Universe Asunder ( IC Thread )

Kristjan thought he had gotten away from the scene of the explosion without anyone spotting him, but the sudden appearance of this tank of a man seemed to prove otherwise. "One, I'm not a beverage. Two, I blew up one of Jupiter's moons. Three, I just committed another murder." The Espada raised a hand to the larger being and fired a bright blue beam of energy at him. This was called a 'Cero'. It was a basic enough attack, but had proven to be enough to deal with interlopers in the past. This one, however, seemed to be nearly unphased by the blast of spiritual power. In fact, he seemed to be barely scorched... let alone blasted to nothingness. In response, Kristjan smiled arrogantly.

"Not bad, new man. Alright. I'll let you in on a little tidbit. I fired off a prototype weapon of immense power, then once it was shown to work I blew the thing to hell. Io should be hit with the blast in just under a half hour. So unless there's a problem, I'll be taking my l..." The man recalled how little his Cero had done to the unknown being before him. "Say what are you, exactly? If you were a physical or spiritual being, that would have taken your head off unless you were some kind of superpowered freak. And I don't feel anything from you in that regard. I wanna know what the hell is going on." It was as he said. Physical and spiritual beings always emitted a weak field of energy. The more powerful the life force and mightier the being, the stronger that energy became. This man had no such field... but was clearly not dead. This intrigued the Espada to no end.
Once Eden had returned to the newly formed world,she had began to travel across the world.She would learn under different masters,read their minds find their weakness and their best moves,then kill them.It was hard,but she trudged through them all.Among those masters where some from the League,they were just to powerful and strong for her to defeat,but they did offer her a spot in the league as a spy and assassin.She gladly took up the offer,and her she is now,battling a metal clad wizard and his little demon child.After reminiscing about her past,she out stretched her hands upward,twirled her body,in one magical movement.If the creature came any closer,it would be knocked away by her outed leg ready for impact.
Aku would always be a threat, a great threat to be sure but he could not be thwarted yet, the most pressing problem was the one he faced right then. From his beleaguered observations he had discerned that the scythe wielding girl was at the least not evil and at most really odd, but he had encountered many odd things from his journey in Aku's future.

The samurai referred to as Jack had decided his course of action and moved. First he unsheathed his katana and jumped from the building, then he stabbed his sword into the wall, it's magical metal sinking into the concrete exterior. He slid down the side of the building leaving a dust and sparks in his wake, when he reached the ground he removed his blade from the wall, cleaned the blade of dust on his sleeve and sheathed it in one fluid motion.

Jack bowed respectfully to the young Andrastean warrioress
"They call me Jack, it is a pleasure to meet a warrior of your calibre not to mention one of your age." He complimented the young girl as he eyed the strange beast warily, it didn't seem hostile but he couldn't be sure of its motives, evil often watches from afar before striking. Jack excused himself as he made his way to stand near the ongoing battle between the armoured giant, his summoned creature and the girl who seemed more than prepared for a battle. He watched the fight closely looking for the right moment to intercede their battle and perhaps find out what was happening.
Abel saw the girl back off and start a whirlwind kick. With a smirk,Abel ceased his rush,now normally sized. Abel raised his right hand as it glowed red. A hole with similar colours opened behind him as it spat out another goblin. This one had green flesh,and carried a stone pyramid on it's back,easily twice the size of the creature. It looked about in confusion,obviously not as quick to adapt to the new environment as the other goblin. "Now,reveal your thoughts to me,would you?" The first goblin,the one with the lantern,lunged at the woman,with only murder in it's eyes. As it committed itself to the strike,a tunnel between the woman and Abel opened,connecting their minds. But it was one-way. Both combatants now knew her next move. Abel placed himself between the new goblin and the woman,and looked at her with a cocky grin on his face. He had a plan. And she won't like it. Not one bit.

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Goblin Arsonist. One Red mana to summon. 1/1 creature,making it weak and fragile. However,when it dies,it explodes,dealing one damage (1/20th of an unhealed Planeswalker's health) to a target of my choosing. It doesn't have Haste,so it can't act this turn. Also,you MIGHT wanna disengage. In three posts,I'll be dropping a VERY nasty combo.


