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Realistic or Modern ***Undead Survival: Zombie Apocalypse RP***

As in I get to chose who to run into? Because I'm gonna stick to having one character myself for me to control.
Mhmm :) My upcoming characters Daemon and Rosha (they're a team and close), who are Rogues, Haemon who is a Resistance Fighter and Daemon's younger brother, and Zena who is a Resistance fighter but is evil
Wolfrose said:
Mhmm :) My upcoming characters Daemon and Rosha (they're a team and close), who are Rogues, Haemon who is a Resistance Fighter and Daemon's younger brother, and Zena who is a Resistance fighter but is evil
Okay, btw I won't be starting until sometime later today or early tomorrow since I have a few other things to do before I decide to get really involved.


NAME: Daemon Hawk


AGE: 22



PERSONALITY: Daemon opposes his brother in so many ways. He s serious, blunt, emotionless, and downright cold, sometimes considered cruel. He's always been that way, not having time for foolishness or petty things. He is tough and hard to crack, dark, and has never been seen smiling. Occasionally he may lighten up or soften up, but even those moments are rare. However, a guy like him is nice to have around. He is strong, but not near as physically strong as his brother. Unlike his brother he has a tall, thinner build but still has muscle and can handle himself decently in a fight. His lack of emotion keeps him alive and allows his smarts to get the better of him, using logic and reasoning in place of emotions and heart. He may not be as strong and hardy as his brother, but he is definitely smarter and wiser. There are only a couple of people that he becomes more soft around and loves truly, though he doesn't always show it- his brother and Rosha. He is extremely protective of them, for they are all he has. But even to his brother he still acts cold and hard. Rosha is really the only one he is truly soft and more emotional about.

BACKSTORY: Daemon is the older brother to Haemon, but the two don't see eye to eye because they are so different. They grew up in a fairly decent life, with a mother and father who made good money. They lived on a farm out in the country and rarely saw troubles and hardships. However, Haemon was always the favored child i his family, which didn't always settle well with him. He was the one the girls were after and who everyone always asked about or talked about. After a while Daemon simply accepted the different treatments and cared no more about it. When he was 16 and Haemon was 14, they were drafted into the military. Their mother had disagreed, what mother wouldn't? But their father wanted to see his boys follow in the footsteps of his father, who had been the general of the army in his time. Haemon wanted to be in the army, but not as a foot soldier- no. He wanted to be a marine. Daemon thought Haemon's choice was foolish, but had no say because his brother never listened to him, so why should he have then? Daemon wanted to be a foot soldier, but ended up becoming a pilot in the air force. Much harsh training and rough experiences while he was part of the army were what really molded him into the rock-hard and cold sculpture he became. But then he met Rosha- a charming and lovely young woman, only a year younger than he. She was drafted into his unit among the air force, hence how they became so close. It wasn't a romantic sort of thing, for Daemon found such things to be petty and a waste of time. But he began to grow a soft spot for the woman. He and Rosha decided to join together in friendly competition to work themselves up in the ranks, but Daemon of course lost. After getting to know Rosha and seeing what she could do, Daemon knew that trying to beat her was a lost cause. He watched her climb all he way up to General of the air force. But, not too long after she did, the apocalypse struck. Upon their call of duty both Daemon and Rosha readied themselves to fight off the Undead- but it didn't last long. One night at one of their few camps, the Undead ambushed them. Only Rosha and Daemon, with each other's help, survived it. The rest of their squadron turned or fell to the creatures. they fled together, gathering up all they could carry within reason, and stuck with each other up until the present, trying to survive together through the wrath of the walking dead.

CRUSH/LOVER/SPOUSE: N/A (though many believed he and Rosha were a thing, but they aren't- they're just close friends)

OTHER: Carries around two machine guns, a belt of ammo, a Bowie knife, and 30 feet of chains as his weaponry.


