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Fandom Undertale Surface RP (Classic!UT)


Bluette Raven

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The Pacifist Ending has happened, and Frisk has promised to never RESET again. It's been a few years, and although it's been a rocky start, monsters have been accepted and integrated into society - for the most part.
Anything and everything goes in this RP! However, there are some rules:

1. No Mary Sues/Gary Stus! (A Mary Sue/Gary Stu is an OC [Original Character] that has no flaws, or nothing but flaws. Ex1: "Trina falls down the stairs, misses the bus, gets bullied, and everyone hates her. Her teachers give her nothing but homework, and her parents are no where to be found." Ex2: "Trisha steps down the stairs gracefully, gets to school 40 minutes early, and everyone loves her. The teachers give her no homework, and her parents are loving and rich.")
2. No being OP (OverPowered) in fights! All characters in a fight must take at least two (2) hits! If you dodge, please make it clear on how you dodged, instead of just "getting out of the way".
3. No god-modding! God-modding is when you take over another RPer's character without permission, and use them to help yourself or your own character. (Ex: [Trina is RPer 1's character, and Trisha is RPer 2's. This is RPer 2's post.] Trina walks to school, and Trisha walks up beside her. In a whirl of panic, Trina trips and falls flat on her face, and Trisha laughs. "Oh silly Trina!")
4. Please do not make your character the center of attention all the time! Everyone should have a chance to interact, and it wouldn't be fair to always be in the spotlight.
| _
5. No hate speech towards one another! While it is okay for your character to not like monsters, you yourself are not permitted to belittle another RPer for their decision to do or say a certain thing.

Also, links to the OOC and Character Log are up above!

Have fun! <3
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A gray and blue monster drums her fingers on a charcoal colored desk, waiting for a new game to install. She sighs and stands up, stretching her limbs from sitting and editing. Looking around the room, the female smiles, taking in the hard work she and her family finished, when a knock interrupts her thinking. "Blu! We're running out of groceries, and I'll be going to work in a few minutes. Could you go get these items?" A shorter, whiter version of the young wolf with light green scrubs hands Blu a list, and continues talking. "Also, your sister should be out of school in a few hours, so don't forget to pick her up."

"Yes, Mom," Blu replies. Her mother sighs in relief and embraces the taller female, and says "Thank you so much, honey. Really," Once they release each other, the older monster heads out, and the gray and blue wolf gets on her shoes and black jacket. She picks up her phone and wallet, and puts her earbuds in, selecting a playlist by the human band "Twenty One Flyers". Walking out, she grabs the spare key, and goes down the stairs from her apartment and out into the snowy city. Blu hums the song that comes on, making her way to the grocery store.
The City had befallen with a great amount of snow as of late, as the streets and signs and roads were laced with the white snow, it was nothing like Snowden's, it was harder and that of a crunch to it with every step taken forward through it. Merely a few blocks away from the super Market in a dingy alleyway walked out a skeleton wearing a blue bubble coat with a furred rim.

he walked out in his everyday pink slippers and shorts if had flesh upon him it would freeze in the cold, as he only wore shorts for pants. He walked out of the alley and looked either way of the sidewalk as he saw the supermarket past the crosswalk.

* i'm getting sloppy with my "shortcuts"
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The peace between human and monsterkind was too good to be true, Chara thought. Humanity had proved itself to them to be cruel, incapable of kindness towards anyone slightly different from the norm. So the only logical conclusion to make was that this was a trick. Chara thought back to the old books they read in libraries, long ago, of the story of the Trojan Horse. Offering an enemy a sacrifice of kindness, only to brutally kill every last one of them when their backs were turned. That was what was going on here, Chara knew. Humanity was trying to make Monsterkind think they changed.

And Chara knew this was wrong. Humans were far more monsterous than any monster. They never deserved to live any of them. Except Frisk, a small reminder in their head told them. They’d started to view Frisk one of monsterkind, in all but appearance. They were the only human they ever met who was compassionate- the only human that never hurt them. Being stuck with them was- acceptable. But they were foolishly naive, everyone was, anyone who thought this peace would last. And-

And the only way to protect them, heck, who were Chara kidding, no one could hear them, the only way to protect Frisk and Asri-Flowey. His name was Flowey he’d never be Asriel Asriel is gone forever. The only way to protect them was to RESET. Or, of course, kill all the humans, and while that would be a much better solution, that was currently unfeasible, lacking a body and all. Neither could they RESET. So they did all that they could.