Megabyte looked at the minor scorch mark on his chest,and brushed the soot away with a remark of, "Charming. You remind me of someone...Unpleasant." Megabyte flexed his fingers,extending the claws from his fingertips. "You truly do. But if you must know,my format is a Virus,my function to corrupt and conquer. And what of you,Sprite? What is your format? What is your function?"Megabyte smiled and retracted his claws,then slowly steepled his fingers under his chin,having just been struck with a thought. "Why,maybe we could use eachother..."
A Virus, huh? Kristjan had heard of those since the merger of the multiverse. Something to do with computers, from what he understood. Odd then, that such a thing now had physical form. "Virus, huh? Explains why my Cero didn't do much to you. It's meant for spiritual and physical beings. Data probably isn't dealt much damage by it." The mighty and less than noble Kristjan listened to the large "man" as he asked a couple questions, then proposed an alliance. "I am, in my realm, known as an Espada or Arrancar. Arrancar are a group of Hollows that gained immense power and a humanoid form by removing their masks. Hollows are deceased Human souls who lose their hearts to despair or remain in the real world for too long. There's a lot more to it, but right now I don't feel like explaining. Suffice it to say, I am a spiritual being."

The proposed alliance between the quick and manipulative Espada and the apparently powerful virus-man seemed like a solid idea to Kristjan, and so he was forced to ask: "What did you have in mind, mister..." The two had not even exchanged names yet, and as such, Kristjan was at a disadvantage.
Eden smirked at the thought that they could actually try to read her mind,and try to get away with it.She began to chuckle then evolved into a cackle,"Keke,your trying to read my mind,and yet you can not see the truth.I'm Bored of you..."She cackled as the tunnel began to be filled with any and all things,except for anything major,only minor things were present like her past.She was already a high-level telepath,so small probing like this would only end up hurting the other,rather than herself.As she turned to walk away,the tunnel was filled with illusions and imagination creations of the body and personality of Tracy,that would all surge with energy and charge at Abel,as Eden herself made her escape,"I have what little information I need on you."She cackled taking her leave,she did not know if he knew she was trying o escape,so she kept some of the illusions behind to mimic her movements,but in other directions.
Abel chuckled at the telepath's attempt to drown him out with psychic static. It was a refined attempt,but as a Planeswalker,he was able to see through it,but nowhere near as easily as one aligned with Blue mana. Through the static,he extracted one thought. Something about getting back to a Legion of Doom. Now I have your masters. One step forward. Abel,however,didn't expect the surge of psychic energy to strike him square in the forehead. It didn't hurt,as it struck his Darksteel helm,but it did knock him backwards. "You saucy little TRAMP!" Abel's hand glowed red as he grabbed the goblin with the stone pyramid by the face. The creature squeaked in surprise,which quickly became squeals of agony as Abel's hand burned the spell into the unfortunate creature. Goblins are fodder,anyways... Abel scrambled up with the goblin in hand and pitched it at the fleeing woman. Amazingly,the goblin still held onto the stone pyramid. The creature,shrieking in pain and terror,careened towards the woman,and made impact mere centimeters behind her. The goblin's pyramid was the first to go,exploding in a storm of shrapnel,as it was in actuality a bomb. Second,the goblin itself exploded into a massive,roaring fireball. The end result was a smoking,scorched crater,and his target more than likely heavily injured,but alive. Oh,and the goblin was dead,too,but goblins exist to be eaten by dragons or be used as fodder. The goblin with the lantern tried to give pursuit,but between the woman's speed and the fireball it had to dodge,it quickly lost her. Growling in frustration,the goblin threw it's lantern to the ground and stamped the ground,obviously upset that it was denied blood.

"Get over yourself,Squig." The goblin's name was indeed Squig. He learned the thing's name as he summoned it. "You're fodder. Count yourself lucky you're still alive." Squig quickly ceased it's tantrum and sat on the ground,straight legged,and began scribbling random squiggles in the dust and ash with an index finger,looking sorry for itself.


Megabyte chuckled a devious chuckle,and said, "I am Megabyte,my Espada friend. And what I had in mind was a mutually beneficial partnership. I assume you were working with an organization to produce such a weapon? I would very much like to meet your associates. We could learn so much from eachother." Megabyte suddenly tensed,and tilted his head. There was another explosion. But smaller. "Why,I do believe the battle has intensified." Megabyte gestured away from the battle,and said, "I believe it would be prudent to avoid being detected so close to such a scene. We'd be far more effective if we can operate in relative secrecy. Now,I do believe it is your turn to give your file name."
Jack took a step back as the battle seemed to intensify and the now giant armoured warrior wizard had summoned yet another creature to fight for him, the second creature bore a stone pyramid upon its back like some sort of navy skinned turtle and wielded some spear or scepter like weapon. The creature looked confused as though it were unfamiliar with its new environment, the green summon made no further moves or attacks while the red lunged forward viciously. At that point the battle seemed to escalate to yet another level however Jack could not perceive what either combatant was doing by then.

