Unearthed -Sign Up-


The Hatbox Empress/Retired Admin
Light crackles through in thin, broken streams. Dust dances through in a slow waltz. You are alone, stripped of all sense of time and location. Your weapons are gone, and you feel week. As your eyes adjust to the din, two things stand out clear in the otherwise barren room. A cardboard box labeled "Starter Kit" and a dulled display screen reading only,

"Kill or be Killed."





Super Appearance:

Powers: ( Can be as simple as just being good at parkour and hand to hand to really complex with like Superman-esque powers)

Weaknesses: (Think 2 for every one of your powers. No one is invincible after all, not even the gods of men.)


Who you fight for: (Are you good, evil, in it for the thrills, power, or glory?)

-If you'd like to be just a plain human, please pm me ASAP, as very few of these will be granted-

Basic RPN Rules Apply.

Paragraph per post minimum.

No OOC, period.

Be creative.

Banana if you read this.

Character Death Expected.







Gabriel Ryker

Ember Bare




Mr. Grin





Name: Guy Hambright

Alias: Meatsack

Age: 24

Appearance: generally vaguely humanoid, though he can sharpen his appearance down to blend in.

Super Appearance: A shapeless skin-sack of blood with large razor sharp teeth.

Powers: Think Venom without black stuff and with blood instead. Oh, and no "real" shape to his mass.

Weaknesses: Splatters easily, like a blood filled balloon

History: test tube something something, bananas, and then there was that...

Who you fight for: Food
Name: Hannah Cyr

Alias: Black Jack

Age: 10

Appearance: Small, dark haired child, brown eyes and freckles. More on the underweight side.

Super Appearance:

View attachment 9343

Minus the stitched up bleeding thing.

Powers: Manipulation of shadows, and some deadly sharp hair needles, not exactly a power, more so just the fact she's a small child, but fast and easily able to squeeze into small places.

Weaknesses: Sustained light exposure, overall, she's pretty darn fragile being a child, bananas.

History: Cyr is an orphanage reject, a born freak of nature due to some weird voodoo curse on her mother for offending a shaman when carrying. She was found swaddled in blood stained cloth next to her dead mother in a back ally a few hours after she was born, put into social services, and dropped like she never existed by a certain point at which has grown very fuzzy, like everything else but the voices.

Who you fight for: The Boogie Man
Name: Darian Rider

Alias: Unknown (None who see him live to talk about it.)

Age: 21

Appearance: He is lean and muscular with golden blonde curls for hair. His face is well proportioned with piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline. His skin is tanned. Most would call him "attractive" or "hot", but that couldn't matter less to him. If anything, he use his looks to manipulate people for his own purposes.

Super Appearance:

Powers: Darian can manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak/strong nuclear forces. These powers are highly derivative, giving Darian the ability to manipulate the gravity in a relatively localized area, produce and control electricity, and create explosions through nuclear fusion. He is also a world-class swordsman and parkourist. His physical traits and senses are enhanced several times past a human's level. The armor he wears is specially enhanced to be extremely tough, yet flexible to allow for a range of movements.

Weaknesses: For all his power, Darian has a few weaknesses, that, while not clearly obvious, can be exploited. Firstly, using the different powers in quick succession drains his strength. For example, while Darian can easily fight in one fight with gravity, and then in another with electricity, he can't use both in one fight unless he wants to tire himself out substantially quicker. Secondly, as with anyone with heightened senses, it is possible to overload his senses with intense sounds and smells. This also applies to his tactical mind. Although he can calculate scenarios even when considering a large amount of variables, if too many variables are presented all at once, Darian will hesitate to try and come up with a contingency plan, which creates openings for his opponents. Also, he is a little arrogant, which can get in the way. But, his record allows him to be; he hasn't failed a contract yet, even the ridiculous one that involved bananas, whipped cream, a supermodel... and some other stuff.

History: Darian as born into a clan of warriors that were renowned for their fighting prowess and special "god-like" abilities. The clan was unforgiving, killing those children that didn't meet its expectations. Utilizing his unique powers, Darian quickly made his way up its ranks until he was the Vice-Commander. However, a rival clan massacred the entirety of his clan whilst Darian was away on a covert mission. Now, he continues his clan's legacy, using his powers and swordsmanship to rid the world of evil... for a small fee, of course. He is quite a good tactician, and that lends itself to his stealthy style of execution.

