Unintended [closed RP]

Greg nodded as Ethan mentioned the park. This September had been unusually warm and the fresh air would help Greg calm down. He took the bottle and shook it in a circle slightly. The liquid turned in a gel-like manner, small streaks of paler purple-pink left marks on the glass. As the spinning stopped the streaks slowly melted away and Greg smiled. "Good choice." He breathed. He was one of the few kids interested in Chemistry, and was excited to see what kind of chemical this was. He decided he wanted the excitement to be fresh in his head, and he wanted to hold off on seeing Ethan for as long as humanly possible.

"We're already spending the afternoon with each other, might as well do it on the weekend." They might risk being spotted by some of the athletic kids or the sketchy kids that passed around bottles in brown bags but it was better than spending any more time with him in the week. Besides, this would also give both boys a chance to cool down. Even though it was very tempting to start a fight in the park what if strangers saw them? No, Greg decided, that didn't matter. Besides the rush he felt that came from telling Ethan the truth was too precious.

"Anything else? We're going to be late." Greg said, making sure not to spill any of the liquid.
Ethan merely grunted in response, glad at least that this planning process was over. He'd almost forgotten that they had after school "not-detention" with one another that day, and a slight groan escaped him as he thought of it. Yanking out his smartphone and texting his parents that he'd be home late, he vowed to ignore their questions until lunch. He didn't think he could handle a confrontation with his father or his mother's worried interrogation right now.

Ethan ghosted through the day, barely paying attention in his other classes and feeling deeply agitated with each new one that came. He shouldn't even be here. If it hadn't been for his idiotic Chemistry credit he could have graduated early. He got more than adequate marks in everything else, with the exception of certain kinds of history, but his science would always be the thing holding him back.

His foul mood increased as his father gave him a "We'll talk later. I expect much more from you," text reply during lunch. By the time the end of the day rolled around Ethan was in, if possible, an even fouler mood. The "study hall" they had set up for problem students was just a corner of the massive cafeteria. One bored, sleepy looking security guard loafed on a table as far away from Greg and himself as humanly possible. Ethan wouldn't be surprised if he fell asleep at some point. Maybe if he did they could make a break for it.

Too tired to scowl any longer, Ethan took a seat across from Greg heavily, then dropped his bag on the table. Not looking at Greg, he yanked out his English assignment and grumbled, "Do you even know what we're supposed to be doing here? Sure looks like detention to me."
(( xD "not-detention" So are we still doing the parent thing?))

Greg put a finger on his spot in the book he was reading. It was in the middle of the sentence and normally he would have made the person wait until he finished the sentence (or paragraph) but it didn't take a genius to know that Ethan would be in a bad mood. He was sitting cross-legged at the table, one of the perks to his body type, and the book was in his lap. In a position that the security guard wouldn't find suspicious he had his book bag opened on the table, where a chip bag sat. He grabbed a small chip and offered it to Ethan in a sort of silent peace offering. Ethan wouldn't know it but this was a big sacrifice for Greg. He hadn't had breakfast and a couple of boys on the wrestling team stole his lunch, claiming they wanted to see if lesbians were as good cooks as gay men. Joke was on them, Greg made his own lunches. He managed to get a bag of chips from one of his friends and thanked them gratefully. Besides this the rest of the day went well, as Greg enjoyed his classes and he wasn't partnered up with any one the way he was in Chemistry.

"I think the principal wants us to become the best of friends." Greg replied, not bothering to keep his voice low. The security guard had been nodding off for a while after finishing his large and extremely unhealthy looking lunch and he was either going to throw up or fall asleep.
Ethan glanced at the chip, a frown coming to his face. He didn't understand Greg any better as the day wore on. Had this guy forgotten that they'd hurled insults at each other and wound up serving time after school for it? He shook his head slightly, not necessarily because he wasn't hungry, but because the kind gesture threw him off too much for him to do anything else. It was possible that Greg was trying to keep the peace and prevent any more outbursts, and Ethan figured that was probably a good idea. It was just up for debate if he himself would be able to keep his own temper in check. He got over things a lot slower than most people did.

He snorted at Greg's theory. "No doubt," he grumbled, staring over at the guard before looking back to Greg. Though he didn't realize it, he spent a good chunk of time just staring at the other boy, wishing he could read his mind. After a long moment of this, Ethan decided to voice his confusion. He'd been taught to tackle his problems head-on, after all.

