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Fandom Undertale, trying to live a normal life! (Open!) - Additional IC


I drink coffee, oh and I love my fish waifus :>
Hotland, and Core! Also, Judgement Hall, and the entire Throne Room area.

Any content relating to these areas, please post here.
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The Underground had fallen silent, for many a night. The King dead or missing, the human souls gone, and even the human Frisk had vanished. Most monsters went into mourning, and through their cry came the Queen. Toriel, partly thanks to Sans, left the Ruins to take over the throne in Asgore's wake. She ruled on a shaky foundation for a week or so, but till Undyne came around, things were tough on the new Queen. Once the captain of the Royal Guard finally chose to support Toriel, most monsters didn't listen to any of her decrees. But with the full support of the most prominent monsters in the Underground, she began to change things for the better. After nearly two weeks since the 'New Tragedy', as it's called, all monsters began to reclaim some semblance of hope. Or at least...they found contentment in staying where they were. Thanks to big idols such as Mettaton, the happiness and glamour of the Underground rose to it's once former glory, and beyond.


If only...if only it didn't happen like it did. If Asgore didn't die, if Frisk did...would things be better? Would they be worse? What if no one had to die?...these are the things that the human pondered. Frisk had finally defeated Mega Flowey, only to come to the realization that she couldn't escape. Without any monster souls, she was stuck. Stuck in the barrier in between the over, and under worlds. She couldn't go either way. There was nothing but light, her thoughts, and...nothingness. With so little to do, and so long to do it, the only thing Frisk could manage, was to think. And the more she thought, the more damage she did to herself. Thinking things like, 'If only I did this, or that. And not this, or that.' She came to the conclusion, that it was all her fault. Asgore's death, the monsters getting trapped all over again, her own...death? Or whatever this was. It was her fault.

But then...whenever 'then' was, the light started to...fade. It darkened, into a shape. A figure. Nothing Frisk recognized, but at the same time...it gave off such a familiar feeling. It was tall, vaguely humanoid, and it's head had two large cracks. The figure didn't speak, it didn't move. But even though it made no motion, the human knew it was speaking. She swore it's hands flashed signs, and symbols, but it never moved. She was admittedly frightened, mostly because she had gone...days, weeks? Without seeing anything but light. The figure's...eyes? Widened, and the cracks on it's face grew out of the bounds, and began cracking the entire area. Like throwing a rock through a mirror, the entire cage Frisk was trapped in shattered.

The last thing she seen, was the figure. Her eyes set on it, as she lost consciousness. It was...a skeleton?...


A lone body laid on a dead patch of grass. Her brown hair flowed down, over her shoulders, resting just shy of her biceps. The straight hair glistened, gently blowing from the light breeze in the air. Her eyes cracked open just slightly, allowing light red eyes to peer out. Fluttering open, the girl shot up, grasping at her body. Feeling it, seeing it, made her calm down a tad. She was alive.

I...I'm b-back. How?

Memory of the light, or the figure...it was blurry, but the memories did come back. Every time she thought of the mysterious figure however, her head would splint in pain. Deciding it wasn't worth the time, or pain, Frisk went back to her current situation. Somehow, she made it back. Out of the barrier, out of the cage. Looking around, it seemed she was in the room just before the barrier, where she fought Asgore. Looking down, she realized she had been asleep on the lone patch of grass. Getting on her knees, she stood up. But immediately fell back down from a wave of nausea.

Then, Frisk took a closer look at her body. It was...different. Bigger?...no, older. Running her fingers through her hair, she pulled it out farther then ever before. Previously, it had only been down to her ear. Now, it stretched out fairly long. Letting go, it rested just below her shoulders. Taking a closer look at her arms and legs...they were both longer. She had aged. Doesn't seem a whole lot. Frisk was about...fourteen before the fight with Flowey. If she had to take an educated guess, she was now somewhere near sixteen. The thought that she somehow aged during her time in the barrier, was bizarre. But the evidence was right in front of her. It WAS her.

Shaking it off for now, Frisk tried getting back up. Another spur of dizziness hit, but this time she was ready for it. After standing up for a few moments, she finally felt okay enough to walk. The human left the room, and walked down into the Throne Room. Memories of Asgore hit her hard, as her eyes set on...his...throne?

That's not...his throne.

It wasn't as big, and didn't have the same decorations. The only thing that was the same, was the Delta symbol. Walking over to it, and examining it, proved it was in fact, a different throne. Looking over to where the old throne was once stored with a sheet, showed it was no longer there. Confused, Frisk kept on walking. Passing through the blank hallways, and choosing to not look at the graves, she went on to the Last Corridor. The sun shown in, lighting up the golden hallway. The pillars still looked spectacular, and memories of what Sans told her in this place rose to the surface. He was so...creepy, and scary in that moment. Questioning, and judging her for her actions. He had encouraged her to look within herself. Something she didn't take lightly.

Quickly crossing the span of the hallway, Frisk then went on to go all the way to the Core, where she ran into the River Person.

"Tralala, would you care for a ride?" They spoke, motioning for the human to get on. Simply nodding, Frisk shuffled onto the boat. Without a word, it took off down the river.


"You've seen him haven't you? I warned you, didn't I?" They spoke, not even bothering to turn around. The two questions confused Frisk. Who were they referring to?


"Tralala, come back any time!" Once again nodding, Frisk got off the boat, and heading into the cold. She went to Snowdin, without ever asking the River Person to take her there.

They must've just known.

Walking through through the snow was...different. It had been so long since she was here, and the cold air and the freezing white substance reminded her of why. All she wanted to do, was see a familiar face. And the River Person didn't count. Trudging into town, she forced her way through the snow to the place that was once the Skeleton Brother's house. Hoping that one of them would be there, she knocked on the door.

