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Undo a post edit?

Uncle Urdnot

Mememaster Supreme
I was working on something in my workshop, and for some reason the post got screwed up and deleted itself except for some small bits of it. Is there any way to revert this to an older version of the same post?
Hey @Uncle Urdnot! There isn't really any way that you can change it back, but the staff has the ability. Next time something like this happens, you can always come to roleplay support or tag a super mod and we'll help you out. C: That being said, could you give me an idea of what information you lost, exactly? So I know which version to be looking for and what not.
Pine said:
Hey @Uncle Urdnot! There isn't really any way that you can change it back, but the staff has the ability. Next time something like this happens, you can always come to roleplay support or tag a super mod and we'll help you out. C: That being said, could you give me an idea of what information you lost, exactly? So I know which version to be looking for and what not.
I had finished the Prologue, Race, Creature, & World tabs and was working on magic.

There was a very large story under prologue, and the magic tab was most likely a little bit wonky on the formatting, as I was copying it from another site I'd been hosting this story on.

Thank you!
No problemo! Is this perhaps the version that you were looking for? :o

[center][size=4][img=http://i.imgur.com/xMbLd6B.png]  [/size][/center]




[size=4][b]I[/b]n the beginning, there was no universe. Only the Creator. A being omnipotent in all things. It had everything, but at the same time, nothing at all.  All alone with all of the knowledge of reality, but nobody to share it with. As the ages went on, the Creator grew weary of it's solitude. It tore itself apart creating the universe.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he universe was created from two types of energy.  The first was black physical energy.  Physical energy is that which can be perceived by our natural senses.  Black energy can be thought of as Matter.  The second form of energy is white spiritual energy.  White energy is very abstract, and most beings cannot perceive it without special training.[/size]

[size=4][b]F[/b]rom white energy, rose the Gods.  The universe's most powerful beings, these cosmic entities took it upon themselves to organize the infinite mess of energy that made up the universe.  The Gods created a sun from white energy, to give warmth to the bitter cold.  They created far off stars to illustrate things to eachother.  And they created planets from black energy.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/bOMgtJR.png][/imagefloat]O[/b]ne such planet was dubbed M'tera.  The gods placed on this planet a Taioi: a tree of life.  Created from both black and white magic, this was the first form of a living being.  This Taioi bore fruit that gave life to the planet, turning the rock into a flourishing ecosystem of plants and animals.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he gods were amused with their creation, it was a thing of beauty.  However, from the Taioi's life-giving fruit, came the demons.  Demons were much like the gods, in that they were being of completely one type of energy.  However, unlike the gods, who created, these demons rose up from the core of M'tera to destroy that which the gods had created, and taint the Taioi.[/size]

[size=4][b]A[/b]ngered, the gods set out to destroy these demons.  They created the first dragon, Proti to fight the demons.  Proti tore the Taioi out of the groud, and raised it high into the sky, where no demon could reach it, thus creating the heavens & the void.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/4rylrQe.png][/imagefloat]W[/b]hile Proti's might was great, he would not be able to stop the seemingly infinite stream of demons coming from below.  Proti pleaded with the Taioi for help, and was granted with the gift of Magic.  Through the Taioi, Proti could control the energy of the world, much like the gods.  He was able to quickly destroy the demons below, and issue in peace on M'tera.[/size]

[size=4][b]P[/b]roti was imperfect as a creation.  When Proti was created, the gods took a body made entirely of black energy, and a soul entirely out of white.  The soul was Proti's essence.  All of Proti's thoughts, feelings, & desires were stored within this soul.  The body was Proti's way to interact with the world.  Proti became a physical being, rather than a spiritual one.  However the soul used Proti's body as a sort of fuel.  Eventually, Proti's body withered away, and died.The gods took Proti's soul and placed it within a new Body: [url='http://orig15.deviantart.net/4399/f/2009/202/5/3/anima__angelus__dragon_by_wen_m.jpg']Defterian[/url].  This new body was given special care, and made with an inner shielding to prevent the soul from burning away the body.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/GCHgCca.png][/imagefloat]S[/b]oon, a powerful demon rose from the depths of M'tera. A demon known as [url='http://i.imgur.com/IcrmjlI.jpg']Skotadi[/url].  From his body spawned many lesser demons, and four extremely powerful demons: [url='http://pre13.deviantart.net/d0aa/th/pre/f/2009/167/a/6/demon_ogre_wip_by_genci.jpg']Gula[/url], [url='http://pre14.deviantart.net/3d79/th/pre/f/2010/041/7/d/lilith_by_genzoman.jpg']Cruor[/url], [url='http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/uploads/201010/thus/1287034470.jpg']Denthan[/url], & [url='http://fotonin.com/data_images/out/6/786327-demon-wallpaper.jpg']Apsycho[/url].  The four created three of the four black magic schools: Blood Magic, Affliction, & Necromancy to aid them in the coming battle.  Through a long war between the Dragons & the Demons, Skotadi was sealed away, in the core of M'tera.  While the Demon king was now locked away from the world, his influence was not.[/size]

[size=4][b]I[/b]n need of an army to face down this growing demon threat, the gods created mortals.  Humans were the first.  The gods created humans to be intelligent, resourceful, & resilient.  Humans were used as the basis for the other races, and as such could interbreed with them.  Humans lived in large cities and small towns all around M'tera.  Elves came second.  Granted magical prowess, and skill with the bow, these people made up the army's back line.  Elves lived in M'tera's forest.  After elves came the Dwarves.  The Dwarves were given intelligence that far surpassed any of the other mortal races, alongside a body that was highly resistant to toxins and disease.  Dwarves could experiment to their heart's content without worry of sickness, and find ways to better the army, [imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/Pvo5GrC.png][/imagefloat]and lived in huge underground kingdoms known as fogreath.  After that came the beastkin, mortals with claws & fangs with heightened senses of smell and the ability to quickly learn any language.  The last race to be created was the Orcs.  Orcs were created as brutish savages, meant to face down a demon with it's equivalent.  One Orc could easily best 3 Humans.  Orcs were not hospitable to the other races, and isolated themselves on the island of Zew-Hau-See.[/size]

[size=4][b]E[/b]ven without the backing of Skotadi, the four demon generals were too powerful for the Gods' army to defeat.  Apsycho raped an elven woman, blackening her soul and filling her with malice.  This malice spread from her to everyone she came into contact with, and evil was birthed into all mortals.  With evil in their hearts, the demons tempted the mortals with promise of power, pleasure, and everlasting life.  While not all Mortals succumbed, many betrayed their kin, and their makers in favor of the demons.  In cases where a mortal's soul became fully engulfed by evil, they themselves would "fall" and become demons, never to return to mortal life again.  Even the gods could not cleanse these souls of black.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/jRaGBav.png][/imagefloat]E[/b]ach of the four Demon generals laid a curse on mortalkind.  Cruor sought to enthrall all mortals through their desire. Her favorite thrall, Vampyr was to be given a new body as a reward for his continued "service" to her.  However, Vampyr was foolish, and greedily sought out other maidens.  While Cruor was furious, how dare a mere mortal try to deceive her.  She cursed Vampyr's new body and gave it to him, unbeknownst to him.  The body was indeed stronger than his previous one, and did not age.  But this new body's power came at a price.  Firstly: it required blood to survive, and drove Vampyr mad seeking it out.  As it hungered more and more, the body would become repulsive and grotesque, driving away the same maidens Vampyr had betrayed Cruor to be with.  The second part of the curse was that Vampyr would react adversely to the light of the sun.  He would weaken, and his senses would wain from it's light.  The longer Vampyr lived in this body, the more frequently he hungered, and the worse the effects of the sun would become.  Finally, for anyone he slept with, hey would also bear this curse, their body being tainted and becoming a "Vampire".  Cruor could even bend the will of any Vampire she pleased, creating a horde of enslaved mortals for her to command, and this too became easier for her to do, the longer a mortal was a vampire.[/size]