"Why are you bothering with pleasantries?" he asked, frowning. "It's clear that we come from vastly different backgrounds, don't get along now, and likely never will. Are you just trying to keep the peace? Or are you this amenable to everyone who fights with you?"
Greg shrugged and popped the snack in his own mouth chewing slowly as Ethan asked him the series of questions. Greg looked down at his book absently, in thought. He wondered if he should tell Ethan the truth or if it would be better not to. What else could he say? A couple of things popped into his head, but nothing that could pass as an honest reason to his chip treaty or the way he waved off the fight. He was also curious to see how Ethan would react, and if grudges were something he should learn to hold he could take some notes from him. Besides, Ethan had been staring at him and it made Greg uneasy. He wondered if this was how guilty people felt in court, being stared down by a witty lawyer who would stop at nothing to get to the bottom of things.

"It's hard to stay mad at people," He said simply. "So yeah, I think it's the latter... or both. Chemistry sure would go smoothly if you and I at least tried to get along. I know that will never happen, but if we just pretend then things will get a lot better. Are you always so hot-headed?"
Ethan mouthed the words Greg had spoken: "hard to stay mad at people." It felt like a foreign language to him, and it was certainly a foreign concept. "While you're correct that I'm also not looking forward to any more incidents in Chemistry class, I find it hard to believe that you don't hold grudges. Everyone does," he said, self-assured that this must be true. "I merely speak my mind and stick to my guns. If that makes me hot-headed, then so be it." In truth Ethan had been called short-tempered by more than one person on more than one occasion, but he wasn't about to share that detail with Greg. "So, all the people who do to you far worse than I did... physically attack you and criticize you directly for something that's outside of your control, rather than just criticizing or questioning your mothers... even those people are 'hard to stay mad at?'" He leaned forward a bit, frowning. Though he didn't want to admit it, he was interested in this strange concept and strange classmate.
Greg sighed and raised his shoulders, playing with his hands under the table. While these things might seem strange to Ethan, Greg had a hard time believing that Ethan could have a hard time believing this. "Well I can hardly blame the people who hurt me. They're close-minded and don't know any better. Chances are at least one of them is feeling insecure about what their own sexuality is and while all of that is bottled up they take it out on me. Besides, I always get excited thinking about how they'll pay me back when they wash my car." With that Greg popped the last of his chips in his mouth and grabbed the bag from his backpack, crumpling it up into a little ball. He tossed it behind Ethan to the garbage can but he missed and sighed. "I was never good at sports..."He got up from the table and walked around it slowly, stretching.

When he got behind Ethan he threw the bag out and leaned down next to his partner. "If you do want to stay mad at me, though, I have a lot more to say to you. I feel strangely more confident around you than other people, in case you couldn't tell."
Ethan stared at Greg with open, puzzled scrutiny during his explanation, exactly like someone trying to work out advanced calculus. His eyes followed Greg as he walked behind him to toss away the chip bag from where it lay beside the trash can, and he still hadn't come up with an adequate reply when the other boy was suddenly leaning down beside him. A little startled that he was there now, and not back in his spot across from him, Ethan lifted an eyebrow to him but tried to do his best to hide the fact that he was a little unnerved by his proximity. What he said next took away some of the tension, though, and Ethan snorted and smirked, leaning on the table and crossing his arms.

"Have at thee," Ethan said, honestly curious. "You do seem to be more capable of going toe-to-toe with me than some of the others around here, and I do so love a good debate. When it doesn't land me in pseudo-detention."
Greg smiled and slid into the seat in front of Ethan. He had hoped he was getting to the boy but couldn't really tell since he didn't want to look right at Ethan. It was like looking into the eyes of an angry mother or teacher when you're under a lot of pressure. He was wondering what he should say first and was surprised that Ethan had even agreed to let Greg say all of the things he desperately wanted to. Everything about Ethan rushed through his head and it took a while to sort things out, in the meantime Greg had to raise his eyebrows and open and close his mouth repeatedly. With an embarrassed sigh he nodded stuffed one leg under him.

"Can I start with a question? Are you happy the way you're living? Are you ashamed? You should be." He started, looking into Ethan's eyes as he said it.
Ethan reared back ever so slightly at that statement, unable to stop the surprised movement. A frown of sheer confusion on his face, he ventured forth with his response cautiously, wondering if this was a joke or there was a catch of some kind.