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The throne room. It seemed nothing changed since Flowey had been here two weeks ago. Golden flowers still littered the ground and in the middle of the room sat as singular throne. Memories came flooding back of what once occurred here. He remembered how he masterminded the human's every action. How he waited patiently as Asgore confronted the human and eventually capitulated. How, seeing the perfect opportunity, slew the king and seized the six souls for himself. Everything had gone according to plan, every detail calculated. Flowey thought he had won it all. That is, until his plans were foiled by the very person he believed to have controlled.

Despite the unlimited power he had attained after absorbing the souls he was still defeated by the extremely determined human. After the battle, he was, much to his surprise, spared by the human - whom he later learned was named Frisk. He escaped shortly after the battle's conclusion and became a recluse, hiding deep within the ruins to ponder the events that had just occurred.

Initially, Flowey was overwhelmed by the kindness shown by the human. After all he had done, mercy was the last thing he expected. The human's actions made him seriously question his philosophy of "kill or be killed" which haunted him for days. After much self-deliberation he had decided to make contact with Frisk again to discuss what had happened but, for some strange reason, they were nowhere to be found. The barrier was still there so they could not have crossed. Try as he might, he could not find her. So Flowey returned to the ruins where he continued to live alone.

Having no one else for company save his thoughts, the shock caused by the human's kindness quickly faded away. Any self-doubt and questionable feelings Flowey felt were gone - replaced by his old attitude and behaviour. Feelings of resentment and anger once again gripped the small flower, who had come so close to absolute power, only to have it violently ripped away from him. He had begun to plan his next move - to seek revenge against everyone and, in particular, against one certain human. But it was all for naught. Despite the brilliant and devious agendas Flowey had planned they were all lacking in one critical element - the souls. They were completely and utterly gone; and despite his best efforts he could not locate even the faintest trace of one. Flowey had come to believe that they were destroyed during the battle and that he would never again taste the power he once held. Even if he had somehow found and gathered them, Frisk was gone. His revenge would be unfulfilled. After realizing this, Flowey was crushed. Had it really all been for nothing?

Flowey looked around the throne room once more. Why had he come here? To reminisce in the humiliating defeat he suffered?

...No. He had given up. Everything he had lived for - power, revenge, to be reunited with his old friend - everything had disappeared. Once, Flowey had, through just the strength of his will, nearly erased himself from existence. He had stopped himself then, of course, but he saw no reason to do so now. Sighing, Flowey settled himself in the middle of the room, amongst the other golden flowers and shut his eyes.


Flowey quickly opened his eyes and looked around. He thought he had heard a voice. It sounded like a small child. He shook his head and closed his eyes once more. There's nobody here.

"...can't be destroyed."

Flowey immediately reopened his eyes. He definitely heard something this time.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/what-.png.abc5cae77a2c2e42d0c7a33a11e2e8e6.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109857" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/what-.png.abc5cae77a2c2e42d0c7a33a11e2e8e6.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And then he saw it. A small monster child, some distance in front of him. Its eyes were closed and it seemed to be standing completely still. It was difficult for Flowey to make it out, but save for its unnaturally pale complexion, it looked like a normal child to him. At first Flowey was confused but then he soon realized it must have gotten lost.

"...quite determined." Flowey sighed and put a smile on his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b43a12_lostyourway.png.15d4913196ad69d2de777b1577640222.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109852" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b43a12_lostyourway.png.15d4913196ad69d2de777b1577640222.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b484f1_thisisthethroneroom.png.7b87812718d804dea69bfad6c5954109.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b484f1_thisisthethroneroom.png.7b87812718d804dea69bfad6c5954109.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b52648_youreotallowedhere.png.4c18f824224f09b6fdc0974b7756da36.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109859" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b52648_youreotallowedhere.png.4c18f824224f09b6fdc0974b7756da36.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

But the child ignored him and continued muttering to itself. Flowey began to get annoyed. Couldn't he spend the last moments of his life in peace?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b40b13_heykid.png.413c58a55e6883f062f8dacf557d05ba.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b40b13_heykid.png.413c58a55e6883f062f8dacf557d05ba.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b54c60_getout.png.5a50d83ed12848179f44ec8c43ee87bd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b54c60_getout.png.5a50d83ed12848179f44ec8c43ee87bd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

But still he was ignored. Flowey closed his eyes in frustration. Whatever. Rot in here with me if you like. I don't care. Soon the voice started to grow quiet and the room was silent once again. Finally. At peace once again, Flowey was ready to let go. But something felt... off. Chills started to run up Flowey's stem. It was if the room had rapidly dropped in temperature. He opened his eyes and found himself face-to-face with the monster child.

Flowey recoiled but knew better than to show fear. He looked around. The room had grown darker and it was as if a thick mist had permeated the walls and ground.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b4c510_whatareyou.png.74c8c9f3aa88e80a6ce566406e164026.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b4c510_whatareyou.png.74c8c9f3aa88e80a6ce566406e164026.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The child suddenly opened its eyes and despite his best efforts, Flowey felt something he had not felt in a long time. He was scared.

The child's eyes, like the rest of its body, were a singular colour of gray. It was as if the child were looking at him, yet looking through him.

"They're out there. So lonely. So cold. Won't you help them?" The child spoke in a voice that further unsettled him - it was as if several children's voices were speaking at once.