Who You Fight For: Darian fights for himself, as well as anyone who gives him the right amount of monetary compensation. However, he doesn't accept contracts that have him kill innocents. If he receives a contract from an evil source, it is likely that he will carry out the task, collect payment, and then eliminate the original evil. As suggested, he has an inner sense of justice, which drives his essential goal of the eradication of evil, but he walks a gray path to achieve that goal.
Name: Cross Collen



Appearance:He has pitch black shaggy hair that almost reaches his shoulders,bright blue eyes that are usually hidden under his hair. He's very pale and is average size,he's not that muscular and is pretty thin.

Super Appearance: Has no form of his own but tends to look like a little boy.

Powers: Can copy what he has seen,hear,etc like a banana.

Weaknesses: He has a metal collar around his neck with ten bars of light,each time he copies something one light will turn on.Each light means his health weakening and has to wait for it to slowly regain it back. If not when he hits the tenth he will die.

History: Unknown since he himself has forgotten

Who you fight for: He's good but fights for no one

Name: Michael Stern

Alias: none

Age: 15

Appearance: He is 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighs about 160 lbs. He has buzzed brown hair, lackadaisical brown eyes and a squarish jaw. He has never been described as hot, but cute has been something that he has never been able to escape being called.

Super Appearance: Various animals. Always with a white tipped ear. Or small red dot on the tail.

Powers: He has pretty good instinctual fighting ability especially for someone his size. He also can turn into animals, but sadly only ones someone might call cute. He can't turn into a tiger except in cub form for example.

Weaknesses: See above. Also he lacks the ability to use much of any weapon aside from a knife of basic stabbing/slashing weapons.

History: He had gotten home from boxing practice and went to sleep to find himself in a room with only this starter kit and a note. Oddly enough a banana of all things was included in the starter kit. Well, a good source of protein if nothing else.

Who you fight for: He fights to find out what the heck he is doing here. Basically he fights to find out what he fights for. Think him Chaotic Neutral with tendencies towards good.
Name: Miloslava Utkin

Alias: Milo

Age: 27

Appearance: Sharp ice blue eyes, a pale face and long dark brown hair that’s usually pulled up in an intricate way. Stands at 5’9”, but is practically a toothpick, a light amount of freckles litter her skin.


Milo is originally from Russia, where she was used to being treated in a low way simply because she had a donut instead of a banana under her skirt. Russia was a misogynist place, and she immediately tried to get a change in scenery. It was at eighteen she managed to sneak aboard a transport crate on its way to America and while she didn’t know much English she tried her hardest. It was after much work and dedication that she found a job and worked her way up corporate management. The woman is probably considered one of the richest in America now, although the company she works for is a little shady.

Who you fight for: Herself. She fighting for the place she’s in.

~The cool one ~

Starter Kit: Whatever super cool things you have planned for me :)
I can send you a personal pm with things it was denied for, if you'd like.

Accepted list updated.
Name: Unknown

The Black Knight

Appears to be in his late teens.

Standing tall and lean, The Black Knight is a young man with long black hair tied back, revealing a pale complexion and piercing yellow eyes. His face, although young and tender looking, belays strong emotion and a serious attitude. Seeming to be constantly scowling, his brow drawn down in annoyance, The Black Knight wears a long sleeved black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of black jeans that hug his thinner frame, and a pair of black all-weather combat boots.

The Black Knight's powers are the cause of his name. He has the power to manifest a suit of demonic black armour around himself, in whole or in part, and alter the composition and appearance of certain parts of the armour, namely the arms and legs. The armour itself is highly resistant to physical damage and harsh conditions, and enhances The Black Knight's strength and stamina to superhuman levels. The armour is quite flexible and still allows for a great degree of movement and agility on the part of The Black Knight.

Super Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/berserk/images/c/cc/Berserker.jpg

Weaknesses: Despite being a force to reckon with while wearing the armour, The Black Knight is quite weak while not sporting his namesake outfit. The armour takes a solid thirty seconds itself to manifest fully, with The Black Knight being very vulnerable to damage while manifesting it. Any hits and damage the armour takes can take a toll on The Black Knight's regular body, even after the armour is removed. The armour itself also has a time limit, meaning if The Black Knight uses it too much or too often during a period of time it will disappear and leave him completely defenceless. Using in part instead of manifesting the entire suit slightly mitigates the time-limit issues, but then doesn't give the full effects of enhancing The Black Knight's strength and stamina.

