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Fandom UNDERTALE - Your choice (Looking!)

Selina says "P-Please Be my Dad Again I-I need one now more then ever" she sarts crying into his Hoodie

For some reason, her eye-patch was just. Gone. She couldn't find it. She couldn't let ANYONE see her eye. She covered it up with her hand. She returned to Waterfall. She decided, for Papyrus's sake, that she'd fight the group of humans in her form that Absolutely NO ONE knew about. She smirked. She put on another eye-patch, then started back to the Graveyard.
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On top, and I mean the very top, of the mountain lies a gigantic laboratory, hidden by the trees that surround the entire hill. And inside of that laboratory is a new character who goes by the name of Jacker Lantern.... He's a pumpkin, how suprising.

Jacker was walking around, taking ahold of multiple objects and putting them on his work table which contained many inventions inside of it's drawers, unless it was a big invention like the Reaper Shuts. He was working on a device that would allow him to create a forcefield around the mountain and stop unwanted visitors from stepping foot into this place. "Where's my lazy brother, I wonder...." Was all he said while working.

She ended up in Hotland. "Darn. I might've taken a wrong turn, I'll look around for an exit." And with that... 5 minutes later, she was in the Core. "Oh my freaking GOD! I guess I'm losing my sense of direction..."


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"I should hurry up with this invention. I don't want more humans, especially the ones with bad intentions, to come here. We had enough disasters." The pumpkin humanoid said as he kept working on his invention, changing tools from time to time and putting back pieces to create it.
The two mechanical children wandered around snowdin aimlessly, LA1ne-8 stopped walking. Paige suddenly asked "W-whats wrong?" LA1ne-8 turned around replied to Paige "how long have you been down here?" they said with a dead serious tone. Paige was nervous from LA1ne-8's dead serious toned voice "U-um, a-about five days s-since i fell d-down here." LA1ne-8 nodded their head. LA1ne-8 calmly said "lucky for you they haven't found you." Paige suddenly wondered "T-they? W-whose they?" LA1ne-8 looked at the ground "the guards. the royal guards to be exact."
The pumpkin looks confused when he reaches for his tools table.... There's nothing there. "Great.... I will have to go underground and get the last material necessary to build this, and it's at the CORE. This will be a long walk." He said before walking up to the exit and putting on his lab coat and right after that leaving to the CORE.
After a very long while Jacker was right at the entrance of the CORE and upon approaching Alphy's lab he used his hand to knock the door. "Hey Alphys, are you there?" He asked, expecting a response.
Gaster teleported to the door of the lab and asked Jacker "Hello? who Are You? Who is Alphys?" he thought why was he near my lab (at this point he has no knowledge of Alphys) he summons a Gaster Blaster Behind Jacker and Says in a dark voice "Why are you here..."

@Theknight9 @xXMulanrose3Xx

Completely unaware of what was going on at the at the Lab, Undyne began looking around, finding what looked like Mettaton's door.


"I don't really like that Guy. But I do admire his lifestyle."

Undyne shrugged, knocking on the door.

xXMulanrose3Xx said:

Completely unaware of what was going on at the at the Lab, Undyne began looking around, finding what looked like Mettaton's door.


"I don't really like that Guy. But I do admire his lifestyle."

Undyne shrugged, knocking on the door.


Mettaton was in low power mode. "Napping" if you will. He heard a sudden knock on the door to his room.

Alphys, darling, what do you need now? I need to charge before my next couple shows tomorrow and frankly want to be left alone for a while." His metallic voice was heard through the pink door with a darker pink heart on it. He got up and turned on the light, his metal boots clanking on the floor as he walked, and opened the door only to see Undyne there. "Oh, you. What do you want and why are you here." He said with a slightly disappointed expression and a little confused.

"Well... Papyrus is dead... And my eyepatch went missing so I went to get another one, Then ended up here by accident, and I need to know how to get out of the Core." Undyne rambled, tearing up at the mention of Papyrus's name.

Sans had a sudden realization. He turned to Gaster. "They didn't SAVE... after they killed papyrus. So, when they reset, he'll come back."
Gaster left the Lab and back to sans and says to Sans "i'm sorry Sans They can't reset without the other Humans" he looks at Sans "Papyrus may be gone for good Selina is still on Sans Crying

*Selina has lost the will to live (not gonna die)

xXMulanrose3Xx said:

"Well... Papyrus is dead... And my eyepatch went missing so I went to get another one, Then ended up here by accident, and I need to know how to get out of the Core." Undyne rambled, tearing up at the mention of Papyrus's name.

Mettaton's face turned into a more sad expression. "Oh dear...I'm...sorry to hear that...He was my favorite of the 2 brothers with his charming personality and we e-even had dating practice and...Oh I'm getting off topic, so sure I can help you out of here." He said walking out and more to the door outside into hotland/core.

And how have you lost your beloved signature eyepatch, stylish?" He asked as the door opened and he looked more casual than usual.
Selina has just bolted out of snowdin and literally run into Mettaton falling down the teen Skeleton cries on the ground in front of the Robot she holds a piece of fabric from Papyrus' scarf she looks up and Mettaton and says "s-sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to!" she sounds frantic as if she expects to be punished

LA1ne-8 and Paige saw a female skeleton rushing off somewhere. LA1ne-8 got curious "Hmm. i wonder where she's going? Let's go follow where she went!" LA1ne-8 took a few steps, but Paige held LA1ne-8 by the shoulder "I-i d-dont think we s-should follow her." LA1ne-8 turned around and asked "why not?" Paige replied nervously "W-well... we might g-get into trouble if we f-follow." LA1ne-8 ignored Paige's advice, and proceeds to run with blinding speed to where they saw the skeleton. (despite being weighted 1 ton) Paige was surprised, when she saw LA1ne-8's speed. She shouted "H-hey! wait f-for me!" Paige ran after LA1ne-8 with a speed as Laine's but slower but she can still catch up with the android. the two raced out all across snowdin. [media]

xXMulanrose3Xx said:

"It was kinda.. Gone. I don't know how." Undyne said, shrugging while covering her eye with the light beaming out of it.

GasterBlasterMaster said:
Selina has just bolted out of snowdin and literally run into Mettaton falling down the teen Skeleton cries on the ground in front of the Robot she holds a piece of fabric from Papyrus' scarf she looks up and Mettaton and says "s-sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to!" she sounds frantic as if she expects to be punished
Mettaton turned his head as he felt his body bump something only to reveal that another skeleton was there. He inspected her closer and saw a piece of Papyrus' scarf in her hand. Mettaton wanted answers immediately.

Who are you? Why are you here in front of me? Why do you have Papyrus' scarf from that dazzling outfit?" He asked quickly, putting his hands to his hips and bending down with a very angry expression. He switched looks between Undyne and this other skeleton.

Who would even want to kill Papyrus?"

"It's ok Mettaton, this is his neice, she didnt kill him" She said, taking her hand off her eye for a moment, and at the moment, both Mettaton and Selina saw the light Shoot out of her empty eye, then Undyne covered it up quickly.


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LA1ne-8 finally reached hotland. LA1ne-8 saw a bunch monsters. LA1ne-8 stopped running and stood still to watched the monsters talk. Paige was really far behind, she finally reached LA1ne-8 "T-there you a-are!" she said normally without even breaking a sweat. LA1ne-8 whispered "shush! Paige. we can get caught!" Paige turned her head to where Laine was looking at and saw monsters talking, one that seems to look like robot, a skeleton and a fish-like monster. the two stood in a distance.
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