pick up the occasional shriek and whine of the yellow haired boy. He and the other boy appear to have supernatural senses.

Conceptualization - They can tell if someone's a demon through smell or sound, what does a demon sound like?

Logic - That doesn't make sense, but then again, little does. I'll likely be of limited use until you get your footing.

Inland Empire - What if he can hear thoughts?

Rhetoric - That would be bad.

Half light - What if he's listening now? You need to know, beat the info out of him now.

Authority - He should know better than to eavesdrop, show him his place.

Volition - Relax, If he could, he's likely not doing it. You're all working together, no?

The trolley finally arrived at the destination, with a weird stretch, Pepperjack would leave to go get the bosses. The enormity of the structure now clearer than ever as unfamiliar faces would walk past. If he wasn't entirely sober, he might've thought this was some sort of acid trip.

Electrochemistry - With a good puff of the good stuff, you'd be drifting through the cosmic bliss of heaven instead of this bureaucratic shithole. They at least have the decency of providing some food and snack, you should be stuffing your face full of it, you deserve it.

Shivers - You feel your body flowing and connecting to the tower. You can feel its enormity, its reach spreading across uncountable realities, innumerable worlds. Revachol was once connected to this tower, now that connection is severed, you are what is left of Revachol, you are its last hope. At the base of the tower, near the detective, a young adult sporting a long black coat steps away from the large group, his chest gripping as he'll soon explode into a violent spree of coughs. Next to him, two slayers will approach him to introduce themselves, unaware of the outburst.
That paranatural feeling washed away from his body and like clockwork, the black robed lad walked away from the group while two of the kids approached him trying to introduce themselves.

Rhetoric - Poor timing, they'll appear inconsiderate

Empathy - You feel the pain in his chest, you know this feeling, it's a horrible and awful feeling.

Endurance - Not that it matters, you're a meat machine who doesn't cough. Coughing's for weaklings.

Suggestion - You should get involved. But don't be too direct, play it cool.

Rhetoric - Alternatively, don't try to play it cool. Just be simple with a question. And don't call him kid or boy.
Harry wasted little time as he approached Ryuunoske, seeing the weird mechanical being also approaching, asking if the boy needed assistance. "Are you okay?" is the only thing Harry was really able to say, playing it too cool would've made him look like an asshole, or without simply repeating what the robot had asked. Harry was worried, however, having random coughing fits was never a pleasant experience.
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“OH!” Surprised, she kept her balance. Turning to see who it was. Getting a better look at them. “I am not sure of what I am..” Her ears began moving up and down at the head pat, unsure of how to react.

“Ah! I do not to be fixed!” She replied, somewhat in a panic as she closed her eyes, shaking her head.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Hearing a voice, she spotted Harry asking if he was okay. Her ears began bobbing up and down. She was becoming afraid of what was happening at the moment, worry began filling her eyes.

Solirus Solirus Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Ryuunosuke had no time to argue with the idiot as he’s amidst his coughing fit, his damn pleurisy is acting up. Unsure if it’s the environment as they’re in outer space or if the vampire contagion is running its course. Whatever it may be, his chest feels like getting stabbed by a thousand knives. Normally those are triggered by his use of his rashomon ability; however, he hasn’t used it since being inebriated by the virus. Higuchi insisted on him resting so his antibodies can fight the damn virus. He kept coughing on and on, wiping his mouth. He didn’t know who this Genya is, or why he’s being compared to him. This Genya sounds like an idiot like his little brother, Tokito. How can someone forget a simple word like kyojin is beyond him, though no sense in arguing with a half wit like this 14 year-old kid. He knows Hashira means pillar in Japanese, so it must mean ranks in the demon slayer corps, so if his assumptions are correct the higher someone a Hashira is the stronger and more respectable they are, sounds similar to the Port Mafia. According to Tanjiro, and Zenitsu they can pick up smells and emotions, and sound like they’re humanized bloodhounds. He knows they don’t trust him, like Ryuunosuke gives a flying damn. It’s exactly what he aims for as he’s the hell hound of the Port Mafia.