Suddenly the giant warrior was thrown back somewhat while the girl began a well timed retreat, they minced words but things were far from over as the giant regained his feet and launched a glowing, pyramid carrying goblin creature at the girl, the first explosion forced Jack to unsheathe his blade and block several shards of shrapnel from tearing him apart. The second on the other hand blew him backward, he stumbled back but regained his balance and endured the resulting heat wave from the fireball. The ground was scorched black and Jack could barely make heads or tales of his surroundings.

The red goblin creature sat down and moped, Jack was astounded by the shear amount of power displayed and he hoped he would not have to fight the big magical warrior.
"Please forgive me for not interceding in your battle but it seems you are more than capable enough to handle yourself in battle, I am Jack what is your name?" The samurai asked the recent combatant as a means to discover his purpose and allegiance, the league had sent Jack to this city to monitor those who came and perhaps recruit those who proved to be trustworthy and honourable.

Eden eyes shot back to the goblins energy surged charge,"SHIT!"She screamed as she turned her body to protect herself with telekinesis, at he same time push herself off,but in the end she was still gravely hurt.If it wasn't for the telekinetic shield she would have been burned and scorched,and worse,but since she did protect herself all she did was dislocate her arm,and break a few finger.A small bit of the second explosion got to her and through her shield,and burned up her arm,knocking her unconscious,as well as tossing her across a few yards.
"Two weapon wielders... Is it a fight they seek, or a cautious glimpse?" he thought holding up his hand as he observed each digit looking at the sharpness of his claws. "So, should I maybe just do the same or lead off with an attack?" he asked himself putting his hand back down and moving his gaze toward the two warriors , looking at the two weapons they held in their hands. "In any case those are not normal weapons... Unless of course they're just stupid, coming up to me with normal weapons..." he thought as the spines on his back started to move fluidly again, each movement being followed by crackle of electricity.
Kristjan had hear the explosion nearby plain as day. It seemed this "Megabyte" was correct. Whoever was fighting nearby was getting into it pretty good. Part of the Espada wanted to remain and mop up the spoils of the battle, but he knew his duties and had need to return to headquarters anyway. "Name is Kristjan Steindorsson. And I'll tell you what, mister Megabyte. You're more than welcome to come with me. I'm heading back to Legion Headquarters." Kristjan was pretty sure that the other members would be unhappy at him bringing a tag-along back. But truth be told, he didn't give a damn. Some of the other members were strong, sure. But he was confident that if it came to it, he and this new being could take at least a few of them out before being taken down themselves. And given the merger of the Multiverse bringing even more mighty heroes into the picture, the death of even one of the major powers in the legion would be a setback of massive proportions.

Just watch yourself around that Lex Luthor asshole. He's less than pleasant. Oh and Loki, as well. Can't trust the guy as far a... well, you could probably throw him pretty far, but still." There were plenty of others in the Legion since the merger, but those two were pretty much the current top dogs. Super-genius human with money to burn and insane amounts of tech, and an Asgardian Half-Ice Giant God. It was pretty obvious why they were in charge. Kristjan was rising through the ranks, sure. But not the top dog by far. "Anyway. You keep up, you've got my vote for membership." And with his last word spoken, Kristjan vanished from sight with a quiet 'woosh'. This was his "Sonido" technique... one that allowed him to move at incredible speeds. But he made sure to tone it down a bit, as he wanted this 'Megabyte' to make it back to HQ with him.
Abel looked at the man in the kimono. The man wore little else,but he had an aura about him. One of strength,one of hardship endured. And,most importantly,one of conviction. "It's fine,Jack. My spells probably would've hit you if you tried." And that was when he saw the long line that ran down the building beside the samurai. Is he from Kamigawa? "I must ask,what artificer forged your blade? It's impressive." Abel caught himself,before he forgot the man's question. "I am Abel Dimitri Rewanz,Planeswalker. Now,I must ask..." Abel grabbed Squig by the head,and energy began to surge down his arm,into the goblin. "Why are you here?" Squig shrieked in agony as it was assaulted by the magic. Then,abruptly,the shrieking stopped,and Squig went limp. A final jolt ran down the Planeswalker's arm and into the dead goblin,and it's body convulsed as the muscles swelled,breaking the skin at many places,but not a drop of blood was spilled. Abel released the goblin,and it caught itself on all fours. It opened it's eyes to reveal that they were now empty. Dead. "There...Much more useful."


