Under Tomorrow's Sky [SIGN UP SHEET]

Super excited, just exactly don't know how to start off when I'm unsure of where we're going. Hopefully I'll get something to work off of (:
See ya later Hunnyhelp! Hope to see you soon!

Well, let's see. Bee, you could start off by being in the hangar somewhere. I figure we won't have any major alien attacks until we've had a chance for most of our characters to interact.
That's what I was thinking. Seeing as how she's quirky, maybe bump into one of yours. Fixing her glasses or something. I feel she might give some comic relief to this.
Sure. Go ahead!

Squirtle squad. Try saying that five times fast...Lol. 
Hey guys, I gotta go! I'll reply either later tonight (most likely not happening) or tomorrow (most likely). Sorry for the inconvenience!
In case anyone is wondering, Bee I know you asked, you are allowed to live any where in the city. So long as you can get to Base in a reasonable amount of time. However, due to frequent attacks by the Sentients, a large portion tend to just live at base.

(Why I'm thinking of such information, now. I really don't know.) 

Here's some much needed information. Well, it's pictures. But hey, what the heck. It's still information. Dug this all up yesterday. Here ya guys go!



Preferably, all Drivers connect remotely. But I guess if the mech is modified enough, they could fit inside and suit up that way.
Also, are all of the mechs on the same scale as the comparison chart? And do humans have any kind of force field technology, or any that could be stolen from the aliens? 
What are the mechs exactly? Are they pure mechanical or do they have biological components as well?
Mechs can be different sizes. However, the Heavy class is by far the tallest and most heavily armored. Medium Class mechs are usually a head (literally a head) smaller than the Heavy Class. And the Light Class is a head smaller than the Medium Class. On average, of course. There are always those that are different heights.

On Average: the Heavy class tends to be more bulky and the Light Class tends to be slimmer. The Medium Class tends to be the middle of the two.

And yes, the humans do have force field technology that can be stolen from the aliens. The Mechs themselves have also been noted to be taken.

Yes, mechs are pure mechanical. However, like I stated above, if enough modifications are made, a human could fit themselves into their mech and control them that way.

Does this help? I'm more than happy to answer any other questions. :)
Also, I'm thinking that my char would wear a sort of suit while inside of the mech, to allow her to connect and to protect her from harm. I'm thinking something like an extremely lightened version of the standard armor.
I just assumed something similar to the military uniform. Just make sure it's pants and a shirt of some kind, no sexy skirts or tight ballin' jeans :P Neutral colours I would assume is acceptable.
Name: Ava Gardner

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Military Category: Driver

Driver Class: (if you're not a driver leave this blank) Light, but her mech is modified to allow her to pilot it from the inside.

Personality: Ava is a very sweet and loving girl. She is very attached and affectionate towards those who she knows, but she finds it hard to make friends due to her shyness. On the battlefield, though, her entire demeanor changes and she is very axe crazy. She has be reprimanded repeatedly for taking unecessary risks.

Background History:. Ava grew up in the city, with a relatively normal life. This changed around the age of 9, when a Wall breakage allowed the aliens to kill her parents and sister. Ava was put into an orphanage and eventually joined the military.

Appearance: (picture recommended)

Extra: Found an old video game, her favorite Pokemon from it is Jigglypuff

The suit that she wears in very similar to the plugsuit from Eva (I can attach a ref pic if necessary). It is white.

She wears a white uniform similar to a medics but without the cross symbols. (Although in order to get that color, she had to learn CPR and basic first aid, in case someone mistook her for a medic.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.11559419080be06a3363a35c8b0c0456.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4171" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.11559419080be06a3363a35c8b0c0456.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Drivers ware the same uniform as the Standards. The black one.

And accepted.

Don't worry, we won't. 
By the way, I probably won't respond until tomorrow. I was called into work on an "emergency basis" a few hours ago. I'm still stuck at work. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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