Flowey swallowed and mustered his courage.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b5012b_youthinkimscared.png.82eec7b84f3f835f04aa144f2cd14afe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109858" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b5012b_youthinkimscared.png.82eec7b84f3f835f04aa144f2cd14afe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b463b6_noideawhatimcapable.png.6dceceb761252b73ebaea61b4a428520.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b463b6_noideawhatimcapable.png.6dceceb761252b73ebaea61b4a428520.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"So lonely. So cold." the child repeated. Flowey looked into its eyes and, for a brief fraction of a second, saw something. A faint glimmer of a small purple heart.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b4a395_waitthatwas.png.6b0e4889cdb5312d2e6a7efe9f0f19ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c83b4a395_waitthatwas.png.6b0e4889cdb5312d2e6a7efe9f0f19ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Flowey shook his head and tried to look away from the child but found himself incapable of doing so. He continued to stare into its eyes and, for yet another millisecond, he beheld another amazing thing - it was Frisk. She looked older than he remembered but there was no mistaking it. She was still alive.

"They don't want to be alone anymore."

Flowey forced his eyes closed and murmured to himself. Go away. Go away. GO AWAY.

And then, as suddenly as it had started, the voice(s) stopped. Flowey hesitantly opened his eyes. The room was warm again - light was coming in through the windows once more and the mist had disappeared. It was as if nothing happened.

What happened? Was he dreaming? Was he close to finally dying and had begun to hallucinate? But no. Deep inside, Flowey knew that what he just saw was real. He tried to make sense of the situation - several explanations rose up in his mind, none of them particularly helpful. He wasn't sure what just happened but he was certain of two things.

One - Frisk was still alive. She might have looked different - slightly older - but there was no doubt that it was her. Two - the souls weren't destroyed. They were still out there, somewhere. Now all he had to do was find and reclaim them. But he couldn't do it alone. Someone would have to go and collect them. He grinned.

And he knew just the idiot who would do it.



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"Alright, darlings, see if you can answer this next one!"

Mettaton was running is quiz show yet again, handing out various MTT brand prizes to the lucky winners. As the questions became harder, the prizes were usually nicer - though he won't deny cutting corners - and this next one was a real doozy. In fact, he'd probably be surprised if anyone knew the correct answer. He'd just thrown it in to keep up the dramatic tension, really.

"The person who can answer this next question right gets the chance to be on the show with..." Mettaton paused and struck a pose for dramatic effect. "...the one and only Mettaton!" He could see his ratings shooting up. Oh what a beautiful sight! To know that he was adored by so many warmed him to his very core.

"Now, on to the question: If you break me, I do not stop working. If you touch me, I may be snared. If you lose me, nothing will matter. What am I, darlings? Call in and see if you can figure it out!"

He tossed his hair and waited for the calls to roll in. Funny, the first caller was a number he recognized. Mettaton thought about it for a moment, brows furrowed, before realizing why he knew this particular number so well. He forced himself to hold back a grimace at the memory - he could never look anything less than glamorous in front of the camera, after all. Every time they called, it was either a baritone-voiced prank caller with offending puns or an enthusiastic puzzle-lover. And, while he didn't actually mind the latter, the former made him seriously debate whether to pick up this time.

Restraining a sigh, he decided that he might as well. With a practiced grin, he answered the call.

"Alright, sweetheart, you're on the line! So, can you tell me the answer to my little riddle, hm?"

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The glamorous robot awaited the skeleton's answer, expecting him to take a few moments to think. But the answer came much faster then expected, and more importantly...it was correct. But deep down, Mettaton wasn't all that surprised. The skeleton, at least the puzzle-lover, always had the right answers to any question or riddle. Before the robot could announce it, the caller switched the phone over to his...brother. The pun lover. Hearing the insufferable pun broke through Mettaton's forced smile for nothing more then a moment, before he mastered himself. Turning back to the camera with a flip of his hair, he looked into the screen like he was really looking at the viewers.

When the first skeleton got back to the phone and apologized, a more genuine smile took place on the robot's face. "That's plenty alright darling! And let me say, you're riddle solving skills are exceptional! Not only were you correct, but...you answered far faster then I ever expected." In truth, the robot wasn't expecting anyone to get it correct in the first place, let alone as fast as the skeleton did. "As an extra reward for that, not only will you be able be on the show with me, but one lucky guest of your choice can tag along!" For a brief moment, the ratings shot up again. Oh, how he loved those glorious numbers.



Only faint whispering could be heard from the phone, as the puzzle lover was obviously having a discussion on his end. In the few moments of silence, Mettaton fiddled with his nails while smiling into the camera. He hated silences like this, because his viewers often disliked it. But when it did happen, the robot tried making up for it by staring longingly into the hearts of those watching. A brief memory of his cousin, Napstablook, came to mind. But just as quickly as it came, it left. The last thing Mettaton needed right now, was to get emotional. Thankfully, he was spared from the thought by the skeleton getting back on the phone.

At the monster's question, the robot simply flipped his fabulous hair, proceeding by starring rather sultry into the screen. "I'll have one of my associates pass along the information to you darling, don't fret! I promise it won't take long." Mettaton thought for a second on his schedule. Due to the...interruptions...during the phone call, the current show would have to be ended really shortly. "In the meantime, do stay your glorious self. Ta ta!" Just like that, the robot ended the call. He didn't know where the skeleton lived, but he could find out easily. Being such a star, gives you connections. Connections that can get a star information.

Turning to the audience, he went on to say, "I extend the same goodbye to you, my darlings. Tune in tomorrow, when our fabulous special guests come in for their interview! Ta ta~" The feed caught off, as the green light on the camera turned red. Mettaton sat back and sighed openly. It went better the expected...more or less. He was banking on nobody guessing the answer, so he could use the day to relax. After all, if something planned never happens, then what else to do?

