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Fandom Universe Correction Agency 2.0: A Multiversal RP (CLOSED)


Bringing you the story of heroes.
Universe Correction Agency2.0.png

The Multiverse.
Unbelievable, no?
An entire stream of infinite realities, many of which you wouldn’t even begin to comprehend. Every world that you could possibly imagine all floating beyond your reach.

Who are we?
Why, we are the Universe Correction Agency.

Think of us as the cosmos’s antibodies that remove anything that doesn’t belong to one universe and puts it back where it belongs.
Sounds simple? Well, don’t get that twisted. This job can get quite intense. In fact, the whole reason you’re here is because…well…you don’t have a universe to call home anymore

A powerful being we call “The Pretender” has been causing trouble, having blown up your entire universe in his escapade for ultimate power. Luckily, we’ve pulled you out of the gallows and brought you back to HQ before you were destroyed too. This is…quite the shock, I’m sure.

But, we think we know how you can bring your world back, but that would mean facing an almost omnipotent enemy. Well, we may be able to help you out with that.

Question is; do you have what it takes?

Welcome to Universe Correction Agency 2.0!

A soft, yet supple, reboot of the very first of the U.C.A series of roleplays. Despite it being what kicked this series off, it never went too far. Didn’t stop it getting sequels, but let’s take a moment to show some appreciation for numero uno by giving it the restart it needs. So come on in, don't be shy! You've got a story to tell!

Few things to note, of course.
This RP’s desired speed is at a moderate (one post every one or two weeks) pace. So remember to check in on the RP as often as you can. (Knowing that notifications suck on this website, and assuming you have a smartphone)

If you find you can’t catch up even when progress has slowed down hard, it’s probably best you don’t join. (If you still wish to join, however, you can become an administrator. More info in the character sheets.) Failure to fill in your absence, especially if the story is waiting on you, will result in the plot being forced forward, and possibly your removal.

Don’t let the RP consume you, however. Always prioritize life duties first. (Leave if you must. Organizing your life is more important than filling some quota for a bunch of chucklenuts playing pretend on the internet.)​


  1. No Godmodding: (Puppeteering, metagaming, instakill with one punch, playing god, etc.).
  2. Anything is allowed. (Except maybe memes, but that greatly depends.)
  3. You can have as many characters as you wish, just so long as you don’t overwhelm yourself or everyone else. (So, like, one or two.)
  4. Be respectful: Quarreling in the RP is fine. Arguing outside is not.
  5. Character Sheets also have rules, read them once you’re there.
  6. *site rules.

If you are at all interested, go on ahead to the character sheets page.
There probably won’t be an OOC page, but a link to the UCA Discord page will be provided for all newcomers for all your memetastic needs.

Thank you, and get ready to crack your knuckles and clean up that mess you have on the floor.

Character Sheets: Click me!
RP: Click me!

Known players:
Goonfire Goonfire
Specialist Specialist
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva
homintales homintales


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So long as his powers remain canonical (even though I'm pretty sure he's stupid powerful), sure he can.
Which form is allowed? Gear 4 is safe as I’m on the fence with gear 5 hehe physics is thrown out the window
My only rule would be nothing fanmade. With the main bad guy as powerful as he is Gear 5 wouldn't be much of an issue.
Well none of his gears are fan made so it’s safe though ny choice of character is Luffy or Ryuunosuke Akutagawa he’s interesting as his main weapon is manipulating shadows from his coat. He’s the kind to be reluctant in accepting anyone’s help if he’s in trouble and then he wants to get noticed by Dazai who favored another. lol one doofus and Akutagawa is a little unsociable but pretty strong combat wise
Can you use 2 or more characters from same Universe?
I thinking of bringing in Ryuunosuke from bungou stray dogs
Yeah I decided on Ryuunosuke


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