Universe Asunder ( IC Thread )


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Kristjan walked around the warehouse that the prototype Planet Buster was being kept in. It was time for the first test-fire of the weapon. Should it work, plans would move forward... should it not, then it would be back to the drawing board. "Engage the safety protocols and disengage the locks on the plasma reservoirs. It's time to test this thing." The target was not anything on the planet earth, lucky for it's inhabitants. It was one of the moons of Jupiter. Io, to be precise. The scientists working in the warehouse typed several large equations and trajectory formulas into the Planet Buster Prototype's computer, and Kristjan slid a handle down its track. The massive array of ionized plasma cannons rotated on the platform they were mounted to, angled upward toward the sky, and unleashed a hellish gout of super-heated particles into the mid-morning sky. Unfortunately, such a flashy display meant someone would know about it and come to investigate soon... so Kristjan motioned toward one of the head scientists. "Blow it. We're done here. If you want to live, you'll disappear and meet me back at headquarters."

Given that even Plasma could not travel faster than the speed of light, the Legion would have to wait for a time before they found out if the blast on Io had the desired effect. Even if it did not, the prototype fired successfully. That was the main purpose of the test, after all. But now was not the time for contemplation. Now was the time for destruction. The series of detonation devices placed across the warehouse, as well as the prototype weapon itself, began to explode... sending torrents of shrapnel and fire in all directions. Kristjan reveled in the sight for a moment, but soon felt a distinct energy nearing his location at a significant pace. "Seems I should be heading out, too. Fair enough. He wasn't sticking around to see who it was... he didn't much feel like a fight at the moment. And so, Kristjan focused some of his power under his feet and rushed away using what he called "Sonido".
Abel Dimitri Rewanz. Zombie. Planeswalker. But it had no plane to walk to. From what he could gather,either all other planes ceased to exist,which is unlikely,as he found himself forcibly placed in an unfamiliar environment,or the entire multiverse simply fused into a single plane. He was in what could only be called a cityscape. It was close to Ravnica,the plane that consisted entirely of a single city that held all wonders and horrors imaginable. But it wasn't quite it. It wasn't Ravnica. It wasn't familiar. The architecture was all off. There were metal devices moving along the streets with passengers,and even more lying dormant at the sides of the roads or in large stone fields. Abel found this place to be alien,but at the same time familiar. It was a deeply unsettling sensation. And he felt like he stood out. He wore armour. He was a walking corpse. He wore the skin of a Leonin warrior as a tabard. The locals were universally human,clothed in garments of wildly varying material,style and hue,but none for combat.

Well,except for some. They wore blue uniforms,and wielded metal hand weapons. They resembled some artifacts that came from Urza's and Mishra's workshops,but more refined. They wore bulky vests that looked like they could stop impacts from most weapons. Thankfully,none approached Abel,or tried to fight him. It would be for the best,anyways. He could kill them with his bare hands if he needed to,and his armour was impenetrable,as it was forged of Darksteel. And,there was always his magic. After an hour of walking,he saw something from the corner of his eye. Abel turned and beheld a magnificent flash of light,rocketing skyward. "Another Planeswalker?" Abel chuckled at the outburst. Hardly likely. However,curious that there could be another mage around,Abel made tracks for the source of the light.

He got there fifteen minutes later,and during this time,a thunderous explosion rocked the city,and the blast came from where the surge of light launched from. When Abel arrived,he was greeted with a scene of smoke,fire,and ruin. Cursing under his breath,Abel began to comb the wreckage for anything that could help him discover what had transpired here. Something to point him to a fellow Planeswalker,or someone who would know of one. I just hope it isn't Nalar...
Maka Albarn and Soul Evans were the only ones from DWMA that they knew of that were in this city. This city was a little strange. Everyone had something completely different on their mind, and they all had a completely different story. Everyone was a stranger to them. They don't know what happened to DWMA or its students, or the people that were once their teachers.

