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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Ace.jpg.a9483a6adc208e23133c761c1c39921f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Ace.jpg.a9483a6adc208e23133c761c1c39921f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: Ace Skel

age: unknown

gender: Male

species: Skeleton

sample rp: Ace satin the snow, his red sweater covered in white dots. He sighed and looked up from his slumber as he saw a Tem walking his way. She did not look like any normal Tem he has seen so he stood up and looked at her. "And how may the Humble Ace be of service of you madam?" he said with a bow. The Tem looked at him as she shivered "C-can i please get warm?" she asked him. He nodded "You are in luck.... grilby's is the warmest around" he said as he led her to Grillby's

personality: Modest, Kind hearted, Relaxed

backstory: Not much to say about Ace, other than that he loves Snowdin and Hotland.



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[QUOTE="asriel dreemurr]alright, ill be on pretty much all day

But yea..... San's gaster blasters are because Sans and Papyrus are W.D. Gaster's sons
OC Form:


Age: He is considered to be at his mid twenties, maybe late twenties.

Gender: Male

Species: Lizardman (Anthropomorphic lizard)

Roleplay example: The Core seem to rattle with mechanics in the background, moving the energy inside, the hot boiling lava that keeps entire Underground with power. Steam spit out of the tubes all over the place, keeping the warmth in Hotland. The creature was hanging on the edge of the labaratory buildings, climbing it up to the roof, sliding one's boots tips inside of the edges, holding onto the window with one's scaly and muscular hands. After reaching the top - he would take a deep breath, looking at the main crossroad in the center, allowing his cape to swirl on the steamy and dusty wind. The fallen human steps in the middle of crossroad, looking around in confusion, then shifting attention to the lab's door. The lizardman was standing on the roof while observing the human from above, breathing quietly through one's gasmask, looking through dusty lenses. He lets out sigh while watching the human going inside, diving in thoughts.

Apperance: He stands straight most of the time, six feet, having somewhat light walking style, treading lightly. He has dark brown skin, covered with harden scales all over his body and blade cuts. His arms and legs look healthy, agile and muscly, like he is the Underground's athlete. He has cyan blue eyes, looking strict yet tired while his face bears wide scar on his cheek, almost reaching his left eye. Sometimes, you can see spikes sticking out of his neck, being covered in light soot, teeth are much more sharp, just as his claws, which clearly looking not that inoccent, like for example Alphys does. Speaking with baritone, a little bit lower yet not close to bass. His head strucuture strongly resemble Alphys' skull structure, the same pointy ends on his head and face structure.

ARMOR: Before you stands buff lizardman in set of light leather armor of darker colors, in which dark brown and dust yellow dominates. From bottom to top: his legs are hidden behind knee hight boots of dark leather with metal flat heels, wearing dark blue trousers. His belt tightly wraps his waist, having serveal pouches attached to front and the sides with short sized sword holstered in sheath. His armor covers his chest, having burnt symbol curved into the side of his leather shard. On the other side of his chest, the armor uses light metal with preety curves, fitting the Hotland architecture. His arms and hands are exposed to the envoirment. To his shoulder and covering his head attached blood red cape-hoodie. For some reason, he hides his face behind dark gasmask, made by the finest engineers of Hotland, with compact filters attached to the front of the mask.

CASUAL: Salamandra preferes vivid colored t-shirts with short sleves over tank-tops and strict shirts. He wears all chill cloth, loosed at the point of being a little messy on the first glance, like he is tired of all this strictness and logics in standard life. Nothing too special in his style, except for wearing shorts and sometimes being topless, walking with bear chest.

Personality: Collected and quiet, taking his time in battle while overthinking the next move to every bit of detail. It seems that he preferes to keep the mystery in the midst, but it turns out that known better - he is actually very social creature, only with his own twisted faith. Young and romantic, feeling the passion near Undyne, despite of rivary. He speaks both with 'Recivied Pronunciation' and 'Edinburgh' accents, somewhat showing more of battle spirit, when speaking in that cocky scotish accent.