[b][size=5][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/na8uDRe.png][/imagefloat][/b]D[/size][/b][size=4]enthan's curse turned mortals into Liches, powerful beings who would be [/size]resurrected[size=4] upon being killed.  Mortals who showed an aptitude for killing would be visited by the Archdemon himself, and given the powers of a Lich.  A lich retained its status as long as it could supply Denthan with two souls per death.  The most powerful Lich becomes the Lich king, gaining partial access to Denthan's power, the Lich King casually casts powerful spells to further add to Denthan's power.  A Lich King's soul is bound to an object, and will [/size]resurrect indefinitely[size=4] unless that object is broken.[/size]

[size=4][b]D[/b]enthan can also take the life of a Lich at will, to subsitute for his own.  If Denthan was to Die, his soul would jump to the body of a Lich and steal its life, allowing Denthan to evade death.  This does significantly weaken him, however.  As he loses his accumulated souls in the process.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/2FvGuYT.png][/imagefloat]G[/b]ula's curse was a deal made with a tribe of Elves.  A foolish and resentful clan leader names Ne'Hein sought to make her clan the supreme clan of all elves, and wanted a powerful bloodline.  So she dealt with Gula, who promised her clan inborn access to the schools of Black Magic, and a bloodline that would overturn any other elven bloodline.  All elves with even a sliver of blood from the clan of Ne' would have skin that progressively darkened to a pale gray as they used their inborn gifts, as a way to show their lineage to clan Ne'.  This was the birth of the Dark Elves.  In exchange, all souls of elves born to clan Ne' would be given to Gula upon death.  Ne'Hein was foolish & overconfident, and believed that access to these dark arts would give her clan enough power to defeat the Demons, and avoid the cost of their souls.  Gravely underestimating his power, Ne'Hein was the first to fall, and Gula personally came to feast upon her soul.  Humans & Elves alike have since shunned Dark Elves, for fear that their offspring would meet an awful fate at the hands of a demon.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/x4u1c5G.png][/imagefloat]A[/b]psycho's curse was that of evil, causing mortals to become that which they were created to fight.  The elven woman he raped, Ne'Fae gave birth to his demon spawn: [url='http://i.imgur.com/ZHii5X0.jpg']Ne'Khross[/url].  Ne'Khross was a half-demon, the first of his kind.  Upon his birth, he murdered his mother and devoured her soul.  He quickly grew into a powerful demon, becoming the fifth Demon general, and creating the final school of black magic: Soul magic.  Soul magic allowed Ne'Khross to tear a soul from its body, and manipulate it, attack it, or even destroy it.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he mortals were not completely lost, however.  Despite all that demons tried, most mortals were steadfast in their opposition to these vile creatures.  A human named Arkhon, and his seven siblings in war, Enas, Defteros, Tria, Tessera, Pemte,  Exi, & Epta lead the armies against the demons.  The dragons forged Arkhon the [url='http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512011217/monsterhunter/images/5/50/2ndGen-Great_Sword_Render_004.png']demonsbane[/url] from their bones and scales.  The weapon was a sword, the first of it's kind.  Being made of dragonbone and dragonscale, it had the power of the dragons within it.  With this blade in hand, & siblings by his side, Arkhon went on to fight against the demons.[/size]

[size=4][b][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/qsvW3bz.png[/imagefloat]][/imagefloat][/b]A[/b]t the beginning of the war, the mortals seemed to be winning.  With Arkhon leading them, they were able to severely push back the demonic hordes and it even seemed as if the mortals would win this war.  Until, that is, Ne'Khross freed Skotadi from is imprisonment through the use of Chaos Magic, the same type of magic Apsycho inadvertently used to create his "Curse of Evil".  Chaos magic outright defied the gods and their laws, allowing impossibilities to become possible.  Chaos magic drains the user, and if used by a non-demon, completely blackens their soul.  Skotadi turned the tide of the war, effortlessly and mindlessly killing mortals and beasts alike.  However, upon the 100,000th death, the Gods gathered up the souls on M'tera and harnessed their power, materializing on the planet in a [url='http://img10.deviantart.net/23cf/i/2011/278/6/3/angel_of_death_by_dvdgod-d4bwv3i.jpg']vessel[/url].  The Gods engaged Skotadi in combat, while the remaining mortals fought against the five generals.[/size]

[size=4][b][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/VLnK03h.png][/imagefloat][/b]A[/b]fter a long, grueling battle that lasted weeks, Apsycho & Denthan fell in combat to Arkhon.  Cruor and Gula retreated to realms they created using Chaos Magic.  Skotadi and the Gods were stalemated, and neither could effectively kill the The gods were forced to seal he & Ne'Khross away, never to be seen again.'
A[/b]rkhon died in combat, becomming the legendary hero of Miterra.  The Races parted ways to live out their lives.  Frigore was left mostly uninhabited, as it was inhospitable to all but the various beasts who had grown to survive in its harsh climate.  The Dwarves returned to the underground, and the Elves to the forests.  Humans populated the lands, forming huge empires that spanned the continents.

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/tVnSSXP.png] [/imagefloat]T[/b]he Dragons were amazed by mortal tenacity, and in tribute to them, created the [url='https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/6d/52/8a6d529ad74c3cd4eadccff654218a04.jpg']Saurians[/url] in their honor.  The Saurians were gifted with knowledge comparable to that of the Dragons, giving them enhanced magical abilities.  Saurians typically wander M'tera in search of the dragons, who had mostly migrated to the heavens.[/size]

[b][size=5]P[/size][/b][size=4]eace on M'tera was fleeting, however.  The Orcs soon waged war against their mortal [/size]brethren[size=4], fueled by an inborn desire for combat, they sought to slay all that lay before them.  The Orcs were winning the war, until Defterian [/size]intervened, stripping the Orcs of their ability to utilize magic, and turning the tide of the war.  The Orcs were pushed back to Zew-Hau-See, where most remain to this day[size=4].[/size]


Content For Tab B.


[url='http://i.imgur.com/MuyR5p8.png']Ora Isles[/url]

[url='http://i.imgur.com/wiXmbo6.jpg']Fogreath (Underground)[/url]
*Frigore is uninhabited, and unmapped due to extremely cold temperatures.


Content For Tab B.



Lifespan: 60 to 75 years[/b]
The most abundant and prominent race on Mitterra. Known for their intelligence, tenacity, and overall adaptability, humans are the most successful race in terms of sheer numbers.  Humans are able to breed with Elves, Dwarves, & Orcs and bear Halfling children.

Being the most diverse race on Mitterra, humans are further classified into three main races.

