Under the Moon


New Member

(This is my first post on here but I am very experienced with RP c:)

The New Moon and Full Moon packs have been allies for years, each pack living in the vast snow covered landscapes of Alaska. Brothers Kage, alpha male of the New Moon pack, and Hikari, alpha male of the Full Moon pack, have always been family orientated even after forming seperate packs. One day the brothers Father, Puraido, told them of the family prophecy, stating that Hikari was destined to rule the daylight and to follow in their fathers footsteps as leader of the Sun pack. Kage became enraged,a questioning their fathers decision. "I'M STRONGER THAN MY BROTHER IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE! WHY IS HE YOUR HEIR!?" Puraido simply stated: "You may be strong, but there is darkness in your heart." Kage swore on that day he would never forgive his father or his brother, and so he moved his pack to the Southern parts of Alaska, never to be seen again by his family. 2 Years after the fight, Kage still had never forgiven his father or brother. Since that time he had started a family of his own, his mate Kira and daughter Yami.

------------------RP start--------------------------

Yami ran through the glittering white snow, her claws digging up chunks of ice and flinging them back vigorously. Her pure black fur swayed in the wind as she bared her teeth in a snarl. The fawn ran full speed ahead of her, its heart beating rapidly as it attempted to escape. Yami followed at its heels waiting for the perfect opportunity.

"I'm not letting this one go, not today."

She had been waiting for this day since she was a pup. The day she proved to her father she could take care of herself. Kage sat silently atop the hill, watching his daughter chase the fawn. Yami turned through a grove of trees, spotting a boulder. Perfect. Letting out one last sprint she climbed the boulder swiftly, leaping from it almost as suddenly as she had touched it. Wham. Down went the fawn. She pinned it swiftly, snarling as she sank her canines into its throat. She clenched tight, holding it steady as her father ran towards her. Don't let go until the body stops moving. She thought to herself. Finally silence. Kage nodded swiftly, turning to walk back to the pack, leaving Yami to drag the fawn on her own.

The pack ate in silence as Kage spoke with his daughter on the edge of their territory.

"You are free to travel now that I know you are safe. Be careful."

His deep voice echoed slightly in the night as Yami puffed out her chest with pride.

"Thank you."

Kage nodded walking away from his daughter to return to the pack. Yami let out a sigh and turned to look out over the miles and miles of forest that lay before her.

"Here I go...."

She began running, not caring where or how far, she just ran. Her mix matched white and red eyes glowed brightly in the night as she came to a cave. She haulted at the mouth, sniffing the air vigorously. Wait, that scent. A thud came from within the cave as a shadow formed, stepping towards her cautiously.

Akira ran through the snow. huf...huf...come on you can make this he thought. Akira ran up the ridge and jumped over the canyon. he landed on the other side. He saw the young pup run this way. He looked around and sniffed the air. I can smell her he thought. He walks up to a cave. he sees her. Akira ducks behind a small snow bank. his pure whit fur helps him blend into the snow. being from the full moon pack he never reached this far into new moon terrortory. this wa very exciting for young akira.
(I'm not really sure if I should just jump in, so I will.)

Jei never had been on her own before; after claiming the new moon pack was better than the full moon pack, Father had shunned her and now she was all alone. She desperately searched for another living creature, another wolf to associate with. She had not seen another wolf in days; it was killing her inside.

Father knew that I would hate this, she thought. He knew I hated being alone. I really wish I wasn't alone.

The quick heartbeat of another living creature filled her ears, and she almost yelped with joy. Yes! Finally, she wouldn't have to travel alone! Maybe it could be a male wolf; she could start her own pack. That would show Father.
Hey, I guess I'll just jump in then....

Kei drifted through the woods like a lost soul. Her stomach was empty yet again, and she'd seen not a trace of anything edible. She feared she would die in the harsh winter, eating tree bark to quell the hunger. Food was hard to come by in the tundra, of course, but it didn't make it easier that her wicked pack leaders took as much as they could of the meager meat they came by. In a sudden burst, the smell of prey filled her nose. She tensed and lowered into an instinctive crouch, all senses at the ready. To her left she heard a tell-tale rustle in the scrub, a mistake that turned out to be fatal to the rabbit she quickly finished off. It was plump for winter, and the first food she had eaten that day. It was bittersweet to know that she would live another day.
Jei smelled another wolf from a mile away. She slowly headed towards the scent. When the cold wind blew her direction, she could smell the faint trace of rabbit. 'Hmmm...' she thought. 'Loner looking for food? Possibly.' She charged out of the brush to see the other wolf. She looked into its eyes, and at its body. It was starving. Jei slowly circled the other wolf, looking at it from all angles.
I just realized that your wolf's name is Jei, and mine is Kei. Great minds thinks alike I guess!

Kei jumped and stiffened as she heard something to her right. She whipped her snout around to stare with frightened eyes as another wolf circled her. She quivered from terror and hunger. The other wolf was obviously more powerful than her, and she supposed that this would be a better way to die than starving.
(That's amazing!)

Jei saw that this wolf was clearly inferior to her. 'Hmmm...I've never had anyone inferior to me before.' she thought. However, this wolf had done nothing to her, so instead of pouncing, she sat on her rump, continuously watching this other wolf.

'Hi,' Jei said. 'I'm Jei.'
Kei watched in atonishement as the other wolf yeilded. She could only stare desperately at him as she sat and said, "Hi, I'm Jei." After a little while she warily sat down, still ready to run if necessary. She could tell from the way the other wolf looked, acted, and sounded that she had been lucky enough to meet a kindred spirit. "Hi... I'm Kei."
(Just to put this out there, Jei is a girl. I was just looking for a name and thought Jei sounded pretty cool.)

Jei looked at the wolf named Kei, and gave a wolfish grin. "Sorry I scared you," she said. "I didn't mean to. I was kicked out of my pack, and I've been roaming alone for the past few days. I hate being alone. What about you? Why are you out here all by yourself?"
(I did know that, I just slipped up. Sorry!). .Kei relaxed, glad to find someone that sympathized with her. She wasn't quite alone with the New Moon pack, but it felt like it. Only worse. "I'm not really alone, but I think being in the New Moon pack is just as bad." She sighed sadly. "I came out here to find some food to keep me alive... For now." She looked carefully at the other wolf. Her hair was a ------ color, and her eyes a pretty ---—. (I don't know what color they are, so I put blanks.)
(First blank: Dark brown Second blank: Green) Jei's head tilted. "You were from the New Moon? So am I!" Jei barked her joy at finding someone who was in her pack. "However, I was kicked out, for claiming Full Moon was better." Jei's ears drooped.

Kei's black fur warmed at the fact that she had so much in common with this other wolf. She smiled and then frowned. "I think it's time for me to run away from them," she said, blue eyes clouding with worry. She came closer and nuzzled the other wolf to comfort her. "Would you like to start a new pack? We could somehow manage to save loners maybe, because I doubt Full Moon would let us in."
Jei smiled to herself. 'Someone to be with! This is awesome!' she thought. "Okay," she said. "We'll save the loners. But what shall we call ourselves?"

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