Under the Sea.n(1x1) [Allison Chase & Red Death] [Inactive]

Akira sighed, "I should've said nothing," he walked back to where the two girls were sleeping, "I cant do anything right." he ran his hand angrily through his hair.

Anna woke up, "Hi Akira, what are you doing here?" she smiled

She seem to glow with beauty.

He blushed, "oh, I-I didn't know you were up. I'm sorry if I woke you..."

She smiled, "You didn't, I was already waking up when you came down. Is everything okay?"

"y-yeah, everything's fine," He sighed, "We're heading away from the whatever's left of the enemy ship."

He didn't tell her about Jason's curse, if she knew that, he would be dead. Jason could die as well.
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She walked onto the deck of the ship. Jason was looking out over the sea. she walked next to him.

"Hey." I leaned up against the rail. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" he said sourly. "What are you doing up?" She giggled.

"I dont sleep to well"


"Why not?" he asked back,
Anna looked at Akira, "Are you sure?" she sat in front of him, "I don't believe you. It sounds like you're having some troubles."

Akira sighed, "Do I have to go into details or can I give you the basic version?"

Anna smiled, "Whichever one is better for you. I promise not to tell anyone the info you give me, basic or not."

I smiled, "You seem to understand me better than others do. Jason and I are looking for something we've been searching for five years. Jason is getting frustrated because we haven't had very good luck." He sighed, "It just seems like we'll never find what we're looking for..."

Anna hugged Akira, "Don't worry, you will be able to find it. you just need patience and a good eye. if you ever need help, you can always ask." She smiled, "Don't ever give up on searching for your dreams and goals."

She was so pretty even up close.

Akira soon began to blush again, "Thank you for your help Anna." He kissed her on the cheek, "It helped me a lot."

Anna blushed, "Your welcome." She felt sleep again "Would you stay by my side for now, I kind of feel safer when someone is around to watch me. Just till I fall asleep, and then you can get back to work. I would usually have Alice here, but she hasn't been able to sleep much."

He smiled, "It's fine. I know how it is. Don't worry your pretty little head, I'll stay and make sure nothing happens to you." he sat on a bunk next to Anna's.

She smiled and blushed at the same time, "Thank you Akira. It means a lot to me." She laid down and began to fall asleep.
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