For example, if The Black Knight manifested enough armour to cover his forearm, it wouldn't take a full thirty seconds, and would have less impact on his time limit, but wouldn't give the full superhuman effects of strength and stamina, only giving it to the part it covers, spelling disaster for the rest of his body if he used the superhuman parts recklessly.

History: The Black Knight is known as the scourge of the underworld, eliminating those he perceives as unjust and evil. Killing any evildoers from petty thieves he encounters to the bosses of underground criminal organizations, The Black Knight is known far and wide, with a mixed reputation. Despite killing those who commit crimes, he is unmerciful and bloody, intolerant of excuses and always ready to destroy at a moment's notice. The only time he will let his guard down or seem less intense is when dealing with someone truly innocent, or a woman. He has been seen lending a hand to 'fair maidens', or children for example. His defence of women does not carry over to women that are clearly evil, however, and he has no qualms fighting or killing a woman.

What you fight for: ​Bananas, his own sense of justice, and those he perceives as innocent.
[MENTION=30]Esme[/MENTION] If you could send me the problems in a PM, that'd be great. I'd really appreciate it.

@Coro Kouhai Isn't your character somewhat close to mine, especially in looks and abilities? I don't know if you read the first page of the thread, but I basically created that character already. Sorry 'bout that. :(
I did not see your character sheet, but now that you've mentioned it, uhm, no, our characters aren't very similar at all. Even our abilities aren't.

I never mentioned being a swordsman, or any sort of weaponry, only the armour. You did not mention any sort of armour. You mentioned an absolute control over the forces of our universe, in my opinion and I'm sure in the opinion of the one who would be approving you, to be a bit OP.

Our personalities are not similar at all, in any way shape or form.

Our histories could have been construed as similar if you weren't a mercenary. My character does not work for money, it was also said nowhere your character had any sense of justice.

All in all, I see next to no similarities in our characters, thank you, good day.
Sorry. I wasn't reading your character very carefully. Again, I apologize for that. In actuality, I believe our characters' personalities and histories/morals will have an interesting tension, which is always fun in an RP. I realize that there was no armor mentioned, but I figured that was implied from the picture. However, this armor gives no superhuman abilities, so it is mainly simply for protection. Also, just to to clarify, I did specify that I meant the four fundamental forces of our universe, which are defined by modern physics as the gravitational force, the electroweak force, which is itself made up of the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. Again, sorry for misconstruing your character, and I think it'll be a good foil to my character. However, I do feel the need to mention that you didn't have to be so vociferous in your response, but I do understand where your indignation is coming from. No hard feelings? :laugh:
Please leave all problems with other characters in the chat, so we can keep the sign up strictly for sign up sheets and denial information requests. Thank you kindly.~

Accepted List Updated.
Name: Talhar Al'Tor BANANAhammock (Ignore the last word)

Alias: Aes Sedai

Age: 27


Super Appearance: n/a


Has control of the "void and the flame": Can remove fear and emotions to unleash his power whether martial or magical to its full potential. Extreme fear or flaring emotions can make the use of this "power" impossible.

Can use 2 of the elemental powers (Wind/Earth/Fire/Water) Which 2 are to be determined at the start of the RP, once chosen they can not be undone.

Able to fight relatively skillfully with his father's heron-marked sword (Heron-marked => Sword that was crafted during a Great War in the past)


- His control of his "skill" (Void and Flame) is limited and too much fear or emotions can negate its effects or make it unable to be "cast" at all.

Can only be cast upon himself.

- His knowledge of his powers is extremely limited to the point that he has hardly any knowledge of even having this power.

Can only use 2 irreversable elemental forces of the 4, once chosen he can not undo it.

His magical power is unstable, limited and crude.

- His skill with the sword starts with the expertise of a normal footsoldier in an army

- It's the only weapon he's (barely) proficient with.

History: Once a humble farmerlad with his father Tam, his world came upside down when raiders attacked his farm, toxicly wounded his father and sent him upon a journey to find a cure for the poison consuming his father aswel as exact revenge on the leader of the raiderband, the barbarian that attacked his farm.