SN: Wolfrose

NAME: Haemon Hawk


AGE: 20


ALLEGIANCE: Resistance Fighter, Fighter

PERSONALITY: Haemon completely opposes his older brother. He has bulging, rippling muscles that he worked very hard during his military training to get and has a thicker build overall than his stockier brother. Haemon is quite sociable and very kind-hearted. Some say he has a bleeding heart, willing to play the hero at any given time. He is naturally charming, and always has been, a real heart-catcher. He has a sense of duty to protect the innocent and bring the evil-doers to justice, but he isn't quick to kill. He values life, even those of the enemies, allowing his emotions to dictate everything he does. He is smart, but lacks the wisdom and experience- also maturity- that his brother has. His "bleeding heart" makes him stupid at times, and quick to react. But he means well. He is very protective of all he comes across or comes to know, not hesitating to throw his own life on the line for someone else, even a stranger. He is almost always seen with a jovial glow about him, almost always smiling, and always treating everyone with kindness, despite how they may treat him.

BACKSTORY: His early life is the same as Daemon's, but from then on their stories change. Once Haemon became drafted into the marine court, he busted his ass to get to be the beefy, strong, and tough man he currently is. Even in the marines he captured the hearts of most he came across, especially loved and adored by the women. He was always a ladies' man, however, even in his early life. He didn't realize during all that time he was overshadowing his less charismatic brother, though. So it never occurred to him that his brother was always hard on him and bitter to him because of that. With his fame and hard work, Haemon quickly worked his way up the ranks, skipping a couple to become General of the Marine Court, something he knew even his brother should be proud of him achieving. But he wouldn't get the chance to tell Daemon the good news, for the apocalypse struck his base not even a month after he became General. The Undead swiftly took over his base from the bottom up. He was just able to get a handful of his fellow soldiers out before the Undead attacked him. He remained unbitten, miraculously, but was nearly mauled by the creatures before he dragged himself out of his base and fled to the cliff face, diving into the ocean. He allowed the waves to carry him ashore and fled from the lost base immediately, finding only one member from his base a few days later. After about a week of recovery, and once he was strong enough, Haemon left the medical base to join the Resistance Fighters, a secret government retaliation group to fight the apocalypse he was personally invited to be a part of from a letter delivered to him, and has been a part of them since.


OTHER: Uses whatever weapons the Resistance provides him with.


Outfit ^^^


Appearance ^^^


NAME: Rosha Deen

GENDER: Female

AGE: 21


ALLEGIANCE: Rogue, with Daemon

PERSONALITY: Rosha is split right down the middle with her personality. She is both a lover and a fighter, kind-hearted and compassionate yet cold and fierce, strong yet soft, and cautious yet bold. She is very smart, with a sharp wit, fiery atmosphere, and has the utmost confidence and trust within herself. A natural-born leader and fighter, she is protective of those with good intentions, but shuns and hates the evil and wicked. She knows when to spare a life, and when to end it. And she does not hesitate, very quick to think and act upon her thoughts, quick to make choices, quick to decide. Time is of the essence with her, yet she tries to enjoy every minute of it she has. She has a soft spot for children, to which her heart really bleeds, and hates how so many of them, along with so many innocents, were forced into this chaos. She is very wise, having much in the subject of experience under her belt, and she handles herself very well. She knows when to be serious and when to let loose, and knows when to be wary but also bold. To her, actions speak louder than words, and she isn't too quick to trust. However she knows when someone or something is a threat and will act upon that threat to terminate it before it can do harm.

BACKSTORY: Rosha grew up an orphan, believe it or not, but she was a very likable one. She brought her orphanage to life while she was there, only occasionally thinking of her parents. but she never blamed them or held any ill will towards them for leaving her there. She understood their reasonings for having to leave her there, based upon the note left with her in her baby basket when she arrived at the place. For the longest time she was the oldest of the children, and who everyone looked up to. But then came her time to find her destiny, for when she turned 14 she felt her calling and acted upon it. Her destiny was to serve her people, her country. And so, she did, leaving the orphanage to join the military. She wanted to make her parents proud of her, and strove to be the best she could be. from that point on, her militaristic experiences were alongside Daemon, and his backstory covers the gist of it. She met him and became close to him, viewed her as the older brother and family she never had, and competed with him for the highest rank, which she eventually won- General of the military ground forces. But then, like Daemon's story tells, the apocalypse struck, and they had to go and fight it. Daemon's story beyond this point covers the rest of hers.