Do you have a functioning brain cell? Or are the two of you just stupid? You see I’m coughing up my damn lung, can't you?” He snaps, not in the mood for introductions when his pleurisy is acting up terribly. He stared coldly at Tanjiro and Zenitsu before his gaze went to Quinn and Harrier, they’re inquiring if he’s fine, which he’s clearly not. Breathing shakily, he grasped his chest. “ An infection was left untreated and it turned into pleurisy. I didn’t or couldn’t get it treated because of the harsh life of growing up in the slums..” Was all Ryuunosuke said, giving away too much of his life would be used against him. One of Dazai’s harsh lessons during his training, it felt like the brunette was there staring at him with those dark orbs of his. His inferiority lies in trying to earn Dazai’s approval no matter the cost, Dazai is not like anyone. He’s an enigmatic man wrapped in a genius puzzle. Dazai is a dangerous man, Ryuunosuke knows of his depravity. He kept on coughing violently. He stared, Quinn and Harrier, look the type to want to help, that was met with great reluctance from him.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Solirus Solirus Wildcard888 Wildcard888

(( feel free to have Quinn and Harrier insist on helping he’s the type to be reluctant on accepting any help but they earn his trust and gratitude))
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Lin Lie
Interactions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Lin Lie let out a deep exhale as he listened to the words Pepperjack spoke to him, trying his best to let the gravity of the situation settle in his mind. So it was true. Not just his world, but many other people's as well. The young man was vaguely aware of the concept of the multiverse, moreso in the abstract, but he knew enough of the general concept, and that he was way out of his depth here. Stuff like this was more up the alley of the Fantastic Four to say the least, but no, it was just him here instead.

Still, he couldn't help but look around at the others. It would probably be too much to hope they were much better off than him in regards to how well prepared they were on their own for such a situation, but if this apparent organization was as impressive as it sounded, then maybe they had a fighting chance.

Besides, Pepperjack had said that it was a "nasty bastard" behind all of this. It wasn't like these worlds being destroyed were from some freak cosmic storm, something abstract that they couldn't put a face to. No, if there was a conscious entity out there making this happen, then that meant he had a face. And if he had a face, he could get it punched in. Right?


Once they eventually reached their destination, some place called the Watchtower, Lin Lie let out a soft whistle as he looked around the place. Well, this was definitely a step up from the HQ when he was a part of the Agents of Atlas, that was for sure. He took note of the neighboring buffet, and though he understood that it would probably be good to keep his stamina up, he honestly didn't have much of an appetite right now.

He noticed the dark haired man break into a coughing fit, and the others that came to his side. Poor guy, even if he did kinda look creepy. It was too bad Lie couldn't use his chi healing on other people, such was the limits of his power. Figuring that the others had it under control, he stood next to the many Demon Slayers, his arms folded behind his back.

"... You still have an appetite? After what we just went through?" He asked Mitsuri, having noticed her begin to make her way toward the buffet before being interrupted. Lie gave a cordial smile her way, though if it weren't for his mask, the stress in his eyes might have been as clear as day. "I'm still struggling to swallow all our worlds being gone, I don't think I can add dinner on top of that," he tried to joke, though he wondered if that might have come off distasteful after everything, before looking to the rest of the Demon Slayers.

"Uh, I guess we haven't had the space to introduce ourselves yet. They called me the Iron Fist back where I come from, but you can call me Lin Lie if you'd prefer," he said. The title still felt weird to him, unnatural, as if it didn't belong to him, and more to the other guy, but well, he was the only one still standing now. He might have been more concerned with the standard hero code of keeping his identity secret, but surely, there had to be some exception anyway to people from entirely different worlds, right?
Tell you you're the greatest, But once you turn, they hate us
Jericho and

Another puff of smoke comes out from Jericho's cigarette, he's been awake for a few hours now, but he hasn't said anything.

