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Fandom Undertale/Undertale AU 19+ doubling friendly


Unlucky Member
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello everyone I'm AstroBabez, a 21 (almost 22, turning that in December) and I'm looking for someone 19+ to do an undertale rp with me! Yes, yes it seems so outdated and silly to request now, but I reread some old fanfics I wrote and I just couldn't help but want to do it again.

I'm seeking out someone who can play any of the following: Underfell Papyrus, Underfell sans, Horrortale Sans, or swapfell papyrus. I might consider others au's or even doing some of that iconic mix all the au's together in one house kinda setting that includes my oc and possibly the oc of my partner!

This will be oc/canon! In turn I'm willing to write canon/canon, oc/oc, or oc/canon of most au's or even the main universe. Please note I'm willing to read about au's I don't know about!

General requirements

-Please be willing to submit a writing example, in turn I will do the same.

-Must be willing to write around 300-600 words per post PER CHARACTER (Meaning if you play your character and Sans/papyrus then both must have 300 words minimum as separate entities)

-19+ But would heavily prefer 21 and above, but won't kick someone out for being 19.
Heya!! You seem like a chill person, I would love to try RPing!! Maybe we can think of smth together?? I'm 21 as well!

Normally I mostly write Dream, but I'm always willing to try new characters!

Here's an RP example of mine:
Dream hurries home, making himself presentable. Not that he wasn't already but, just making sure. He stares at his plants, torn between getting them to their place now or later, not really sure if he'll be back at the usual time. A quick glance at the sky tells him it won't be too hot today, so it should be fine.

Still, he pets the leaves of the closet one, promising to be back, and opens up a portal to Blue's home. He's not even fully out when a body slams into him, causing Dream to stumble backyards, instinct making him close the portal before he lands right back inside.

“There you are!” Calls Ink’s light, airy voice, and Dream doesn't have time to reply before he's being bent down to Ink’s level, the other staring at him with red and orange eyelights, a titled X and an empty star. He squeezes Dream’s cheeks uncomfortably. “Poor Blue was worried sick!”

An affronted noise comes from the one in question, and Blue steps up next to Ink. “**I** was worried?! You were the one turning Nightmare's castle upside down!”

“Was I? Hmmm…” Ink hums in thought, before laughing and releasing Dream. “Nope, I don't think that happened, I don't remember it!”

“Now, I know that's-” Blue starts, but Dream gently cuts him off, waving one hand while another rubs his left cheek.

“I’m sorry I made both of you worried, I just…” He looks at their faces, and never has Dream felt guiltier. He can't lie to them, but he also can't tell them what he did the past day and who he was with this morning. “I… I was testing something out. A way to fix everything.”

“Fix what?” Ink tilts his head, oblivious. Does he not know? Does he, and he's simply faking naivety? Dream doesn't know which is worse.

“...You’ll see.” He winces, cringing at his ominous wording, and before either of them can question him further, Dream holds up the packaged pretzel up to Ink. “I got you this.” He smiles gently, hoping it distracts Ink enough.

It does, as Ink takes it eagerly, devouring the whole thing without a second thought. It makes Dream laugh, and he smiles apologetically at Blue. “I’m sorry for not bringing you one as well, I figured Ink would be the one most upset.”

Ink replies, though what he says is lost to the food in his mouth, and Blue simply nods as if Ink hadn't interjected at all. “Not to worry, the magnificent Sans always has a fulfilling breakfast! Have you eaten already? I'm more than happy to share!”

Dream is shaking his head softly before Blue even finishes speaking. “I already ate.” He says smoothly. “Could we just… spend time together? Please?” He wants to savor this for as long as he can, while he still can.

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