They waited.
(Chara is the biggest hypocrite in the universe.)

Sans walked into the supermarket slowly of course as he passed the cashier giving a wink, and grabbing a little bag to carry things in as he browsed the store. From his coat, he pulled out a list from papyrus of all the ingredients needed for tonight's dinner, of course, it was spaghetti cause of course it was. and papyrus thought of inviting some people for dinner... like frisk.

*She promised not to, but i've died and woken up too many times to believe that... why change, why now? Sans thought to himself as he grabbed some tomato sauce, and pasta, and spices and whatever else his bro wanted.
((Oops, sorry for the delay! Had to do something IRL))

Blu walks along the sidewalk, the snow crunching underneath her sneakers. Going over the list, she tries to remember the placements for each item and the different prices, so that she could be in and out quickly. However, her mind starts to wander to the predicament that is the monster's standing with humans. 'It seems like everything is good between our races right now... but what if something happens? That old article I read the other day says that even before us, the humans had trouble being peaceful with themselves, let alone other species. NO. Don't think about that. Just get the shit that you need, then go and pick up Meena,' Blu thinks, shaking her head at her thoughts.

The chubby monster eyes the market ahead, then takes a deep breath and goes inside. She grabs a cart and goes through each aisle, searching for the items she needs and putting them in the cart when she finds them. Her list takes her down the pasta aisle, and Blu comes across two identical-looking boxes of angel-hair pasta. Furrowing her eyebrows, she starts checking the boxes, wondering why they're priced differently.
Sans had gotten everything he needed, expect all cereal, which papyrus of course wanted, one more box of pasta, sadly the brand Pap wanted was out and he'd have checked the organic section.

quickly ducking out of view from a camera he made a quick "shortcut" to the organic section as he quickly browsed the shelves and saw a little blue monster even shorter than him inspecting two boxes of the same pasta.

*i'll take it you haven't figured out who the inpasta is? Sans quipped as he looked over blu's shoulder at the boxes.

*hey i'm going need one of those pasta boxes kid

"What? O-Oh! Sorry," Blu says, and steps out of the way for the skeleton to make his selection. Still looking at the boxes, it takes her a moment for the pun to click, and when it does, she lets out a small chuckle. She thinks for a moment, and replies, "I'll fettuccini it out." After a moment, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her snout, but still has a smile on her face. "Oh my god, that was so bad..."
*yeah that's pastably the worst pun i've ever heard

he quickly swipes the more expansive box out of her hand and looks over it, before giving a wink and walking off, making his way to the self-checkout as he starts scanning all his items and he doubled bagged the garlic beard and milk, never too safe, and Pap would kill him if he didn't get all his items, he wanted to make the best meal he could.

he took up his items and walked out of the store heading down the sidewalk towards the empty alleyway.
Her smile drops as the words come out of the male's mouth, then stands there in shock as he grabs a box out of her hand, winks, then walks off. Blu clenches her jaw as she looks at the box in her other hand, then puts it in her cart and walks off, a bit mad. 'What the fuck was that guy's problem? First he rudely walks up and asks for "oNe Of ThOsE pAsTa BoXeS, kId", then I try to joke with him, and he calls it "the worst joke I've ever heard"! Like yeah, it was pretty bad, but I tried my damned hardest. Then he fucking GRABS THE FUCKING BOX out of my GODDAMNED HAND, like who the fuck does that?!? There were plenty of the same boxes he could've grabbed off the shelf. Then he fucking WINKS at me??? What the fuck????? Like that's supposed to make everything better???? Asshole.'

Once the gray and blue monster comes out of her mental rant, she finds herself at the door of her apartment. She looks down and sees that she's carrying multiple bags in each hand, and even a lighter one on her tail. Putting some down, Blu digs through her pockets with her free hand, and gets out her key. The female opens the door and puts the key back in her pocket, then picks up the bags she put down and sets all of them on the kitchen counter. She puts all of the groceries up, then goes into her room, checking on her installation. "Still 67%?! Fuck me..." the chubby monster groans, then looks at the time. Grumbling, Blu makes her way out the door again, heading the opposite direction to the elementary school.
(sorry was a bit busy, also we're probably going to need more people to cause not much to work with.)
(sorry was a bit busy, also we're probably going to need more people to cause not much to work with.)

((Yeah. You can go and claim more characters if you'd like! I'd play some canon characters, but I don't think I'd do them justice.))
((Uhm- Hello- I uh- I'm wondering if this is still open?))

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