Sure, the robot loved the stage more then anything. And with the stage always being in one spot, it was more then perfect. But even the fabulous idol needs time off. Especially recently. With the King...passing away, Mettaton took it upon himself to ramp up his shows to improve the monsters' happiness. More shows, daily. And each show, was pressing the budget limits. That was another problem of recent. Less donations were coming in, and the robot hasn't done a live performance since...Frisk. That was what he really needed, the human. She was a natural on stage, and didn't even need direction to delight the audience the first time he battled her. Then, the audience loved her so much that Mettaton brought her on stage a few times after that.

A lot of money came from that, and nearly paid off all of the robot's previous debt to monsters. But that account was running low now. If only the human could come back, for another show or two. Sure, a couple monsters had it out for the girl, believing she killed the King. But the robot didn't believe that. So why not have another show?...if only she didn't just, disappear. Well, no more sulking for this robot! Mettaton sat up out of his chair, writing a quick note to Burger Pants to find where the skeleton lived and tell him the time and date. After that, he intended on relaxing till his next show which was in...a few hours.

Toriel sat on her throne, the room silent save for the chirping of beings in the distance. Sunlight permeated the room. The flowers on the floor seemed in bloom. Asgore must have taken good care of them when he was...

The position of queen was one that Toriel could still not adapt to. She had done it before, of course, but after spending so long sequestered within the Ruins that she had grown quite unused to communicating with other monsters. Now she had been placed in charge of every monster in the underground. She was doing well enough, and every monster seemed contented with her rule. She still felt nervous, though; ruling alone was new to her, the empty throne located behind her—despite being covered in cloth—still managed to fill her with melancholy. Asgore had made mistakes and had certainly created a rift between them and his actions were quite monstrous but no-one deserved this...

That was why she was determined to become queen. She had implemented a regime which demanded pacifism. All seemed to find this acceptable, even some of the more rambunctious of monsters—her thoughts drifted to Undyne—did not attempt to defy her command.

The birds continued tweeting but otherwise the silence prevailed. Toriel lifted herself from her throne, the crown heavy upon her head. She decided she would take a walk; perhaps that would help her get rid of this forlorn feeling.


Being the idol he was, Mettaton couldn't exactly stroll through the Underground to relax. Monsters would swarm him wherever he went, so staying indoors was the only real option. So to simply unwind, scrolling through the Undernet was his only viable option. The robot's phone had been made by none other then Alphys, the same scientist who made his body. The phone was in the shape of his 'normal', more boxy version. Just seeing it, would make the star smile every time. But the topic of Alphys was always a bit of a sore one. Mettaton got so impatient waiting for the scientist to make his body, that when it was done he just...left, for a long time.

After that, he hardly contacted her. Not on purpose, it was just that he got so busy. The show kicked off, fame grew, and the next thing you know...shaking his head, the robot's hair waved around. It was no time for those thoughts, not for an idol of such stature. Focusing more on his phone, Mettaton signed in to his account. TheIdol4. Not terribly original, no. But the robot purposely made two different accounts. One, TheRealMettaton, was his true profile. But TheIdol4 was what he used to just be like any other monsters. Few people knew they were one in the same, and he intended on keeping it that way.

While scrolling through, two messages popped up. PatrolSkeleton95? Why do I know that name? The fact that the person clearly knew the account was really Mettaton, was proof that the robot knew this person...but who? For a few moment, the robot simply stood there staring blankly. But then it hit him. Oh! It's...you? The memory of a certain skeleton came to mind.

TheIdol4: You're...home? Really! Well of course I can fit in a guest appearance, darling.

Then something else popped into Mettaton's head. The puzzle lover...and his brother. They're both skeletons...

TheIdol4: In fact, if you can get here by tomorrow...I'm having two other guests appear in my show. I think you three may get along fabulously!~

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"Two thousand and three~"
She chuckled dryly as she flipped the gold coin behind her, it landing into the rapidly accumulating stack that was already there. Her expression was a soft, but devious smile. A quick look around before she continued assured her that there was no one there to interrupt her regular routine, as much as she would like 'a bite to eat'. She giggled to herself at the thought, and went on with her business, picking up the next piece of currency to add to her collection. "Ahuhuhuhu~! I can't believe that sucker actually bought my pastries. Although, I do admire his generosity! Two thousand and four!" She was speaking to no one in particular as she used her thumb to flick it into the air and onto the pile with the rest. She nearly had enough gold to help reunite the spider clans. But would she really do that? Think of all the spider-sized sunglasses she could purchase instead. Or perhaps even a spider baseball field? That warranted another small laugh.

"H-Hello? M-Ma'am?" The spider turned her head at the sudden voice, winking each of her eyes individually, and in a counterclockwise fashion at the man who stepped up to her. He looked to be a businessman of some sort, wearing a suit and all. She made her voice as delicate as possible, as to not scare away any customers... Not as quickly as she had before, at least. Hopefully. "Hmm? Oh, hello dearie~! Care to purchase something? All proceeds go to real spiders!" At least she was honest about that part. They really did go to real spiders - or, rather, one spider in particular. The man shook his head shyly, clearing his throat. "I simply need directions..." His voice was more quiet. Yet again, Muffet gave her usual laugh, and shook her head. She stood from her chair behind the table, and moved closer to the man. Her smile grew vicious; hungry. "Oh, my. Someone sure is stingy with their money.. What's the matter, not willing to pay a small fee of nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine gold~? Well, silly me." She crossed two of her arms, and took a seat again. The expression stayed, however, and she stared into his eyes the entire time. "Oh! How silly of me again~! I nearly forgot to feed my pet.. You know, he gets awfully hungry without some fresh meat." That was nearly enough to send the man running, but he felt compelled to stay. After all, who knows what would happen if he tried to flee?

