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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

name: Destiny

age: 4 years (but can live past 15)

gender: female

species: Turbo

sample rp: The water streaming past her skin as it was just a normal day as any other. One webbed paw in front of the other. Swim, swim. She looked to her left: her family, on her right: friends. All beating their wings and tails to keep up with each other in their pack. It would be getting cold soon, winter was arriving sooner than they nearly thought. She made sure to keep up with everyone by raising her wings up and then behind her, letting the water rush in a jet and propel her forward. Coming into her vision was a sort of greyish mass of swirling objects. Her tongue reached out of her mouth releasing some of its acid into the water behind her. It could only be one thing: fish.

looks [if no image]: Land Form<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64d8a4dc_filename-1(1).jpg.96abde12afb7f58b165c6108f90e00a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64d8a4dc_filename-1(1).jpg.96abde12afb7f58b165c6108f90e00a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Water Form (Destiny has purple acid)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64da5c47_filename-1(2).jpg.6e8dc1257d7c8560478e388ad83cbc43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64da5c47_filename-1(2).jpg.6e8dc1257d7c8560478e388ad83cbc43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

personality: Destiny herself is a pretty hardy sort of character. On her own she can seem a bit weak and skittish but, when having a close friend or partner around her personality really shows. With them, she is a very spunky and bubbly person.

backstory: Destiny has live what you could as a pretty "normal" life for an monster. She lived in a pack, as you could say, with her family and close friends. Because she is also an adventurous type: one day she ventured away from her pack and somehow found herself in the underground. And although she does miss her family she isn't looking to get out any time soon.

other: (Species Information): Turbos seem to be a crossbreed of several types of surface creatures. Their fur consists of short and stiff hairs. They prefer warm climates over cold climates because of the conditions of their skin and fur. When spending long periods on land, they grow their famous short fur that isn't all that soft to the touch. The wings that they have are not large enough to support their body weight. Their main form of weaponry besides their teeth and claws is acid. In their land form, acid is produced less and is not as prominent than in their water form.

In their water form and when they stay in water for a long period of time, their acid is more noticeable. Any time their mouth is open acid of the Turbo's color drips from their canine teeth and tongue. Their skin is also really tight to their innards and also produces a certain kind of substances that repels or at least does not burn their skin if their own acid gets on it. The acid that comes from their mouth is equivalent to the acidity of lemon juice but as their diet changes can get more acidic. These creatures are also omnivores but eat more meat than anything



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name: Dr. W. D. Gaster

age: ?

gender: Male

species: Skeleton (?)

sample rp: "Dark, dark, yet darker. The Darkness keeps growing. The shadows cutting deep--" The thought was interrupted by the appearance of a grey door.. Grey flooded the remnants of the mysterious man's mind. It had been god knows how long since he had seen any color. With that color, came hope. He had been banished to this godforsaken place, this absence of everything and nothing. A feeling burned inside him. 'To be or not to be, and I have no choice but to be.' Slowly but surely, he gathered the strength to move forward. His slender body crept towards the door, his long black coat dragging across the void.


A face peeked through the door at the man in black, and he could feel himself fading. 'K????E?E??P???? ???IT?? ??????T????O??G????E???T??????H?E???????R????' But before Gaster could speak to the child, everything went black. When he awoke, there was only the white of freshly fallen snow.

personality: Dr. W. D. Gaster used to be a very kind man, a love for science and all beings. However, having been stuck in the void for so long has made him relatively distant to others, and his sometimes strange dialect has him finding it harder and harder to communicate. He is becoming a shell of his former self, and with each passing day, more and more cold-hearted. He cares only about two things now: scientific advancement and finding the few who might remember him..

backstory: Dr. Gaster is said to have created the Core, and the one to start experimenting with "determination" in monsters. He was the Royal Scientist before Alphys, and was considered an absolute mastermind. He was thwarted only by his own brilliance, when the machine that made everything work, caused everything to cease. On that beautiful day, Dr. W. D. Gaster fell into the core, tearing his consciousness apart, leaving him to watch as the world moves on without him. He is but a corrupted memory in the minds of all the inhabitants of the underground.
(Hope you're still accepting!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images-7.jpeg.3d55d4fb1afbd664865d3c6d2c6f40cb.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91656" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/images-7.jpeg.3d55d4fb1afbd664865d3c6d2c6f40cb.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: His full name is T.N Roman, but everyone just calls him Roman.

age: N/A

gender: Male

species: Skeleton

sample rp: Roman stood there with his hands behind his back as he watched his distant cousins bicker. Papyrus would yell at Sans to stay awake during his lookout, only for Sans to fall asleep during his yelling, and have the cycle continue. He sighed, wishing that they would both just give it a rest. It was tiring listening to Papyrus yell about how great he was and then for Sans to give a pun about it. It was everyday life for Roman, but he wished for something more. Something exciting! He just didn't know what yet...