Strange occurances occasionaly happened upon him during his journey, inexplicable things that hold no logic but that seemed to come from himself. Now he found himself in front of a case with the strange message before him aswel.

Who you fight for: Starts as a Chaotic/Neutral-Good person, fighting for his father at the start...But destiny just might have bigger plans for him.
Name: Luce Morraine

Alias: Whetstone

Age: 18

Appearance: She has light brown hair which she usually just hacks short with a knife, a darkened complexion, pale blue eyes, and an attitude that generally shows in her stance. She could possibly look attractive if she tried. Of average height, Luce looks relaxed and rested very often, but one could see that her body is lean and ready for action. She dresses casually; a denim jacket over a t-shirt, messy more often than not. It doesn't give off the best first impressions, but no one really cares once their throat is cut anyways.

Super Appearance: N/A

Powers: Weapon manifestation. What she can and can't summon depends on their usage in the world as a whole; the closer an object is linked with violence, the easier it is to create. You could use a banana to kill someone, but it wouldn't be considered a weapon. She moves quickly and reacts fast- not superhuman by any means, but she's in shape. Whetstone has learned to wield all the various weaponry she can produce proficiently. Her weapons are generally stronger than normal objects, although they're hardly indestructable.

Weaknesses: It's tiring to create weaponry. Luce has to concentrate to keep her constructions solid during a long fight, and it's strenuous to have more than one; it takes too much of her energy to justify using two weapons in a serious fight. If she's exhausted, she probably won't be able to create anything at all, and it takes from three to ten seconds for any simple weapon to manifest, so she wouldn't be able to counter a surprise attack with a weapon from thin air. As the definition of "weaponry" grows looser and looser, and as the weapons grow more complicated and larger, it takes more energy and time to create it. Guns have so many fiddly parts to them, they take near a minute to make and exhaust her energy after about just 20 seconds of wielding it. Plenty of time to fill someone with bullets, though.

She's as fragile as any human, and prone to anger when her past is mention. She's perhaps a bit too bold for her own good. No sense of caution. While she's fast and nimble, her strength and endurance don't match up to others'; she prefers to be quick about her fights, or she'll be worn down.

History: Luce had a mother, but she doesn't really think about her. She was a stupid mother anyways. What sort of parent names their child something like Luce? Stupid.

One day, when she was young, her mother stopped returning home. It was normal for her to be absent for a couple nights, but after a week passed, young Luce went out to investigate. She found her dead in one of the many alleys of the rather grim city they lived in, and couldn't do much but stare for a while. Stupid, stupid, stupid....

Living alone, she conjured her first weapon a month later when she was fending off some thieves in the city; she couldn't quite remember where she'd gotten that knife from, or where she'd put it afterwards, but she didn't dwell on it. As she found more and more opportunities to use weaponry, her consciousness of her ability rose. She decided to call herself Whetstone. Why was she able to do it? She didn't know. Maybe she'd inherited it. Her physical appearance was startlingly similar to how her mom had looked, after all. Hard to look in a mirror without seeing her stupid mother.

Eventually, bored of the city, she went off to travel the world. When she couldn't find food, she stole it gladly; and when she was caught, she'd just fend the shop owner off with a sword pulled from thin air. Whether she killed them or not, she didn't really care. Some part of her twinged whenever she took a life, but that was probably normal. Lives weren't that important. Someone had killed her parent, after all. If someone killed Luce herself? Whatever.

"Kill or be killed" was right up her alley.

What you fight for: Whetstone fights simply because she wants to. Life is empty for her, so she fills it with blood. Good? Evil? Dunno; whichever side sounds more fun.
Name: Raven Starus

Alias: The Raven

Age: 12 years old

Appearance: black hair with one red streak. Nothing special. Just plain, and a tiny bit pretty. blackish-red eyes.

Super Appearance: Appears as an angel with dark black wings, but tries to hide her face.

Powers: Grows raven wings, and can communicate with ravens.

Weaknesses: Shy. Is afraid of heights (despite being able to fly). Will never kill anyone. Too kind for her own good.

History: Created in lab. Doesn't know who real parents are. fought for evil until she was 10, and then discovered evil was evil. She escaped and is now fighting for good. But as she has lost everything she cares about, she is very shy.