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/GEzmN8X.png] [/imagefloat]•[b]Frigan
Average size: 5'6" - 6'4"
Average weight: 150 - 200lbs[/b]
Burly humans who hailed from the northern regions of Mitterra.  They are typically large, and have fair skin & hair.  Frigans are well adapted to life in a cold climate, and have historically been able to survive for a very long time on limited resources.  Hailed as powerful warriors, Frigans are almost always found in any combat situation, and command the battlefield accordingly with Heavy armor and weaponry.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR +2, VIT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]DEX-1[/color])[/b][/size]

Average size: 5'10" - 6'5"
Average weight: 140 - 170lbs[/b]
Tall, Dark skinned humans from the south.  They are normally taller than Frigans, but not nearly as filled out.  The sourthern region of Mitterra from which they came was extremely hot, and constant sun exposure created a natural bias towards darker, sun-resistant skin & hair.  Historically, the Ora were a mostly Pirate race, seeking out riches on the seas.  Ora are naturally gifted with charisma, and can easily talk their ways into or out of trouble.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]INT +1[/color])[/b]

Average size: 5'8" - 6'0"
Average weight: 150 - 180lbs[/b]
Somewhat smaller humans that lived in Mitterra's central regions.  They have a happy medium of traits from both the Frigans and the Ora.  Accipitae from the north have traits that more closely resemble Frigans, while those from the south will have traits that are reminiscent of the Ora.  Accipitae are not as well suited for combat, but tend to make excellent mages and thieves, and are the only Humans with inborn magical talents.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +1, MAG +1, INT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]VIT -1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]



[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/p1JahNo.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'6" - 5'8"
Average weight: 100 - 140lbs
Lifespan: 100 to 130 years[/b]
Elves are very similar to humans, except they are smaller in size, lighter fram, and long pointed ears.  Elves normally reside in small, semi-normadic clans in the forest, or in nearly exclusively elvish neighborhoods in large cities. Elves are known for their pinpoint accuracy with ranged weapons, and their expertise at surviving in the wilderness. They are also highly magically inclined.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +2, MAG +2[/color], [color=#ff0000]STR -1, VIT -1[/color])[/b]

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/BgOl965.png][/imagefloat]•[b]Dark Elf[/b]
The Dark Elf race is a result of a curse placed onto clan Ne' before recorded time.  All Dark Elves have inborn knowledge of Dark magic and are further magically gifted beyond normal Elves.  When a Dark elf dies, the Demon General Gula steals their soul and devours it, adding to his ever-growing power.  A Dark Elf looks identical to a normal elf  at birth, but through the use of their inborn gifts their skin will darken to a grey-purple color, and heir hair will lose it's pigmentation.  Dark elves who display these traits are typically hated and may be hunted for being witches/warlocks.
[b](Inborn access to Dark Magic)
([color=#00ff00]DEX +2, MAG +3[/color], [color=#ff0000]VIT -2[/color])[/b]

Average size: 5'8" - 5'11"
Average weight: 140 - 160lbs
Lifespan: 90 to 110 years[/b]
An elf-human cross.  Known for being being extremely beautiful, half-elves retain both the flexibility and durability of heir parents.  As with all halflings, half-elves can only breed with humans, elves, or other half-elves.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX+1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG +1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ZxmlY5k.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 4'3" - 4'6"
Average weight: 90 - 110lbs
Lifespan: 80 to 90 years[/b]
Dwarves have a natural ability to dispel blood toxins more quickly. Alcohol, poison, even radiation affect dwarves at a slower rate than Humans or Elves.  Dwarves have a knack for understanding technology, and have historically been at the forefront of science and development.  They live in underground cities known as Fogreath, and commonly make a living as merchants and escorts through the underground.
[b]([color=#00ff00]INT+2, VIT+2[/color], [color=#ff0000]STR-1, DEX-1[/color])[/b]


Average size: 4'6" - 5'4"
Average weight: 100 - 140lbs
Lifespan: 70 to 80 years[/b]
A dwarf-human cross.  Retaining the toxin-resistance of the dwarves, without the loss of dexterity.  As with all halflings, half-dwarves can only breed with humans, dwarves, or other half-dwarves.
[b]([color=#00ff00]VIT+1, INT+1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ejDSd60.png] [/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'6" - 6'0"[/b][/left]

[b]Average weight: 130 - 180lbs
Lifespan: 30 - 40 years[/b]
Beastkin are wild, beast-like mortals.  They have tails, fangs, claws, and refined senses of hearing & smell.  Beastkin live in packs led by an "Alpha", whoever is the strongest member of the pack.  Beastkin have thick, leathery skin that allows them to take glancing blows much more effectively.  Beastkin are known for being the fasted race on Miterra, and for having a particular talent for learning languages.  Nearly hunted to extinction by the Frigans, the beastkin are the only race on Miterra that is less common than their halfling counterparts.  Beastkin are covered in fur all over their bodies that they may shave to blend in more seamlessly with human society and hopefully attract a mate.  Beastkin have litters of 4-6 at a time.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX+3, VIT[/color] [color=#00ff00]+ 1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG -1, INT -1[/color]) 

[indent][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/uzBWEft.png]  [/imagefloat]•[b]Half-Beastkin
Average size: 5'4" - 5'8"
Average weight: 110 - 160lbs
Lifespan: 40 - 60 years[/b]
The child of a Beastkin & a Human, a Half-Beastkin retains the claws, tail, fangs, and senses of their full-bred counterpart, and is much less furry.  Half-beastkin are even better than normal beastkin at understanding languages, though not nearly as suited for combat.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 DEX +1 VIT[/color], [color=#ff0000]-1 MAG[/color])[/b][/indent]

[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/xA0iTjR.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 6'0" - 6'6"
Average weight: 180 - 240lbs
Lifespan: 70 - 90 years[/b]
Orcs are large, semi-tribal people. Orcs stake out a territory, and refuse to leave it.  Orcs are characterized by their snaggletoothed, green-skinned appearance.  They are heavily classist and are only given the opportunity to change social class once a year. Orcs are notoriously arrogant, and commonly refuse to deal with non-orcs.  Orcs hate the weak, and seek to strengthen their race by only allowing the strong to survive and reproduce.  The Gods cut their ability to use Magic, to prevent them from overpowering the other mortals.  While some Orcs can understand Magic, none can manipulate magical energy.  Orcs age relatively quickly, and rarely live life until their bodies give out.  Orcs have litters of 6-10 at a time.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR+5, VIT +2[/color], [color=#ff0000]INT -2, Cannot use Magi[/color]c)[/b]

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/q5S5k5J.png][/imagefloat]•[b]Half orc
Average size: 5'10" - 6'4"
Average weight: 170 - 210lbs
Lifespan: 70 - 80 Years[/b]
Half Orcs are seldom seen, and almost never cared for.  Most humans aren't attracted to Orcs, and their cultures seldom collide.  The most common way that Half-Orcs are born is through the rape of human women taken as slaves when they wound up in Orc Territory.  These children are shunned and abused in both Orcish and Human culture.  Humans see them as abominations, products of heinous acts by a savage people.  Orcs see them as weaklings, and not true Orcs.  A Half-Orc is fully matured by 16, and is lucky to make it that far.  Unlike their Orc parents, Half-Orcs can learn magic, but are not typically very gifted in the art.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR +3, VIT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG -2[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/Yx02nEK.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'9" - 6'8"
Average weight: 160 - 250lbs
Lifespan: 150 - 200 Years[/b]
Saurians are large, reptilian people, created by the Dragons in honor of their respect for Mortals. Saurians are known to live in cities, and nomadic tribes. Many Saurians, tribal or civilized believe that they are the direct descendants of dragons, and retain the intelligence and Magical gifts of their creators. They are normally fluent in the old tongue, and live lengthy lives.  They stay in their prime from about age 20 to age 150.  Saurians are unable to breed with humans, but are also highly resistant or even immune to most diseases that plague the other races.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 MAG, +1 INT[/color], [color=#ff0000]-1 DEX[/color])[/b]