He looks down at the head resting on his lap. He runs his fingers though the pale strands of Xavier's hair.

He didn't want to disturb the kid's sleep, for once Xavier looked content and calm. The journeys been hard over all. He never meant to corrupt the kid, yet it somehow happened.

He was even gentle when he carried the sleeping vault off and onto the weird machine. He's never been in space, heck, he hasn't even heard of it until Xavier ranted about it, and pointed out the different constellations.

He sits down in a corner, with Xavier still in his head.

Xavier subconsciously snuggles further into Jericho's chest, his head resting on the Merc's shoulder. He startled awake when he felt someone shaking him.

"Come on kid, wake up, I've got a few things for you to figure out for me."

Xavier sleepily sighs, his hand falling from the gun strapped to his thigh once he realises it was just Jericho. "Hmm?" He asks, looking up at the old man.

Jericho stares down at the vaults, gathering his thoughts. "First of all, do you think our money would work? Or do you have the old money left on you?"

Xavier stiffens, looking up at Jericho, terrified. "What do you mean?" He whimpers, holding his stuffie closed to his chest.

"Fuck kid, get it together. Obviously we ain't on our own world anymore." Jericho snaps.

Xavier looks around, trying to hide himself *in* Jericho. "I don't like it."

"Obviously you don't dumbass, get it the fuck together." Jericho glowers at the young man.

"I don't know if our money would do, but I've got about 150 pre-war dollars." Xavier whispers. "It wouldn't last us long."

Jericho gently hits the side of Xavier's face. "Stop being so fucking weak."

Xavier whimpers, holding his head from the slap. "Of course Jericho!" He squeaks out.

The slap seemed to knock the sleepiness out of Xavier, "We should ask for someone who's used to this world."

"Company." Jericho corrects. "The U.C.A or somethin'."​

'Cause I know you're poison you're feedin' me poison addicted to this feelin', I can't help but swallow up your poison
Following her introducing herself, Taylor stood there motionless with a eery stillness to her, fully back in her cape persona that unintentionally unnerved so many back home. Not that it was anything deliberate, in all honesty, it was something she had only been aware of later on and still to this day forgets the perception it causes in those unfamiliar with her workings. Her head didn't move as she used her swarm sense to get a better look at each of those present including those who hadn't announced themselves.

More individuals would begin introducing themself, the spitting image of a military conscript eighty years out of date Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , another who could pass for a PRT Trooper all in black and a far more attractive van Hellsing that was once again making her self-conscious of her own lacking figure. There was something of a familiarity in them as well, as much as the hat brought up bad memories, what she overheard the samurai kids mention instead had her think of Dragons humanoid body. Before she her train of thought could derail further into that particular field though, yet more began to arrive. Goonfire Goonfire

A futuristic mercenary-looking man with a hell of a voice, sure he spoke like many of the dock workers she was familiar with but from how he stood the experience was clear, just instead of a breast covered in commendations they seemed to have taken those in battle scars. Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke

Choosing to ignore the Taco baring anomaly, her attention was on a woman with passing similarity to the mercenary man but with a glowing network of scarring that....wait. The girl froze for a second before her attention snapped to Sheperd to see them clearer with her own eyes that armor...she had seen it before and the N7 icon reminded her of were. One of Uber and Leets streams...and the revelation that brought threw her current worldview for a loop once she connected it to what Pepperjack had said before. "Ok, Please tell me that woman is not called Sheperd, or I am going to need to be expecting John Halo, that mute Zelda or another of those idiots cosplays next...." homintales homintales

Going back to the rest she filters through for the pertinent information, UCA being glorified universal janitors, Balalaika being a Russian mobster, and the HQ apparently having the budget of a small nation from the look of the base of the watch tower. Subtly connecting to any new bugs in range she would spread her influence throughout the tower to get a feel of the layout and features not within eyesight, eyes widening behind her mask however at her power giving a ping from some of the more exotic races, well guess bugs were a bit broader category than she had previously been used too. There was also the fact she heard something worrying while filtering through the vast amount of data coming in, but she put that process on the backburner as she let it develop and instead went back to getting to know the others she had arrived with a bit better. That....was going to be far more difficult given her poor social skills in new groups, just great.

