

Little Wanderer
~Character Sign Up~




Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.):

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info):

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown):





Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):

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Name: Ajax Wellington

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Halfling

Home Realm: Unearth, Regna Terra (Earth Realm'

Cause: Unknown


Ajax is a Halfling who makes most of his money from adventuring with whatever party he finds at the pub. He is a rouge, so he usually loots what he kills without telling the rest of his party. He is slightly cold to people because of all of the people he's murdered in near cold blood. He considers himself a romantic, but is not very good with girls. It seems that his dates can't take him seriously because of his size or the date ends with him covered in some big 'uns entrails. He figures he'll find someone some day. He is straight.He is a ruthless cutthroat and thief. One of his chief desires is to kill those who stand in his way, and he lusts and enjoys to do so. He will do almost anything for a big enough pay.

He grew up in a moderately well off family, whom wanted nothing more than for Ajax to grow up to be a rich person, so that's what he did, by any means that he could. He has killed many a creature and humanoid, and is now somewhat well off. They couldn't be much prouder of him, he has cut off his parent and Sister, however from any sort of contact with him.He started out with little things like stealing watches or wallets, but now takes the occasional hitman job along with cat burglary or saving a young boy's life. He just takes whatever he thinks he can get the most money for without getting his head lopped off by "some stupid big 'un."

He comes off cocky because he knows that he knows what he is doing and so do many others, but is genuinely friendly to allies that he is certain he can trust. Such as clerics or those that he has known for an extended period of time.

Now he has been thrown into this whole thing with thee humans, he doesn't particularly like humans in general. To him it seems like the inhabitants of Unearth constantly save the human race and they respond only with violence, this is how he views the human politicians. He has tried to remain open minded about the other humans, he doesn't want to come to a rash conclusion about their entire race too quickly.

Personality: He is cold and calculating if he sees you as a threat in any way. He has trouble "turning off", he's constantly on his toes, even when he's certain he's safe. He is interesting to talk to, because he has many stories of adventures to tell. A bit of a drunkard, he usually drinks enough for a creature larger than himself.


Occupation: Rouge, hitman, mercenary, adventurer, ect.

Relationships: No active relationships. His parents are alive along with a sister, but he doesen't speak to them very often. His Mother is named Moxxie, his Father is named Norman, and is Sister is named Celestia.


He is 3'0" tall

With him at all times he keeps a five-shooter revolver and a high quality silver rapier.

Like many others from Terra, knows basic Terra magic.

Extremely dexterous and somewhat strong for someone his size. He is no stranger to picking a lock or picking a pocket.

There are a lot of people around that would love to kill him, he has many enemies, some of which he has forgotten about.

He keeps a lot of miscellaneous loot on his person and almost never leaves it unguarded.

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Name: Jake Stalling

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home Realm: Earth

Cause : Unknown

Backstory: Jake grew up as hardy boy always learning the hard way of things and always got treated like crap by his family, this shows why he was a lone wolf for most of his life. But when he turned 13 his whole world had changed when his parents died from bandits attacking there home and stealing all of there belongings and scarring Jake for his whole life. Jake knew at this point that even though he never really liked his family that he needed to avenge them, so Jake set out to one day kill those who hurt his loved ones. As a little boy he would go around scavenging for food and supplies which taught him a lot of morals and skills that he could use later in his life. As soon as he turned 18 he went to a mercenary group and started getting jobs as soon as he could for some income. And now that's how Jake is living his life so far, but things are soon to change..

Personality: Jake is a very charming yet brutal man who always gets his job done and never gives up on a target. Jake is also very patient seeing that he is a sniper which is a trait that he most definitely needs when getting a target. Other than that he is very easy going with a mercenary life and hopes one day to actually settle down but for now he is thriving with money and energy and wants more!


Occupation: Mercenary

Relationships: Jake has no relationships anymore since all of his family has died, he is simply a "lone wolf."

Other: Jake is a renowned sniper all around the country and shows serpior skills with one and also is known for never giving up on his missions which many people think of him as a honorable person. 

[QUOTE="Arthur Kirkland]Name: Jake Stalling
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home Realm: Earth

Cause : Unknown

Backstory: Jake grew up as hardy boy always learning the hard way of things and always got treated like crap by his family, this shows why he was a lone wolf for most of his life. But when he turned 13 his whole world had changed when his parents died from bandits attacking there home and stealing all of there belongings and scarring Jake for his whole life. Jake knew at this point that even though he never really liked his family that he needed to avenge them, so Jake set out to one day kill those who hurt his loved ones. As a little boy he would go around scavenging for food and supplies which taught him a lot of morals and skills that he could use later in his life. As soon as he turned 18 he went to a mercenary group and started getting jobs as soon as he could for some income. And now that's how Jake is living his life so far, but things are soon to change..