[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/dSlpnXd.png][/imagefloat]Lifespan: Biologically Immortal
While not a true Race, Vamprism affects nearly every Race on M'tera.  All mortal races aside from Saurians can fall victim to this curse, blessing their bodies with enhanced abilities, at the price of requiring blood to sustain themselves, and having sunlight & restoration magic become lethal.  Vamprism progresses over time and gets stronger.  A fledgling vampire's body won't be nearly as enhanced as a master vampire's, however where a fledgling may simply find that restoration magic and sunlight simply drain them, a master may burst into flames upon contact.  However, many vampires have come up with spells to help them combat this, be it through possession of a mortal, or projecting illusions of themselves over distances, powerful vampires are not so hindered that the daytime is safe from their gaze. There is currently no known cure for vamprism.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 MAG[/color], [color=#ff0000]Sunlight & Restoration Magic are harmful.  Will Go mad without blood.[/color])
*Vampire Boosts stack with Racial Boosts[/b]

[b]Racial Notes[/b]
[spoiler]•[b]Orcish[/b] children are known as Goblins.  Goblins come in litters of 3 - 5, and age into Mature Orcs in about 10 years.  Orcs stay in their adult phase until they are about 50.  Most orcs fall in combat before this time, or are killed for being cowards.  An Orc who reaches the third phase of their life will go through a second puberty, maturing into an Ogre .  Ogres are revered as God-Kings by Orcs, and reside away from the tribes, secluded away in the wild.  Ogre's needs are tended to by the closest, neighboring village.  When it comes time for an Ogre to die, they will issue a challenge to a nearby King, and set sail with a clan of Orcs.  The King is given fair warning of the incoming attack, and time to evacuate his people.  When the Orcs arrive, and the war horn is blown, they storm the settlement and kill everyone left.  This will continue until someone kills the Ogre.  At which point, the Orcs stop fighting, take the Ogres remains, and set them off in a burning ship at sea.
•[b]Elven[/b] names are based on two parts: the clan name, followed by the personal name & separated by an apostrophe.  For example the name Xl'Tera.  The clan name is "Xl", and the personal name is "Tera".  Elves historically lived in a matriarchal society, with the wises female leading her clan, and males who joined the clan taking on the clan name of their mate.  To address an Elf by only their personal name is the greatest insult one can issue to an elf.  To them it's the equivalent of claiming that they are unworthy of their mother, from whom they receive their clan name.
•Pure [b]Elves[/b] & [b]Dark Elves[/b] have no pupils.
•A "strange" trait of [b]Dwaves[/b] is their facial hair.  A dwarf's facial hair grows at a highly accelerated rate, even in females.  This results in extravagant beard on both dwarven men & women.  Dwarves create new family names upon marriage, deeming each pair it's own unit.  Dwarven children retain this family name until they too marry.
•[b]Half-Dwarven[/b] females generally don't have beards.
•[b]Half-Elves[/b] with human mothers are typically raised with humans customs, while those with Elven mothers are typically raised with Elven customs.
•Some races on Mitterra has a native tongue based on real-world languages.
•[b]Frigan[/b] language is based on Swedish & Russian.
•[b]Ora[/b] language is based on Spanish and Hatian Creole.
•[b]Accipitae[/b] language is the common tongue: English.
•[b]Dwarven[/b] language is based on Finnish & Irish.
•[b]Elven[/b] language is based on Latin & Japanese.
•[b]Orcish[/b] language is based on German and Arabic.
•[b]Dragon[/b], & [b]Saurian[/b] languages are based on Phonetic Greek.  This is known as the "Old Tongue"
[b]All races[/b] speak the Common tongue: English.[/spoiler]



[size=2][i]This list is not all-inclusive.  We can add to it![/i][/size][/left]

[url='http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc155/Otton_Carlos/Breath of Fire/wyvern.jpg']Wyvern[/url] - [/b]Commonly mistaken for Dragons, Wyverns are highly intelligent, bipedal beasts.  Male wyverns collect shiny objects and horde them to attract mates.  Wyverns are highly territorial and protective of their young.  They reach sizes of up to 20 feet long, and 9 feet tall.



[spoiler][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ykpRj9R.png][/imagefloat][b][color=red]Primal: [/color][/b] Primal magic allows the user to command the physical elements of the world, including but not limited to: Fire, Water, Electricity, Earth, and Air.  One of the most commonly used forms of magic.

[b][color=yellow]Restoration: [/color][/b]Restoration is a straightforward school of magic.  It can be used to restore damaged objects to their natural state.  Restoration magic can heal injuries, repair buildings, and reverse some effects of Black Magic.  Vampires, and the Undead are harmed by restoration magic, rather than healed.  The most commonly used form of magic.

[b][color=#00c821]Illusion: [/color][/b]Illusion magic works by tricking the target's senses and causing them to see/hear/feel/taste/smell/sense something that isn't actually there.  Skilled illusionists can even trick a target's brain into believing it's dead, however this is extremely high-level forbidden magic.  Illusion magic is commonly used among thieves & assassins.

[color=blue][b]Arcanum: [/b][/color]Arcanum involves the use of mana as a physical form create objects, weapons, and armor.  Arcanum is one of the most difficult forms of Magic to master, as controlling raw mana as a physical object is extremely difficult.

[b][color=indigo]Conjuration: [/color][/b]Conjuration spells allow the user to teleport people and objects from one place to another.  This works in two parts: The tag and the beacon.  The tag is a spell cast on the object to be moved.  Each tag is crafted specifically to work with a corresponding beacon.  The beacon is a spell cast on the location where the object is to be teleported to.  Most large cities have beacons, and can be used for fast transport between them.

[color=#B8860B][b]Draconics: [/b][/color]Draconics are the strongest form of conventional magic.  Draconics will void out all other forms of magic they come into contact with, and their effects cannot be reversed through magical means.  Draconics represent absolute force and the absolute law of the universe.[/spoiler]

[align=center][b][size=7]Black Magic[/size][/b][/align]

[b][color=darkred]Blood Magic:[/color][/b] The usage of Blood as a substitute for mana, allowing mages cast more spells in a smaller amount of time.  Spells cast through Blood Magic have their power amped.  Blood magic combined with arcanum can be used to solidify and weaponize blood.  Created by  the Demon General Cruor.

[b][color=darkblue]Soul Magic: [/color][/b]Soul magic allows the user to remove the soul from the body.  They can then attack, destroy, and manipulate the soul.  Soul magic is very costly to use, and normally ends up destroying the user's soul in the process.  For demons this isn't a problem, as they can simply tribute one of the souls they've absorbed, but for mortals...  Created by the Demon General Ne'Khross

[b][color=#d500c3]Necromancy:[/color][/b] Necromancy allows the users to reanimate dead bodies.  The undead are soulless, and enthralled to the caster.  Necromancy [u]cannot[/u] truly resurrect a dead individual, without soul magic supplemening it.  Created by the Demon General Denthan

[b][color=olive]Affliction:[/color][/b] Affliction, Created by the Demon General Gula, places curses on objects and people.  Curses are bound by the rules they are set with, and are the most commonly used form of Black magic.

[b]Chaos:[/b] Chaos Magic is the only form of Magic with no set rules.  Chaos magic will instantly blacken it's user's soul, though most who understand how to cast it are already demons.  The first use of chaos magic was by Apsycho, in his curse of evil, permanently tainting mortals beyond the power of the gods to cleanse.  Chaos magic defies the god's laws, and can bend the very fabric of space and time.  Highly Unstable.



