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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

asriel dreemurr

the prince of monsters

Forum for oc's:

[image here]





sample rp:

looks [if no image]:







flowey/asriel: soyxmilk



Papyrus: sansysans

Sans: kiwikat



mettaton: sansysans

W.D ghaster: blitzy

(tell me in out of character chat if i missed someone from the game ^__^)


Floyd Raleigh II: kiwikat

T.N Roman:knightnate

destiny:underground elite

Kori: karcen

coury: ferociousfeind

my fourm -for my oc-



age: 10 years

species: cat monster

sample rp: "hiya! what brings ya to my parents shop?" she says excitedly and she starts to polish a small necklace carefully.

looks [if no image]: shes a black cat with red highlights. her eyes are a deep blue, and she wears a red and blue hoodie with blue jeans. she has a white undershirt. she has a necklace of a red gem in the shape of a heart.

personality: she kind of jumpy and jittery, but is extremely paranoid

backstory: her parents own a antique shop, where she spends most of her time. her parents have since left, and she runs the shop all on her own. (shes also one of the few shops that buy stuff from you, if it existed in-game.)

other: she has a pet humming bird from the surface.
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Name: Floyd Raleigh II

Age 14

Gender: Male

Species: froggit

Sample RP: Floyd collapsed from fatigue and looked at his father, " don't worry dad... I will keep practicing my magic... It will come soon I am sure" he got up and croaked, "I will earn my final form dad, I will make you proud!" He looked at his father who nodded back and hopped away, there was nothing more for him to say that his son had not already said.

Looks: like a normal froggit, he wears a tophat and also has weird red circles on him.

Personality: FRII is a hard working kind mannered gentleman of a froggit, he will fight but never for petty reasons, either for sport or for honor. If he puts his mind do something ( and while he can't have DETERMINATION) he will work hard to get there

Backstory: FRII is the son of a Final froggit who wishes the same for him, pretty much from birth he was pushed to the limit practicing spells and attacks no ordinary froggit could accomplish. Because of this, Floyd was taught a sense of power and strength that to his knowledge no other froggit felt. He only wishes to become like his father and protect other froggits.
( also could I be papyrus or sans?)
(Despite of that red warning, I still wish to fill the Sign-up sheet)

Character sigh-up:

Name: Undyne

Age: She is around her mid twenties, maybe late twenties.

Gender: Female

Species: Amphibian, anthropomorphic shark-like fish.

Sample RP: Wind was howling, somewhere in the Waterfall, the tall knight, standing around six feet roughly, was looking down at the reeds down below. The knight was standing there in quiet, lowering one's head. Shortly after, Papyrus runs towards the knight and at the last steps, being roughly inch away, he would report about the past confrontation with the Fallen Human. Seconds pass as the knight shifts one's view towards Papyrus, sparking one's left eye behind metal, jaw like helmet: "Hmpf, no wonder... In fact, nobody even think about raising hands or whatever against this monstrosity.... no wonder.' - dark, deep woman voice falls through metalic jaws, and once walking towards Papyrus, knight placed one's hand, roughly folding into the grip, holding Papyrus' shoulder, causing light pain for him: "If you can't handle that... then it seems that I have to take matters in my own hands... I am slightly disappointed, Papyrus." - knight finishes as then stands at ease, looking back at the reeds, below the stiff pass.

Apperance: Casually, Undyne wears a big variety of cloth, but the most usual for her - dark tank-top with roughed jeans with the pair of colorful boots, hiding her feet. She looks muscular and menacing even in casuall cloth, while sparking a bit with her bright yellow left eye, right eye is hidden behind black patch. She has scale, sea blue skin with light scent of sushi. She has scarlet red hair in long ponytail, which waves on the wind as her teeth look sharp, somewhere sticking out of her mouth. Her armor is quite heavy and intimidating, using the mix of both white and black colors. Her armor is also has metal skirt with pouch around the waist, her gloves are also has mix of metal shards and basic leather. All in all - you would probabbly try evade the contact with such dangerous 'Amphibian Knight'.

Personality: She is quite passionable character, yet having quite deep and unknown backstory behind, which sometimes makes her reconsider her past and deeds. At first, you can say that she is quite hot-headed persona, trying to deal the task at hand by her own, bluntly but when knew better and up close - she turns out to be just somewhat unlucky with her faith. She is loyal to her friends and goals send towards her as she will always finish things that has started before. And sometimes, her method of dealing things is rather too upfront, she is the person of 'Things first, questions later'.