Just a while later, that man had
voluntarily bought himself a Spider Donut for the same insane price, no discounts or anything. He looked absolutely distraught, not even sure if he should eat it with how much he had just payed. All of his life savings, for a single donut. "Nine thousand and one! Mhm~! Nine thousand and two!" And slowly but surely, she counted every shiny piece of gold that was left there, just so that he could hear his wealth being thrown right into her pocket. Metaphorically, of course. She rarely even had pockets to keep it in. Intimidation to sell your product? An ordinary day for everyone's favorite spider bake sale enthusiast, Muffet.
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The fabulous robot took a walk, after getting confirmation from 'PatrolSkeleton95'. Mettaton didn't exactly know them, other then through the Undernet. They had conversed many a time, with the skeleton figuring out the robot's persona on the world wide web. The ghost was quite excited that someone seen through the facade, and gladly talked to the person whenever they wished. So to finally get to actually see them in person...well, it would be a neat experience. I can't imagine how they feel, getting to see the idol they must crave!

By the time Mettaton grew bored of walking aimlessly around the resort, he headed back to his dressing room. The ghost was hoping that his 'associate' did his job, and found the skeletons like the robot so generously asked for. Why he trusted Burger Pants to perform such an important job, was still uncertain. After all, the cat's pretty much good for nothing. Though...very deep down, Mettaton is thankful for what the monster does. In truth, the robot is extremely unfair to the cat. But he's an idol, he gets to push others around. None can say he can't.

Shaking it off, Mettaton was redressing his makeup to look perfect. He was just finishing up his eyeliner, when a nock sounded on the door. The weak, miserable attempt couldn't be mistaken for anyone else, other then his lackey. Burger Pants must have finally managed to get the guests here. He could afford to be a little faster. Perhaps I'll make another CD set, to get him to buck up. Out of all the darlings in the Underground, the robot just had to have the cat as his 'most trusted' employee.

Not wanting to delay any further, Mettaton stood off of his chair from the vanity, and strutted over to the door. He took a deep breath, letting his face fall into the usual dashing smile. I'm certain I'll have to whip these darlings into shape before they can appear on television. Opening the door reveled...an interesting sight. The tallest skeleton, whom Mettaton guessed to be the puzzle lover, was practically gushing. His eyes were full of sparkles, that felt like they might turn volatile at any moment. The robot had to admire it, seeing how much he was loved by others.

The other two skeletons...one seemed a bit sleepy, in his blue jacket. Once more, Mettaton assume he was the...pun guy. The robot had to refrain from casting a look of disgust, but not just because of who the monster was. Mostly because, the pun guy's jacket had tons of stains in it. To be honest, they would be hardly noticeable to any other monster, but to Mettaton...it was obvious. Perhaps I'll just...let him sit on the side. The last skeleton, by reasons of deduction, would be PatrolSkeleton95. Or...Co-something.

"Welcome darlings! I see you all made it here in fabulous timing." Which was a blatant lie. They should've been here an hour ago, at least. But a certain cat was to blame for that, not them. "But...well, we have a lot to do before the show starts. Please refrain from asking questions till during, or after the show. For now, I need to dress you up to...fit in, a little better." The robot didn't want to douse them in glitter and sparkles, no, he wanted to preserve their own unique look. But they weren't exactly in the best shape for television. "Please, step inside. I'll personally be handling your dressings."

He hoped the skeletons would realize just how great of an honor that was. Normally, the robot would pass off the makeup to some lackey. But no, these one's were special. The only other person, other then himself, Mettaton ever did makeup for was...Frisk. In part he was doing this because the ghost was pretty certain the puzzle lover, and the pun guy knew the human. So in an odd way...it was almost like reconnecting with the girl.

@THEGREATPAPYRUS @MoonLegend101 @ferociousfeind

Papyrus couldn’t believe it! There he was! Mettaton! He could hardly believe his eyes, even though he knew for a fact that he was awake. He wanted to poke Mettaton, just to make sure he was real. That at least one of his dreams was actually coming true. Oh that smile! That voice! They were even more perfect in person! For once, the skeleton was absolutely speechless. He latched onto Mettaton’s every word, listening very intently. New outfits? Makeup? He hoped he didn’t look too bad. His brother had a few ketchup stains on himself, that was probably what Mettaton was worried about.

“O-Of course Mettaton!” He stepped into the dressing room and gently put his brother down, wincing at his stutter. Now was not the time to get all flustered! It was time to woo and impress! Sans had bathed for this moment after all! Now what had the robot meant with “handling their dressings”? Surely their clothes weren’t that bad. Sans had made his battle body especially of him! Perhaps it were just too highbrow for the audience. Regardless he was excited, Papyrus felt as though Mettaton probably didn’t show this much intimacy with his other lucky winners. ‘Oh yeah! My gift!’ He pulled the bowl of spaghetti out of his…pocket??

“I made this for you, Mettaton!” He chuckled sheepishly and rubbed his cervical vertebrae. “As an apology for the puns.” His seduction schemes were set in motion.

@TheGossipLink @ferociousfeind @MoonLegend101
Papyrus not knowing made the whole ordeal much more exciting. Coury grinned, winked at Mettaton, and left. As he was closing the door, he added, "Hope to see you up there on the stage, Papyrus."

Coury sat down in the audience section, and sent Mettaton a message.

Patrolskeleton95: OK, when you and your guests are making guest apearances, I'll go backstage, then come out on my cue, How's that sound?


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Sans soon was kind of alerted when the boat stopped... or at least was aware enough to know when it did. He comfortably remained leaning up against Papyrus for a short period of time, pretty comfortable with this position for now until all the figures moved out of the boat and to wherever they had landed now in order to get to the robot's place. He was pretty familiar with his way around a lot of the Underground, actually, since a guy such as himself with so many jobs- and opportunities for breaks right along with them usually traveled around from place to place. But that was using his shortcuts, which made things pretty much a lot easier on him instead of having to go to so much effort just to go to one location to the next with a different method other then using a convenient shortcut. So he wasn't exactly sure how river transport worked and all, or at least had never bothered to be too observant about it.