Content For Tab B.

Content For Tab B.

Can I use Magic as an Orc?
[b]Only through the Aid of a demon, and Demons only aid the wicked.[/b]
Pine said:
No problemo! Is this perhaps the version that you were looking for? :o
[center][size=4][img=http://i.imgur.com/xMbLd6B.png]  [/size][/center]




[size=4][b]I[/b]n the beginning, there was no universe. Only the Creator. A being omnipotent in all things. It had everything, but at the same time, nothing at all.  All alone with all of the knowledge of reality, but nobody to share it with. As the ages went on, the Creator grew weary of it's solitude. It tore itself apart creating the universe.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he universe was created from two types of energy.  The first was black physical energy.  Physical energy is that which can be perceived by our natural senses.  Black energy can be thought of as Matter.  The second form of energy is white spiritual energy.  White energy is very abstract, and most beings cannot perceive it without special training.[/size]

[size=4][b]F[/b]rom white energy, rose the Gods.  The universe's most powerful beings, these cosmic entities took it upon themselves to organize the infinite mess of energy that made up the universe.  The Gods created a sun from white energy, to give warmth to the bitter cold.  They created far off stars to illustrate things to eachother.  And they created planets from black energy.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/bOMgtJR.png][/imagefloat]O[/b]ne such planet was dubbed M'tera.  The gods placed on this planet a Taioi: a tree of life.  Created from both black and white magic, this was the first form of a living being.  This Taioi bore fruit that gave life to the planet, turning the rock into a flourishing ecosystem of plants and animals.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he gods were amused with their creation, it was a thing of beauty.  However, from the Taioi's life-giving fruit, came the demons.  Demons were much like the gods, in that they were being of completely one type of energy.  However, unlike the gods, who created, these demons rose up from the core of M'tera to destroy that which the gods had created, and taint the Taioi.[/size]

[size=4][b]A[/b]ngered, the gods set out to destroy these demons.  They created the first dragon, Proti to fight the demons.  Proti tore the Taioi out of the groud, and raised it high into the sky, where no demon could reach it, thus creating the heavens & the void.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/4rylrQe.png][/imagefloat]W[/b]hile Proti's might was great, he would not be able to stop the seemingly infinite stream of demons coming from below.  Proti pleaded with the Taioi for help, and was granted with the gift of Magic.  Through the Taioi, Proti could control the energy of the world, much like the gods.  He was able to quickly destroy the demons below, and issue in peace on M'tera.[/size]

[size=4][b]P[/b]roti was imperfect as a creation.  When Proti was created, the gods took a body made entirely of black energy, and a soul entirely out of white.  The soul was Proti's essence.  All of Proti's thoughts, feelings, & desires were stored within this soul.  The body was Proti's way to interact with the world.  Proti became a physical being, rather than a spiritual one.  However the soul used Proti's body as a sort of fuel.  Eventually, Proti's body withered away, and died.The gods took Proti's soul and placed it within a new Body: [url='http://orig15.deviantart.net/4399/f/2009/202/5/3/anima__angelus__dragon_by_wen_m.jpg']Defterian[/url].  This new body was given special care, and made with an inner shielding to prevent the soul from burning away the body.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/GCHgCca.png][/imagefloat]S[/b]oon, a powerful demon rose from the depths of M'tera. A demon known as [url='http://i.imgur.com/IcrmjlI.jpg']Skotadi[/url].  From his body spawned many lesser demons, and four extremely powerful demons: [url='http://pre13.deviantart.net/d0aa/th/pre/f/2009/167/a/6/demon_ogre_wip_by_genci.jpg']Gula[/url], [url='http://pre14.deviantart.net/3d79/th/pre/f/2010/041/7/d/lilith_by_genzoman.jpg']Cruor[/url], [url='http://www.flash-screen.com/free-wallpaper/uploads/201010/thus/1287034470.jpg']Denthan[/url], & [url='http://fotonin.com/data_images/out/6/786327-demon-wallpaper.jpg']Apsycho[/url].  The four created three of the four black magic schools: Blood Magic, Affliction, & Necromancy to aid them in the coming battle.  Through a long war between the Dragons & the Demons, Skotadi was sealed away, in the core of M'tera.  While the Demon king was now locked away from the world, his influence was not.[/size]

[size=4][b]I[/b]n need of an army to face down this growing demon threat, the gods created mortals.  Humans were the first.  The gods created humans to be intelligent, resourceful, & resilient.  Humans were used as the basis for the other races, and as such could interbreed with them.  Humans lived in large cities and small towns all around M'tera.  Elves came second.  Granted magical prowess, and skill with the bow, these people made up the army's back line.  Elves lived in M'tera's forest.  After elves came the Dwarves.  The Dwarves were given intelligence that far surpassed any of the other mortal races, alongside a body that was highly resistant to toxins and disease.  Dwarves could experiment to their heart's content without worry of sickness, and find ways to better the army, [imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/Pvo5GrC.png][/imagefloat]and lived in huge underground kingdoms known as fogreath.  After that came the beastkin, mortals with claws & fangs with heightened senses of smell and the ability to quickly learn any language.  The last race to be created was the Orcs.  Orcs were created as brutish savages, meant to face down a demon with it's equivalent.  One Orc could easily best 3 Humans.  Orcs were not hospitable to the other races, and isolated themselves on the island of Zew-Hau-See.[/size]

[size=4][b]E[/b]ven without the backing of Skotadi, the four demon generals were too powerful for the Gods' army to defeat.  Apsycho raped an elven woman, blackening her soul and filling her with malice.  This malice spread from her to everyone she came into contact with, and evil was birthed into all mortals.  With evil in their hearts, the demons tempted the mortals with promise of power, pleasure, and everlasting life.  While not all Mortals succumbed, many betrayed their kin, and their makers in favor of the demons.  In cases where a mortal's soul became fully engulfed by evil, they themselves would "fall" and become demons, never to return to mortal life again.  Even the gods could not cleanse these souls of black.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/jRaGBav.png][/imagefloat]E[/b]ach of the four Demon generals laid a curse on mortalkind.  Cruor sought to enthrall all mortals through their desire. Her favorite thrall, Vampyr was to be given a new body as a reward for his continued "service" to her.  However, Vampyr was foolish, and greedily sought out other maidens.  While Cruor was furious, how dare a mere mortal try to deceive her.  She cursed Vampyr's new body and gave it to him, unbeknownst to him.  The body was indeed stronger than his previous one, and did not age.  But this new body's power came at a price.  Firstly: it required blood to survive, and drove Vampyr mad seeking it out.  As it hungered more and more, the body would become repulsive and grotesque, driving away the same maidens Vampyr had betrayed Cruor to be with.  The second part of the curse was that Vampyr would react adversely to the light of the sun.  He would weaken, and his senses would wain from it's light.  The longer Vampyr lived in this body, the more frequently he hungered, and the worse the effects of the sun would become.  Finally, for anyone he slept with, hey would also bear this curse, their body being tainted and becoming a "Vampire".  Cruor could even bend the will of any Vampire she pleased, creating a horde of enslaved mortals for her to command, and this too became easier for her to do, the longer a mortal was a vampire.[/size]

[b][size=5][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/na8uDRe.png][/imagefloat][/b]D[/size][/b][size=4]enthan's curse turned mortals into Liches, powerful beings who would be [/size]resurrected[size=4] upon being killed.  Mortals who showed an aptitude for killing would be visited by the Archdemon himself, and given the powers of a Lich.  A lich retained its status as long as it could supply Denthan with two souls per death.  The most powerful Lich becomes the Lich king, gaining partial access to Denthan's power, the Lich King casually casts powerful spells to further add to Denthan's power.  A Lich King's soul is bound to an object, and will [/size]resurrect indefinitely[size=4] unless that object is broken.[/size]