One morning they woke up in this town. They had no recollection of how it happened, but Maka remembered Shinigami-sama saying something about some sort of threat to all of the worlds, but she didn't exactly understand what he was talking about. But now, in this strange city, Maka could sense some unusual soul wavelengths. They weren't Kishin or Human, or even witches. They were different. Then, the city started shaking, and some sort of beam appeared in front of them, although a small distance away. "Soul, some of these unusual wavelengths are coming from that direction. We should check it out." "..Hmph. Okay." Soul transformed into his scythe form, and Maka wielded him while they headed for their destination.
Eden was assigned to watch to results of the destruction and the beam,meaning she was observe how many heros or villains showed up to investigate.Eden sat on the building next to the small little warehouse,and she really didn't care if they saw her or not,but she was not scared one bit of them.If she had to she would take up arms and most likely chop a few heads.She did not hide herself whats so ever,but the clear night sky was resting on her back,casting a shadow from her.She crossed her legs and sighed,"Hmmm.I wonder just how many heros will actually appear."She groaned fumbling with her.

After coming back to the omniverse,instead of her universe,she was sought out by the leaders of 'The Legion of Doom',to be their assassin and information collector.She gladly took up the offer,and was ready for any other mission they had in mind,but for the time being she was nothing but a observer.She placed her hand on her dual guns resting at her side,and her sword laying on the lower of her back,"Whenever the time comes."She muttered as all three were delivered to her mind.
Dai gasped as he stepped out of the forest. "This is...what?.. Do cities this big even exist?" Extending before the Daisuke was a plane of grassland and farms. A mile off the sun was descending behind a giant city. To some this city would be of average size. Skyscrapers are not an oddity in certain dimensions, but to a couple of boys from Konohagakure it is a daunting sight. "Maybe the sage was right? If the world is so different is there a point in revenge?"

"The world is different now, but people will always be the same. Our motives are past the point of revenge now." Haruki speaks coldly, the sight of the city does not seem to effect him at all. "People fight, kill, slaughter, massacre!" Haru was shouting by the end. He grinds his teeth in an effort to calm down. "After each war there is a period of peace. The length of the peace reflects the amount of pain caused by war. The Fire Nation's peace is built upon the death of our clan. We must return the favor to the world. With a big enough war, with enough pain...with enough slaughter. The world will live in peace."

Daisuke was use to these rants. He had listened to them since he was eleven and agreed with his brother. But the pain he had felt as he watched his father die. Would that feeling really help the world? Every time he thought this the vision of his dying father and burning mother came back to him. Dai shuttered and knew his brother was right. They were nothing more then tools of violence now.

The city was more chaotic then Konohagakure had ever been. There were strange people and even stranger machines everywhere. The city had adjusted to a myriad of cultures in the month since the dimensional merging, but there was still chaos due to the new oddities.

"How are we to start a war by ourselves brother? This place is so big!" Dai asked.

"We shall give them a dose of pain and others will flock to our cause. But this place is strange and we must be weary. We will start tonight, here's the plan..."
This city was almost similar to what Zaborg was used to. People at every corner, cars as far as the eyes can see, and buildings everywhere. On every corner a different person more extraordinary then the next and the previous. But unlike others who didn't have a problem being seen in the open, Zaborg was one of those who did. To him, he was a monster, only lurking in alley ways and jumping off of roofs to get around. Plus, he knew humans and hos most of them acted. Despite the fact that all he was his whole life was just another target, for those who looked for fun. "Nobody's mounting my head on their wall..." Zaborg thought to himself leaping off from the roof of an apartment to another, keeping an eye on the others. "I don't even know if there's anything to eat around here... " He thought letting out a small grunt before sitting down a couple of inches off of a ledge to see what was happening below him.

