Undead epicenter {Alice x Kid} (Other members always welcomed)

"Y-Yeah...mind if I come with?" Edwin picked his bat up, resting his chin on the clean end of it.

((Apologies for the short reply.))
Tyler waited as Alice went to go look for the mystery person, he finally ran back up to her and said "I don't think you should shouting he saw an undead walk out of an alley he ran up to it instead of decapitating and going for the neck he went for the top of the head, his machete blade got stuck and the zombie was still alive, he couldn't get his blade out of the zombies head he then decided to use his pistol knowing it would probably attract the undead
(Long time to post because of my stupid laptop.)

Toni froze, and turned back. She stood there yet, and let her rifle hang at her side. She stepped from the shadows. "What?" She mouthed, careful not to attract any zombies.
((im not sure where alice is, probably working))

*Tyler stomped on the zombies head has he pulled his machete out* he ran over to Alice and Toni rushing them to go, do to the recent gun shot
((No problem, Im at work so im kinda on and off))

Mason smiled at Edwin "Sure, lets go" he starts to unlock the door when they hear the gun shot "What the hell..."

Alice looked at Tyler "dude!?" she looks at Toni and grabs her arm as she heard the moans of creeps approaching and started to run towards the house that Mason and Edwin are at, she starts to open the gate and hurries them inside.

Mason opens the door and sees Toni,Tyler, and Alice rushing and being followed by a hoard of zombies.
(You chastised your brother for god-modding... now you do. I'm laughing so hard now...)

Toni follows, and ducks inside. As she ran, she managed to shoot down 1 or 2 of the zombies, as she was being dragged to the house and also trying not to waste bullets.
Edwin perked up, readying his bat. "The fuck was that?" He started to shake, tightening his grip around the handle and gritting his teeth.
((dude! he practically had a conversation with my character I wasnt aware of!))

Alice shuts the gate just as a zombie pushes up against it, she yells to Toni "stop shooting! itll attract more! get in the house!" Mason stared and said in a worried voice "what happened is anyone bit!?" Alice stepped away from the gate and looked back at Mason "Not that im aware of...I found two more survivors... Hows Edwin?" she is out of breath. "we should get inside...I dont know if the gate will hold" more zombies push against the fence and try to claw at everyone as they groan.
Toni made a face, and slipped inside the house. She turned the safety on on her gun(this sentence will drive me insane...). "I'm not bit." Toni tells Mason, shrugging.

(Mehlp, short post, sorryyyy!)
(why will it drive you insane?)

Mason looks at her "Ok...good...Im Mason, who are you?" Alice watches the zombies push against the fence, she is shocked by how many where attracted by the gunshot.
Edwin stayed still, peeking out of the windows and breathing heavily. "Oh shit...ohhh shit! L-Look how many there are!"
Tyler running in the house, gripping his bag helping everybody else to get inside, "is anyone bit, I know im not" stated Tyler, "is that fence gonna hold?" asked Tyler in a nervous voice "sorry for the whole shooting thing my blade got stuck and you were off finding her *pointing to toni*I had no choice
"I'm Toni." She tells Mason, and looks through the window as well. She thinks back to some books that she read, "If we had enough methane... No, that took them a while to collect." She murmurs under her breath, trying to think of a good way to kill all of the zombies off.

(It will drive me insane because it doesn't sound right.)
I think we should try to go out the back or something sneak up behind them and pick them off, but then theres a chance they'll turn around but then we have a clear way to run, just thinking out loud here
Edwin grunted and kicked the floor in frustration. "I-I can't believe this, it hasn't even been a day and the whole bloody house is surrounded by zombies!"

Alice looks at everyone "we cant use guns...no explosions...we need a quiet way to pick them off...." Mason thinks "Or....if we could get around them...and run to the base....we need to find a new place anyways....here is a place underground that would be perfect...."
Tyler looks at the group and says "I think for now we should just calm. One or two of us should watch the gate, we also need to make a back exit so if the fence does break we can easily escape I don't wanna seem like im taking leader but im just suggesting it"
Mason is standing and starring through a crack in the barricade he laughs a little "heh heh...one of the little buggers is trying to chew on the fence...its kinda cute if ya ask me..." Alice stares at him "cute!? maybe you can tell him how adorable he is when he is chewing on your bloody corpse!" mason looks at Alice "Ah don't get your panties in a bunch, we will just go with Tyler's plan...Maybe we need a distraction to get them away from the fence...."
*Tyler pulls out a bull horn* here *hands it to mason* if we tape it to were it doesn't stop we can throw it far away enough, I had so if im in trouble I could use it but that would've been a bad idea
Mason stares at the bull horn "Why....just never mind...anyways that may just be crazy enough to work" He looks at Alice. Alice smiles "maybe...what do you think Edwin? oh and Toni, whats your opinion?" Alice looks at Edwin and tony.

(Vault: dont use '*' just type it out like "Tyler looks at Mason and hands him a bull horn" just without the quotes.)
"Sorta confused by whatever just happened." Toni says, shrugging.

(Seriously, what the freak just happened in Vault's last post? o_O)
(Dude apparently he has a bull horn...just dont question it....)

Alice looks at Toni "yea im a tad confused myself..." Alice looks at Tyler "Um...may I ask where you got a bull horn?" Mason laughs a little "Only a champ would have a bull horn...."
(i forgot to mention im a wizard,not really I meant to say I pulled it out of my bag)

Before the outbreak happened u used to used it to scare people but if you use something to hold down the button thingymajeg it'll act like a monkey bomb, you know from call of duty, but we have to think about what we'll do after do you wanna just kill? them or want me to start packing to leave?
(Bull horns don't have a button. That's an air horn...)

Toni continued to look at him blankly. "Oh, okay. No idea what call of duty is though..." She said, adding the last bit under her breath.

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