[size=4][b]D[/b]enthan can also take the life of a Lich at will, to subsitute for his own.  If Denthan was to Die, his soul would jump to the body of a Lich and steal its life, allowing Denthan to evade death.  This does significantly weaken him, however.  As he loses his accumulated souls in the process.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/2FvGuYT.png][/imagefloat]G[/b]ula's curse was a deal made with a tribe of Elves.  A foolish and resentful clan leader names Ne'Hein sought to make her clan the supreme clan of all elves, and wanted a powerful bloodline.  So she dealt with Gula, who promised her clan inborn access to the schools of Black Magic, and a bloodline that would overturn any other elven bloodline.  All elves with even a sliver of blood from the clan of Ne' would have skin that progressively darkened to a pale gray as they used their inborn gifts, as a way to show their lineage to clan Ne'.  This was the birth of the Dark Elves.  In exchange, all souls of elves born to clan Ne' would be given to Gula upon death.  Ne'Hein was foolish & overconfident, and believed that access to these dark arts would give her clan enough power to defeat the Demons, and avoid the cost of their souls.  Gravely underestimating his power, Ne'Hein was the first to fall, and Gula personally came to feast upon her soul.  Humans & Elves alike have since shunned Dark Elves, for fear that their offspring would meet an awful fate at the hands of a demon.[/size]

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/x4u1c5G.png][/imagefloat]A[/b]psycho's curse was that of evil, causing mortals to become that which they were created to fight.  The elven woman he raped, Ne'Fae gave birth to his demon spawn: [url='http://i.imgur.com/ZHii5X0.jpg']Ne'Khross[/url].  Ne'Khross was a half-demon, the first of his kind.  Upon his birth, he murdered his mother and devoured her soul.  He quickly grew into a powerful demon, becoming the fifth Demon general, and creating the final school of black magic: Soul magic.  Soul magic allowed Ne'Khross to tear a soul from its body, and manipulate it, attack it, or even destroy it.[/size]

[size=4][b]T[/b]he mortals were not completely lost, however.  Despite all that demons tried, most mortals were steadfast in their opposition to these vile creatures.  A human named Arkhon, and his seven siblings in war, Enas, Defteros, Tria, Tessera, Pemte,  Exi, & Epta lead the armies against the demons.  The dragons forged Arkhon the [url='http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512011217/monsterhunter/images/5/50/2ndGen-Great_Sword_Render_004.png']demonsbane[/url] from their bones and scales.  The weapon was a sword, the first of it's kind.  Being made of dragonbone and dragonscale, it had the power of the dragons within it.  With this blade in hand, & siblings by his side, Arkhon went on to fight against the demons.[/size]

[size=4][b][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/qsvW3bz.png[/imagefloat]][/imagefloat][/b]A[/b]t the beginning of the war, the mortals seemed to be winning.  With Arkhon leading them, they were able to severely push back the demonic hordes and it even seemed as if the mortals would win this war.  Until, that is, Ne'Khross freed Skotadi from is imprisonment through the use of Chaos Magic, the same type of magic Apsycho inadvertently used to create his "Curse of Evil".  Chaos magic outright defied the gods and their laws, allowing impossibilities to become possible.  Chaos magic drains the user, and if used by a non-demon, completely blackens their soul.  Skotadi turned the tide of the war, effortlessly and mindlessly killing mortals and beasts alike.  However, upon the 100,000th death, the Gods gathered up the souls on M'tera and harnessed their power, materializing on the planet in a [url='http://img10.deviantart.net/23cf/i/2011/278/6/3/angel_of_death_by_dvdgod-d4bwv3i.jpg']vessel[/url].  The Gods engaged Skotadi in combat, while the remaining mortals fought against the five generals.[/size]

[size=4][b][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/VLnK03h.png][/imagefloat][/b]A[/b]fter a long, grueling battle that lasted weeks, Apsycho & Denthan fell in combat to Arkhon.  Cruor and Gula retreated to realms they created using Chaos Magic.  Skotadi and the Gods were stalemated, and neither could effectively kill the The gods were forced to seal he & Ne'Khross away, never to be seen again.'
A[/b]rkhon died in combat, becomming the legendary hero of Miterra.  The Races parted ways to live out their lives.  Frigore was left mostly uninhabited, as it was inhospitable to all but the various beasts who had grown to survive in its harsh climate.  The Dwarves returned to the underground, and the Elves to the forests.  Humans populated the lands, forming huge empires that spanned the continents.

[size=4][b][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/tVnSSXP.png] [/imagefloat]T[/b]he Dragons were amazed by mortal tenacity, and in tribute to them, created the [url='https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/6d/52/8a6d529ad74c3cd4eadccff654218a04.jpg']Saurians[/url] in their honor.  The Saurians were gifted with knowledge comparable to that of the Dragons, giving them enhanced magical abilities.  Saurians typically wander M'tera in search of the dragons, who had mostly migrated to the heavens.[/size]

[b][size=5]P[/size][/b][size=4]eace on M'tera was fleeting, however.  The Orcs soon waged war against their mortal [/size]brethren[size=4], fueled by an inborn desire for combat, they sought to slay all that lay before them.  The Orcs were winning the war, until Defterian [/size]intervened, stripping the Orcs of their ability to utilize magic, and turning the tide of the war.  The Orcs were pushed back to Zew-Hau-See, where most remain to this day[size=4].[/size]


Content For Tab B.


[url='http://i.imgur.com/MuyR5p8.png']Ora Isles[/url]

[url='http://i.imgur.com/wiXmbo6.jpg']Fogreath (Underground)[/url]
*Frigore is uninhabited, and unmapped due to extremely cold temperatures.


Content For Tab B.



Lifespan: 60 to 75 years[/b]
The most abundant and prominent race on Mitterra. Known for their intelligence, tenacity, and overall adaptability, humans are the most successful race in terms of sheer numbers.  Humans are able to breed with Elves, Dwarves, & Orcs and bear Halfling children.

Being the most diverse race on Mitterra, humans are further classified into three main races.

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/GEzmN8X.png] [/imagefloat]•[b]Frigan
Average size: 5'6" - 6'4"
Average weight: 150 - 200lbs[/b]
Burly humans who hailed from the northern regions of Mitterra.  They are typically large, and have fair skin & hair.  Frigans are well adapted to life in a cold climate, and have historically been able to survive for a very long time on limited resources.  Hailed as powerful warriors, Frigans are almost always found in any combat situation, and command the battlefield accordingly with Heavy armor and weaponry.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR +2, VIT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]DEX-1[/color])[/b][/size]

Average size: 5'10" - 6'5"
Average weight: 140 - 170lbs[/b]
Tall, Dark skinned humans from the south.  They are normally taller than Frigans, but not nearly as filled out.  The sourthern region of Mitterra from which they came was extremely hot, and constant sun exposure created a natural bias towards darker, sun-resistant skin & hair.  Historically, the Ora were a mostly Pirate race, seeking out riches on the seas.  Ora are naturally gifted with charisma, and can easily talk their ways into or out of trouble.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]INT +1[/color])[/b]