Zaborg didn't know where he was, but he knew it wasn't home. And shortly after coming to the omniverse, he was targeted by somebody unknown to him, so that they could get him to join the 'Legion of Doom', to work for them as an assassin. And with a shrewd reply, he was instantly attacked, but managed to easily get away from his predator. Ever since that moment, his caution bar was always on red alert, even for the smallest things. "I wonder is there's somewhere I can stay he thought imagining his underwater cave back home. His tail flicking around in happiness while his thoughts got the best of him.
Eden watched as Abel rummaged through the wreckage.She though to herself,'Who could this guy be?He has a rather nefarious,but you should never judge a book by its cover.'She croaked in her mind,while pointing a finger at him,"Psy Bolt."She purred out as a bolt of psychic energy launched at Abel.She did not really try to hurt or kill him,but she did want to test him,'Lets see how well his reflexes are."She thought as she moved from her position atop the building,landing on the ground,but shrouded in darkness.She swiped her hand in front of her,sending three more psy bolts his way.She shifted from her position once more,"Hmph!"She said groaned landing softly in a nearby try.
Abel didn't notice the psionic bolts come in,but even if he did,he wouldn't have bothered dodging. The first bolt struck the back of his breastplate,and stopped there. He felt the shudder of impact,but thanks to the indestructible nature of Darksteel,he was unhurt. Although,there was now a hole in the back of his Leonin-skin tabard. He stood erect and wheeled around,facing the direction from where the attack came,left hand flying to his scabbard on autopilot. When his hand grasped air,he cursed under his breath. Of course I got rid of it. Scanning the surrounding area,he caught sight of his assailant. A woman,firing purple energy bolts. He drew forth the only aspect of mana he had at the moment,a small flicker of Red. Abel thrust his hand forward as a red corona formed around it,and a bolt of lightning surged forth to his assailant. "Are you a Planeswalker?" Again,Abel chuckled. Am I that desperate to find a kindred spirit? "No,of course you're not. Your magic is too weak. What Planeswalker summoned you,Creature?" His talking was a delaying tactic. He could only generate mana so quickly. However,it always helped to know who your enemy is.
Eden giggled at the assumption that her attack was weak,"That wasn't weak...It was a test."She was still hidden by the darkness,but even if she stepped out it would not be her true appearance.Before she jumped of the building she had set up a telepathic field that would project her as a twenty-year blonde bimbo,as she called it.She hopped down from the tree,with a click from her heels,"I'm Tracy.Oh,and it was not magic,but a natural ability."She chuckled as she started to strut toward him.The rubble's smoke and ash blew around from the generic gale winds.She flipped the hair out her face,"Hmmm,now what are these Planeswalkers you speak of,and who are you?"She pondered with a tilt of her head.
Zaborg couldn't see it, but he could smell it, the overpowering stench of smoke that had been blown into his direction. "There better be something to eat or by god I might have to kill somebody just for food." he knew he wasn't too far away from being that the small was pretty close, but on there other hand it was carried over by the winds; so it could be pretty far. "I minus well check it out since there's nothing to potentially do here at the moment..." he thought as he stood up and started walking slowly at first, but picked up a constant pace as he jumped from roof to roof, until he eventually made it to some type of grounds which had seemed to be destroyed by the likes of some explosive; and while he wanted to see if there was anything laying around, he couldn't help but notice two figure in close range. "Well... Looks like peace is fleeting..." Zaborg thought as he watched the two, silently eying them, examining them to see what would happen, while on the rooftop of a building. Nothing like a high apartment complex, but something more like a warehouse.
Raekon looked around the strange city he was in. He wondered what had happened to the other planes. It seemed that he couldn't even travel between them anymore, like that power of his had been completely severed. But then he remembered Angela. He scanned the city streets, wondering where to go next, when he heard an explosion and saw some sort of beam a few blocks away. He decided to walk there, and look around the city along the way. When he had arrived, he saw two figures fighting with some form of magic. There was a warehouse nearby, and he hid behind the corner of it. If he somehow got dragged into that fight, it might take a while for his mana to regenerate. He heard the two talking and heard the word planeswalker. His eyes widened. He looked from the corner of the building and saw that one of the figures was a woman, and the other was a man. The man was wearing a type of armor. No mistaking it. Raekon thought.