OTHER: Prefers to only use a crossbow she found, a spear she created, and her bowie knife from the military.




NAME: Zena Johnson

GENDER: Female

AGE: 18


ALLEGIANCE: Resistance Fighter, Scout/Guard

PERSONALITY: Zena may look like a pure, innocent flower- but she isn't at all one. She is evil deep down, and is half-insane. She is constantly torn between her sanity and insanity, her desire to sin and her obsession with the Resistance Fighters' leader, who she is so madly in love with, it's frightening. She is Yandere in a sense when it comes to him. He is always on her mind, and she thinks about him constantly. He's really the only thing that keeps her sane. She is a daredevil, feisty, greedy, lustful, very flirtatious, and a trouble-maker. Ooh boy, how she likes to stir up trouble and cause chaos. She loves it, feeds off of it. That's what drives her mad. She loves drama and is willing to cause it in a heartbeat. She is not very popular among the Resistance Fighters, obviously. She has a small frame and is shorter than average, but her craziness is what makes her a much-needed asset to the Resistance. But she is not one to be well-liked at all.

BACKSTORY: Zena became a Resistance Fighter mainly to get closer to the group's leader, who she had been obsessed with since she heard about him on the news, through stories, etc. She had always been a strange child, not quite alright upstairs, even in her early years. Her father was a very rich man, and just as evil as her. That's where she derived most of her influence from, since her mother was never around, having left the two after they became a threat to her and her other two children.

Zena told her father she wanted to become a Resistance Fighter as soon as she heard about the secretive group, since her father worked for the government and therefore knew of it. And since her father had money and was a very charismatic man, he was able to put her in. Little did she know of the apocalypse that struck, causing the creation of the group in the first place. but, because her father had swayed certain officials with money, she was sworn to be kept safe and to fight as little as possible. And since then, she posed as a Resistance fighter, though for some odd reason she had/has yet to meet its leader, whom she is so obsessed with.

CRUSH/LOVER/SPOUSE: Obsessive in love with the leader of the Resistance fighters, who has yet to be revealed due to the group's secretiveness.

OTHER: Zena has yet to even see the slightest of a battle from the apocalypse, but she is promised full protection thanks to her father.
Uh, hallo. Just posting this to reserve a spot if possible. Didn't want my spot to be taken while I created a CS so...yeah.
SN: CallMeNeon

NAME: Leo Everglade


AGE: 19

SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

ALLEGIANCE: (Resistance Fighter, Setaki's Survival Group, Rogue)

Rogue (Maybe he can be changed by someone? Hint hint wink wink.)

Scout/Guard & Fighter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/36715.jpg.e53d30ad93dda3bb9f6a184de7feac49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133090" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/36715.jpg.e53d30ad93dda3bb9f6a184de7feac49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
This picture was more for facial appearance. Leo actually wears a dark leather trench coat, but it's short enough that it doesn't reduce his mobility by tripping him p. He wears dark blue jeans, and is never seen without headphones.

PERSONALITY: Leo is a very quite person, until you get to known him, which is difficult. His analyzing mind behind his face is what keeps him from trusting others. Once you get to known him though, if he's comfortable, he will gladly socialize. He will often jest (friendly arguments) with his close friends, but he only shares his feelings with a select few, who will need to be his closest friends, in a group of only up to two maximum. Leo carries an atmosphere of awareness around him, which i strange for someone his age. (Just a side note, Leo like to avoid people, and can seem to go unnoticed until he says something. I'm not saying he's not going to be seen if he enters a room full of people, he's just not one to make a scene, quite the opposite actually.)