Personality: Jake is a very charming yet brutal man who always gets his job done and never gives up on a target. Jake is also very patient seeing that he is a sniper which is a trait that he most definitely needs when getting a target. Other than that he is very easy going with a mercenary life and hopes one day to actually settle down but for now he is thriving with money and energy and wants more!


Occupation: Mercenary

Relationships: Jake has no relationships anymore since all of his family has died, he is simply a "lone wolf."

Other: Jake is a renowned sniper all around the country and shows his skills with one and also is known for never giving up on his missions which many people think of him as a honorable person.

Name: Avani Minaal

Age: 19

Gender: female

Race: human

Home Realm: Earth

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Unknown, but starting to be an Integrator

Backstory: Avani was raised by her elder brother, Avidan, for most of her life and has no other known family. She works serving coffee and drinks at a local cafe and bar. When her brother joined the Integrator movement as a soldier and technician, he moved them to a new city. They reside in the ruins of once was a hotel. She's excellent with knives, as well as the art of knife throwing and workmanship as her brother wanted her to know how to defend herself if the need ever arose. In addition to that, she also enjoys reading and writing. As she works as the bartender and waitress, she has been saving up money buy herself a University-certified medical education.

Personality: Avani is a rather scatter-brained girl when it comes to her thoughts. She is very friendly and open, and has a hard time saying no. She is fiercely loyal of those she cares about. She is very accepting, but a tad bit irresponsible. Though quite friendly, she has years of weapons training to protect herself. If she senses herself or someone she loves feeling threatened, she will not hesitate to act. It all stems back to her loyalty. She will hurt someone, but only if necessary. She hates violence, but knows it has become a key part of survival.



Occupation: waitress at a cafe and bar

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):

Older Brother: Ashok Minaal (Age 27)

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(Let's give this a shot!)

Name: Belladonna (Bella) Iodine Lucretia Hades

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Vampiress

Home Realm: Unearth - Noctis Imperium: The Night Realm

Cause (OverArchist, Integrater, or Unknown): OverArchist, but secretly is unsure of herself (Unknown).

Backstory: Bella is the 2 child and only daughter of the proclaimed Leader of the OverArchists, Lucifer Hades. Because he was once, and still is the leader of the Night Realm, she has lived a very privileged life. With maids, servants and men at her beck and call, she has no reason to complain, except for the fact that over the years her father has become even more power hungry and ambitious as he tries to take control of both the peaceful Earth and the home land of Unearth. It all started with the death of her mother, murdered by a human.

Personality: With the new rebellion her father, has created, she has grown confused as to what she really wants. She's had everything any one could ever ask, but she isn't who she want's to be. She want's to be free from the constraints her father has bestowed on her, and his expectations of both her and her older brother has weighed her down on what she really wants. Her first impression is cold hearted and cruel, as would anyone of her stature would act. But deep inside, she's a lost and confused child who wants to live her own life and make her own choices. She loves sweet things. Personally, she's a very unstable person and is unsure of herself because of her conflicting ideologies.



Occupation: "Noble Woman" "Lady" "Rebellion Leader" etc...


Powerful Father; Lucifer Echo Hades

Elder Brother; Aidoneus Locke Lucifer Hades

Deceased Mother; Lucretia Kaige

Other: Bella as had many boyfriends, and her 'outer shell' personality has created an lustful image of herself, even though she is relatively a virgin. She also holds her brother's opinions over her own, because they are close in age (He's 22) and have been best friends since their childhood.

(Pic of Aidoneus and Lord Hades, AKA Lucifer. Aidon first, then Lucifer below him)

(Aidoneus is a mix of these pictures below)



(Lucifer is like a mix of these pics below)



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Name: Ven Tulisk

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Race: Naga

Home Realm: Unearth: Regna Terra (Earth realm)

Cause: Unknown

Backstory: Ven is a Naga who earns her keep through bartending, usually found at a pub of some sort serving drinks and meals. When times get a bit tougher for the Naga, since she's a half-breed abomination, she can be found working as a dancer. Her unusual looks, which are a bit masculine, will occasionally throw people off, resulting in almost no love life.

Ven was hatched with three other Nagas, her brothers, in a pretty well-off family. Her parents owned a thriving tavern, even though their kind was generally looked down upon. However, there were some who hated the snake-people. This resulted in the family's home burning to the ground as well as their business, leaving them either dead or with nothing. Her parents and eldest brother were buried in a clearing near the remnants of their house, and the rest of the children parted ways.

She ended up doing what she knew best, which happened to be bartending. To this day she has no idea what happened to her brothers and refuses to think of them.

Personality: Ven is quite friendly, quick to greet a stranger with a warm smile and a small nod of her head. Should someone be hostile to her, however, she will turn cold and menacing. Her coils make it difficult to move about in a small room, and she doesn't take it personally if someone accidentally steps on her tail. Harass her and pull on it while she's making her way through tables and she might just bite the customer. And although her bite isn't venomous, her small fangs can cause immense pain.