"Of course not. I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. After all, I come from a very well-positioned family with wonderful connections. Is this some kind of a joke?"

((Shorter reply from me for now since this looks like it'll be a dialogue-heavy exchange ^^))
Greg's stomach tightened in response to Ethan's answer. It wasn't like he was nervous or anything. No, in fact it felt more like he wanted to laugh. The feeling rose to his throat and a short chuckle eeked out. He was either laughing at how care-free this made Ethan seem, or because he truly has led a sheltered life this whole time. Greg decided both and took great joy in answering.

"You really don't know what other people say about you? Well not you in particular just your...group. I don't even know where to start if you want me to tell you."

((It's cool. c:))
Ethan's shock at Greg's statement soon faded into scorn. "Are you sure these things, whatever they are, aren't just what you think and say?" He asked, eyes narrowing. "I've heard, as has everyone who's been at this school for more than a day, what they say about you and yours. Yet isn't it odd how I've never heard anything said about me?" He leaned back and crossed his arms, scrutinizing Greg. "I wonder why that is. And I assure you, whatever you have to say I can handle."

((Ethan is so... ugh. I can't wait until he gets his :P sweet retribution!))
Greg smiled and let out a laugh in the form of a slow breath. Inhaling he tapped on the table softly. "I doubt any one would ever tell you what they thought about you. I mean you certainly wouldn't tell someone if you thought they were... actually forget that last part." Ethan was very rude and he would probably be ready to speak his mind if he was insulted. This could also be because of his parents and the way he was raised, so Greg continued. "Besides I wouldn't just assume things about people that I don't know. I know what that feels like and it hurts. No, I think you prove what me and a lot of the school thinks yourself. The way you talk to people, how you walk down the hall. Everything you do is just..." Greg sighed, unable to continue and half unsure how to continue.

((Haha. That's the first time an rp partner has hated their own character before xD ))
Though Greg trailed off, Ethan was starting to get the idea. He lifted an eyebrow and contemplated that for a moment before continuing.

"I see. So, the fact that I am proud of my life, consider myself to be in good social standing and am not ashamed of that, coupled with the fact that I speak my mind very frankly to those I come across doesn't seem to rub people here the right way." He huffed out a laugh at that. "Well, so be it. I can't say I'm shocked to hear this news. If you, and the rest of the student body feels confident in the assumption that I am pompous and arrogant, I believe the words you were looking for, or perhaps an elitist, so be it. I won't deny that. I know my worth and I know where others are lacking and I'm not going to *****-foot around issues like that."

Ethan stood, feeling antsy for some reason. Usually no one bothered to debate like this with him for so long. It was simultaneously interesting and agitating. "You certainly have no issues speaking your mind with me, and in a way I appreciate that. I only wish I could view you as any kind of equal, but your family and your choices rather keep me from doing so."

As the last words left his mouth Ethan actually cringed a little inside. Thus far everything he had said to Greg during this exchange had been true, spoken with what he felt was his real feelings and not a petty comeback. That last sentence had strayed into the territory of cruel, blatant down-talking that he had been told would not get him far in life. Something about this boy, so unashamed of what he was and so confusing, seemed to only bring out the most judgmental, defensive sides of him.
Greg looked up at Ethan as anger began to build up inside of him. Being spoken down to in such a way made Greg feel like he wasn't getting the upper hand in this "debate." He stood up as well, leveling himself with Ethan since he wasn't taller than him. He looked Ethan in the eyes and tried to sort out his thoughts. First of all it was a little strange to Greg that Ethan could be proud of his personality. Being proud must have been a part of that, but the way Ethan was making it sound he didn't have any shame at all. He didn't care that many people used him and his family, or people like them, as the punch lines for jokes or blame them when jobs are lost (whether or not it was really their fault). The fact that Ethan could consider Greg a lower person than himself was ridiculous though.