Fortunately enough the skeleton didn't have to care though, since Papyrus had to decided to be a mode of transport too after they got off the boat. Heh. Good ole' Paps.. it was pretty nice of his bro, even if it was to prevent him from taking any shortcuts which would probably be much more comfortable... but being carried around by the other one wasn't really something that bad to tolerate. Sans started a bit when the other one began to stand up and get off the boat, since now they were much closer to go meeting with the robot. Oh, gee, how exciting. Well, actually it kind of was, if only to see Papyrus' priceless reaction about it once they reached that point. He was picked up again, and the short skeleton relaxed a bit more when he was in the taller skeleton's grasp, and then placed on the other one's bony shoulders to sit until they reached their destination.

His eyelids were half closed as this was done, and he let out a small grunt of some sort of contentment before settling on Papyrus' shoulders again. It was quite comfortable for a guy like him to be in such a position for once, to be carried around by his brother... it was nice, and it gave him a bit of a safe feeling that usually didn't accompany him often. He began to start to drift into a snooze while on the other's shoulders, since it was so comfortable... and he was feeling pretty tired, as usual... the previous snooze sessions didn't exactly help his sleeping so much, that was for sure. At least this time he felt pretty good... not as much in a trashy mood as usual, even if the surprise of another skeleton showing up hadn't exactly been the best contribution to the situation at first. So Sans drifted into a sort of sleep, resting his head on the other one's cranium.

He let out a bit of a pleased grunt, before soon his eyelids closed a bit more, and his steady snores could be heard rather loud and blatantly. Surprisingly for once he didn't dream, or get those disturbing images in mind that usually occurred. Maybe it was just because he didn't have much time to rest, surely. Though... usually it took a shorter time then that to get trash thoughts in mind and for the subconscious to start working with them as always. Next time the skeleton stopped snoring and sleepily opened his eyelids a bit, once again revealing his small white pupils and black eye sockets, they were standing in front of some sort of fancy door with a pink star on it. Oh. They must be here, and all.

Sans roused himself a bit, letting out a yawn and stretching out his arms before peering down at their feline escort who was beginning to speak. Heh. It was kind of cool to look down at others for once, as much as it was quite unfamiliar. The cat was speaking in kind of a different tone then usual, at least one that was not so forcing cheerfulness. So apparently indeed this robot Mettaton was not all sunshine and rainbows. Well, he couldn't say he was all that surprised. It was pretty obvious this would be the case... but hopefully this robot wouldn't be too temperamental or much of an annoying personality behind the scenes, but they would just have to see. Either way, this would still be a hopefully pleasant thing to see his brother react to... and it was so cool to have Paps be able to fulfill one of his dreams to meet this TV star.

Soon enough though, the cat escort was going to announce them and then probably depart, since they were at their destination. The short skeleton grinned a bit wider at the feline, kind of sorry to see him go... both because the cat wasn't so bad, and also because that was one lost opportunity for an amusing reaction to his hilarious jokes. "thanks for 'whisker'ing us away, pal. heh. see ya." He then turned his head to focus on the scene before them as the door was opened. He couldn't help but almost feel Papyrus' excitement almost, which was pretty amusing to say the least. His brother was so cool, he definitely deserved this opportunity, that was for sure. Then, they were faced by the robot itself.

Sans stayed perched up on his brother's shoulders for the time being, peering at the robot with his small pupils with a wide grin as usual. Welp, didn't look much different from on TV, but oh well. It was pretty interesting to see the robot instead of from a screen, even if it sure did hog attention on the screen enough to not make it too special, anyways. The short skeleton examined the robot a bit more, before turning his attention away from that. Too much sparkles and 'glamour' to put on a robot anyways, it was tiring on the eyes for him. He listened to the warm greetings though, not yet too impressed... except about one simple thing. And that was pun potential. His grin was already wider in that certain way, as he peered at the robot.

He waited for the right opportunity, and that was after the robot took a pause in speaking. It had mentioned something about dressing rooms and such, but he wasn't worried about that too much. Apparently no questions were supposed to be asked yet. Welp, it hadn't said anything about a few lighthearted jokes to be told, did it? It didn't take long for Sans to speak up, his tone in a usual baritone, though there was an amused undertone to it as he smoothly began to state out his jokes. "yeah, 's real electrifying to meet ya at last. my bro sure was wired about it." He had to hold back a snicker, and instead just shrugged carelessly as a flourish to the end of the joke. Boy, was it amusing to tell these sorts of things.

But soon enough they were ushered into the dressing room and such, or whatever the area was really called. After arriving inside, soon Paps set him down from the other one's shoulders. Sans didn't object to this, landing on his feet with a slight huff, and then he stuffed his hands back into his pockets... the large ketchup bottle still tucked under his arm, a way of transporting it that he had decided on for now, so he could take a gulp out of it or so when he wanted or felt like it. His grin was wide as usual, and he didn't look so tired... though really even his casual look could bring on the impression of being tired and worn, his slumped posture and expression not really helping with that.

He glanced around the room, wondering what was going to happen now. What did the robot mean with that whole handling their dressings stuffs? What even was a dressing, aside from something to use on food anyways? Well, whatever the answer was to these questions, Sans didn't really care to try to figure out the answers at this point, for surely he would figure it out eventually. After Papyrus had set him down, he nodded with a bit of a wider grin at the other one as a sort of sign of gratitude for being carried all the way, before shuffling to some part of the room. He saw the skeleton Coury exit the room, to go somewhere else, apparently.