Maka and Soul arrived at the scene. Maka sensed the soul wavelengths of the people nearby. "They're strange. They're not witch or Kishin... they're really complex." She muttered. Soul remarked, "Who cares, Maka. I'm hungry for some souls and I could care less what kind they are." She wielded Soul over her shoulder. "Soul, maybe we shouldn't just run in there headfirst expecting a win." Soul sighed. "Whatever."
The samurai they called Jack walked down the street, the black lacquered scabbard that held his katana glistened in the sun. He had walked the same street for a week, at first the city natives stared at him, he was obviously an odd sight but none approached, they all carried on ignoring his presence as much as possible. These people were much like those who existed beneath Aku's rule; they simply wished to live on without incident or interruption, they wore strange clothes and had many strange social customs but above all else they seemed to wear a cloak of defeat as if they had forgone the threat and preemptively surrendered to whatever force was opposing them. What was more odd was that those who were tasked with upholding the law in this place simply ignored him much the same as the masses did.

Jack had garnered much information in the month since his arrival; he learned that the universes had been fused together by some sort of event surrounding three different people of immense power, he learned that there were two main factions vying for control of this new existence and that they were gathering whomever they could from their own realms and from others to join their fight. Jack did not know what either faction intended but he could tell that The Justice League fought for the greater good while the Legion of Doom was only concerned with selfish gain and destruction.

The vacuum of power created by the absence of it was obvious to the samurai, people of all creeds and worlds would gravitate here just as he had but he did not know why. Word of Aku was almost nonexistant and what he did hear could have been anybody, people spoke of a shapeshifter but did not know more than that.
"I will find you Aku and I will return you to the hate filled pit from whence you came." He swore under his breath. Out in the distance Jack saw a small plume of smoke, seeing this he ran down the street towards it. The closer he drew the more he could see, the spark of energy could be seen from his vantage point.

Jack sped down the grey asphalt and crossed the road, expertly dodging the moving masses of steel and rubber he knew to be cars, some of them swerved while others simply beeped their annoyance, Jack didn't her a crash so he sped on for someone's life could be in danger where the smoke rose into the blue sky marring the white clouds behind it. Jack jumped up to grab the arm of a lamp post and swung himself into the air to land atop the next, keeping his balance the samurai turned to the closest building. Along its surface were balconies, the building itself was only three stories high and the balconies were close enough together to allow him way up. He leaped from balcony to balcony until he reached the roof.

He stood staring down at the unfolding scene, there were several forms scattered about the area, some were heading to the same location while two were below, one was a sleight woman with blond hair and scantily dressed, Jack's cheeks heated with the redness of embarrassment and he quickly looked at the other form to see a heavily armoured being, calling him human would belie the smell of death that arose from him. His first instinct was to attack the larger of the two but Jack knew better than to take any situation at face value and instead waited and watched keeping his sword sheathed
Raekon looked at the figures. He overheard the woman say that she wasn't using magic. He had his doubts, but thought that she, at least, might not have been a planeswalker. He tried to gather some mana, thinking that he had some obligation to help the other person out. He felt the power of the world around him. He looked up towards the skies, and started drawing power from it. Gathering one blue mana charge. He would have to wait a small amount of time before he could gather more. He looked at the scene unfolding in front of him in desperation. Damn it. I hope I won't be too late. He looked towards the skies. Why can't I gather mana like I used to be able to? He winced as he struggled to gather more.

Maka and Soul stood on the opposite side of where Raekon was standing. Unbeknownst to them, Samurai Jack was on the roof of the building they were hiding near.
"My my... It seems this sight has received quite a bit of attention... But then again what living being, human or not, wouldn't find interest in the events that had just occurred?" Zaborg muttered finding a comfortable position on the building's roof directly across from the one where Samurai Jack was located on. "Nevertheless, I must maintain whatever guard I have in case things get dicey... Only god knows what I'll be mistaken for this time." Zaborg continued muttering to himself, he wasn't sure if this was healthy, but he found that the only being not afraid of him was basically himself. "Although, if things do continue to get dicey, I'll have no choice but to retreat until the situation cools down." he thought monitoring his surroundings again before shifting his position in which he layed.