"If I were a lower person then you I would be afraid to leave my house every day. Not even... I can't even imagine what kind of atrocious person I would be. Just like you aren't ashamed of things I believe you should be ashamed of, I am not ashamed of my mothers one bit. What makes you think you can just say that to someone? Your so..." Greg's breath caught in his throat and he clenched his fists. I can't cry, Greg thought. I never cry in front of anyone so why is Ethan any different? Greg hoped that Ethan could not see his eyes glazing over.
Ethan's temper flared back to full strength, his moment of regret gone. Though Greg's words were merely a defense of his own attack, it was enough to remind him why he so rarely tried to talk to people outside his strictly business or scholastic associates. "How dare you talk to me that way? Enjoy living your life under the watchful eye of a society that will never accept anything that doesn't fit comfortably in the norm! Enjoy never striving to better your situation, and see where that gets you! You're utterly unreasonable. I'm done with this," Ethan stated, returning to his seat and facing forward, still seething internally.

Unfortunately for him, his raised voice had woken the sleeping guard. "Seriously?" the disgruntled, tired man called over to them. "You guys are already in detention and you're yelling at each other here? Like, what's worse than detention that they can put you in, cause that's where you're going. I have to report stuff like this." With that he pulled out his walkie-talkie and muttered into it.

Ethan slammed his fist onto the table and dropped his forehead on it. I knew this was detention, he thought blandly.

((Parent-teacher-student conference thing next?))
Greg let himself run the inside of his sleeve along his eyes while Ethan was looking down. This whole year could not go by faster, and once Greg let himself cry it usually snowballed into something more. The little things that he had been holding in this whole time came at him at once and was all topped off by the fact that this was who he would have to spend time with in his favorite subject for the rest of the year. He swallowed, hoping his voice didn't crack as he spoke to Ethan. "I think we should just sit in different rooms, if the security guard will let us." Without waiting for an answer, because he knew his partner would surely agree, Greg snatched his book bag from the table and swung it over his shoulder as he made his way towards the man at the desk.

It took some negotiating and promises that neither person would speak to the principal about this later. Finally the security guard agreed and suggested a room that was empty and unlocked for the afternoon. Greg walked to the door and opened it before pausing. In the doorway he turned his head over his shoulder and sighed. "See you this weekend, Ethan." He said. Even though I'll see you all this week, painfully. He added in his head.
Ethan set his teeth on edge when he heard Greg's polite goodbye to him. Why did it bother him so deeply that Greg, as he had said before, could not seem to stay angry with him? By all means a quickly fizzled out confrontation should be a relief. It was better than enraging some student who would later try to trip him in the halls or throw lunch in his face due to holding a grudge.

Nevertheless, Ethan sat brooding and sulking, in a terrible mood for the rest of turns-out-it-was-detention.

His mood was not improved once he got home.

“You’re telling me you let this boy get under your skin not once, but twice in one day? On the first day of school, no less?” Ethan’s father asked, utterly incredulous. Ethan stood with his back straight and his head level, taking the lecture the way he had been taught. No back talk or avoiding his father’s eyes.

“Yes, I had a severe lapse in judgment,” Ethan said.

I should say this is considerably more than that! And now the school wants your mother and I to meet the parents of this boy. Do you have no consideration for how busy a schedule I have? And of course I am expected to be there, it isn’t something I can write off and still maintain a good image as your father in this backwards education system. I honestly expected you to know how to take care of yourself without interference from myself or your mother by now!”

“I’m sorry, sir,” Ethan said, and slipped up, averting his eyes to the floor in a brief moment of shame.

Look at me when I’m talking to you.

Swallowing hard, Ethan looked up again and nodded. The rest of the half-hour, one-sided discussion about what a disgrace he was being to the McArthur name and how he should give no time to those below his social standings in the first place took just about all the energy Ethan had. He slept hard that night and had troubling dreams he could not remember in the morning.

Hating the fact that he had Chemistry every day, Ethan did his best to ignore Greg that week. He managed to get into a small tussle with him about some instructions they disagreed on, and the disgruntled teacher threatened them with more detention if they didn’t stop the disagreement. Frustrated beyond words at how easily Greg managed to get under his skin, Ethan took to counting the days until graduation.

When it came time for them to get together and analyze their chosen chemical, Ethan was in a terrible, exhausted state of mind. He waited for Greg after school near the front of campus so they could walk to the park together. Let this just go fast so I can go home and sleep before father gets home, Ethan begged whatever gods might be listening.
"I can't believe this kid! When I get my hands on next week I swear I'll wring his little neck until-"

"Mya stop it!" Greg's mother interrupted, slapping her partner on the arm softly. She shook her head and glared at her until turning back to her son across the dinner table. She smiled, her hazel eyes shining under the bright kitchen lights, and she took her sons hand. "You know we expect more from you, Gregory. We appreciate you standing up for us though and I know you will not let yourself stoop down to his level again honey." Greg nodded, cherishing the warm feeling that spread in his stomach with the look his mother gave him.