BACKSTORY: Leo lost his parents to the virus, and ran from the house as they transformed, along with his younger sister, Angela. They ran for miles and miles, avoiding everyone and everything, dodging from building to building to avoid sight. They stopped at a drug store a few miles from their house, and rested their for the night. Well, Leo did. Leo woke up the next morning to the putrid smell of rotted flesh. He instantly sat up and looked for Angela, but she was nowhere to be seen. He searched frantically, but all he found were signs of struggle. Leo was on the verge of breaking down when the door broke open to the front of the store, a small group of Undead streaming in. Leo crumpled to the floor, giving up hope. If his parents were gone...if his sister was gone...what was the point of living. He laid there on the ground, cursing himself for not being aware enough to protect his sister. The growl of the approaching death roared in Leo's ears, and the heavy moans of the creatures came close. Come, I welcome you...Death, he willed. But death never came. Only a whish of several objects through the air did, and the growls stopped. Leo opened his eyes, wondering why he hadn't felt pain. His gaze followed the boot next to his head up to a covered face on a female body. The woman, who looked to be around is age, dropped a bow next to him, along with a quiver arrows. She headed toward the exit, and at the last moment, she tossed a look over her shoulder. Her mouth was covered, but Leo was sure she had grinned. She uttered one word, before leaving. "Run." Leo sat up, a small grin on his face. He had realized something. Angela's body wasn't here...and there was no blood...so she could, no, is still alive. The white walls of the store suddenly felt very open with opportunities. He grabbed the bow, slung the quiver of arrows across his back, and headed out into the world, arrows flying, ready to find his sister one day.

CRUSH/LOVER/SPOUSE: To be found, cough cough.

OTHER: Uses a MEB, or Military Enhanced Bow, if that's alright. The weapon has an enhanced sight, (not through walls or anything, just zoom) and more power. Uses small throwing daggers.



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Wolfrose said:


NAME: Daemon Hawk


AGE: 22



PERSONALITY: Daemon opposes his brother in so many ways. He s serious, blunt, emotionless, and downright cold, sometimes considered cruel. He's always been that way, not having time for foolishness or petty things. He is tough and hard to crack, dark, and has never been seen smiling. Occasionally he may lighten up or soften up, but even those moments are rare. However, a guy like him is nice to have around. He is strong, but not near as physically strong as his brother. Unlike his brother he has a tall, thinner build but still has muscle and can handle himself decently in a fight. His lack of emotion keeps him alive and allows his smarts to get the better of him, using logic and reasoning in place of emotions and heart. He may not be as strong and hardy as his brother, but he is definitely smarter and wiser. There are only a couple of people that he becomes more soft around and loves truly, though he doesn't always show it- his brother and Rosha. He is extremely protective of them, for they are all he has. But even to his brother he still acts cold and hard. Rosha is really the only one he is truly soft and more emotional about.

BACKSTORY: Daemon is the older brother to Haemon, but the two don't see eye to eye because they are so different. They grew up in a fairly decent life, with a mother and father who made good money. They lived on a farm out in the country and rarely saw troubles and hardships. However, Haemon was always the favored child i his family, which didn't always settle well with him. He was the one the girls were after and who everyone always asked about or talked about. After a while Daemon simply accepted the different treatments and cared no more about it. When he was 16 and Haemon was 14, they were drafted into the military. Their mother had disagreed, what mother wouldn't? But their father wanted to see his boys follow in the footsteps of his father, who had been the general of the army in his time. Haemon wanted to be in the army, but not as a foot soldier- no. He wanted to be a marine. Daemon thought Haemon's choice was foolish, but had no say because his brother never listened to him, so why should he have then? Daemon wanted to be a foot soldier, but ended up becoming a pilot in the air force. Much harsh training and rough experiences while he was part of the army were what really molded him into the rock-hard and cold sculpture he became. But then he met Rosha- a charming and lovely young woman, only a year younger than he. She was drafted into his unit among the air force, hence how they became so close. It wasn't a romantic sort of thing, for Daemon found such things to be petty and a waste of time. But he began to grow a soft spot for the woman. He and Rosha decided to join together in friendly competition to work themselves up in the ranks, but Daemon of course lost. After getting to know Rosha and seeing what she could do, Daemon knew that trying to beat her was a lost cause. He watched her climb all he way up to General of the air force. But, not too long after she did, the apocalypse struck. Upon their call of duty both Daemon and Rosha readied themselves to fight off the Undead- but it didn't last long. One night at one of their few camps, the Undead ambushed them. Only Rosha and Daemon, with each other's help, survived it. The rest of their squadron turned or fell to the creatures. they fled together, gathering up all they could carry within reason, and stuck with each other up until the present, trying to survive together through the wrath of the walking dead.