Megabyte nodded as he absorbed the information.
So is he a lowly servant,or middle management? Doesn't matter...It sounds like he has plans. I could use that...But I must keep an eye on him. "I am glad to have your support,Kristjan." Just as he finished his phrase,the man vanished. Seeing the trail of swirling dust,Megabyte gave chase,very quickly catching up to the man. "Between the two of us,we will have little trouble taking control of this System. I look forward to working with you in the future."
Jack was intrigued "Courtesy and honour seems to be the way to deal with this warrior, a strange turn of events. Perhaps the gods themselves had orchestrated these events." Jack took a less imposing stance that would show anyone who knew of battle that he held no malice or would not attempt to attack them without first being provoked.

"I must ask,what artificer forged your blade? It's impressive." Jack was confused by the question "Artificer?" He thought, dismissing the term he answered s best he could. "I know not what plain from which you hale but my blade was made by the gods themselves." He answered neutrally in his common tone of voice.

"I am Abel Dimitri Rewanz,Planeswalker. Now,I must ask..." Jack bowed politely once more in recognition of the masked man's introduction but he felt perhaps guarding himself would be wise, leaving a sentence to trail often leads to a less than pleasant outcome, at least in Jack's experience it did. "Why are you here?" The question was a fair one by all standards and Jack was about to answer until Abel grabbed the very creature he had summoned and changed it in a most unpleasant manner. "There...Much more useful." Jack was left a little unsettled but he could not judge this otherworldly denizen to harshly. To Jack this was a whole new existence which required a new outlook but at the very least he would keep a very wary eye on this Abel Dimitri Rewanz.

"To answer your question; I am a representative of the Justice League a group of like minded souls who have dedicated themselves to upholding 'Justice'. I came to this city to monitor any untoward happenings and people and to perhaps recruit like minded people to fight against a nefarious group called the Legion of Doom"
Jack answered steeling himself against the sight of such a horrifying process of transformation. He kept his voice even and spoke truthfully, lying would prove more a hindrance and it went against his moral code of conduct. He told all he knew of the situation and hoped that those nearby would hear as well.
Into the scene, was cast the suddenness of a can. From the can, a green mist rolled out. Those who breathed in the gas started to laugh, and smile. But the effects were not fatal, they where only to make a scene. Once the mist went away, those around(everyone included in this battle), stood around smiling like loons. A laughter emerged from the alleyway that the can rolled in from. A man in a red suit walked out, carrying in hand a boomerang in the shape of a Bat. The man's hair was red, done in a neat way. His face was painted white, and from his mouth, was painted a red smile. His mouth was in the form of a smile.

"Well! It looks like I've come across a lot of people from literally all over the place! I hope you like my new concoction, I made it myself. Really makes a man smile, doesn't it? Anyways, I should introduce myself. I'm Joker, the one and ONLY," The man spoke. As he said who he was, he did a bow. He then looked at the man dressed in the white robes, and with the sword. Joker pulled a golden pistol from a pocket, and aimed. "Now, Mr. Samurai, have you ever encountered a gun? Oh of course not, you look like your from eons ago, so, do you believe in luck?"

Joker's smile got larger, and then he pulled the trigger, there was a bang, and whisp of smoke, but from the gun emerged a flag, written across it in big letters, was the word, "BANG!"

"Oh, don't mind me, I was just kidding. Ha ha, so, what is the momentous occasion that such a glorious battle shall start, and I wasn't invited? Oh do tell, I am rather curious. I'd also like to know why the Batman ain't here to take me down as per usual, I mean, sure, it is daylight, but, he'd have found me by now," Joker said, and as he said Batman, he held up the Baterang, waving it around. Then he threw it, and it stuck into a wall. "Then again, that just means I get to wonder around, and have my fun! But, whats' your stories? I see none of you have given out what makes you, you! I'd rather like to know, so, TELL ME!" And with that, he walked over to a bench, and sat down, putting away the false gun. he then looked towards the warehouse that was on fire, burning. He laughed. Fire had always amused him.
Riyoshi leaped from building to building seeing a world far different than he once remembered. How long was he atop that mountain? Was the world able to change that much, that fast? Sliding to a stop, just barely before the edge of the roof, Riyoshi looked out over an alley way. He was standing above the gas, but just barely and he looked at all the laughing people.