"Or, I could just jump into battle which wouldn't be the wisest thing to do... But then again I love the thrill..." he thought to himself unintentionally letting out a small chuckle as he continued to watch the current events that were unfolding.
Raekon focused deeply on his surroundings. He knelt down, and felt a warm presence deep underground. He drew red mana from it, savoring the feeling of the power being absorbed. Raekon stood up, still behind the corner of the building. He raised his arm, and a sphere of red and blue appeared in his palm. He brought it level with his face, and blew on it. It seemed to disintegrate into the wind. He whispered, Searing Spear. A spear engulfed by flames appeared near a different building, and it pointed at the woman. It went flying towards her. He remained hidden behind the building.

"Oh dear, it seems that we have an intrusion within the battle field... Goody!" Zaborg thought adjusting the spikes on his back. Each time a spike swayed, the web-like protrusion hanging between the each of the spikes located on his back made a crackle like noise, almost like something you would hear when you bring two wires together, or if you were to touch an electrical socket. "I believe that in a fight, all must remain fair, which means that in battle random sneak attacks are forbidden." Zaborg muttered waiting as sparks started to form from the tips of the spikes on his which quickly made their way to the frill atop his head. Upon instant reaction, he hurled a powerful electric beam to interrupt the Flaming Spear's trajectory.
Raekon saw the spear's course change. What the hell?! he thought. Oh, no.. He then started to gain another blue mana from the sky.

The spear went flying towards Maka Albarn. Soul yelled, "Maka! Watch out!" Maka let out a yell and blocked the spear with Soul's flat side. The spear vanished upon impact. "Uh oh, looks like they know we're here now..."
"Oh how fun..." Zaborg muttered letting out a small chuckled as he watched the spear change course, only to be blocked by what seemed to be a 'sneaky' teenager and her scythe. "If only I could intervene with this much comical nonsense every day..." Zaborg thought, his tail wagging from side to side happily waiting for something else 'interesting' to happen.
Abel was quickly growing bored. He knew that this fight would attract spectators,and knew that people would probably assume he's the aggressor. He saw Vess get away with similar gambits on numerous occasions. The woman was annoying,and agile. But she,at the very least,looked fragile. Abel began to charge at the woman,confident in his Darksteel armour,and drew on an aspect of Green mana,and cackled maliciously as he glowed with an emerald corona,and suddenly tripled in size. With this increase in size,he was stronger and tougher,but no less agile and no slower. A simple Giant Growth spell. "You lie,Creature. Now,cease your resistance!" Abel surged forth,elbows tucked to his ribs,but otherwise arms wide,ready to strike or grab. "Why did you strike me!?" He was mere centimeters away from his target,now. Abel had no idea of what was transpiring nearby. He didn't really care,either. His armour was indestructible. It would take astounding skill to strike around it,or monstrous brute force to strike it hard enough to harm him anyway.
"That spear.. It came from that direction...." Maka looked to the direction that the spear had come from. "There's some sort of burn mark over there, on the ground." She scanned the scene, and spotted a figure with a tail and strange anatomy. "Wh-what is that thing?!" Maka asked Soul, pointing at the figure. "How should I know? Aren't you the one who can detect soul wavelengths?" Maka groaned. "I don't think this is the time to argue, Soul. What should we do?" "I say we slice this guy to bits." "Soul, we can't just rush into battle like a couple of idiots. We don't even know who this person is or what they're capable of."Maka was frustrated with her partner. "Whatever you want to do."

She must look strange arguing with a scythe.