personality: Roman is usually a rather calm, collected guy with a good head on his shoulders. He's rather mature and friendly, but not as childish as Papyrus or Sans. He's the more grown up of the pair, and usually the most forgotten because of it. He's usually overshadowed by Papyrus' personality and Sans' hijinks, and people tend to not notice him. Literally. He will stand in a room full of people, not move for a minute or two, and people will forget he's there. He forgives them for doing so, though, as it happens so often that it would be tiring to be angry so much.

backstory: Roman is speculated to be the distant cousin of Papyrus and Sans, but it has yet to be proven. He was there when they arrived in Snowdin, but was completely ignored. It wasn't on purpose either; he just lacked presence, and people didn't notice him. However, he did his best to help everyone with whatever he could. It is only now that he has decided to speak up more and make himself known.

other: Like Sans, he has a power in his right eye that works pretty much like Sans'. He can only use it at times of need.

He is aware of the existence of W.D Gaster, and is rather curious to know about him.



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(yes karcen, im still accepting charaters, i just didn't get done with school till now.)

everyone is accepted, also i forgot about ghaster, and i can't believe that *facepalm.

{also, did you make that art work yourself underground elite?}
ya im not very good either, i think i could do better if i spent more time...

(but i don't really care about art, im more of a sciencey person.)

name: Kori

age: ?

gender: Female

species: Ice spirit

sample rp:

Far in the frozen wastes beyond home and hearth, far beyond where anything but trees could live where spring never came and the show was eternally covered in icy snow stood a lone building. It towered over everything, a castle made of pure ice that gleamed in the sun. The morning dyed it in every color of the sky above vivid hues painted the building in a way no artist could capture. The castle itself looked like it was art brought to life, towers were held a loft by spindly lattices works far too thin to ever hold something of any weight, yet they did as if in defiance of the world. Every inch of the castle from highest tower to the lowest step was covered in designs that spoke of winter and cold beauty, the light seemingly bending in the ice to bring these markings out in different shades than those of the walls. All around this castle winds blew carrying cold that bit down to the bone and seemed to whisper of harshness of the world and impending death. There was no warmth in this land even in sun soaked castle.

Inside the remote castle a single being lived, inside the hallow castle she built for herself. Inside a parlor furbished only in ice and frozen flames that flicked and danced without consuming anything the lone figure sat at a piano. The piano too was nothing but ice yet when the keys were pressed the piano emanated an ice crystalline tone like that of a real piano. Like everything else it was just a frozen reflection of the larger world brought to the tiny inhabitant of this looming castle. The lone figure was clothed in ice given different colors, her features a frozen perfection, and a mockery of life it had none of the warmth that true life had. Everything about it was fake like someone had tried to capture perfection and somewhere in some tiny invisible detail they had stumbled for the figure was beautiful that was without doubt even without her eyes being visible , but still she lacked some ephemeral quality that made her beauty more terrifying than anything.

The figure played the icy piano hands moving from key to key yet every song was lacking in some way, every key was pressed in the correct order yet it was never right, and the castle shook and the wind outside howled in anger despite the figures face never changing. An untold number of timelines spent trying to figure out what was missing and still whatever it was eluded the frozen being. she needed souls to understand to grow. Outside the winds died down replaced with a light snow storm that blotted out the morning sun robbing the castle of all its former beauty leaving only the imposing shell that its lone tiny inhabitant had created for herself.

personality: Kori lives up to one being made of ice she is cold and callous, for any request she will normally ask an exorbitant fee. She also has a hobby of making random creatures into decoration, meanie she freezes them in a pillar of ice. She looks down on others often calling herself a queen despite not ruling anything. This all together makes her rather unpleasant. However under all this she is actually very scared she is after all just a small snowflake and fears the warm world and once again being buried in darkness. To that end she has discovered her own way to solve her problems the same way the king intends to solve his, 7 humans souls. Then she will covered the world in ice and snow.

backstory:Once upon a time there was a single snowflake in a vast blizzard in a lost place. The little snowflake turned as it it fell and saw that it was small and that all around it was nothing compared to the world around it. Then the little snowflake looked down and saw the ground empty and covered in white. Then it looked up and saw uncountable other snowflakes falling down upon it and it realized it would get buried. The snowflake tried to tell everything around it to stop it didn't want to be buried, but only silence answered it, it was alone. The snowflake couldn't stop the world and fell to the ground just like any other and could only look on as more and more fell on it.

The snowflake no longer able to turn in the air was forced to watch as slowly the light from the sky above was turned to black thanks to all the others falling on it. In the endless darkness the snowflake screamed for release from someone or something to save from the darkness, but there was just silence, silence and darkness. In the darkness pleading became cursing, fear became hatred, the snowflake cursed the world that had let it live only to smothered in endless darkness it hated everything in the world. It though if only it was bigger if only the lifeless others would join it then it would be big enough then it could escape.

