Underworld and Elements


One Thousand Club
So, hrmph. I've seen yet another thread about Underworld DBs somewhere else, and there were people (including me) who said if there will be DBs natural to the Underworld, they should have reflected elements assigned to them, as per Solar and Abyssal Castes...

...given that that notion is correct, that Underworld has its own elements, will it have Elemental Poles? Never really read too much about the Underworld...
No, the Underworld has no poles, and no true elements.

Basically, it works like this:

When the Underworld first came into being, it was empty. There was the Pit, and surrounding it was an infinite plane of hazy nothingness. In time, ghosts started to appear, and with them they brought memories of Creation. These memories started to coalesce, and the featurlessness of the Underworld began to take shape into a mirror of Creation. Beyond the borders of this, however, there are no Elemental Poles and no Wyld, just more nothing*.

* Yes, I understand that the concept of more nothing is a spurious one. Don't think too hard about it.
Ah, I see now. So, the elements assigned to Abyssal castes aren't really real, I assume... This actually clarified a lot about my confusions about the Underworld. Wonder how I missed something so significant. :roll:
So, hrmph. I've seen yet another thread about Underworld DBs somewhere else, and there were people (including me) who said if there will be DBs natural to the Underworld, they should have reflected elements assigned to them, as per Solar and Abyssal Castes...
...given that that notion is correct, that Underworld has its own elements, will it have Elemental Poles? Never really read too much about the Underworld...
I'm assuming by DBs you mean Dragon-Blooded (I'm new to the forums, please correct me if I am wrong). From what I've read in the Abyssal book, there are no native DBs in the Underworld, and not a lot of DB ghosts either. In the Immaculate order, their preaching makes it hard to resist Lethe, so to create a DB ghost is a very uncommon thing. In fact, I believe it said the lands in the Underworld that mirror the Blessed Isle (because the entire underworld is kind of a mirror of creation now) there are hardly any ghosts to be found at all. And of course, the DB won't have the same abilities in life because he is now a ghost.

And again. if you didn't mean Dragon-blooded then I'm totally off. :D
Yes, DBs are Dragon-Blooded.  The thread at hand is a hypothetical situation, as are many of the threads here on the Exalted Compendium Redux.

And, as you most likely don't know this yet, common ettiquette is against posting to a thread that is more than a month old.

We tend to call it 'necro-posting' and taunt you incessantly over it.

If you have any new questions or questions in reference to an ancient thread, please just post a new thread in whatever area you consider to be most fitting.

Have fun and enjoy your stay.
There are not seperate Dragonblooded elements for the Underworld. However, Dragonblooded raised in shadowlands sometimes develop a connection to Necromancy instead of Sorcery, as mentioned in the Black Treatise. Outside of generally paler and more death-like anima banners, and the ability to use a form of magic Dragonblooded are normally incapable of in place of that which usually comes more naturally, they are no different than other Dragonblooded mechanically. A Fire aspect is still aspected to fire, etc.
Why can't you post into a thread which is older than a month when you found out something new about the topic? Stupid concept in my opinion.
If something's on the first page of its board, there's no reason to make a new thread for it.  If the rules contradict that, then they should change 'cause that's totally lame.

And, Carrion, if you enforce lame rules, we'll "incessantly" taunt you.
My apologies.

1) I didn't check the date before I posted.

2) I didn't realize some of the mods on this forums were Schutzstaffel.

Hell, he's not a mod. He's just a bully.

I think this discussion thankfully evaded the so-called "Avengers", someone's badly written suggestion for Underworld Dragonbloods. At least they tried, I suppose.

Something about a "Pyre-flame Caste" enchants me, though..

Pain and Pleasure: get your pyre-flame red-jade essence bong today.

Call 1850-STEAM50 and quote "Gold Membership 45" to the switchboard operative to avail of a 15% discount!
Ahnya said:
My apologies.
1) I didn't check the date before I posted.

2) I didn't realize some of the mods on this forums were Schutzstaffel.
Okay my online translator is funky.
It said something about a protection relay...

Sounds like a security device. :?

So, I have no clue what I was just called, but I probably deserved it.

I forgive you for your rulez lawyering, Ker'ion. I think forgiveness isn't given enough on this board. :)
Samiel said:
I forgive you for your rulez lawyering, Ker'ion. I think forgiveness isn't given enough on this board. :)
And here I didn't realize I was a rules lawyer.  Must be from hanging around EM so much.
Not to beat a dead-horse...  But I like how dead DB's have NOTHING in the underworld (or damn near nothing).  HAH!  Bet you regret not having ancestor cults now!!!  Speaking of dead-horse...  Can you bury another, mine seems to be running thin.   :twisted:
Perhaps. But those that do what they are supposed to don't stay around and follow their proper role, going straight into Lethe and to their next life. those who remain among the dead are acting against their place in the Celestial order.

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