Raekon regenerated one red mana.
"Odd, it seems as if the girl is talking to her scythe..." Zaborg muttered turning his head slightly as to understand the meaning of what was going on. "But then again, this world is filled with strange things, and being an alien and all, is proving my theory..." Zaborg thought piloting his vision and directing it at the girl, his tail still wagging out of enjoyment. "I will not kill for no reason, but I will fight for my enjoyment..." he said to himself. At that moment his tail quickly snapped into a position, making the sunlight glimmer brightly off of his bladed tail. "While I must admit caution is expected... I have no clue as to what this young female is capable of..." Zaborg said to himself not noticing the extra mouth that was his tongue, slowly appearing, baring it teeth as it let out a hiss. Almost like that of a snake. "And it seems that my body is in agreement with my mind..." Zaborg thought.
Maka looked more closely, her eyes adjusting, and saw the figure on the building looking at her. She started to back away in a defensive position towards another building. That's not a Kishin. I'm not sure if it even has a soul. If it does I can't see it... Strange. Soul yelled at the figure. "Hey, you, what do you want?" Maka looked at Soul, and said "Soul! Do you have to be so loud?"
"My what a loud weapon she has..." Zaborg muttered a little thrown back by the question, as he retracted his toung back into his mouth. "I have no clue as to whether answering them... Or just sitting here and watching them..." Zaborg thought tilting his head a little as to get a clearer view. "But then again... Who's to know if they're with the one who sent out that radiant beam..." Zaborg thought as he continued to 'eye' them; his tail started to move from its frozen state in a wave like motion.
Eden only chuckled as he charged her,"Imagination creation!"She yelled summoning forth a giant man about the same size as Abel.The giant man was nothing but a figment of Eden's imagination summoned into the physical plane.She could do this with anything she imagined,but certain things could be called forth.She could not directly make a person twist their neck till death,unless she imagined the different hands to do it.She could not force a person to walk off a cliff,if she imagined,but she could telepathically persuade them to do it.After summoning her giant,she somersualted backwards just in case he destroyed her minion.
Abel saw the giant get conjured into being,and quickly ducked low,throwing all of his weight and momentum into a single punch into the conjured being's stomach,followed up immediately with using his other arm to hook the giant behind the knee,and pulled back and up,lifting the giant's leg from the ground,and above his head. Abel grabbed the other leg,and quickly pivoted on his foot and stomped on the summon's head with a Darksteel clad foot,reducing the head to jelly,already quickly fading into the ether. Abel cast the fading corpse aside,and continued his charge. The entire display lasted two seconds. Abel's posture was different now. His arms were forward,and was upright. Although his eyes were covered by a Darksteel plate,one could imagine his gaze transfixed on his foe. Abel's hand started to glow with a brilliant red corona,and a similarly coloured hole opened beside him. A red skinned humanoid with long pointed ears and a long hooked nose crawled from the hole,and it held a lantern. The three foot creature smiled a wicked dagger filled smile at the woman and exploded into motion after her. It seemed to have recovered remarkably quickly for having been forcefully removed from whatever it was doing moments before.

"Give up. I'm your superior. Tell me what I want to know,or die." Now Abel was beginning to shrink down to normal size,and the goblin with the lantern continued to barrel forth,cackling wickedly.

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Goblin Guide. Costs one Red mana to summon. Has Haste,which allows it to take action the same turn it's summoned. The other ability is,more or less,allowing us both to know your next thought of note whenever it tries to attack. Finally,it's a 2/2 creature,which allows it to kill a Planeswalker in ten hits,assuming the Planeswalker doesn't heal themselves. It's also fairly durable for such a cheap summon,even more so considering it has abilities.


A humanoid was stalking the back alleys of the city. It was masculine,but definitely not human. He appeared to be made of metal,and was primarily blue in colour,with a silvery abdomen,with a red three pointed crest sweeping up the back of his head,and green highlights on his chest,resembling the stylized eyesockets and upper teeth of a skull. His knuckles and fingertips bore golden growths,and his eyes were neon green with equally neon red pupils. Every step he took shook the Earth around him and cracked the ground he walked on. Finally,this bizarre individual stood approximately eight feet tall. However,despite the savage and garish appearance,there seemed to be an air of intelligence and refinement about him.

This was Megabyte. He wasn't a human. He wasn't even biological. He was a computer virus,brought into the physical world by the fusing of the multiverse. And not just any old virus,either. He was a Trojan Horse,capable of assuming the identity of whomever he chooses,and infect from the shroud of misdirection and misinformation. However,Megabyte wasn't disguised. He observed a plasma beam race into the sky,quickly followed by an explosion. "Maybe this system has some life in it,after all..." As Megabyte approached the blast site,he heard the sounds of fighting,but,more importantly,he encountered an odd man. Dressed in white,with spiked hair and a mask styled after a skull. Megabyte smiled to himself,and approached the slight looking man. "You're the first reasonable looking Sprite I've encountered in this system. Tell me,what happened here?"

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