"I want you to tell me and your mom everything that little prick does." Elena shot Mya another glare and she sighed, putting the fork she was pointing at Greg down and mumbling an apology. Greg began to laugh and his mother's looked at him with mixed expressions, but he didn't care. They gave him some hope for the rest of the year, and besides if things didn't get better he could always trash-talk Ethan with Mya while his other mother wasn't around. Which is exactly what he did every time Ethan did something in class for the rest of the week, no matter how small it was.

His mother continued to keep his spirits up as he ran down the street. He was late meeting Ethan and knew he would be taking hell for this later, but there was no place better for a fight than in a park. Panting at a street corner near the school Greg's phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket. A small white envelope appeared on the screen and he pressed a couple of buttons to read the text. "Hey, be careful you don't get in a fight today hun. He knows archery and your mom and I have no time to get an arrow out of your leg." The text read. Greg laughed and shook his head. He knew his mother was not being a good role model at the moment but ran towards Ethan in good spirit.

"Sorry I'm late." Greg said, resting his hands on his knees and catching his breath.
Ethan gave Greg a withering, sour look and said nothing, starting off down the path to the park. “What’s new,” he grumbled quietly to himself, though in reality Greg didn’t have a problem with tardiness or being absent. It was more of a comment that Greg doing something that upset Ethan was nothing new.

He selected a random bench sort of secluded from the more popular areas in the park and dropped his bag there, trusting Greg to set up the chemical he still had while Ethan yanked out his notebook and a pencil. This had to be the stupidest experiment ever. Observing a chemical’s properties, writing that down, then bringing their findings to class could all be done in class.

Once the chemical was out and ready for them, Ethan flipped to a blank page in his notebook and sighed, staring down at it. In the distance some children played and laughed, their tired parents watching lazily from benches, but for the most part the park was deserted. He glanced at the chemical and took half-hearted, lazy notes.
Greg straightened up and needed to run a couple of steps to catch up with Ethan. He was obviously still in a sour mood but it had been made clear during detention that this was to be expected of Ethan. Greg briefly considered starting a conversation with Ethan but decided against it. Every time he tried he ended up starting an argument and it was getting tiresome already. It was a nice day out and Greg was surprised to see that not many people were outside. When they reached the bench Greg stretched and put his bag down on the edge of the bench. Inside he had the chemical safe and sound and heaved a sigh. Ethan would have killed him if he broke it running here.

Greg had a red cap on it that he borrowed from the teacher so that none of the liquid would spill out. He placed the chemical on the bench between them and sighed. "Pink is a given... and liquid is too. I wonder what chemical this really is." In his notebook Greg wrote:

Feels like:

Looks like:

Smells like:

Taste and hearing were out of the question and he tilted his head to the side. "Would it be weird if I asked you to sniff this and see what it smells like?"
Until Greg spoke up the silence had been deafening, though he supposed it was preferable to fighting. “Are we allowed to touch this stuff?” he wondered out loud, picking the thing up. He glanced into the vial and stared at the contents, frowning. It certainly didn’t look like any material he’d ever seen before. It was more plasma than anything, if he had to put a name to it… shimmering in a weird way and clinging, gel-like, to the sides of the glass while simultaneously maintaining a gaseous look. He wrote “plasma-like” on his paper and sighed, taking a whiff of the odorless chemical. “It smells like nothing,” he reported, bored out of his mind.

Out of nowhere, he sighed heavier and started talking again. “I don’t understand why our parents need to be involved in the issues you and I have between ourselves,” Ethan said out of nowhere. “Parents won’t be around to step in for inane conferences to police our behavior when we’re older. Why the school would have such a ridiculous policy is beyond me.”

