Under the Sea.n(1x1) [Allison Chase & Red Death] [Inactive]

Akira looks over at Jason, Got any fish?" He walks over and whispers to Jason, "They seem to prefer seafood. Do you think they......" he stopped and looked over at Anna and smiled. Anna smiled back, whispering to Alice, "Trouble?"
"Neither do I" Alice tried to stand but fell over. "Dammit" She muttered, She suddenly felt 2 strong arms wrap around her.

"Up you go" The boy named Jason helped her up.
Akira handed Anna a bowl of fish, "Here you go. It was just caught so it should still be fresh. I would have it cooked, but we have no way of doing that on this ship."

Anna took the bowl, "That's okay, ill just suffer with what I have to eat." she began eating the fish slowly
He was face to face with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "You might need to get your sea legs." He smiled. the ship lurched throwing him into her,

"Oww" she mumbled. "Please get off."
Anna smiled, "It's been awhile since we last rode in a ship like this. I cant even remember the name."

Akira helped Jason up, "Looks like Alice isn't the only one." He smiled
The Ship lurched again. Jason almost swore in fact he did. "What the Fuck was that!" He ordered the crew to take positions, "Akira take the girls below deck!"
Akira nodded and grabbed both girls, "Come with me, now!"

Anna tripped, "Ow. I think I hurt my ankle.."

"Hop onto my back," He helped her up and grabbed Alice's hand, "Hurry."
"No. I stay." She ran to the front of the ship and summoned her ocean vision. It was an Enemy ship.


Jason looked to Alice, ~What is She doing~
Anna sighed, "She'll be fine, she's helping your buddy out." She could sense his emotions, "Now, can we get out of here and fix my ankle please."
A cannonball was incoming. "Alice. Move." But she didn't. "Alice!"


A wave rose from the sea. "Now do my bidding ocean and fight." the water rushed to the ship and snapped it in two like a stick
Akira stumbled, "Sorry, it's hard running around a ship when its moving."

Anna winced, "It's fine, I don't mind much." she sensed the oceans movement
s Alice's body glowed, the ocean reacted to her movements and brought the other ship's treasure and assorted things. "The bounty of the sea" She smiled stopping the control.


Jason ran to her side. "Are you ok?" She nodded and spun around.
Akira tripped, "Ow, sorry if I hurt you."

Anna sat up, "I don't think I'm the one who's the most hurt here." She smiled
"Wow that was the first time ive done that in a while." She feel into his arms "Im just gunna stay here."


Jason caught her and put her into his bunk. "Sweet dreams"
Akira finished up the bandages, "There you go. All better." He smiled

"Thanks for your help," Anna yawned, "Man I'm tired."

Akira picked her up and placed her in the bunk next to Alice, "Then take a nap, you need it."
"Pfft Akira you know that, the possibility of that being true is less than zero." Jason wanted to beleive so much that the myth was true.
"Me feel emotions? Akira, I can't feel anything. remember im cursed and the only way is a mermaids kiss and thats never going to happen." HE went back to angerly steering the ship.

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