Occupation: Bartender/Barmaid

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.)

Hal Tulisk: Father (Deceased)

Aelin Tulisk: Mother (Deceased)

Fel Tulisk: Brother (Deceased)

Dan Tulisk: Brother (Unknown)

'Tusk': Brother (Unknown)

Other: Ven doesn't use any weapons when fighting, instead she prefers to use her coils and constrict her prey. If she can't get food through payment she has no qualms about eating sentient creatures.
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Name: Yui Noctis

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.): Kitsune

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info): Unearth, Noctis Imperium

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Unknown but more of a OverArchist

Backstory: unlike other foxes that roamed the woods Yui had always felt a strange connection to the world around her; a connection that was somehow incomplete. Deep inside, she felt the skin she had been born into was an ill fit for her and dreamt of one day becoming human. Her goal seemed forever out of reach, until she happened upon the wake of a battle. It was a grisly scene, the land obscured by the forms of wounded and dying soldiers. She felt drawn to one: a robed man encircled by a waning field of magic whose life was quickly slipping away. She approached him and something deep inside of her triggered, reaching out to the man in a way she couldn't understand. His life essence poured into her, carried on invisible strands of magic. The sensation was intoxicating and overwhelming. As her reverie faded, she was delighted to discover that she had changed. Her sleek white fur had receded and her body was long and lithe, the shape of the humans who lay scattered about her.

However, though she appeared human, she knew that in truth the transformation was incomplete. A cunning creature, she adapted herself to the customs of human society and used her profound gift of beauty to attract unsuspecting men. She could consume their life essences when they were under the spell of her seductive charms. Feeding on their desires brought her closer to her dream, but as she took more lives, a strange sense of regret began to well within her. She had reservations about actions which never troubled her as a fox. She realized that she could not overcome the pangs of her evolving morality.

Personality: Yui is very untruest worthy and will use her "gift" to get what she wants she is friendly because of this, she is very cunning and mostly has a ulterior motive for doing something.



Occupation: Rebel

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.): N/A

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Name: Donald Nimeck

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race: Harpy

Home Realm: Regna Caeli

Cause: Unknown

Backstory: Donny was always kind of slacker, living with a single mom that more or less spoiled him until he moved away with a few high school friends. He got a job moving packages for some big name companies until his buddies bailed out on the bills and left him hanging with his name on the lease so he got into some deep debt and ended up running packages of less than legal substances for a loan shark that practically owns him. After a few months Don got caught and sentenced for 3 years hard time but was out in 2 on good behavior.

Personality: Generally happy and laughing, has trouble being serious sometimes and can waste a lot of time without meaning to but has a mean streak in him and tends to be moody when he feels offended.



Occupation: Courier

Relationships: None anymore really, Sal the loan shark.

Name: Sal?h ud-D?n Y?suf ibn Ayy?b shortened to Salah ad-Din, this is an obvious alias to the famous Sultan from Egypt, but not many remember such old history.



Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.): Human

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info): Earth

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Unknown, he sees no interest in such petty struggles

Backstory: Salah ad-Din or Saladin (if you're a lazy speller) was born and raised in the Mecca, he lived a religious childhood, with his goal being to spread the word of Allah or God among the unholy creatures of the Unearth. That was his childhood dream, but as he grew up his family of three, a brother, mother, and father, converted into the various religions of the Unearthly creatures. They did not abandon them but begged him to please come with them. They told tales of religious freedom, but he held as still as a rock saying 'En sha' allh dlk, yjb 'elyk an a'ewd wana yjb an tntzr. If God wills it, you will come back, and I shall be waiting.' He stood on top of the walls of the holy city as his family walked away into the ever reaching sand, their rueful faces only hid by the sands. As he grew up he traveled away from the Mecca, always returning every year looking to see if his family had come back. And every single time the town was missing three people. He eventually realized the people he thought would return, would not, opting for the life with the heathens as he called them. He gave up and walked away from the Mecca one last time, and explored the world, a traveling priest per se, but he was a priest that was unique in his own way, he hated the unearthly, so much so he killed any he found, with one modus operandi, he would always make them say one thing before they went, 'Allah u akbar' and they always said it. Always. Realms had learned to watch out for the man who carried a weapon with the blade of the moon, who wears a turban and a green robe, elf hunters feared the forest, and entire hamlets were massacred. He would not stop until the two Earths could see the embrace of Islam.

Personality: Salah ad-Din is a person who seems very friendly one second, but quickly turns into terroristic jihadist at the sight of any Unearthly creature. He is pacifistic towards humans and can tolerate halflings. He will kill elves and vampires but he can tolerate elves during the day.

Appearance:His moonblade weapon:
Imagine this man with the turban being white and a robe of green. The blade is upon his back and the robe has a white star on the right arm.