Who you fight for: Hero
Name: Donnel Masterson

Alias: None

Age: 32

Donnel stands five foot ten,and weighs two hundred pounds flat. He's wiry,with obvious muscles,but he isn't built like a brick outhouse. His irises are amber,and his thick ginger hair is kept spiked,manga style. His face looks almost youthful,but there are telltale signs of his age adorning his face,most prominently a goatee. He wears denim jeans and long sleeved shirts. If he has a weapon,it's placed on his body in such a way that his left hand has full access.

History: Donnel Masterson. Millionaire,playboy,entrepreneur,social icon,sword enthusiast. Donnel runs a very successful manufacturing company,specializing in high end computer hardware. It was one of the industries that moved the world forward. As such,he was made a very rich man,and his employees enjoyed impressive pay and benefits. On the job,he's the ideal boss; hard,but fair,and always willing to lend an ear. And he's hell on the competition. His personal life is interesting,as he's a sword enthusiast. He's actually received training in how to wield the weapons. But,this doesn't matter now,does it? Somehow,he was illegally extracted and brought to this location,in a room,with a box. Deathmatch? Black ops training? Who knows,but knowing his luck today,all that box probably contains is a single,half rotten banana.

Powers and Skills: Donnel is a skilled swordsman. Also,he has a supernatural power: To teleport short distances at will,leaving behind a stationary image in the same position he was in when he teleported.

Weaknesses: Donnel's teleportation only has a range of about twelve feet,making it dubiously useful in many applications. Furthermore,he cannot take passengers. His swordsmanship is utterly mundane,with no special powers attached. He cannot teleport to such an extent where he's untouchable;through experimentation,he can only teleport once every five seconds,which is a VERY long time in a fight.

Reason to fight: Getting the f*** out of dodge and back home.
Birth Name: [information Not Found]

Alias: R3D (most widely used and responded to), The Red Mask, Bloodface

Age: Exact age is unknown. Reports and studies estimate between mid-twenties and mid-thirties.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Normal (unmasked) appearance is unknown as subject tends to dress in a very common and 'dressed down' style of fashion. Clothing varies widely, perhaps in an effort to throw off those tracking him. Has, however, been seen on numerous occasions wearing a longer brown overcoat. Subject also has medium to long dark brown hair - some rumor that it is some sort of wig attached to the mask. [Requires Confirmation]

Super Appearance: Always seen wearing a crimson mask much like this one but with a matte, non-reflective paint. The material is unknown, but does not seem to be plastic as was originally reported by [REDACTED].

Powers: His power is a relatively unseen type of hyper-induction we've taken to called Combative Calculation/Precision. The user is said to 'plan' an attack pattern or patterns, calculating various scenarios of disarming, disabling or simply murdering his victim/victims. Once the 'pattern' is decided upon, the subject is able to act it out with a terrifying precision and quickness, bordering on inhuman. In a report by [REDACTED], it was discussed that the subject may NOT be human and simply a humanoid or mimic. However, without further analysis, we cannot claim this as truth.

Weaknesses: From what we've observed, the masked male can be wounded just like a 'normal' person, having no forms of protection other than the clothing he wears or perhaps any type of body-armor. Further studies show that he shows a great amount of discomfort around groups, even smaller groups, going as far to avoid 'normal' types of confrontation altogether. It seems that he also harbors some sort of a drive for killing, which is generally kept under control. One of our operatives, [REDACTED], has reported that, under stressful and bothersome circumstances, this control begins to slip, causing the subject to lash out violently. This could be why he avoids contact with others at such lengths. On a side note, (perhaps not a valid weakness) he seems to have food allergies to both bananas and onions. Both tend to cause vomiting, as has been recorded on a number of occasions.

History: Not much is known about the subject, as we're still trying to locate his real name. It is almost as if someone or something is protecting him from our prying eyes. From what we have gathered, (perhaps from untrustworthy sources) is that he grew up in a poor, broken home. Abuse, alcoholism, the full package. Perhaps his ability developed from living in a broken home or was 'awakened' as a way to survive. [Requires Confirmation] Further information is being filed; updates will be added to this file by agents [REDACTED] or [REDACTED].

Who he fights for: It would appear he takes no sides, good or evil, but fights for whichever 'side' or whichever person can pay him well enough for his services. From what we can gather, he also seems very motivated by improving and perfecting his ability. This could prove very dangerous for us, and the general public if he were to become overly hostile.


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