Backstory: The story behind intimidating character is covered in darkness as nobody exactly knew from where she came from, how she got her links to King Asgore and the Royal Guard, even it is hardly known why does she wear her eyepatch. It is asumed by some monsters that Undyne was born in more deep lands of Waterfall as she was raised there, showing her pros and cons. Yet again, nobody knows how she managed to get that close to Asgore and the crew, maybe because of being the one of the monsters with abbility to hold the determination and control it.

(I hope that my detailed style of roleplaying is not going to hurt the general setting here.)



name: Sans

age: ?

gender: male


sample rp: Sans chuckled, "heh heh, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick... Still gets me" he said pulling his hand back, " so what brings you all the way here to snowdin... With all that traveling you must be in ruins" he joked, he didn't wait for a laugh and checked behind him.

personality: Much of a joker and never appears that serious about much of what is going on, he sometimes gets deep with things, be warned he is not always a joker, if pushed past his line of not caring, he is a formidable foe to say the least.

backstory: mysteriously, Sans and his brother Papyrus just showed up one day in snowden and proclaimed themselves, Sans has an ability to see other futures and understand when the world changes or 'RESETS'. also has magic powers like teleporting and creating vaster blasters, which shoot lasers.

other: Plays the trom-BONE, and has likes ketchup.
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(also kiwikat, if your referring to the skulls that sans can create, they are called "gaster blasters" apparently. i have no clue why.)
(Yea, I was referring to those, I just forgot the name >_> )

Name: Papyrus

Age: ?

Gender: Male

species: Skeleton

Sample rp: "Sans! Not again! Why must I always find you leaving your socks all around the house?! All I, the Great Papyrus, asks for is to have a clean house. Is that too much to ask for?" Papyrus declared, after he found a good amount of socks under the couch while he was cleaning. The last thing he wanted to do when he came back from Undyne's was to have to deal with a messy house. Which usually meant he would have to clean up, and then make some dinner for himself. Since Sans was obviously not going to spend dinner with him, Papyrus knew that all too well. Sure, his brother tended to disappear to Grillby's and sometimes he didn't even see his brother leave the house. It just meant there would be much more Spaghetti for him, and he usually never thought much about his brother's sudden disappearance sometimes. He usually guessed it was because he just hadn't been paying attention.

Personality: A rather cheery fellow, he is highly influenced by those around him. Usually going into a faze where he wants to become something greater than what he is currently and to reach a status in which he would have many friends as well as recognition. He is slightly narcissistic, however, he cares very much of those around him, which makes him a bit soft when it comes to fighting. This doesn't stop him from wanting to become part of the Royal Guard, which is one of his longest dreams. He loves puzzles, but sadly gets rather annoyed with Junior Jumble which he isn't very good at.

Backstory: Sans and Papyrus had been described (by the shopkeeper in Snowdin) to have just showed up one day and assorted themselves into the community, and how things were much more interesting with the two around. No one really knows where they came from, it seems.

Other: (I felt like making the form.)

(Oh yeah, and Mettaton please! :D If I can, that would be nice. I mean I don't want to take too much just in case others want to play him. If it is okay, I'll probably make a sign up form for him too, just to get ready.)
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(I feel that it helps me get ready for it. As much as I have been roleplaying for a while, and I have went through every route in the game... I still don't truly trust myself with them. Working on it. So I can have Mettaton?)
(Glad I came in time, I missed another undertale roleplay. So I was glad that I at least caught this one. I like being in roleplays from the beginning. It helps tons.)
(and sorry I stole sans from you (' :| ))
(Oh do not fret human! It's fine. I'm honestly better at Papyrus to be honest, puns aren't something I am good at making on the spot. My friend changed who I was supposed to play last second, so I was all ready for Papyrus but not for Sans. But the same went for her. That was back in our first roleplay that is still going on now but on Skype. xD )
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(wow, also i agree with starting from the beginning of something, yesterday i joined a thread, but i had to read 30 pages of roleplay X3)
(Yeah, it is hard work to read all those posts and stuff. Not everyone is as patient as me when it comes to reading so much stuff.)

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