Apparently just wanting to get that frustration off his chest, Ethan put the little vial of chemicals down on the table, intending to get up and stretch. He must have set it down too hard, for the jerky movement caused the little vial to topple over. Instead of spilling out all over the tabletop as he expected it to, the stuff reacted as if it had a mind of its own. Ethan jolted backwards as the purplish-pink stuff shot forward, quick as lightning, and snaked its way up his shirt from the bottom hem. It stained the cloth and seeped into his skin, icy cold, the color branching off like an enormous tree in impossibly intricate patterns.

“Holy—” Ethan shouted, yanking his shirt away from his skin and falling over onto his back, legs still caught painfully in the bench.
Greg sighed, disappointed that Ethan's findings were nothing too great, and wrote down what Ethan had said. He considered looking over at Ethan's notebook and copying what he had written but Ethan suddenly began to talk about their personal problems. It seemed that no matter how hard both parties tried this was something neither of them could escape. Greg did have to agree with Ethan on one point though, the school system was a bit strange. Greg sniffed and began to doodle in the top corner of his notebook. "Yeah but I still think that our parents should know whats going on with us. We could have told them ourselves though, I know what you mean, we're not little babies anymore. What do they think our parents are going to do? Punish us? Spank us?" He laughed softly and shook his head. "Where did this come from all of a-"

Greg interrupted himself in horror as Ethan dropped the vial. He was about to yell at Ethan for whatever he did that made it fall over, but the liquid began to move on its own and almost made Ethan's shirt look like some kind of professional painter took hours on working with his shirt. While Greg did feel a little guilty doing this he wrote down a quick sentence in his notebook over what happened and sighed, putting his notebook down on the table. "Great going, dimwit. Look what you've done. What are we gonna tell the teacher? She hates us as it is."

Greg noticed that Ethan's leg had still been stuck in the bench at an odd angle and it looked painful. He took his own legs out of the bench and leaned over Ethan, who was on his back. "You alright?" He asked half-heartedly.
((LOL at Greg writing notes about the chemical! That's awesome.))

Ethan scrambled to his feet and stripped off his shirt at once, ignoring his smarting leg and Greg's comment. That had been some freaky alien BS right there, and he was nowhere near interested in touching any more of that chemical than he already had. Feeling his chest, which was scarily dry for having just been drenched, Ethan sucked in a calming breath and shook his head. "It's dry," he reported to Greg blandly. "Like when you spill rubbing alcohol on your skin. Gone." The fact that the stuff had looked like gel in the vial and had evaporated like ether a moment later did not bode well for him. He glanced up at Greg, starting to say, "You don't think she'd give us anything dangerous, do...?"

Something froze him in his tracks mid-sentence, and he didn't bother finishing the rest of his thought. A shiver had coursed from the back of his skull down his spine and into his toes, and was now making its way back up his body. There was a hot, uncomfortable tension in his stomach and he could feel his face heating up as he stood there like an idiot, staring at Greg while these changes happened to his body.

"I feel weird," he said in a pale version of his normal confident tone. He sounded weak to himself, and cleared his throat, trying not to sound like he was being such a baby about this incident. He sat heavily on the bench, gripping the edge of the table. A few deep breaths later, he felt marginally back to normal, but looking up to tell this to Greg the feeling hit him all over again. Ethan lowered his head gingerly into his hands, feeling dizzy. He was just being a hypochondriac. Nothing could possibly have been in that stuff to make him feel this way. He was just paranoid and imagining things.
Greg reached behind him and picked up the empty vial, shrugging in response to Ethan's question. He turned it around in his hand and inspected it. If it didn't burn through this glass then it most likely wasn't too bad, but the way it evaporated was a little strange. Greg tried to pick through his messy brain for a chemical that did the same things this one did but came up with nothing. "Maybe this is all part of the experiment. Like when we get back to class on Monday she'll reveal what kind of chemical it was and blow our minds." He smiled with this thought as Ethan told Greg he wasn't feeling okay.

Greg looked up and placed one leg inside the bench so he was sitting facing Ethan. Ethan did sound sick and Greg began to panic a little. If he died like this, shirtless and confused in the half-empty park, Greg could be accused of murder. Even if he got sick someone would find a way to blame Greg for it. He did have a motive after all. Ethan looked up and Greg's spirits lifted but when their eyes met Ethan looked like he got punched in the stomach. Fear ripped through Greg again and he hesitated a little before putting his hand on Ethan's shoulder. "Do you need a doctor? I'll call one." He asked, keeping the fear out of his voice.

(( xD Happy 50th post buddy.))

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