Backstory:He was born (Assumed that Great War happend not that long ago after the first human fall) in Hotland, in the family of intellegent lizardmen (It is assumed that parents of Salamandra were in good relations with Alphys' parents, but canon doesn't bring any information, hence my abbility to fluently toy around with backstory) full of beans while at the same time sharing same thoughts about education and being quite well-read lizard, like his parents are. And so, both of his boyish side and intellegent side were playing around, acting like brave hero when young, not being afraid of going into the trouble heads on while then thinking over some complex things in his teens. And so, willing to serve his country, full of enthusiasm, young lizard joins Royal Guard voluntery programm, and so happend that Undyne joins the same group. And so, after a bit of curiocity thoughts - Salamandra befriends with her, finding her indeed pastionatte and quite good sputnick in his career, turning more close friendship with each other. At some point durring one of the battles with humans, when Salamandra had chance to see humans for the first time - he almost lost his eye, gladly that Undyne was there just in time. Making story short, Salamandra didn't really agree on Asgore's politics in breaking the barrier, fidning them too resourceful and rushed, where some good brains could actually find the solution. Being one of the candidates for the Captain post, yet losing on purpose to Undyne, Salamandra realises about the power of Undyne, not completely tho. And after a few more weeks - he desertes without a trace, lastly being reported in Hotland, near Alphys' lab. But who knows what thoughts he has right now, what he can do, what could happen.

Other: ~Has quite romantic yet rivary relations to Undyne due to the past, being in uncertain sittuation about her and his own actions. ~He has neutral thoughts on Humans, and so with Monsters. ~He is considered as culprit for deserting, thus allowing monsters to attack him on spot. ~Smells like engine oil.

@asriel dreemurr
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name: Shulk Jones

age: 21

gender: Male

species: Human

sample rp: Christmas Time Reunion

looks [if no image]:

personality: A little reserved, Shulk has trouble telling people of his visions sometimes. He has a huge hatred to:
for killing his old girlfriend, Fiora.

backstory: To be revealed within the RP.

other: Shulk is a bit of a glass cannon, meaning he's powerful, but doesn't have much health or defense. His sword, the Monado, has 8 magical arts you can find here: Shulk's Arts. He can use said arts once every few turns, and they all have different effects:

Buster: Does more damage to metallic monsters for one strike(Watch out, Mettaton!)

Shield: Protects Shulk from any attack at or above the level of the Shield. (Max is level 10 shield)

Purge: Removes all positive effects from Shulk's enemy

Enchant: Lets others do more damage to metallic monsters

Eater: Raises ATTACK for three turns, with a 25% chance of removing buffs from opponents

Speed: Increases Shulk's speed or a friend of his choice's speed.

Cyclone: A dodge-able laser attacks the enemy, with a 25% chance of making them be unable to move for one hit.

Armour: Increases DEFENSE for three attacks
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so, erm, sorry about not being on. like ever for the past week or so...

(ive been having a bad time)

[also, since some people already jumped in, i have to immediately accept you, because your already in the roleplay in guessing. also if you haven't jumped in yet shadnova, your accepted]

name: Pentulant

age: ??? (Idk cuz owl years n' stuff. She has boobs so I'll just say she's a young adult, rofl.)

gender: Female

species: Humanoid Owl Monster

sample rp: She'd hold out the three pieces of paper from some very unfortunate fortune cookies, her eyes glinting brightly. "Want one? I don't read these anyways- I just like the cookies."

personality: Very cowardly and shy, but once you get to know her she's very energetic and open.

backstory: She only woke in the forests of Snowdin, freezing and without any memory of her family. Now she just wanders the Underground avoiding hostiles and eating pastries.

other: Hates. Almonds. (Sorry, I'm not very detailed xD I tend to just develop my characters personality and stuff through role playing .3.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/poooooot.png.a30d0e304be2a4034aa5c93dbbb23cfe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/poooooot.png.a30d0e304be2a4034aa5c93dbbb23cfe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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name: Delilah

age: 13

gender: Female

species: Monster

sample rp: It's always so beautiful, even if I know it's not real. Delilah thought, looking up at the shimmering crystals in the "sky". She had lived here all her life, but the beauty of the crystals still took her breath away. One day, Delilah. One day you'll see the real thing! Catching one last glance,she hurried on her way; she had a lot of things to attend to.