Average size: 5'8" - 6'0"
Average weight: 150 - 180lbs[/b]
Somewhat smaller humans that lived in Mitterra's central regions.  They have a happy medium of traits from both the Frigans and the Ora.  Accipitae from the north have traits that more closely resemble Frigans, while those from the south will have traits that are reminiscent of the Ora.  Accipitae are not as well suited for combat, but tend to make excellent mages and thieves, and are the only Humans with inborn magical talents.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +1, MAG +1, INT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]VIT -1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]



[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/p1JahNo.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'6" - 5'8"
Average weight: 100 - 140lbs
Lifespan: 100 to 130 years[/b]
Elves are very similar to humans, except they are smaller in size, lighter fram, and long pointed ears.  Elves normally reside in small, semi-normadic clans in the forest, or in nearly exclusively elvish neighborhoods in large cities. Elves are known for their pinpoint accuracy with ranged weapons, and their expertise at surviving in the wilderness. They are also highly magically inclined.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX +2, MAG +2[/color], [color=#ff0000]STR -1, VIT -1[/color])[/b]

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/BgOl965.png][/imagefloat]•[b]Dark Elf[/b]
The Dark Elf race is a result of a curse placed onto clan Ne' before recorded time.  All Dark Elves have inborn knowledge of Dark magic and are further magically gifted beyond normal Elves.  When a Dark elf dies, the Demon General Gula steals their soul and devours it, adding to his ever-growing power.  A Dark Elf looks identical to a normal elf  at birth, but through the use of their inborn gifts their skin will darken to a grey-purple color, and heir hair will lose it's pigmentation.  Dark elves who display these traits are typically hated and may be hunted for being witches/warlocks.
[b](Inborn access to Dark Magic)
([color=#00ff00]DEX +2, MAG +3[/color], [color=#ff0000]VIT -2[/color])[/b]

Average size: 5'8" - 5'11"
Average weight: 140 - 160lbs
Lifespan: 90 to 110 years[/b]
An elf-human cross.  Known for being being extremely beautiful, half-elves retain both the flexibility and durability of heir parents.  As with all halflings, half-elves can only breed with humans, elves, or other half-elves.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX+1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG +1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ZxmlY5k.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 4'3" - 4'6"
Average weight: 90 - 110lbs
Lifespan: 80 to 90 years[/b]
Dwarves have a natural ability to dispel blood toxins more quickly. Alcohol, poison, even radiation affect dwarves at a slower rate than Humans or Elves.  Dwarves have a knack for understanding technology, and have historically been at the forefront of science and development.  They live in underground cities known as Fogreath, and commonly make a living as merchants and escorts through the underground.
[b]([color=#00ff00]INT+2, VIT+2[/color], [color=#ff0000]STR-1, DEX-1[/color])[/b]


Average size: 4'6" - 5'4"
Average weight: 100 - 140lbs
Lifespan: 70 to 80 years[/b]
A dwarf-human cross.  Retaining the toxin-resistance of the dwarves, without the loss of dexterity.  As with all halflings, half-dwarves can only breed with humans, dwarves, or other half-dwarves.
[b]([color=#00ff00]VIT+1, INT+1[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ejDSd60.png] [/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'6" - 6'0"[/b][/left]

[b]Average weight: 130 - 180lbs
Lifespan: 30 - 40 years[/b]
Beastkin are wild, beast-like mortals.  They have tails, fangs, claws, and refined senses of hearing & smell.  Beastkin live in packs led by an "Alpha", whoever is the strongest member of the pack.  Beastkin have thick, leathery skin that allows them to take glancing blows much more effectively.  Beastkin are known for being the fasted race on Miterra, and for having a particular talent for learning languages.  Nearly hunted to extinction by the Frigans, the beastkin are the only race on Miterra that is less common than their halfling counterparts.  Beastkin are covered in fur all over their bodies that they may shave to blend in more seamlessly with human society and hopefully attract a mate.  Beastkin have litters of 4-6 at a time.
[b]([color=#00ff00]DEX+3, VIT[/color] [color=#00ff00]+ 1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG -1, INT -1[/color])

[indent][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/uzBWEft.png]  [/imagefloat]•[b]Half-Beastkin
Average size: 5'4" - 5'8"
Average weight: 110 - 160lbs
Lifespan: 40 - 60 years[/b]
The child of a Beastkin & a Human, a Half-Beastkin retains the claws, tail, fangs, and senses of their full-bred counterpart, and is much less furry.  Half-beastkin are even better than normal beastkin at understanding languages, though not nearly as suited for combat.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 DEX +1 VIT[/color], [color=#ff0000]-1 MAG[/color])[/b][/indent]

[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/xA0iTjR.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 6'0" - 6'6"
Average weight: 180 - 240lbs
Lifespan: 70 - 90 years[/b]
Orcs are large, semi-tribal people. Orcs stake out a territory, and refuse to leave it.  Orcs are characterized by their snaggletoothed, green-skinned appearance.  They are heavily classist and are only given the opportunity to change social class once a year. Orcs are notoriously arrogant, and commonly refuse to deal with non-orcs.  Orcs hate the weak, and seek to strengthen their race by only allowing the strong to survive and reproduce.  The Gods cut their ability to use Magic, to prevent them from overpowering the other mortals.  While some Orcs can understand Magic, none can manipulate magical energy.  Orcs age relatively quickly, and rarely live life until their bodies give out.  Orcs have litters of 6-10 at a time.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR+5, VIT +2[/color], [color=#ff0000]INT -2, Cannot use Magi[/color]c)[/b]

[indent][left][size=4][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/q5S5k5J.png][/imagefloat]•[b]Half orc
Average size: 5'10" - 6'4"
Average weight: 170 - 210lbs
Lifespan: 70 - 80 Years[/b]
Half Orcs are seldom seen, and almost never cared for.  Most humans aren't attracted to Orcs, and their cultures seldom collide.  The most common way that Half-Orcs are born is through the rape of human women taken as slaves when they wound up in Orc Territory.  These children are shunned and abused in both Orcish and Human culture.  Humans see them as abominations, products of heinous acts by a savage people.  Orcs see them as weaklings, and not true Orcs.  A Half-Orc is fully matured by 16, and is lucky to make it that far.  Unlike their Orc parents, Half-Orcs can learn magic, but are not typically very gifted in the art.
[b]([color=#00ff00]STR +3, VIT +1[/color], [color=#ff0000]MAG -2[/color])[/b][/size][/left]


[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/Yx02nEK.png][/imagefloat][b]Average size: 5'9" - 6'8"
Average weight: 160 - 250lbs
Lifespan: 150 - 200 Years[/b]
Saurians are large, reptilian people, created by the Dragons in honor of their respect for Mortals. Saurians are known to live in cities, and nomadic tribes. Many Saurians, tribal or civilized believe that they are the direct descendants of dragons, and retain the intelligence and Magical gifts of their creators. They are normally fluent in the old tongue, and live lengthy lives.  They stay in their prime from about age 20 to age 150.  Saurians are unable to breed with humans, but are also highly resistant or even immune to most diseases that plague the other races.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 MAG, +1 INT[/color], [color=#ff0000]-1 DEX[/color])[/b]

[imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/dSlpnXd.png][/imagefloat]Lifespan: Biologically Immortal
While not a true Race, Vamprism affects nearly every Race on M'tera.  All mortal races aside from Saurians can fall victim to this curse, blessing their bodies with enhanced abilities, at the price of requiring blood to sustain themselves, and having sunlight & restoration magic become lethal.  Vamprism progresses over time and gets stronger.  A fledgling vampire's body won't be nearly as enhanced as a master vampire's, however where a fledgling may simply find that restoration magic and sunlight simply drain them, a master may burst into flames upon contact.  However, many vampires have come up with spells to help them combat this, be it through possession of a mortal, or projecting illusions of themselves over distances, powerful vampires are not so hindered that the daytime is safe from their gaze. There is currently no known cure for vamprism.
[b]([color=#00ff00]+2 STR, +2 DEX, +2 MAG[/color], [color=#ff0000]Sunlight & Restoration Magic are harmful.  Will Go mad without blood.[/color])
*Vampire Boosts stack with Racial Boosts[/b]

[b]Racial Notes[/b]
[spoiler]•[b]Orcish[/b] children are known as Goblins.  Goblins come in litters of 3 - 5, and age into Mature Orcs in about 10 years.  Orcs stay in their adult phase until they are about 50.  Most orcs fall in combat before this time, or are killed for being cowards.  An Orc who reaches the third phase of their life will go through a second puberty, maturing into an Ogre .  Ogres are revered as God-Kings by Orcs, and reside away from the tribes, secluded away in the wild.  Ogre's needs are tended to by the closest, neighboring village.  When it comes time for an Ogre to die, they will issue a challenge to a nearby King, and set sail with a clan of Orcs.  The King is given fair warning of the incoming attack, and time to evacuate his people.  When the Orcs arrive, and the war horn is blown, they storm the settlement and kill everyone left.  This will continue until someone kills the Ogre.  At which point, the Orcs stop fighting, take the Ogres remains, and set them off in a burning ship at sea.
•[b]Elven[/b] names are based on two parts: the clan name, followed by the personal name & separated by an apostrophe.  For example the name Xl'Tera.  The clan name is "Xl", and the personal name is "Tera".  Elves historically lived in a matriarchal society, with the wises female leading her clan, and males who joined the clan taking on the clan name of their mate.  To address an Elf by only their personal name is the greatest insult one can issue to an elf.  To them it's the equivalent of claiming that they are unworthy of their mother, from whom they receive their clan name.
•Pure [b]Elves[/b] & [b]Dark Elves[/b] have no pupils.
•A "strange" trait of [b]Dwaves[/b] is their facial hair.  A dwarf's facial hair grows at a highly accelerated rate, even in females.  This results in extravagant beard on both dwarven men & women.  Dwarves create new family names upon marriage, deeming each pair it's own unit.  Dwarven children retain this family name until they too marry.
•[b]Half-Dwarven[/b] females generally don't have beards.
•[b]Half-Elves[/b] with human mothers are typically raised with humans customs, while those with Elven mothers are typically raised with Elven customs.
•Some races on Mitterra has a native tongue based on real-world languages.
•[b]Frigan[/b] language is based on Swedish & Russian.
•[b]Ora[/b] language is based on Spanish and Hatian Creole.
•[b]Accipitae[/b] language is the common tongue: English.
•[b]Dwarven[/b] language is based on Finnish & Irish.
•[b]Elven[/b] language is based on Latin & Japanese.
•[b]Orcish[/b] language is based on German and Arabic.
•[b]Dragon[/b], & [b]Saurian[/b] languages are based on Phonetic Greek.  This is known as the "Old Tongue"
[b]All races[/b] speak the Common tongue: English.[/spoiler]



[size=2][i]This list is not all-inclusive.  We can add to it![/i][/size][/left]

[url='http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc155/Otton_Carlos/Breath of Fire/wyvern.jpg']Wyvern[/url] - [/b]Commonly mistaken for Dragons, Wyverns are highly intelligent, bipedal beasts.  Male wyverns collect shiny objects and horde them to attract mates.  Wyverns are highly territorial and protective of their young.  They reach sizes of up to 20 feet long, and 9 feet tall.



[spoiler][imagefloat=left][img=http://i.imgur.com/ykpRj9R.png][/imagefloat][b][color=red]Primal: [/color][/b] Primal magic allows the user to command the physical elements of the world, including but not limited to: Fire, Water, Electricity, Earth, and Air.  One of the most commonly used forms of magic.

[b][color=yellow]Restoration: [/color][/b]Restoration is a straightforward school of magic.  It can be used to restore damaged objects to their natural state.  Restoration magic can heal injuries, repair buildings, and reverse some effects of Black Magic.  Vampires, and the Undead are harmed by restoration magic, rather than healed.  The most commonly used form of magic.

[b][color=#00c821]Illusion: [/color][/b]Illusion magic works by tricking the target's senses and causing them to see/hear/feel/taste/smell/sense something that isn't actually there.  Skilled illusionists can even trick a target's brain into believing it's dead, however this is extremely high-level forbidden magic.  Illusion magic is commonly used among thieves & assassins.

[color=blue][b]Arcanum: [/b][/color]Arcanum involves the use of mana as a physical form create objects, weapons, and armor.  Arcanum is one of the most difficult forms of Magic to master, as controlling raw mana as a physical object is extremely difficult.

[b][color=indigo]Conjuration: [/color][/b]Conjuration spells allow the user to teleport people and objects from one place to another.  This works in two parts: The tag and the beacon.  The tag is a spell cast on the object to be moved.  Each tag is crafted specifically to work with a corresponding beacon.  The beacon is a spell cast on the location where the object is to be teleported to.  Most large cities have beacons, and can be used for fast transport between them.

[color=#B8860B][b]Draconics: [/b][/color]Draconics are the strongest form of conventional magic.  Draconics will void out all other forms of magic they come into contact with, and their effects cannot be reversed through magical means.  Draconics represent absolute force and the absolute law of the universe.[/spoiler]

[align=center][b][size=7]Black Magic[/size][/b][/align]

[b][color=darkred]Blood Magic:[/color][/b] The usage of Blood as a substitute for mana, allowing mages cast more spells in a smaller amount of time.  Spells cast through Blood Magic have their power amped.  Blood magic combined with arcanum can be used to solidify and weaponize blood.  Created by  the Demon General Cruor.

[b][color=darkblue]Soul Magic: [/color][/b]Soul magic allows the user to remove the soul from the body.  They can then attack, destroy, and manipulate the soul.  Soul magic is very costly to use, and normally ends up destroying the user's soul in the process.  For demons this isn't a problem, as they can simply tribute one of the souls they've absorbed, but for mortals...  Created by the Demon General Ne'Khross

[b][color=#d500c3]Necromancy:[/color][/b] Necromancy allows the users to reanimate dead bodies.  The undead are soulless, and enthralled to the caster.  Necromancy [u]cannot[/u] truly resurrect a dead individual, without soul magic supplemening it.  Created by the Demon General Denthan

[b][color=olive]Affliction:[/color][/b] Affliction, Created by the Demon General Gula, places curses on objects and people.  Curses are bound by the rules they are set with, and are the most commonly used form of Black magic.

[b]Chaos:[/b] Chaos Magic is the only form of Magic with no set rules.  Chaos magic will instantly blacken it's user's soul, though most who understand how to cast it are already demons.  The first use of chaos magic was by Apsycho, in his curse of evil, permanently tainting mortals beyond the power of the gods to cleanse.  Chaos magic defies the god's laws, and can bend the very fabric of space and time.  Highly Unstable.



Content For Tab B.

Content For Tab B.

Can I use Magic as an Orc?
[b]Only through the Aid of a demon, and Demons only aid the wicked.[/b]
That's the one!

Thank you so much!
Of course! Just remember to fix the center code in the magic tab. We keep it real simple here in terms of coding, so there's no need for align= or anything like that. That's probably what ended up messing up. C:

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