Huh, weird. The short skeleton merely shrugged upon seeing this, not really caring what this other skeleton did all that much.While Paps was offering the robot a present of some sort as an apparent apology for his misunderstood jokes, he leaned against the closest wall or thing that was the same height or taller then he was, as a way to rest his bones a bit until the robot or Papyrus wanted him. Meanwhile, he could just watch the fun. Sans was pretty sure as he did this, he heard something clatter to the ground from nearby... but surely that wasn't an important thing, right? He didn't wince when hearing the sound, only kind of hoping that whatever he had caused to crash on the ground wasn't something big or heavy.

He was too tired to try to care about that if it was. He didn't spare anything a second glance around the room much, rather just keeping his pupils focused on Papyrus and Mettaton in a sort of casual observing way... though he wasn't really concentrating much as he relaxed up against whatever had felt comfortable enough to lean against. ans took a quick swig of his ketchup bottle too, some more of the red liquid dripping down on his teeth and chin as he lifted it to his mouth, before taking a satisfying gulp of it and then tucking it back under his arm. Well, this would probably be a cool experience for his brother and all.. and as expected, probably pretty amusing for him.

Tagged: @THEGREATPAPYRUS , @TheGossipLink and @ferociousfeind


The puzzle loving skeleton pulled out a bowl of...something vaguely resembling spaghetti, as an apology for his brother's puns. The robot simply loved fanmail, and fan-gifts were even better. However, this was...how do I say it. Unfortunate? Revolting? Mettaton didn't like pasta. It was simply too plain, for his tastes. Then again, he had no reason to eat in the first place. In fact, the idol didn't have taste buds. So he treated food as art, and pasta was SO not art. Regardless of his inner feelings, the robot's smile and posture didn't fault for a second.

"Thank you darling, I'll treasure this, as it is from one of my most beloved fans!" How, how charismatic he was. Before the robot could say much more, PatrolSkeleton95 walked out of the room. The ghost felt his phone vibrate, and assumed it was from the skeleton in question. But the idol didn't have time to look it at. For now, there were more important matters. Mettaton was about to turn to the last skeleton to say something, when he was interrupted by some god-awful puns. The robot's smile faded for a second, but he shrugged it off as best he could.

"Well, I see you're no different from..." The robot faltered. Staring at the skeleton, something was awfully familiar about him. The idol knew he should recognize the pun lover, for some reason. But his memory was failing him. Putting it at the back of his mind, Mettaton continued. "...ah, from when your on the phone. It's even more insufferable in person." The robot was intending to let that last part be in his head. But with it out in the open, the idol gestured to two seats in front of a large mirror. "Well, darlings. Please take a seat, so I can get started. We don't have much time left, after all."

@THEGREATPAPYRUS @MoonLegend101 @ferociousfeind

Poor Papyrus was over the moon with joy. Mettaton liked his spaghetti! Not that he had any doubts about himself, surely not! But when everyone skips out on eating his food so hastily, it puts a damper on his cooking spirits. Mettaton was truly an angel. 'Oh my word.' Papyrus was startled out of his thoughts. Had Mettaton just said he was his most beloved fans!? Papyrus could barely stutter out a response to the praise.

"I, ah, thank you so much!" His voice was ever so barely shaky but his smile was bigger than ever.

He tried to work through the Mettaton induced fog in his mind. He needed to focus! Anything could go wrong and ruin everything at any moment! Where had that Coury skeleton gone? He must have left to sit in the audience like Papyrus had suggested. And why was Mettaton looking at Sans so…disgustedly? He must’ve told more puns. And Papyrus hadn’t even noticed! This robot was throwing him off his game! He couldn’t let such blinding beauty distract his duties of staving off his brother’s puns!

Oh well. Mettaton seemed to be finished conversing with his brother anyways. Now it was time to sit in a fancy chair and have Mettaton personally fix his makeup! Which was very exciting because he never wore make up! Leave it to the lovely Mettaton to introduce him to something new and exciting within three minutes of arriving. He sat in a seat in front of a large mirror but could hardly keep still. He hoped Mettaton would work on him first!

@ferociousfeind @MoonLegend101 @TheGossipLink
Coury sat in the audience rather patiently, distracting himself with little things, like the softness of the seat, the mumble of the collecting crowd, the mechanisms hidden behind curtains, etc. He smiled, this world was so full of abundant stimulus, he could sit here forever, and not get bored!

He noticed that Mettaton hadn't responded yet. That's understandable, he's gotta deal with Sans's awful puns, if he really was that anonymous joker on Undernet, but that was more or less confirmed. There were still several mysterious characters he couldn't wait to meet in-person, NAPSTABLOOK22 and StrongFish91 are the last two he really needs to nail down. ALPHYS is rather obvious (but more unexpected than anyone could anticipate), and CoolSkeleton95 is Papyrus.

He continued to entertain himself with the Core's intricate inner workings as he waited for Mettaton's show to begin.

Sans was pretty pleased, actually, when the robot claimed to like Papyrus' present and would apparently treasure it. Welp, at least his brother got one positive sign from the gesture, and surely this was a positive thing. He didn't really believe the robot's words to be true- at all, really. But if it made his bro happy, which it undoubtedly would, it was cool to see as always. The short skeleton always took subtle pleasure from when the other skeleton was pleased with approval from someone, whether it be Undyne or this robot right here. The other one having success with what he tried his best to do instead of having it be a failure or all for nothing... well, that was something always nice to see. He certainly couldn't say he knew that feeling, far from it. As expected, Papyrus had an amusing reaction to the approval of the robot, that was pretty precious.