CRUSH/LOVER/SPOUSE: N/A (though many believed he and Rosha were a thing, but they aren't- they're just close friends)

OTHER: Carries around two machine guns, a belt of ammo, a Bowie knife, and 30 feet of chains as his weaponry.


SN: Wolfrose

NAME: Haemon Hawk


AGE: 20


ALLEGIANCE: Resistance Fighter, Fighter

PERSONALITY: Haemon completely opposes his older brother. He has bulging, rippling muscles that he worked very hard during his military training to get and has a thicker build overall than his stockier brother. Haemon is quite sociable and very kind-hearted. Some say he has a bleeding heart, willing to play the hero at any given time. He is naturally charming, and always has been, a real heart-catcher. He has a sense of duty to protect the innocent and bring the evil-doers to justice, but he isn't quick to kill. He values life, even those of the enemies, allowing his emotions to dictate everything he does. He is smart, but lacks the wisdom and experience- also maturity- that his brother has. His "bleeding heart" makes him stupid at times, and quick to react. But he means well. He is very protective of all he comes across or comes to know, not hesitating to throw his own life on the line for someone else, even a stranger. He is almost always seen with a jovial glow about him, almost always smiling, and always treating everyone with kindness, despite how they may treat him.

BACKSTORY: His early life is the same as Daemon's, but from then on their stories change. Once Haemon became drafted into the marine court, he busted his ass to get to be the beefy, strong, and tough man he currently is. Even in the marines he captured the hearts of most he came across, especially loved and adored by the women. He was always a ladies' man, however, even in his early life. He didn't realize during all that time he was overshadowing his less charismatic brother, though. So it never occurred to him that his brother was always hard on him and bitter to him because of that. With his fame and hard work, Haemon quickly worked his way up the ranks, skipping a couple to become General of the Marine Court, something he knew even his brother should be proud of him achieving. But he wouldn't get the chance to tell Daemon the good news, for the apocalypse struck his base not even a month after he became General. The Undead swiftly took over his base from the bottom up. He was just able to get a handful of his fellow soldiers out before the Undead attacked him. He remained unbitten, miraculously, but was nearly mauled by the creatures before he dragged himself out of his base and fled to the cliff face, diving into the ocean. He allowed the waves to carry him ashore and fled from the lost base immediately, finding only one member from his base a few days later. After about a week of recovery, and once he was strong enough, Haemon left the medical base to join the Resistance Fighters, a secret government retaliation group to fight the apocalypse he was personally invited to be a part of from a letter delivered to him, and has been a part of them since.


OTHER: Uses whatever weapons the Resistance provides him with.


Outfit ^^^


Appearance ^^^


NAME: Rosha Deen

GENDER: Female

AGE: 21


ALLEGIANCE: Rogue, with Daemon

PERSONALITY: Rosha is split right down the middle with her personality. She is both a lover and a fighter, kind-hearted and compassionate yet cold and fierce, strong yet soft, and cautious yet bold. She is very smart, with a sharp wit, fiery atmosphere, and has the utmost confidence and trust within herself. A natural-born leader and fighter, she is protective of those with good intentions, but shuns and hates the evil and wicked. She knows when to spare a life, and when to end it. And she does not hesitate, very quick to think and act upon her thoughts, quick to make choices, quick to decide. Time is of the essence with her, yet she tries to enjoy every minute of it she has. She has a soft spot for children, to which her heart really bleeds, and hates how so many of them, along with so many innocents, were forced into this chaos. She is very wise, having much in the subject of experience under her belt, and she handles herself very well. She knows when to be serious and when to let loose, and knows when to be wary but also bold. To her, actions speak louder than words, and she isn't too quick to trust. However she knows when someone or something is a threat and will act upon that threat to terminate it before it can do harm.