looks [if no image]: She is an alligator with cat ears and bat wings, with bangs that cover her right eye.

personality: kind, brave, and a little devilish.

backstory: Delilah lived in the Ruins as a small child, taken care of by Toriel. Something happened and her and Toriel were separated, and Delilah never saw Toriel again. She then was lost, and was taken in by a kind little Tem.

other: She currently resides in the Capital. She has a dog that follows her everywhere.
Chara's not taken. Since you already asked for Chara, I'm going to use an idea I've had in storage for a while...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/chara__undertale__by_jany_chan17-d9lz1d0.png.fc472d5e0eb3b49e9d3275955e926682.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/chara__undertale__by_jany_chan17-d9lz1d0.png.fc472d5e0eb3b49e9d3275955e926682.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: Derorrim Arahc (Pronounced deh-roar-um arr-ach)

age: 10

gender: Opposite of Chara

species: Mirror Monster

sample rp:

The locket lied on the ground, having put it amongst the flowers where Chara had been buried, instead of left back in New Home at the capital. Next to the locket was an old knife, stuck up to the hilt in the soft dirt.

A small white orb floated over to the path of yellow flowers, and slowly lowered itself onto the locket. Once it touched the locket, the orb grew in size until it was about the size of a child. The bright glow it gave dimmed down until it cut out completely. In its place was a child that appeared human, but if one were to enter a FIGHT with it, it would quickly become obvious theit soul was that of a monster.

The child's eyes opened. This child only knew three things:

It's name, a nickname, and it's purpose.

"I am Derorrim Arahc, I will ask friends to call me Dero, and I will protect everyone, monster and human alike."

looks [if no image]: Unlike Chara and Frisk, Dero has dirty blonde hair and brilliant orange eyes. Their striped shirt is royal purple with light grey stripes. Also, they are paler than Chara, and their blush is deeper.

Personality: Dero is very sensitive, in terms of mental state. Push too many buttons too quickly and there WILL be a reaction. However, no hesitation to defend someone exists, whether the defending be verbally or physically. Dero also has a love of cooking, sewing, carving, and smithing, because it allows Dero to focus on something other than protecting people.

backstory: While Dero has no backstory, the species known as Mirror Monsters do. They were created to be the ultimate spy amongst humans. They take on a modified version of the appearance of the last human owner of an object. However, their purpose comes from their own limited consciousness.

other: Dero will not know they are a mirror monster, nor will they remember saying what they said about their name, nickname, and purpose.



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uummm... what about the little kid, the dino kid. And annoying dog!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/kittyton.jpg.956865fa4da37a59d8230b5fee41500a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116697" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/kittyton.jpg.956865fa4da37a59d8230b5fee41500a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: Kittyton EX

age: - just built -

gender: Male actually.

species: robot thing.

sample rp: " I hope mew don't mind... I was j-just built So I might be a bit b-buggy" ( they are going to be shy. )

personality: shy, but accepting mostly

backstory: while mettaton EX is female, kittyton was made to be a male mettaton in some ways. ( made for alphys anime purposes! )

other: was made by alphys



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name: Megalo

age: Let's say 12

gender: Male

species: Human

sample rp:*As Megalo Walked up the hill with frisk he sees some sort of sink hole he warns frisk and they try their best to not fall in.... they trip and fall down the hole* AHHHHH *Theye yells in a screech. a flow of light blue light goes into one of Megalo's eyes..... They land safely?* Frisk: What's Wrong with your eye? *This was the Beginning of their adventure*

personality:Megalo Is usually Caring but when he gets into a fight he doesen't mess around since he is 12 he can get easily annoyed and get angry which means his Eye flashes Blue really brightly

backstory:(The backstory is in my sample rp

other:Megalo has a magic eye and uses something called Meg_Blasters theyre like Gaster blasters but they deal slightly more dmg <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9afe097d_ColoredMegalo.png.86c19bd7214bece5c0beb246f6a5d824.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123622" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9afe097d_ColoredMegalo.png.86c19bd7214bece5c0beb246f6a5d824.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <----- Picture (It is also my profile pic



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