Then something sparked, like fire but frozen The little snowflake lacked any way to move or any means to grasp this cold fire but it did. When this freezing powers was it's the snowflake realized there was light around it, it was free.

This is just the story Kori tells those few who ask about her so how much of it is true is unknown, what is known is she lives somewhere north of snowdin in the frozen wastes and she has great mystic power. Sometimes someone will visit her as she can apparently tell the future seemingly without error after consulting a special book and asking odd questions.

other: She is aware of resets but dose not remember them directly instead she has a book that acts as a journal that stores her memories from previous timelines, her predictions tend to just be her finding what timeline it is and working with that.

i'll leave this here while i work on the rp section
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age: "at LEAST 75,000. Just kidding, around 15 or so, I lost count."

gender: Male


sample rp:

Coury stood there ominously, awaiting the child's response, "Is this not what you were looking for? I believe you have become lost." Chara's H.P. dropped alarmingly, but stopped leaving one H.P. remaining, "How do you like being weak for a change? Not so fun being the underdog now, is it?"

"Heh, ya lost kiddo? You look hurt, you need some help?" Coury helped the fallen child up from the snow, and handed Frisk a Candy Bar (heals 999 H.P.), "Now, don't go eating that so quickly! That's some novelty piece of sugar and spice, healing more than Toriel's ButtsPie!" Coury cracked up at the hilarious abbreviation, relieving the situation of any seriousness that was lingering.

looks [if no image]: The "enemy" in this project I put together a few weeks ago: Scratch - Target Practice

personality: Like Sans, he has a sans of humor if you befriend him, but he can be dead serious at times as well. He likes to play word games to distract you from dodging his attacks. He is also aware of the Save function, but only through Sans and [REDACTED]

backstory: Coury is the fourth/third skeleton bro, who lives in a canonically-unreachable section of the Underground, "north" of where you meet Sans. He used to get along just fine by himself and the other monsters tucked away over there, but he recently decided to check out Sans and Papyrus's place. He used to appear right after Sans's woopie cushion encounter, but as a joke, Coury decided to not show up for the part, and now he sits back with [REDACTED] deep inside the code, but not as trapped inside as [REDACTED] is.

other: Coury may be a lazybones, but he has his own quirk: He passively reduces your H.P. to 1! "How do you like being weak for a change? Not so fun being the underdog now, is it?"

Also, while Sans has "You're gonna have a bad time," Coury has "I will make you regret your decisions."
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e4c1c7c_KeirMidnight.png.12716182a7be721ea4bc23f42ef82ae7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e4c1c7c_KeirMidnight.png.12716182a7be721ea4bc23f42ef82ae7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: Keir Midnight

age: ?

gender: Male


sample rp: Keir looked around the room in disgust, spitting onto the floor besides him "you think you're so special, stuffing the timelines up, I'll show you what happens when you murder my friends little one." . Keir raises his right arm as his left eye flashes a bright red "and you thought sans was tough"

looks [if no image]: Replace any skin you see with bone.

personality: Keir is often energetic and light hearted, smiling and trying to show of how much of a nice skeleton he is. However when it comes to his friends and his work(if he ever needs to actually do anything work related) he becomes a serious strategic fighter who would have no hesitation to kill his closest friends(cept sans)

backstory: Keir showed up in Snowdin a week after the skeleton brothers and doesn't like to talk about his past, but ever since is often seen with sans. (someone might push, him in rp, into revealing it, in which case I will edit this)


~Has a crush on his co worker Sans

~Has similar powers to Sans

//im so bad at character sheets D:



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[QUOTE="asriel dreemurr](also kiwikat, if your referring to the skulls that sans can create, they are called "gaster blasters" apparently. i have no clue why.)

they are called ghaster blasters because sans is W.D. Ghasters son and he got them from him
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e68df71_michiTemmie.jpg.af730ecf98bc1a5fd2faac4f87d2559f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e68df71_michiTemmie.jpg.af730ecf98bc1a5fd2faac4f87d2559f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

name: Michi Okanza

age: 20

gender: Female

species: Temmie that went to college

sample rp: Michi sighed as she left home. "I swear.... I cannot believe I was that illiterate back then.." she said as she looked back upon Tem village as she walked away. She had always believed that the Tem were a perfect, epic people. Then she returned from college. "Ugh... why do I have to be apart of this... But I can change this... and be different" She smiled as she not just walked away from her old village, but walked into a new life.

personality: Intelligent, caring, friendly, ecstatic

backstory: (Basically explained it in my sample rp)

other: (Yes I drew it after seeing the sprite)




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