The other one's stuttered answer and grin that was wider then he had seen it in a while was one indication of the other one being pleased, at least. Sans grinned just a bit wider himself to see that as he continued resting a bit against a surface. It wasn't too uncomfortable, since he was all bones and couldn't feel much. If anything, his hoodie and shorts made leaning against anything a bit more comfortable. He started to not pay so much attention to the situation again. The short skeleton began to space out with that wide grin of his, not really bothering to speak up himself or pay much attention to anything until he would be addressed.

It actually didn't take too long for that, though it was not too surprising. The robot soon took notice of his hilarious jokes that he had shot off. When the robot started speaking his way, the short skeleton glanced up in his direction with a casual upturn of his head, flashing his wide and casual grin that was still flecked with stains of red as his white pupils met the robot's gaze. Sans kept grinning, even as the pile of bolts and wires made its assessment of him, and seemed to size him up in a very disgusted manner. He noticed that little faltering the robot had as it spoke, of course. He simply waited for Mettaton to continue, hardly missing a beat.

The skeleton's grin might have become just a bit wider when being called insufferable, but it was really hard to tell. Oh, it wasn't cool to be called insufferable, of course. But when coming from the kind of guys like these... it was pretty funny, actually. This was definitely one of the reasons he rather enjoyed antagonizing the robot in this way. It was just too hilarious how ridiculous it acted in response... and while usually he wasn't the kind of guy to try to probe for reactions from anybody unless he needed to.. it was all too easy to get a reaction from this robot.

Just a bit of the crack in the persona, a look into what into what the thing actually was under the supposed glamorous TV star. And if that was nothing but useless programming, then so be it. Maybe this was really his own subtle way of judging the thing, testing it. But anyways, he was thinking too much into detail for this. He would just keep doing his thing, for these certain reasons.. though maybe not so much as to ruin it for his brother. When Sans responded, he still flashed his grin wide as ever, clearly not affected by the perhaps stinging remark at all. "aw, thanks. i aim to please."

This was clearly a sarcastic comment, but he said it in such a way that it was more casual and sounding more like he simply didn't care enough to make it come across as aggressive or cynical. The skeleton narrowed his eyes with that wide grin of his, something suggesting some sort of mischief or thoughtfulness, and indeed what could be interpreted from his expression suggested that. "though i guess.." Sans trailed off for a moment or two, before his expression was freely more teasing, as he winked at the robot lightheartedly... though maybe the robot wouldn't take it so lightly.

"i can get a bit robotic with my jokes sometimes. i am a little rusty." After this, he grinned wide then before in a way to suggest his pride about something. Welp, he had a very good run, at least. Up until now... he'd really been on fire since they arrived. While Sans waited for a reaction from the robot to these, though, fortunately it didn't take too long for that. Soon enough he and his brother were motioned to two chairs, and told to hurry. The short skeleton paused for a moment, and then straightened up and started shuffling to his chair behind Papyrus, so the other one would be first to the chairs. He soon sat down too, though he took his sweet time about it as usual.

But at least he was beside Papyrus now, for where the robot would need him. "present." Sans spoke up in his smooth baritone again, at least this time speaking up to confirm his presence in a way with his wide grin still on his expression. He waited for what would come next, sitting slumped against the back of the chair with no attempts to right his posture, and his white pupils wondered around the area too it seemed. The short skeleton was technically kind of paying more attention now, at least for what would happen next, even if he didn't visibly show it.

Tagged: @THEGREATPAPYRUS and @TheGossipLink


The puzzle lover was extra giddy, with his voice cracking a bit. Must be a big fan. Well...of course he is, just look at me! Mettaton briefly viewed himself in the mirror, fluffing up his hair just a smidgen. The skeleton then proceeded to slide into the chair, getting somehow even more excited. The robot had to smile a bit, at the monster's enthusiasm. It was even a bit contagious, getting the ghost a little more excited to work on the pile of bones. I've done makeup for a skeleton before. This will be...interesting. In fact, the puzzle lover got Mettaton in such a good mood, he hardly noticed the puns coming from the other skeleton.

The robot noted the smaller one sat in the other chair, but Mettaton's attention was all on the puzzle lover right now. He grabbed a small knob on a shelf, pulling it out to reveal a large drawer of various color coded foundations. Grabbing a few different shades of white, gray, and shadowy black, he set them all up on the vanity. Selecting the pure white one first, the robot whipped out a brush and dabbed it into the bottle. While applying it to the skeleton, he asked. "So darling, I still haven't gotten your name." He asked, while dabbing the foundation on the skeleton's forehead. Before he got far, Mettaton decided it didn't look...natural, enough. So he quickly whipped it off, and was reapplying grey makeup within seconds.


So this was glamour! Makeup sure did smell funny! And it felt weird on his cranium! Oh well. 'I know as well as anyone that beauty comes with costs!' He didn't fret about the small things too much, after all, Mettaton was doing his make up personally! And was also mere inches from his face. Wowie, now this was a good view. He tried to memorize every inch of that gorgeous metal face. Was it getting hot in that room or was it just him? Oh well, it was probably the fact that they were in Hotland. Oh dear. ‘M-Mettaton wants to know my name?’ His voice was so slightly shaky, this robot just made him weak in the patellas.

“My name is Papyrus!” Nailed it.

@TheGossipLink @MoonLegend101 @ferociousfeind
"Huh. This is taking a little bit. Better get comfortable." Coury stretched in his chair, awaiting the show. He was sure it was going to be great. While Undernet hasn't quite reached video streaming, he could still enjoy imagining a massive theatre in which the robot would perform in. As monsters slowly piled in, awaiting the premier, he remembered something, he asked a nearby monster, "Wasn't there a human on this show a few days ago? They convinced Mettaton to not leave the Underground, right? That was an excellent speech! Shouldn't we be thanking that human, wherever they are?"


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