BACKSTORY: Rosha grew up an orphan, believe it or not, but she was a very likable one. She brought her orphanage to life while she was there, only occasionally thinking of her parents. but she never blamed them or held any ill will towards them for leaving her there. She understood their reasonings for having to leave her there, based upon the note left with her in her baby basket when she arrived at the place. For the longest time she was the oldest of the children, and who everyone looked up to. But then came her time to find her destiny, for when she turned 14 she felt her calling and acted upon it. Her destiny was to serve her people, her country. And so, she did, leaving the orphanage to join the military. She wanted to make her parents proud of her, and strove to be the best she could be. from that point on, her militaristic experiences were alongside Daemon, and his backstory covers the gist of it. She met him and became close to him, viewed her as the older brother and family she never had, and competed with him for the highest rank, which she eventually won- General of the military ground forces. But then, like Daemon's story tells, the apocalypse struck, and they had to go and fight it. Daemon's story beyond this point covers the rest of hers.


OTHER: Prefers to only use a crossbow she found, a spear she created, and her bowie knife from the military.




NAME: Zena Johnson

GENDER: Female

AGE: 18


ALLEGIANCE: Resistance Fighter, Scout/Guard

PERSONALITY: Zena may look like a pure, innocent flower- but she isn't at all one. She is evil deep down, and is half-insane. She is constantly torn between her sanity and insanity, her desire to sin and her obsession with the Resistance Fighters' leader, who she is so madly in love with, it's frightening. She is Yandere in a sense when it comes to him. He is always on her mind, and she thinks about him constantly. He's really the only thing that keeps her sane. She is a daredevil, feisty, greedy, lustful, very flirtatious, and a trouble-maker. Ooh boy, how she likes to stir up trouble and cause chaos. She loves it, feeds off of it. That's what drives her mad. She loves drama and is willing to cause it in a heartbeat. She is not very popular among the Resistance Fighters, obviously. She has a small frame and is shorter than average, but her craziness is what makes her a much-needed asset to the Resistance. But she is not one to be well-liked at all.

BACKSTORY: Zena became a Resistance Fighter mainly to get closer to the group's leader, who she had been obsessed with since she heard about him on the news, through stories, etc. She had always been a strange child, not quite alright upstairs, even in her early years. Her father was a very rich man, and just as evil as her. That's where she derived most of her influence from, since her mother was never around, having left the two after they became a threat to her and her other two children.

Zena told her father she wanted to become a Resistance Fighter as soon as she heard about the secretive group, since her father worked for the government and therefore knew of it. And since her father had money and was a very charismatic man, he was able to put her in. Little did she know of the apocalypse that struck, causing the creation of the group in the first place. but, because her father had swayed certain officials with money, she was sworn to be kept safe and to fight as little as possible. And since then, she posed as a Resistance fighter, though for some odd reason she had/has yet to meet its leader, whom she is so obsessed with.

CRUSH/LOVER/SPOUSE: Obsessive in love with the leader of the Resistance fighters, who has yet to be revealed due to the group's secretiveness.

OTHER: Zena has yet to even see the slightest of a battle from the apocalypse, but she is promised full protection thanks to her father.
Kinda wanna run into Daemon if that's cool with you :P
ZekeDude said:
So where is Daemon or what is he doing right now? I need to know so I post and can run into him.
I was about to put down a reply. Daemon is always with Rosha, they're kinda a team, so Rosha will be there too
I have my Resistance Fighters Zena and Haemon open but they're back at the military fortress in the center of the only sustained town in the whole setting, which is where the lab where Setakis father worked is so you can only imagine it would still be up and running

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