Occupation: A wandering priest when he sees a human, and murderer when he sees the creatures of the night.

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):His family had left for a realm in the Unearth, he no longer cares about them, but doesn't hold an unnecessary grudge.

Other: He believes halflings are not as evil as other types of Unearth, so he acts like a wandering priest to them.
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((Uh... this IS still open, right?))

Name: Denah Decurion

Age: Died at age 28.

Gender: Used to be male.

Homeland: Unearth, Regna Terra.

Cause: Unknown

Backstory: Denah Decurion used to be one of the best knights in Regna Terra(Or so he says.) He died at a young age("For reasons I can't quite remember" he says), and was resurrected by a necromancer decades later. For a while he served under the necromancer, carrying luggage around and acting as a personal guard. One day, while he was traveling with his master, they were both buried under by a sudden avalanche. Decurion was unable to get out and was forced to endure several decades underground playing tic-tac-toe with himself. He finds himself half unburied, with only his head aboveground.

Personality: Decurion is a happy-go-lucky guy who loves to tell tall tales about himself. He isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he isn't stupid. He has tried really hard to develop schizophrenia to make solitaire more interesting, but he doesn't have an alter ego yet.

He likes to pretend to be drunk.


An old black suit of armour with some dents in it. Two white orbs peer out of the helmet.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Screenshot_2012-10-28-22-39-44-1.png.e7e9733a72fe838bba9ad204db6e010f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Screenshot_2012-10-28-22-39-44-1.png.e7e9733a72fe838bba9ad204db6e010f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: Unemployed, much to his delight.

Relationships: All deceased.


He always carries around a broken broadsword(which he uses quite effectively) and some duct tape("You never know, right?") He can "drink" alcohol by setting it on fire. He likes to shout out ridiculous things while fighting, which often gives him the appearance of an unskilled warrior, but he is actually quite good at using a broadsword- more so because he's dead.

Being Undead, he is weak to silver and mithril, but not to holy artifacts.



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~Character Sign Up~

Name:Nicholas de Leviathan

Age:Looks 17-20 but is actually almost 700 years old!


Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.):Demon (Is it permitted?)

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info):Noctus Imperium

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Unknown

Backstory: One of the oldest and most highly respected demons in Noctus Imperium, he has always lived a life of luxury. Anything he wanted was always within arms reach, so he can be seen as quiet decadent. However, this is not completely true. He is actually one of the kindest, albeit most deceitful person in the Night Realm. Even though he is kind he isn't the most helpful. He has been known to ruthlessly kill or destroy anyone who lies to him, so honesty truly is the best policy in his presence. And you might wonder "How does he know when someone is and isn't lying to him?". Well, you see, he can see and manipulate shadows. And all lies are told in the light, where shadows are the brightest. And he can hear any words that are said in the shadows as well, which makes him a dangerous enemy indeed.

Personality:He will help any with whom he sympathises with, however he is quite ruthless. Or if you decide tell him the complete truth then he will help them with anything they want. He is also slothful and greedy. And he isn't the who is motivated easily. He can seduce but cannot be seduced.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Mephisto_Pheles.png.fc7c6f1f7d6f8f2acd2e36a73a2b4373.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Mephisto_Pheles.png.fc7c6f1f7d6f8f2acd2e36a73a2b4373.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation:Information broker(for obvious reasons), Judge

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):

Adopted Brother: Connor de Angelo

Adopted Sister: Juliet de Valkyrie

Distant cousin: Daniel de Levive

Distant twin cousins: Melanie and Melicia de Levive

Distant cousin: Johnothan de Angelo

Distant cousin: Micheal de Diablo

Other: He is a jackass(?)



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Name: Maka Brackenford

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Half-breed(Mermaid/Werewolf)

Home Realm:

Cause: Unknown

Backstory: Maka is a mermaid by nature, in looks and most traits though she has an oddly keen sense of smell and fangs larger than any merfolk before her. Her father was a werewolf, a western Romanian Ghailish werewolf that have specific days through which their blood takes over and transforms the user regardless of their wishes, the trait is passed down though she has never revealed her day of bloodfire. Maka left home early seeking a place that she might belong never truly finding anywhere that she could call home, her battles with depression and anxiety have left her wary and haggard but she has an optimistic attitude despite her better judgement and now she wanders trying to find a reason to want to live.

Personality: Air-headed and distant most of the time with a tendency to flirt when she knows he shouldn't, has a problem with authority and thinks she can survive anything. cocky but kind hearted and gullible.



Occupation: Vagabond

Relationships: People come and go, I try not to keep tack too much.

Other: Maka uses a gel type lotion to stay hydrated throughout the day, without she could pass out and possible die from exposure.

