United Magic [Inactive]

Josh was flying all over what was left of the so-called country. It used to be packed with magical people of all sorts. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be doing well now.

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Random was running in speed form until he randomly entered fly mode. He hated having no control over the changes. He found a ruined city and decided to stay there for the night.
Chane woke up on the shore of what seemed to be an Island.. Did he have his lute with him?! Luckily he did. He must've partied too hard the night..or two..before. He stood up, undid himelf of the sand sticking to him and looked around.
Zaphira looked at her desolated hometown. Everyone was dead just because of the incident where she fell into the fire, but didnt burn. Zaphira was tracked down by dark creatures that very night, but she flew away and hid while the dark creatures tore apart her town. Zaphira stood up, and left the destroyed city.
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