Turning back to the rest she finally speaks again, the same buzzing distortion in the background of each of her words. "Kyojin translation depends on the the subject markers to denote the contexts in which its being used, so its not only giant but big man, titan, great man...its one of the things that made japanese a pain to pick up due that little tidbit. It is however interesting that whatever is translating our speech doesn't automatically do so for certain words i suppose" she idly gestures towards Ryuunosuke "Regardless how you grew up, This UCA can restore missing limbs without complications, you might want to check with them about the pulmonary issue, so the couldn't part of your issue has a solution now at least" Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
UltraWagonWheel24 UltraWagonWheel24 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Wildcard888 Wildcard888 Shaoye Shaoye Solirus Solirus PlusUltra PlusUltra

Tanjiro was so focused on introducing himself to Ryuunosuke, that he forgot to notice the young man's currnt medical condition.
"Oh...I'm so sorry that you were sick." Tanjiro replied while bowing. He listened to Ryuusuke explain to him and Zenitsu about his condition. Ever Harry and Quinn,the robot asked him if he's okay.
"Maybe Shinobu can check up on him." Zenitsu suggested. "She's head of the medical yard back at a Butterfly mansion." "Good idea Zenitsu!" Tanjiro replied. He waved the Insect Hashira as she went to check on Quinn.
"I'm more knowledgable on treating humans snd other orgsnic beings,not machines unfortunately." Shinobu replied to Quinn" Pethaps you need energy ?" She noticed Tanjiro waving to her. "Please excuse me." She replied to the robot,smiling at her before to join Tanjiro,Zenitsu,Harry and Ryuunosuke. She didn't seem to be scared of him.
"Oh my,what a bad cough. A very serious condition indeed." Shinobu replied,checking on Ryuunosuke.
"My name is Shinobu Kocho,Insect hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps and Medical chief. If I csn gain access to this facility's medical yard I'll be able to deal with that nasty condition of yours." She replied with a smile.
"Until then,tell me what you know about it."
"He did explain that it was left unthreated and it evolved into pleurisy." Zenitsu replied.
Shinobu,showed slight worry despite the smile still on her face. "This is bad. You need to be treated as soon as possible. If we can get in touch with the U.C.A's medical unit..." She looked around. "Hello there! She cried to some nearby agents. "Who you be so kind to lead me and this young man to the U.C.A's medical yard. I'm the the chief officer of the Demon Slayer Corps and this young man need medical treatment as soon as possible! This is an emergency!"

"They can really do that? Restore limbs?" Zenitsu asked Taylor. "Perharps they have the technology..."

Mitsuri turned her attention on Lin Lee. "Sorry about that,my appetite is quite big. This situation made me even more hungry then before." She said sheep,y to the martial artist. " I have quite a big appetite. I'm even stronger the average human. I had trouble finding a suitable husband because of that. Though the Demon Slayer corps,they accepted me for who I was..." She then stopped when Lin Lee told him about how he felt about losing his world" I can't believe that I'll never see my mother,father,brothers and sisters again either" Mitsuri replied sadly. " My name is Mitsuri Kanroji!" Mitsuri replied to Lin Lee after he introduced himself.
Obanai stood behind Lin Lee,breathing at his neck,his snake Kaburamaru hissing.
"You,you had the guts to speak with Kanroji! You will pay with..."
"Obanai! He lost his world just like us! Please be nice!" Mitsuri lectured.
Obanai calmed down.
"Of course Mitsuri, my apologies. " Obanai replied,before gesturing to Lin Lee that he would still get an eye on him.
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