She has fins on her heels, wrists and a large dorsal fin in between her shoulder blades aswell as gill on either side of her neck though she can use her lungs to breath air normally.
Hey y'all... to clear the confusion, we can always post in the OOC thread to find out where everyone is ^_^ sorry for all the confusion haha.


Enya, "Little Fire"


Appears 12, but true age is unknown.



Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.):

Fire Spirit/Elemental

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info):

Regna Terra

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown):



Spirits of the elements, better known as elementals, are usually beings of energy and emotion. They have no thought or will, and live very brief lives. Enya is an unusual exception. Borne from small forest fire in Regna Terra, she raged through the woods as an embodiment of its anger and pain from being destroyed. Eventually, however, she was caught in a rainstorm, and the water caused her pain in her own body. This pain made her afraid, and she suddenly became aware of her surroundings, choosing to hide in a nearby cave. After that day, Enya began to explore, not knowing what sort of world she lived in. As she did so, she began to learn, about herself and her surroundings. She learned that in order to stay alive, she needed to avoid sources of water, and keep her flames lit by consuming flammable materials, dried leaves, twigs, etc.

On her wandering journey, Enya also discovered other life, and that her flames could cause harm to other creatures if she her emotions grew out of control. Other beings feared her, associating fire elementals with destruction and death. Enya couldn't understand or speak any languages, and had a difficult time communicating with those she ran across. Very rarely, she met kind or curious beings, ones who saw her uncertainty and fear in this new world she had discovered, and tried to help her, but she caused many accidents that forced her to leave... To this day, she wanders from place to place, trying to find a meaning to her existence, a reason to keep her flames burning strong.


Being oblivious to many different customs and cultures, Enya has a naturally curious personality, and is often very direct when trying to understand something. Just as a child, she finds humor in the dullest of things, and curiosity in the simplest of objects or creatures. As a fire elemental, she feels a natural kinship and affection to other beings of fire or closely tied to fire, and often openly displays this openly. Because she hasn't learned a language, Enya has to communicate using hand gestures, but sometimes resorts to burning pictures into rocks if necessary. Enya is especially fond of aromatic plants, wood and other objects with fragrant qualities, and gravitates toward them. Throughout the years of her travels, she has learned to cool her flames and conserve her heat to last longer, and keep her flames hidden to the point she looks similar to a human child. She also has become able to wear clothing and is naturally fond of red fabric materials.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/firespirit2.jpg.a785ba87ac7212b4cbd6a00096179895.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20803" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/firespirit2.jpg.a785ba87ac7212b4cbd6a00096179895.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









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Name: Ashok Minaal

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.): human

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info): Earth

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Integrator

Backstory: Ashok Minaal is Avani's older brother. He's currently an Integrator, working in the military cause in a high rank. Avani is his only family, so he's incredibly protective. He started work in the military when he was only 16, working hard for he cause he believed in. He's high of rank now, and is very loyal to the cause.

Personality: Ashok is very sarcastic with a dry sense of humor. He is known to be very blunt and straightforward. He appears hardened at first, but is kind once you get to know him. He's the strong silent type, but is chatty when he's with his sister. He's fiercely loyal, and exceptionally hard-working. Though he seems sullen, he really is a happy guy with a strong moral code.



Occupation: Integrator soldier

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):

Avani Minaal (sister)

Name; Hinso Jedditch

Race; lesser angel; basically just the same as an angel but with enormous sparrow wings rather than white wings, and no halo

Profession; Dealer and scrap merchant, engineer.

Home Realm; Regna Terra

Cause; Integrator

Appearance; Untidy brown hair, brown eyes, pale complexion, skinny frame, lopsided smile, crooked teeth. Habitually wears a faded brown waistcoat with a shirt underneath, coupled with tattered brown trousers, leather toolbelt, dull red neckerchief and fingerless leather gloves. Wings are identical in shape and markings as those of a European House Sparrow, only much, much bigger. Clothes are usually caked in a mixture of grime and engine oil.

Personality; Cheerful, laid-back and easy-going, but a bit of a rogue; has an eye for money and is a crafty businessman, even if his deals are occasionally a little shady, depending on the customer. When he isn't affectionately ripping people off, he is in general an honest and dependable person, if a little clumsy and rough round the edges.

Backstory; Hinso was originally born a higher angel, with white wings and a halo like the rest of his kind. However it soon became apparent that Hinso was obviously the wrong person for his league; not bad enough to be banished as a fallen angel, but clearly had his mind on less holy subjects and generally disinterested in his role and status-in other words, too scruffy. So he was swiftly demoted, stripped of his halo, and made to live among 'lesser' races, with different wings and clothes given in an attempt to blend in with the locals. There he has existed quite contentedly selling scrap metal, unwanted knick-knacks and repairing machinery-bar the occasional tussle with unsatisfied customers-until recent conflict with OverArchists in his homeland.

Relationships; His mother, father and sister are all higher angels-he has had little contact with them since moving to Regna Terra, though they may come down to visit him on special occasions.