What kind of jutsu is that? Riyoshi thought to himself as he leaned over the edge some.

Soon a man came out from the darkened alleyway and Riyoshi looked upon him with a very studious expression. As the man entered the light, Riyoshi leaped back slightly and a shocked expression overtook his face.

What or who is that? Riyoshi thought as he approached the edge once again.

Standing upon the edge of the building, Riyoshi awaited the mist to die down before leaping down upon the street. His cloak split to his sides and his focused on the ground as he landed, kneeling upon the ground, his general direction was in that of the man. Glancing up, his eyes focused upon the man sitting upon the bench.
With so many distractions Jack was caught off guard and was susceptible to the green gas that exploded and filled the area and the appearance of the white faced man who referred to himself as the Joker. The man's ineffective fear tactic was galling at best but Jack had trouble dealing with the effects of the gas. "Hahahaha!! Wh-haha are yo-hoohoohoo?" He tried to ask while fighting the urge to laugh hysterically, Jack drew his blade and pointed it's sharp tip at the Joker "I do not know Bahahahatman, B-hut........ Perhahaps you should be asking people like Wonderwomahahahan." Jack couldn't continue, the laughter was too strong and he had to take a knee in order to maintain some composure.

Despite his training against poison, he was unprepared for the Joker's type of villainy and hoped one of the others would be well equipped enough to deal with the pale faced, malicious man. Jack had only heard of the warrior they called Batman, apparently his secrecy and skill were amazing. Angry with himself, Jack sought to conquer his body with shear will alone; he took several breaths when the gas dissipated into the atmosphere.
"How shameful, that I could fall so easily to such an attack, I will have to train in order to overcome any more attacks like this in the future." He thought to himself, sweat dripped from his brow to the ground below as his body sought to expel the poison through his pores.
"Oh me oh my..." Zaborg thought watching as the maniacal man was sitting on the bench, in front of the person who almost drew out a sword on him. "Well, either I'm looking at someone bad... Or someone who I can benefit from." he thought unaffected by the gas. His anatomy was far complex from that of his other species. In a way, he had no lungs whatsoever. "Maybe he can make me laugh..." he thought, his tail was moving in a fluid stream-like manner. Much like if he were using it to swim. He then moved his gaze down to the samurai. "But then again, from what I've seen so far that defaced freak might not be such a good person after all..." he muttered to himself observing each of their actions.

"These 'people'... They intrigue me so, but yet, they do not know each other. In some way or form, it's as if we were all brought here from somewhere else. Just like the Yautja games of old that I learned about..." he thought looking at the dissipating smoke. In a way, it looked similar to that of his own; just not with the same effects. "I must impede on the situation at hand..." Zaborg thought jumping off of the roof and landing several steps away from the current situation, with a loud thunderous crackle. Almost like that of which you would here from thunder in a really bad rainstorm.
Maka was taken off guard when she heard the loud noise that was made from Zaborg jumping from the roof. She felt the ground shake a little, but maintained her balance. She looked towards the white faced man, smiling. "Whaha-haaat are you dooing h-heere?" Soul was unaffected by the gas, as he was in his weapon form. "Maka? ... Are you alright?" "Hehehehe... Yehees, I a-hahaaa" Maka found it difficult to hold back the laughter. What... What is this? She thought.

"What are your moti-" "Pfffft! HAHAHAHA!" She started to breathe heavily when the gas disappeared, attempting to push the laughter away.
"Hehehe... Laughing gas.... That's funny..." Zaborg chuckled sitting amongst the group of unknown people. "It isn't explosive is it? I'd hate to strike a spark and cause an explosion next time this happens..." he added rubbing his two claws together, in turn making a loud screeching noise and a couple sparks. "But all jokes aside, what are your intentions?" he asked turning his head to face the girl and her talking scythe. His gem slightly sparkling under the sunlight of the bright sun. "And you?' he asked, his tail whipping around haphazardly.

"I just find it odd, that those who don't know each other are either making new friends or killing each other...." he thought not noticing the fact that his second mouth was starting to slip out of his toothy maw.
Riyoshi stopped staring at the white faced man and looked around at all the other people. He was shocked that none of them looked like they belonged in a world of shinobi. They all looked as if they were from places all too different then he once knew. Looking from person to person, then towards beast, he took in a short but quick breath.

