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Name: Eleanora Annetta Elric

Alias:Silencio,Ice Queen and Bloody Butterfly. Elle for friends.

Age: 18

Appearance: Long black hair original but will be cut in the first post? So short black hair, plain brown eyes that at random times changes colour to red and a tattoo on her left arm shaped like a blue butterfly. Normal ((female)) body shape but tall legs as she stand in 5,7 feet. Wears usually sneakers, hoodies and black skinny jeans.

Super Appearance: Hair: Pure white. Eyes: Red as blood. Her tattoo disseappears and she gets a sinister almost blood thirsty look in her eyes that scares the devils minions away.

Powers: Extremely acrobatic, change peoples hearing ex. make herself as undetectable as possible in a dangerous situation. When her tattoo disappears theres usually two black guns in her hands dirtied with blood. Those guns are from her blood and has unlimited supplies of shoots.

Weaknesses: Has limited use on her powers due to that she gets a migraine when she uses to much acrobatics. The acrobatics also gives her a weak heart since it beats too slow when she strengthens her flexibility. She sometimes loses control of her ability to change peoples hearing and either makes them deaf, permanently or gives them too good hearing which also results in making them deaf. She uses it sometimes without knowing about it and that results in to many accidents (will be explained further in history). Her tattoo it´s the one with the strongest weaknesses. Her lost of blood and the weak heart at times makes her go into a state of an half-dead being. Has an thirst for killing, seeing people get tortured and blood getting drawn leading to her split personality when she uses her `bloody guns`power.

History: Eleanora doesn´t remeber anything about herself from the age of five downwards but a sweet voice telling her name. She was found by Derrick a 65 years old man with a kind heart. Being raised by him she never was into the modern world and was home-schooled leading to her quiet and shy personality. Her acrobatics power kicked in early as she could do a back flip at the age of six. Her tattoo was there from the start and she doesn´t know why. When she was twelve she accidently used her hearing power which lead to a bloody car crash. After a few years Eleanora sart feeling the blood thirsty. the feeling of wanting to see someone suffer and unconsciously cut herself fort the first time. Elle continued with this until Derrick found out and put her in a mental hospital. And she hasn´t left there until now.

Who you fight for: Survival, she will do anything to survive, anything. Be it good or bad. Sinister or sane. She will survive.
Name: James Johnathon Monroe

Alias: J.J.

Age: 16


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His button up shirt is never buttoned, showing a muscled, not Arnold muscled, but muscled chest.

Super Appearance: His eyes glow white when he uses his power.

Powers: ( Can be as simple as just being good at parkour and hand to hand to really complex with like Superman-esque powers) Telekinesis, and Jeet Kune Do.

Weaknesses: (Think 2 for every one of your powers. No one is invincible after all, not even the gods of men.) He is blind, and if there is too much sound or commotion, he is very confused. Take out his feet, and he goes down. Being shot. Drowning. Fire. Electricity. Really loud sounds. Thunder. And also he cannot stand the abuse of bananas

History: He was born blind. He first discovered he had his power at the age of five, when he accidentally made a bottle fly at his head. He did his best to be good with it, but he isn't the greatest. He joined a Martial Arts school, and learned Jeet Kune Do(Way of the Intercepting Fist.) He was cast out by his family because of his powers at age 13, and then wondered around. He never went to school, so he had to learn on his own, or by what his parents and siblings told him. He has no idea why or how he got to where he is now.

Who you fight for: (Are you good, evil, in it for the thrills, power, or glory?) Good, generally, unless he goes insane for some reason. Then he has no side.


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