Name; Dravolta Netryvienne

Race; Elf

Gender; Female

Home Realm; Noctis Imperium

Profession; Priestess, mage/healer

Cause; OverArchist

Appearance; young woman with very light blonde, almost white hair, with lightly darkened ends as if they have been dip-dyed. Greyish blue eyes, pale complexion, usually dresses in ceremonial draping white and red robes, with protective quartz amulet on a cord around her neck. The lower lids of her eyes are ritually decorated with sweeping, 'tearstain' strokes of kohl which extend downwards to the nostrils, as part of religious tradition.

Personality; Calculating, commanding, quiet and somewhat austere-can also be very headstrong, stubborn and ruthless. Ambitious and a quick learner; is keen to learn more of the secrets of magecraft and the benefits it can uphold. Can be sly and manipulative when she chooses to be, but generally dislikes bowing down to anyone. Believes OverArchist rule is the only way forward despite the bloodshed, and is strongly of the opinion that the unity of both worlds is the only answer.


Born into a small, highly religious village community, Dravolta's upbringing was harsh, strict and with much devotion to routine, in order to prepare her for being the future priestess. This role was eventually thrust upon her at the age of just nine years old, when the previous priest died, leaving her to perform her duty in isolation away from her family and home. However, as the older members of the village finally passed away one by one, many of the younger members had moved on and were no longer interested in being part of such an old, secular, faith-bound community, and so fewer people relied on Dravolta or her temple. This meant that Dravolta had to look for different ways to earn a living, and so became interested in the art of magecraft and healing. Today the majority of people attending her temple are those seeking medicinal help and fortune charms, with a few seeking spiritual guidance; her faith is a subject she nowadays practises alone. She hopes to perfect her mage skills to gain recognition beyond her village, and eventually use her powers to gain allies among higher ranks.


Her father is deceased, has a mother and younger brother, but has seen neither of them since becoming a priestess.

(sorry I took so long to respond)
Name:Atlas Marvel (But first name may actually be Arius)



Race:Air elemental (but he doesn't know it yet)

Home:Sky Realm (abandoned and left on Earth as a baby so he doesn't know about his home either)

Cause:Unknown (for now)

Back story/personality:Atlas was abandoned and left on Earth as a baby and was raised by a stranger who he only knew as "D".But Atlas didn't know that he was born in the sky realm and has the power to control air and much more.He's the prince of sky realm,son of queen Aurora and king Arius Marvel the third,and heir to the throne but he doesn't know that yet.To this day,he still doesn't know much about his powers but he is beginning to realize.In some cases,he's seen things move by themselves and brushed them off as mere hallucinations.He tries to keep his life a secret but remains positive.He also feels that everyone means something.Atlas cares for everyone,even if they are complete strangers or don't like him at all.He may be awkward at times but it's only because he has something on his mind and it's usually just him hoping you are okay.Atlas also learned how to build many things and has armored suits that he uses on the go.Most of the things he has,he's made himself.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/witch_hunter_by_sanset-d4omstj.jpg.5036f0ba7bb524218df9ca5aab94f8d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/witch_hunter_by_sanset-d4omstj.jpg.5036f0ba7bb524218df9ca5aab94f8d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation:Tech and weapons dealer

Relationships:His earth father "D"

Sarah Walker (close friend)

Stanley Mills (close friend)

Mother and Queen of Sky Realm:Aurora Marvel

Father and King of Sky Realm:Arius Marvel III



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Name: Nero

Age: Who knows? Possibly middle-aged.

Gender: male

Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.): Necromancer(human)

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info): Unearth. Noctis Imperium

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): The world is his enemy.

Backstory: Nero was once a simple mage, interested in the dark arts of necromancy. One day he fell in love with a woman, Violetta. But there were problems. Violetta was an Integrator, and Nero was a OverArchist. They could never be together. When Nero discovered that the OverArchists were going to attack Violetta's hometown, he rode all the way to her house and told her to run, far far away. No sooner when the words left his mouth OverArchist soldiers came in, killed Violetta, and arrested Nero for treason.

After Nero escaped the OverArchist headquarters he immediately went over to the Integrators and helped them win several battles with the OverArchists. What he wanted in return was a chance to revive Violetta. He never got it. When the war was over, the Integrators used him as a scapegoat, a way to divert the anger and misery of the people, and banished him.

Then he meets the Mother of all Dragons.

Personality: An unstable romantic. He lost the ability to feel emotions a long time ago, although he still misses Violetta.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Screenshot_2014-06-22-13-14-51-1.png.564d3f8afe4ef2d1e9e89bf00f705bd1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Screenshot_2014-06-22-13-14-51-1.png.564d3f8afe4ef2d1e9e89bf00f705bd1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: Necromancer

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.): Violetta, girlfriend, long deceased.