"What is going on here? Where am I?" Riyoshi spoke out as he looked a bit confused as to what was going on.

Keeping his hands to his sides, Riyoshi was ready for anything, he was just hoping that he wouldn't have to get into a fight. He only wanted some information. Reaching his right hand up, Riyoshi wiped some of his bangs from his face as he continued to watch the strange people in the alley way. He was unsure if any of them were friendly or not, but one thing he knew, is that some one would have to do something about that fire.
Joker smiled at the group, there where those who had been effected, and those who had not. It amused him. "Most funny, really, how one man makes one action, and everyone is effected. Chaos. Simply chaos."

Joker stood know, looking at the group, and then to the Xeno. "I never knew of an intelligent xenomorph in the movies, then again, this isn't a movie, so, you're famous. Can I have your autograph? Nah, just kidding. Well, I guess I'll be off. You should really do something about the burning building over there. I'd really hate to have innocent people killed without it being by my hand."

Then Joker dropped something on the ground, and there was a flash, and more green mist. The mist was just that, a mist, but when it was gone, Joker was already gone. How he did it? Simple, a true magician never reveals his secrets, does he?
Riyoshi stood there with all the others around him, and not one of them were acknowledging him. This made him a little on the tempered side and clinching his fists, he looked towards the white faced man just as he disappeared.

“Dang it! What the hell is going on here!” Riyoshi yelled out as he looked back towards the xenomorph.

“What is a xenomorph? What was that man? What is this place?” Riyoshi yelled as he soon looked up towards the building that was on fire.

Taking a step, Riyoshi thought to himself for just a second about how to extinguish the flames. He had no water jutsu, nothing really to help put the fire out, but if someone was in danger, he needed to help them.

“We need to help put that fire out!” Riyoshi said as he ran towards the building.

Leaping from the ground, he focused chakra onto the bottom of his feet and he stuck to the wall. Looking back at the group, he waved for them to follow and help him.
"I'm a being of lightning, not water, not fire. Lightning..." Zaborg said looking at the building that was set aflame. "Unless you know the closest place that distributes large trace amounts of water or can make another fire to smother out that one; everything you're doing or about to do will be in vain." he added. He knew it wasn't in his being to be to cautious about others, just himself and his surroundings. "But, I said I would help out this planet somehow and my god, I'm going to do it..." he thought, making all twenty four sharp claws appear from each of his feet.

"Then again, we could always smother out the fires some other way... I heard stomping out fires was possible, maybe I can do that..." he thought following the strange boy. "This better not be some sort of convenient trap or anything..." he muttered digging his sharp claws into the wall, climbing up the wall one step at a time.
Riyoshi listened to the beast as he spoke to him. He was caught off guard at what he said he was made of.

“Lightning? You are a being of lightning? How does that work? Where is your caster?” Riyoshi asked as he ran up the wall forming a string of hand seals. Leaping onto the roof of the building, he looked upon the giant warehouse.

“If you are made out of lightning, then i may have some use for you. We may not have any water around here, but there is another way of snuffing out that flame.” Riyoshi spoke out as he formed the last hand seal.

He needed to build up some chakra to get that warehouse where he needed it. With a smile upon his face, he kept his hands in the last hand seal of his jutsu and ran towards the edge of the building towards the warehouse. Leaping from the edge, he flew through the air and upon contact with the ground, he placed his hands upon the ground in front of him.

“Earth style, earth core shift.” Riyoshi spoke out loud as the entire warehouse sunk below the ground.
"That's none of your concern... And as for the caster, I don't have one..." Zaborg replied bluntly as he continued his way up the wall and quickly reaching the roof. "Well, in any case, I'll just sit here and watch till I'm needed..." he thought watching the boy sink the warehouse under the ground. "Jutsu... Jutsu?" he thought as he watched not surprised. After all, there were a lot of things in this universe that didn't make any sense. Talking scythes, sinking warehouses without the use of sinkholes, and magic. Not like that cheap 5.00 ticket get in and watch a magician pull out a rabbit out of his hat. More like watch an armored man pull a red imp out of a red portal.

"Although, I think I should've mentioned that I'm also physically an animal too... Eh, he'll most unlikely find out eventually..." Zaborg thought, sensing something metallic in nature approaching. "The armored man? No... This being is more slender the him..." he thought taking a quick glance over the ledge of the roof of the building he was on.

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