The Mother, his temporary partner.

Krayna, Decurion's master and Nero's teacher. Probably deceased.

Other: He can raise the dead, but only if their bodies haven't fully decomposed yet. For example, Violetta's body was cremated- therefore, it is impossible to revive Violetta. He can also move between areas by walking through the land if the dead, which coexists with the land of the living. He can harness the power of the Mother, which is very strong indeed.



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Name: Lady Esmeralda Drago, Queen of the Dragons/Mother of Dragons.

Age: Looks about 25, is actually around 1,500 years.

Gender: Female

Race: Draconian

Home Realm: Regnum Caeli

Cause: Neither.


Esmeralda was raised as the Princess of the Dragon Realm, her parents being the High King and Queen. Her family line has dragon's blood within their veins. She comes from a long line of Dragon leaders, the people who control the hoards of monsters and dragons. She grew up learning the arts of healing and of battle, riding out into war as soon as she was of age. Her role during war was to go out into the battle field and heal wounded dragons and soldiers of their realm.

During a battle for territory in the middle of Earth, some 1000 years ago, her mother and father were killed in the war. She has since then become the crowned Queen of the Dragons, also known as the Mother of Dragons. Over the years, she has stopped riding out into battle, instead organizing, strategizing, and planning her fleets. She is known as a just and kind queen to those within her city, and loves her people and land dearly.

However, she has a deep growing bitterness and hatred in her heart for both those that dwelled in Earth, as they caused her to lose her parents. She cares little for those outside of her city, nursing the need to avenge her parents. She believes that Earth-dwellers are evil, dark, unwholesome creatures...all of them the same. Despite that, under her queenship, the dragons are free to roam where they please, though a majority of them stay within her kingdom in Regnum Caeli. Since she is the Queen, she has the ability to communicate and send out calls for dragons to come to where she asks. Though her citizens come and go, she stays within the kingdom. She is respected and fair, and prides herself in being an honest queen to her people because it's one of the only connections she has to her parents.

When Esmeralda was a child, her parents gifted her with a golden-scaled dragon named Wyvern. He has grown up with her, and he can communicate with him telepathically. He is like a pet to her, and is very dear to her heart. He's a small dragon, but is usually by the Queen's side, rarely seen without her.

She has one younger brother, who serves in the Dragon Army. They are close, but Esmeralda feels the need to protect him from the world. She is protective, almost secretive around him, but loves him dearly.

Her closest friend is the General of the Dragon Army, Anexius Nevaere, and he is one of the only people she is completely open with. They've known each other since fighting the battle in which her parents died together, and Anexius has been at her side ever since. They're inseparable, sharing a deep and inexplicable bond, and she would not imagine it any other way.

Personality: To the people of her city, Esmeralda is the portrait of grace and composure. She is regal, mature, and calm. She has a soft spot in her heart for the underdog, and tries to spread the riches of her kingdom out as much as she can. She always thinks before she speaks, and rarely ever looks fazed. A kind spirit, Esmeralda tries her best to rule in a way that would most benefit her people. She is loyal, almost to a fault, but also incredibly distrustful of those she does not know.

In regards to those not of her city, she appears cold and distant...frigid even. She is fairly indifferent to the other races of Unearth, but has deep and silent hatred for the people of Earth for killing her parents. She gives nothing away, and is a bit of an enigma.

When she is with Anexius, she is much more open and care-free, able to laugh and enjoy herself without inhibitions.



Occupation: Queen of the Dragons, Mother of Dragons

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.):

King Tristan Drago (father)

Queen Isolde Drago (mother)

Prince Alwyn Drago ( younger brother)

Anexius Nevaere (closest companion)

Other: Dragons blood in Esmeralda's family line makes herself and her kin exceptionally strong and powerful, skilled in war.
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Anexius Nevaere


2,065 (206 in Earth Time): looks in his mid-late twenties.




Dragon Shapeshifter/Changeling

Home Realm:

Regnum Caeli




Early in his life, Anexius was taken into the royal family as an orphan. It was kept secret and is unknown where Anexius was taken from, but his status as a shape-shifter has always raised questions as to his origins. Even so, he himself has not shown any interest in finding out.

Originally, Anexius was the General under command of the King and Queen of Dragons. He became close friends with their daughter, princess at the time, and was given many assignments to keep her safe when she served in battle. Having survived since the early Dragon War, since the death of the Queen’s parents, after which she took up the throne, Anexius has been her second in command, leading the dragon armies. He is the strongest of them, and is strictly loyal to her Majesty, staying by her side through the worst of times and helping her make the hardest decisions.

Anexius, being a Shapeshifter dragon, is a rarity among those of the dragon species, and has the ability to change into his dragon form in varying degrees to suit his needs. Before her death, he trained under the first Queen, the most powerful dragon of all time, and even though he was not a full-blooded dragon, his abilities eventually rivaled those of a true dragon, and eventually surpassed them. The King was responsible for instructing him in the arts of strategic warfare, which Anexius used many times in the great war.


Being a close confidant and friend to the Dragon Queen, Anexius is infinitely loyal to her, and regardless of what is happening, will submit to her will. However, when he believes she is in error, or needs advice in a situation, he is quick to make it known, and does his best to advise her. It is plain that he cares for her deeply, and would die for her, regardless of almost any reason.

Anexius comes across as very cold to many, but has a soft spot for those who can’t fend for themselves. Unfortunately, this soft spot does not overcome his desire to please his Queen and accomplish most of his duties. If he can, however, he will try to spare those who he believes are innocent. Being cool-headed and logical, Anexius has learned to separate his emotions from his job as General, choosing instead to keep them tucked away in reserve. In combat his emotions come out, a form of ventilation for his pent up feelings and rage. He is ruthless and unmatched in combat, able to outmaneuver and outsmart any enemies he confronts.


Humanoid Form (Minus Sword)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8033b54_AlexiusdeNevaere.jpg.73b0bf29d1f4f806e3289caa83d3dbcf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21132" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf8033b54_AlexiusdeNevaere.jpg.73b0bf29d1f4f806e3289caa83d3dbcf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon Form (Minus Rider)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Anexius_DragonForm.jpg.6704b5399db89dd97cc4fbd261176845.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Anexius_DragonForm.jpg.6704b5399db89dd97cc4fbd261176845.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


General of the Great Dragon Armies


Parents/Siblings: Unknown

Closest Friend/Leader: Esmeralda Drago


While he normally fights with his fists in his human form, Anexius keeps a massive and powerful lance with him at all times, which he named Exodum.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Exodum.png.12c3dbdde8b2d1566c73af664fb2f3a6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Exodum.png.12c3dbdde8b2d1566c73af664fb2f3a6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Victor Wormtongue

Age: ???

Gender: Male

Race(human, elf, fairy, anything you can think of.): Worm that walks

Home Realm(Earth/Unearth, if Unearth then list which realm. Look in maps for realm info): Earth

Cause (OverArchist, Integrator, or Unknown): Anarchist

Backstory: Born sometime in the aftermath of the world war Victor was created by a powerful mixing of magic and the technology of war. This mutant fusion between the earth and the night realm gave birth to a creature commonly referred to as the worm that walks. Taking the natural form of a swarm of dark red centipedes Victor has learned how to mask his monsterous form using potent magic to give him an appearance that is almost human. In his short time as a living thinking being he has masters much in the way of black magic but yet one thing continues to allude him, how to make more of his kind. Driven by this need to not be alone Victor wanders the world working part time anywhere he can just to move on shortly after.

Personality: Driven and unsympathetic Victor will do anything to achieve his goal but one thing that will crack through his unfeeling armor is the suffering of those in need. After all Victor is small at heart even if he has discovered himself to be more than capable of roughing it up.

Appearance: 3 forms

1: a swarm of red centipedes

2: His natural form


3:the human(ish) illusion


Occupation: None to speak of but can does pick up odd jobs to pay for things like room and board.

Relationships (family, significant others, etc.): None

Other: While his true form is known to be a violent criminal his human illusion has allowed him to escape the law.
Intro to my character,Atlas',two closest friends.

Stanley Mills:


Very brave and maybe a little stubborn at times.Filled with energy and acts fast,even with a metal leg.He trusts Atlas with his life and would never betray him.He enjoys risks and near-death moments and isn't afraid of expressing his true emotions.Stanley also knows a lot of magic.He is a master at everything on magic,including alchemy and necromancy.Some of it was taught by his parents and schools,the rest he learned by himself with practice and experimentation.He met Atlas when the wars started and decided that they both were fit for each other and would survive longer if they worked together.Now Stanley creates potions for enhancement and health.He also enchants weapons and armor.

Sarah Walker:


Sarah became obsessed with technology from the moment she laid eyes on it.All of the things that were advertised on TV and the newest magazines,she had it all and much more.She built her own computers that only had holograms as screens with infinite amounts of memory to access anything on the web and top secret networks.She knows just about everything about tech and what's going on at any moment.Sarah has the skill to hack into many things and always jumps in and out of secret networks for mega corporations and elite military branches.Not ONCE has she gotten caught.

Her friendship with Atlas started when Sarah was trapped in her own home,which was covered in flames and was falling in on itself because of a battle between Integrator fire elementals and Overarchist demons near her house.Atlas rescued her and once again showed his amazing powers.Now,he keeps Atlas updated with news all the time and is always listening and watching his back with the latest tech.She also contacts Atlas through an ear bud that also connects her directly into his body to stay in touch with his health and with Stanley's.Sarah knows a lot about tech but she can still defend herself really well and has shown superhuman skill in battle.
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